14 Reviews
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Co-Ed Confidential (2007–2010)
TV-ized sex sex failure
10 March 2020
Can't believe the high ratings on this childish series. probably fro people associated with the show. What is the purpose of the show?To amuse? To turn you on? If so, it fails miserably in both areas. AND it's not a thigh-slapping comedy either! Simulated oral on women wouldn't get you a return visit with only 5 minutes invested in the technique. Same result with woman to male oral. Mixing genres of comedy and sex is what started the sex movie industry in the 1960s--and was proven to be a doomed trend to fill theaters. Cant imagine any viewers sticking with the series to completion. It's just so repititious. Local film rentals and online sources offer much more satisfying stuff. Reason this show is still not on-aire: It's crap.
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O Negócio (2013–2018)
Takes 5 episodes to get hooked.
4 March 2020
I was about to give up on this series until Ep6 of Season 1 when it FINALLY started getting interesting. If I'd had something better to binge on, I would've given up on a series that slow to build. Don't be mislead by the suggestion here that it contains explicit sex. It doesn't. Yes, there's lots of nudity but only from the waist-up, and it's always pretty much the same scenario. The drama makes it worth sticking with, however. All the girls look good and drama is pepped up also by generous touches of comedic dialogue--if you're not opposed to reading subtitles. I'd give it a 10 only if it was as sexy as Satisfaction from AU Cinemax.
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The Blacklist (2013– )
Poor and immature writing
20 December 2019
Network TV (and I don't mean cable) viewers must be a mentally deficient group if they are the ones who rate this show so highly. I stopped watching this show at the end of season 5 because the finale was so poorly directed and acted. Sonce then I've been watching cable, Netflix, Amazon, and other streamers for quality storytelling series'

Little did I realize that now, two years later, one of my old favorites, The Blacklist, had gone thru 2 more seasons! I decided to check out season 6 via a streaming site, to see if the stories were still interesting. After 30 minutes I concluded that the show has gotten worse. Large sections of the plot are advanced THRU DIALOGUE in order to fit the time allotted for resolution. Plus a preposterous plot about a criminal having his face completely, and unrecognizably, changed thru plastic surgery while on the table wearing several days stubble.

I give up on commercial network TV. Pathetically behind the times.
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Naked Attraction (2016– )
Shocked and Delighted
2 December 2019
I disagree with reviewers who believe nudity is disgusting and pornographic. With no sexual acts being performed, nudity, by itself is actually quite interesting, if bland at times.

I stumbled onto this show while surfing for streaming TV series'. This one, from the UK shocked me at first, but proved to be very enjoyable.

It's best viewed in small doses, however, since they're all pretty much alike. A male or female contestant picks a partner by viewing 6 gradually exposed naked candidates. None of the naked people are perfectly sculpted models. Some are pretty, some are handsome, but all are regular human specimens. The women must be coached ahead of time to trim their vaginas, since there aren't any dense bushes on display.

When the candidate eliminates all but two choices from the naked lineup, then the candidate himself, or herself, is required to get naked also, prior to picking the final person for their date. A follow-up to the date is included at the end of each episode. This part needs improvement since, evidently, the producers don't realize that the participant's comments cannot be clearly understood. Some of the dates prove to be flops and it would be much more interesting to have more details revealed at this point. Bottom line: after seeing a few episodes, you've seen 'em all. I give a 7 for creativity.
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Private Eyes (2016–2021)
19 July 2019
Typical U.S. series treatment: story exposition and advancement thru dialogue. Not sexy, not funny. Don't care about about any of the characters. Sanitary in the extreme. More like 50s TV. a waste
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Person of Interest (2011–2016)
I Binged on all 5 seasons.
3 May 2019
Lots of shoot-outs and chases, but undoubtedly included to pad episodes to 45 min required length. Also, Michael Emerson often projected a PeeWee Herman image to my brain. Probably just my fault. Also, during shoot-outs why didnt't the heroes stock up on weapons of the baddies--along with their ammo? These were some of the distractions, along with Reese's appearance often at the last minute as some type of serendipity--even though he was often ON FOOT!

Don't get me wrong. I LOVED the show. It's the best series EVER on US TV.

Seasons 4 and 5 had me chocked-up. Too sad. I would've preferred a happier ending to the best series ever on American TV. If it were on cable then the language could've been a little more profane--and realistic. All the actors were great. Great script, direction, and production values. Thanks to everyone.
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Durham County (2007–2010)
Season 2 fails where season 1 succeeded
29 January 2019
I agree with your first reviewer who says that lines get blurred between good and evil characters. But that is what makes season 1 so interesting to me. The cop is a hot head and so is the real villain played by Louis. Season 2 picks up where season 1 leaves off, but since a different production company was involved, they chose to turn the series from an R-rated adult crime drama to a family-oriented G-rated soap opera complete with G-rated language. In fact, season 2 is mostly talk. I had to bale out of this one. Don't even know if they used the same actor for the part of "Ray". Way to screw up a captivating storyline. I give season 1 an 8 but had to downgrade overall since season 2 screwed it up so badly.
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DCI Banks (2010–2016)
Goober for a leading man
9 January 2019
I just don't understand the high ranking for this series. I watched only the first story and found it to be seriously lacking in credibility. The lead role was seriously miscast. All the remaining cast were forced to mouth dialogue written to a high school level. A complete waste of time and dubious talent. One star for the female lead's looks.
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Sharp Objects (2018)
Wish I Would've Read the Reviews Beforehand
16 August 2018
I watched the entire series waiting for something to happen. if I had only read the majority of reviews first, I would've known to expect NOTHING to happen. I especially didn't appreciate the lack of subtitles on the final chapter when all was (supposedly) to be revealed. To sum up: The series SUCKED. I didn't know who the killer at the beginning and failed to realize the killer at the end! Is it just me on this point?
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Rebecka Martinsson (2017– )
Interesting, likeable characters, but with a dull start.
22 May 2018
First episode didn't foretell just how interesting this series would become. Very dull first episode with weak cliffhanger ending. BUT, after that, the interest level of the stories really picked up for me. I almost didn't stick with this one, but glad I gave it a chance.

8 episodes are each 2-parters and self-contained stories with ongoing characters and some slight overlap for all 8

Hope to see a season 2, with possibly more suspense and thrills.
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The Method (2015– )
I thought I'd hate it.
29 April 2018
During the first episode I was sure I'd hate this. She kept wearing the same outfit, while her bust size kept changing to larger, then much smaller, then larger again. And I wasn't too crazy about the script, or the acting. But, after a couple more episodes I decided to stick with it because the stories became more interesting. BUT, she still kept wearing the SAME costume, and used a body double for 1 nude scene. Eventually she changed costumes and the acting became much more convincing. I'm on episode 7 now and I think I'll watch it to conclusion. On balance, I'd say it's very good even though it has its continuity flaws.
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Bancroft (2017–2020)
23 March 2018
I've been reading how most viewers are turned off by what amounts to an incomplete story. Therefore I'll not continue to watch. But not just for that reason. Reason #2: The most unappealing and unattractive female lead I've ever watched in any series. Joker mouth, I might say. Reason #3: As an American I find it difficult to follow a British series (including Australian as well), without supplemental subtitles to help me thru the whispers, mumbles, and British verbal shorthand. This series could seriously benefit from subtitles, but none were offered. Therefore I missed out on key parts of the story being advanced thru dialogue. Sorry to offend British views with this criticism, but it's the truth. I stopped watching Endeavor for the very same reason, that is, the language barrier--not the unattractiveness of the series leads.
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McMillan & Wife (1971–1977)
omitted from cast list
16 March 2018
Bert Convy was a series regular and is omitted from the cast list
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Progressively Annoying
25 May 2017
Was able to binge-watch all three seasons. Doubtful I would've stuck with the series, had I needed to watch week-to-week. First of all, Season 1 was great and had me hooked, even though there was some content that offended me:

1. Repeated closeups of tearful leads with snotty noses.

2. Excessive display of romantic homosexual content. Does the LGBT constituency of this program really count for so much? I liked the gay characters, but hated their romantic interludes, which contributed so little to advancing the story's narrative.

3. Ludicrously sophomoric lovemaking scenes. Note to ABC: Most humans, hetero and gay, do not have sex while wearing clothing. It's best to drop all effort to portray such scenes if it's necessary to sanitize them for our viewing protection.

Furthermore, I agree with other reviewers that all characters made stupid decisions along the way--and were also basically unlikable characters.

SPOILER ALERT: I couldn't have cared less that Wes was murdered since he was the dumbest character of the bunch. And also, how did Frank devolve from a well-groomed sophisticated character at the start, to a "dees" and "does" lughead by season 3?

In closing, I'll say that the women all had improved makeup by seasons 2 and 3--especially Karla Souza. I'll stick with my 7/10 rating for great acting, despite the lousy writing and staging.
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