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Thamaasha (2019)
A wonderful movie watching experience
24 June 2019
Being a psychologist I found the theme of this movie quite fascinating. The protagonist being the average guy most of us can really relate to his experiences. Amazing songs and beautiful visuals. Experienced craftsmanship at every level of production. Definitely brings out very definite aesthetic value.
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Open Mindedly Exploring the Chauvinistic Celestial Domain
8 May 2017
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This story has a philosophically intriguing and imaginative theme. If a person lived forever and for millions of years, what would be his psychology. What if he is also able to manifest his physical body and his world through his thoughts. This movie presents a picture where this person becomes extremely egoistic. There is no 'she' to this 'him' and I think that's what went wrong with this guy.

He creates a wonderful planet and then to get rid of his loneliness goes around looking for other life in the universe. He finds many women, makes love to them and plants his seed on every planet he went so that he could take over the universe. He is able to destroy other beings and planets. This makes him think he could just destroy them whenever he wanted and walk away from the crime scene. But his son proves him wrong.

Although it is nowhere close, this story does remind of god the father and Jesus the son and another story where it all went biblical. So the son in the story realizes who is father is, and who his real daddy is, and the difference between the two.

Another interesting aspect of the story was the relationship between two sisters. Gamora and Nebula who were brought up by an abusive parent. Gamora remained beautiful because of her sister's sacrifices. I like the part where Gamora realizes this fact and starts appreciating her sister. Nebula was at the verge of killing her sister because she felt she had had enough. Love renders us weak and sacrifice has its limits. But in the end honest communication works its magic. The importance of role of communication in personal relationships comes to forefront altogether.

There are many other intriguing things like Yondu looking into Rocket's eyes and saying a magical phrase. Totally amazing movie. A must watch.
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Colossal (2016)
I'll be the Robot You be the Monster
10 April 2017
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It is so special and unlike any movie that I have ever seen before. It has a robot and monster fighting for it. For me this movie tells the story of how hard it is to get over that country love you left behind when you moved to the city. Sometimes you may have to pick it up and just throw it far away into the mountains. From the robot's perspective, it doesn't feel good to be thrown like that. But if you can be flexible enough to risk the fall then it is good to give that ride a go.

It also talks about what alcohol does to people. How they regret what they have said and done while under its influence. And some men who wont regret anything at all. It also tells the story of how a country girl could unleash her monster, stand strong and dump the blackmailing robot from her past. It was quite an enjoyable experience altogether. Would like to watch it once again and think deeper about everything.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Heptapod brains are massive
21 February 2017
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I think Uranus can be home to something like heptapods. What I could intuit was that if we find a way to manipulate gravity, we would soon find time travel as well. A quantum mechanical jargon that AI can solve. What is your purpose here on earth is quite a philosophical question that one has to answer everyday. There is no written purpose that anybody knows of. The search for purpose is an intriguing theme through which the story develops. Is humanity ready for an intervention from time traveling beings alien or human. Time travelers are most welcome. Lets talk.
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La La Land (2016)
A must have experience than a must watch movie
16 December 2016
I basically went for this movie because I didn't want to watch Rogue One. I felt like I've had too much of Star Wars and Marvel comic movies. I think I made a wonderful decision because I get to see life's irony presented in a very beautiful way. Incredibly talented actors, my favorite singer John Legend has a role in this movie. All of them are singers and dancers and belongs to la la land. As a musician and lover of dance I felt like this is what I was looking for. Action movies and the protagonist's struggles seems to have been defeated by pure love, romance and life's irony. Incredibly beautiful experience I would call it. Not at all an average romantic musical. It shows how music brings our soul's to life. And then all that Jazz...
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An Excellent Watch (Jaeger LeCoultre)
6 November 2016
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Oftentimes, people identify themselves with their profession. Being able to do the job that one is good at makes them feel good. Dealing with the pain of loosing ones professional career can be traumatic. It happens because of this profound obsession with ones own job. It can also be related to an obsession with activity. What would one do if there was nothing to do? This is the question that Stephen Strange is faced with in the beginning of the story. Later on he discovers the esoteric and ancient wisdom. Dealing with multiverses and time travel. Psychologists relates these non existent phenomena to Schizophrenia and delusional beliefs in unreal. One interesting thing about the movie is the part where the protagonist dies several times but comes back and defies a great inner demon that is obsessed with power. Another question that the movie throws at the audience is whether time travel or time manipulation can be good/bad or right/wrong. But this is as easy as answering the question of whether traveling by bus is good/bad or pausing the movie that one is watching has any ethical questions attached to it. A thought provoking movie. Sometimes I felt the action was just too much. There could have been a better and peaceful way of presenting the same ideas. Benedict did an awesome job, I'm a big fan.
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X-cellent Movie - Want to Watch Once More
23 May 2016
I liked this movie because, as a child I really wanted to know how pyramids were built. I was told that it might have taken years of toil for thousands of slaves. Now this movie presented a different idea on how it was built and I loved it.

It is amazing that people have started to look at spirituality from a scientific perspective of mutation. At a certain time while watching this movie I thought Jesus too could have been a mutant or an alien with access to better technology. This perspective is of significance when mass obsessions like religion, race and nationality are causing divisions in human society.

I had been watching all these 3D superhero movies recently and all of them displays a lot of fight. Fight between individual super people, and fight between clans of super people. During the fight normal people and what they value being almost turned to dust. This certainly signifies the power struggle between politicians, business-men and the wars they create in today's real world.

I was starting to feel bored of all this, that I was wanting to stay at home and watch Doraemon on TV, rather than going for this movie. TV was taken over by mom and sis so I had to go for the movie. And the movie made me think that the psyche of these story makers seems to be obsessed with some sort of clan formation and the struggle to prove who is better. With all due respect to Stan.

All the actors had done a great job. My most favorite being Quicksilver by Evan Peters. Quicksilver had inspired a Tamil movie '24' which was released a few weeks ago. This movie portrayed a scientist freezing time with his watch.

The audience in the theater where I was watching X-Men: Apocalypse, really applauded when Hugh Jackman appeared on screen. Sophie Turner as Jean was successful in portraying the inner conflict that Jean was facing. The fear about the dark side of her mutation and the love she had for her friends.

Days of Future Past had presented the idea that, what we see in an X-Men movie need not really be what actually happened in the movie. Because there could be multiple realities based on the sequence of incidents. Events could be manipulated through time travel. This really helped overcome the multiple questions that might rise about specific characters and the incidents in other movies in X-men series.

Because, we try to connect the events in one movie with other movie in the series. For example, In X-Men 2 we see Jean murdering Charles and in the Last Stand we see Jean being murdered by Logan. Where as in this one Jean ultimately realizes how to control her powers. In that case the movie that we saw earlier could be wrong. Storm's accent was different in this one and so on. Altogether, great entertainment. I just had a nice time.
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Avengers never seem to find a peaceful way out of trouble
7 May 2016
This movie helps one realize how much better the real world is compared to the courier guy's fictional world of superheroes. How much better the world is without heroes and their struggle towards proving themselves. It also makes one think about the kind of friends that a person keeps and his commitment towards his relationship with them. How vulnerability to hypnosis renders a person totally helpless and doing things that he doesn't want to do. Ideas like the dark force of vengeance, the power of forgiveness, the internal conflict between these two emotions that a hero has to face makes it interesting to watch. This might also help us realize how lucky it is to be ordinary and alone, rather than having super powers and being with a group of super people.

Ultimate freedom comes from not having to choose between two sides. Let the avenger's avenge. Let the lovers love. We just sit there and enjoy the show. It was a great show. Loved it.
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King Liar (2016)
Good laughs
4 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was quite a good show although I looked at the watch twice thinking when is it getting over. Lying is being portrayed as an admirable skill and the truth of it is quite debatable. From a critics perspective, movie makers are liars and they make beautiful lies look real on the screen. A young boy studying well till 7th grade and then being discouraged by a prejudiced teacher is not quite acceptable from a scientific point of view. A child that smart wouldn't have to fake a first rank in MBA. He could've easily done an online or distant MBA. So that sounds very much like a lie. Going down the path of lying and faking everything is not something great or to be admired. It is nothing that we want to teach to our kids at least. We have to accept that lying is the starting point of all evil in this world. Sometimes the chain of comedy went at a rocket pace and the audience missed most of it. The story goes on to psycho-therapy and subliminal messaging being used to alter women's perspectives which is not acceptable from a feminist perspective. Not all women are that suggestible. The fashion show and beauty competition sequences can make a professional fashion designer or beauty pageant organizer vomit. Nothing more can be expected from a lying world of creators who says satyameva jayate, 'may the truth win. '
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Didn't expect this kind of a climax
24 March 2016
It was quite an unexpected climax and it just made my day. Altogether the movie was awesome and kudos to the team and the Director. Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill have done an awesome job. Ben really looks kind of hefty and the stunts are like the bull vs the lion. Anyone who is a fan of Shahrukh Khan the bollywood actor would say that Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of Lex Luther is how SRK would have portrayed it. The tech used in movie seemed to be quite old school. We live in a world where we have self driving cars and drones. It looks like old school tech when the batmobile and his aircraft had to be driven by someone and there are gas driven vehicles running around. I expect future superhero movies to have more futuristic technology on display like nano nuclear batteries as the power core for aircrafts and vehicles. A bit more advanced weaponry like amplified uv guns and more time manipulation and time travel tech like we used to see in the comic books and cartoon series.
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very beautiful people
7 February 2016
I am not a deadbeat fan of overly emotional movies. But this one was successful in keeping me nailed to the seat till the end. These young new faces are beautiful and good at acting. I wish I could cuddle with them sometime in an awesome threesome (only if they are up for it ; ). I have come to point in life where I could say that its wonderful to watch these young lovers and their drama on the screen. I wish I could see this movie alone, once and for all weep my ass out of the burden of being involved in a love triangle as in Inder, Sarasota, abhimanyu. Letting go of your girlfriend because of pressure from parents and traditions can be painful too :'((. Theater is not the place where I would want to embarrass myself with tears. But it would be a wonderful catharsis if one could watch it and let it all out.
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Ex Machina (2014)
Emotions in AI and Deep Learning Neural Networks
25 December 2015
2015 had seen the greatest developments in the history of AI and this movie came out at the right time. It made me think about whether a deep learning neural network as in Ava would feel any emotions and in my research what I could discover was that no it cannot feel emotions as we do. Because emotion is a hormonal phenomenon. A neural network software or a brain chip like TrueNorth may evaluate things like a brain does, but the lack of hormones renders it emotionless. It may emulate emotions like study the brain activity and physical changes happening in the body when a particular emotion is being experienced by a human and imitate it exactly to look like a human. But feeling real emotions would require hormones which is not there in 5nm silicon chips. Thanks for making this movie. A very good one indeed.
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Appeal for Justice for Non-Jedis and Ordinary people
25 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The creators of the story should have done a little more justice to the character of Han Solo. As I could see Han Solo had a very troubled life. Most part of his life was spent in fighting. To me he seems to be the real hero of the story rather than the great Jedi's or Dark warriors. Didn't he deserve a better ending. He was an ordinary man. He never seemed to get the treatment he deserved from his wife. But that's OK most relationships in real life are like that. No father should ever have to die by their son's hand especially when he loves his child. Han Solo was never strong with the force although he had witnessed its usage and power. He didn't even know the way to come back from dead. Like the great Jedis Anakin, Obiwan, and Yoda. They had found a path to commune with the living men and disciples even after their death.

And what about Padme why couldn't she come back? What about all the uniformed and un-uniformed army, the resistance, first order and earlier the soldiers of the empire. They were all ordinary people. They didn't know what dark or light was. They were all just following orders like everyone does until they realize. Doesn't each member of the white armored men and women deserve to loose their disguise and know their individuality and uniqueness like Finn did?

And what is this gross escapism and cowardliness about the great good Jedis who always escape when faced with the dark. Yoda, Obiwan and now Luke escaped from the dark when faced with it with an explanation that they are trying to find strength. Is it wise to just escape and go into exile when faced with hard reality and abuse of power. You might say its all just fiction but Star Wars for me is serious stuff. Its how I understand life. There is no light, There is no dark side, All force is one. May the force be with you guys.
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Chappie (2015)
Chappie blew my CPU
21 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this movie I literally blew my computer trying to upload my brain into the hard-disk. I was just banging my head on the CPU screaming, "get in there. get in there". I mean who doesn't want their PC to be possessed by their own soul. So even if I'm dead and the PC is connected to the internet I can still chat with friends, hack into web-cams and still feel alive. From a Hindu or Buddhist perspective there is only one consciousness. There cannot be separate consciousness like mommy consciousness or daddy consciousness. Consciousness is single, it is one, and it transcends mind, matter, space, and time. Then why don't we experience all as one? It is only the mind that prevents us from experiencing all as one. It is our mind or our programming that makes us different or unique. Our programming is the sum total of our cognitive experiences. So practically we can simulate our own mind using a computer but that would be a separate entity from yourself. You are there only in your own body not in the computer or a robot. Hope this works out into something great. The vain quest of immortality.
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Life of an artist from an artists perspective
20 March 2015
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Is art the only thing one needs to survive. Can someone live on art alone. No, not even the best of artists can. Even they need food, casual sex, alcohol and other intoxicants. The story of recovery from a deteriorating career was something which I could personally relate to. And when at the end of the movie when one feels inspired to recover from ones own downfalls seeing the amazing recovery of the protagonist, one can only cry, because it only makes me realize that its just a movie. There is no chance of any recovery in real life for losers who has nothing else to do other than watching cheap porn and pirated movies from the internet. This was an amazing movie. Amazing presentation of the imaginary domain, the dreamy world of the artist. His inner conflicts and his constant struggle with the outer world that relies totally on logic and news and money making. The paranoia and psychological phenomenon that goes on within the mind of an artist is presented beautifully. Enjoyed it.
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Its like good old days
27 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a masterpiece. I loved the poster which looks like a cardboard model of the original hotel. This movie has got everything in it. Mystery,romance, action, comedy everything. It was a very good idea to present the flash back in a different dimension than the original piece. The past is presented as it was in the past and present as the present. That makes sense. The lobby boys working in hotels can start to hope that one day they will own the hotel that they are working for. This movie helps everyone understand the meaning of first class hospitality. Zero what an intelligent little chap. Gustav what a wonderful young man. The true love of Zero for his young wife and how he holds her so dearly even after her passing away. It also presents futility of how people fight for things that they have not worked for. Enjoyed it to the core.
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Not a pro-environment movie
27 February 2015
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The world is starting to face the direct effects of global warming. Environmental changes are happening and everyone is starting to realize the real damage of using gasoline. This movie presents the people fighting against pollution as the rich bad people who wants people to fight with each other and die. Everybody knows that the reality is just the opposite of what is presented in this movie. First of all people fighting against pollution are hippies, not elitists. The real enemy is the gasoline giants who poison the planet and earn huge bank balance. Not the environmentalists or poor hippies. Environmentalists or the new age people are pro peace people.

The oil giants create war and now they show pro-environmentalists as bad people. Any step towards reduction of the use of carbon fuels needs to be encouraged in this time. This movie discourages pro-environmentalists by presenting them as crazy rich people. This movie apparently serves the interests of countries that are creating wars to gain control over the oil assets all over the world. Their never ending hunger for power is going to destroy themselves one day.
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A good movie
8 February 2015
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There are people who are interested in sex and some that aren't. People who are not interested in sex start expressing genius and creativity. Or sometimes sportsman ship or even violent aggression. Alan was unnecessarily criticized based on his sexual orientation. While he was not at all interested in those topics. There were always things more fascinating to him.

People do fall victim sometimes when they become too self conscious about what others think about them. It hurts the most when are looked at the wrong way which we never intended to identify ourselves with. This was the story of Alan Turing. He could never think of himself as a sexual person and to keep his idea of integrity he gave his life. What he had to realize is that, it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks about you. All that matters is what we create of ourselves in this life. Only an intelligent and courageous person can commit suicide.
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Beautiful movie
8 February 2015
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Any girl who washes toilets everyday would want to escape from the harsh realities of her life. Like Neo wanted an escape from the life of a programmer and save the matrix. Oh! Neo was not a girl. Although she is as powerful as a queen in the world she discovered, she has to go through the same boring procedures a poor person has to follow in any government office. Even a heaven will be a hell if we don't change. We would find the same misery there as well. The villainous characters are rich and powerful overlords. All involved in the game of making more money or in the case of this movie making more time by feeding of the time of other people. The same political game that we see on earth is being visualized in a world beyond. The people at the top of the pyramid in today's corporate world lives a very opulent lifestyle by buying time from their employees living at the bottom of the pyramid. Are we being a bit judgmental about these corporate giants. Balem definitely had mommy issues. He was almost looking for his mother in a girl that he had found and she just shot him point blank. Lover boys and husbands face this issue in life when they look for their mother in their girlfriend or wife. But then they realize that mom is mom, when they get hurt by the girl they found. Nobody can be mommy. Another thing is people really do love their dogs. There cant be a better friend. Jupiter finds her love in her protector like any girl would. The damsel in distress always needs a rescuer. She would even discover some trouble so that she can feel rescued and safe. All those flavors of life presented in the sci-fi theme is worth a watch. Good movie.
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