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Hard to find the words.
2 March 2024
When the credits rolled on Dune Part Two and I got up to leave, it hit me that I hadn't moved for almost 3 hours. As our attention spans get shorter and shorter, it's damn near impossible to keep someone entertained for that long. Not only did I stay in my seat, but I don't feel like I blinked out of fear that I would miss something. The pace is perfect. It's beautifully shot and edited. The score is amazing. I thoroughly believe that even non Sci Fi fans would enjoy this film. It's a masterpiece. I also wanted to clarify something for others if they wondering. This movie is the very definition of a "part two" instead of a sequel. It finishes the story from part one and completes the first book of the dune series. Hopefully you see it as soon as possible. I also hope we all get to enjoy a 3rd movie in this series.
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The Continental (2023– )
Anything from this universe is a slam dunk
23 September 2023
I was shocked to see one reader on here bashing JW4. Wow. Some people just cannot be pleased. That being said, I've been looking forward to this project for quite some time. It's all about content these days, IP. The JW universe has so much potential and I'd love to see even more. I know the Ana De Armas spin-off will kick some ass too, and I hope they green light even more. Why not?

As for The Continental, the 1st episode was an absolute blast. Loved the grungy 70's feel, almost like The Joker. Gibson was great in his role and I've loved the tie ins to the JW universe so far as well. I can't wait to see the final two episodes.

If you are a true fan of John Wick, this is for you. Enjoy.
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Power: It's All Your Fault (2020)
Season 6, Episode 13
Best episode of the entire series.
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure if I looked hard enough on this site, or a few others, I'd find people complaining of "power fatigue" or something similar. I understand the frustration with today's model. Everything needs to be within an extended universe! (Thanks mcu).

If you ask me though, I'm down for all of it. All the spin-offs. As Tommy says in this episode "I want all the smoke". As difficult as it can be to catch up as a viewer or remember all of the seasons, that's also one of the reasons it can be so rewarding. The depth of the characters, the storyline. The way it can all intertwine beautifully into an episode like this, wow.

I'm not 100% sure of this, but I feel this script, and furthermore the episode, were written not only with the end of Power in mind, but also in a way to showcase that the character of Tommy could definitely carry his own show. Once I realized that, it made me appreciate the rest of the final season of Power that much more. I was upset it was ending and didn't really care for it upon first viewing. If you get a chance to rewatch the final season with all that they had to accomplish in mind, I think you'll be surprised at what they pulled off.

I'll end with this. Tommy driving off into the sunset with the absolute perfect song for the show/moment playing, still gives me goosebumps when I see it. Of course his final scene with Ghost is touching, but the sendoff is better. I could argue that they should have ended the entire series with this moment.
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Creed III (2023)
Michael B Jordan is incredible
4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am so glad that they gave the reigns to MBJ for this movie. It brings a fresh perspective to a franchise that keeps impressing me more and more.

Obviously MBJ and Tessa Thompson have established themselves as extremely talented performers, but to see the work MBJ did as a director here was really cool. One of my favorite shots was a scene where MBJ's character Adonis talks to Jonathan Majors' character Damian before a fight. The tension between the two is obvious and continues to build. Adonis comes to wish Dame luck on his fight and when he walks out of the room a wall is separating the two of them but we the audience can still see them both. Almost like a split screen. As Adonis makes his way off screen he stops and looks at the wall, while Dame is doing the same thing from his locker room. I don't know why it struck me so much, it was just beautifully shot to me.

Majors has blown up as a star recently for a reason. It's on full display in Creed 3, in which I think he is 100x more menacing than as Kang in Ant Man.

I'm not sure if this will be the final movie or not. But if it is, I am fully satisfied with how it ends, the journey of Adonis, the entire franchise as a whole. Kudos to everyone who made it happen.
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It's stupid, but you'll laugh repeatedly
22 November 2022
I miss comedies like this. Comedies where you could just laugh and enjoy yourself. I know it's 2022 and everyone is super sensitive and everyone has to be offended about everything. But these types of movies don't get made anymore as the result. It's immature of course, but what is the harm? For the woken warriors out there it's a diverse and unique cast.

It also sends a good message in the end. Don't marry someone just to avoid being alone. If most people followed this advice, the world would be much happier.

I'd highly recommend this movie for anyone looking for a simple plot and many laughs. My wife (who doesn't normally enjoy rated R movies at all) loves this movie. Kevin Hart before he was a megastar. Josh Gad in a perfect role, and many others round out a great cast. Please everyone, enjoy yourself.
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Much better than its predecessor
17 October 2022
Halloween Ends is a movie that nobody needed or wanted. Thanks to COVID, H. E. being released only a year after Halloween Kills didn't help matters. To be honest, Halloween Kills is one of the worst movies I've ever watched, and it destroyed all the good momentum the franchise had gained when they kickstarted a new trilogy in 2018. I loved how they decided to write a direct sequel to the original Halloween from 78. It went perfectly. Going from that to H. K. just left me baffled and with no desire to see how the trilogy would end.

I'm thrilled to say I was wrong. One hour into Halloween Ends I had to smile and be thankful that they swerved the story and found a unique way to end the saga. Obviously it had some issues. I have no insider information, but I have to believe that COVID messed up the plans for this franchise is many ways. I don't believe this was what they always had in mind, but I still liked it.

I don't give spoilers but I wanted to try and spread the word to fans of the franchise: Give this movie a chance. I also wanted to pass along my admiration for the incredibly beautiful and talented Andi Matichak. I hope to see her in more projects going forward.
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Chronicle (2012)
Simple/Fun concept & great cast.
13 October 2022
I hadn't watched this movie in years and recently I saw it for sale on VUDU. I'm also a huge Michael B Jordan fan, and Dane Dehaan is always doing some intriguing work. So I made the cheap purchase and it was well worth it.

I always like going back into certain decades and trying to find the "cool" thing from that time frame. When Chronicle was made, the "found footage" trope was slowly but surely coming to an end. The Paranormal Activity movies really brought the genre to its peak and I can see why. You can tell pretty much any story with the premise, although it's primarily been used for Horror.

Chronicle was the first feature film directed by Josh Trank, and he took a small budget (12 million) and made over 120 million worldwide. He was a hot name in the industry for a while after this project but that sadly diminished after the Fantastic 4 debacle. But you can't deny his talent when you watch this movie. Instead of the film being bogged down with a huge plot, he tells a contained story about 3 individuals gaining these abilities and how it changes them. No need to get into a massive conspiracy plot or some other nonsense that other films have done before.

I think I enjoy the cast more than anything else. It's one of those movies where you have a collection of talent before they are all household names. Michael B is great at everything he does, same for Dehaan. Casting a "that guy" like Michael Kelly as a parent was a great choice, and the beautiful and talented Ashley Hinshaw was perfect for her role.

Of course some of the effects were cheap and cringeworthy (it was cheaply made people!). The idea of how absolute power corrupts everyone and everything has been done before, but I think they told a pretty unique story and I'm glad I purchased it for future viewing. I hope you enjoy it as well.
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If you expected a higher score on here, you are crazy (especially in 2022)
13 September 2022
Oh where do I begin. Unfortunately our society and its slant toward the negative has even worn me down. When I first heard that Prime had purchased the rights to LOTR I wasn't the slightest bit excited. When news was scarce about who would be running the show, or would star in it, I became more and more detached to the project. The lack of details on the plot were also worrisome. I kept wondering, What is the point of the show?? As the production process began and the amount of $$ spent on the process was revealed, I at the very least was happy to know they were taking the production value seriously. This wasn't going to be a Disney + production compared to a Marvel studios movie. When we found out that it would be basically competing with House of The Dragon head to head, as a fan I was very excited.

We are now 3 episodes in. For people to leave a review after one episode, I say to you: WTF are you doing? It's now more clear than ever, we don't deserve nice things. At least the majority of us don't. The amount of nonsensical rants on here are disgusting. What are you watching? Because within about 2 minutes of the premiere, I felt like I was back on Middle Earth. The beautiful cinematography, the awesome score, the great performances, all made me so immediately thankful to the cast and crew who work so hard on projects like these. In no way, shape, or form can it replicate the magic of Peter Jackson's trilogy. Hell, Peter Jackson himself couldn't replicate that magic when he made his CGI fest, the Hobbit trilogy. Instead of trying to embrace the new material, fanboys always just trash it. It's similar to Star Wars fans complaining for 3 decades that they wanted new movies, and then complaining even more about each and every detail. I can predict with each project like this that I'll only need to go into a few reviews before I find a book reader who hates it as well. Yup, we get it. Aren't you all tired of pissing and moaning about everything? Can you enjoy anything? I'm envious of life before every moron on the planet had a voice. Thanks to social media, we now have countless experts in every area, it's amazing! They could all do it better, or write a better script.

Maybe I'm a dying breed. I'm a fan of the books and the original trilogy, and I can still appreciate what they have done with Rings of Power. Hopefully you can do the same. If you have never ventured into this material, I hope you will ignore the obvious review bombs by fanboys and give this show a chance. It's breathtaking in just about every way. Those of us who can still appreciate these types of things, have been spoiled these last few weeks.
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Medieval (2022)
Had some issues, but I loved it
10 September 2022
I know it's 2022 and everyone is a critic and negativity is all anyone brings to the table. I'm the opposite. I'd rather tell you what I liked about something, so here we go.

  • Loved the action sequences, and the violence
  • Loved the battlefield tactics.

  • Excellent cast (besides Til Schweiger)
-Beautiful cinematography
  • Perfect ending

I noticed a few editing issues and some dialogue problems. But overall I had a blast with this film. Ben Foster obviously took this role seriously and I always enjoy his work. Michael Caine is the man, and even at his age he still delivers a solid performance. Matthew Goode impressed me in "The Offer" earlier this year so I was interested to see him in this villainous role, he knocks it out of the park. I will definitely be adding this movie to my collection when available.

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Gaslit (2022– )
This show is incredible.
21 August 2022
STARZ is criminally underrated for its original programming. Gaslit is another example of this. If this show had been on HBO or another major network you would have heard more about it. It has an incredible cast, but what really blew me away and what sets it apart, is the great writing. Watergate was an absurd event in history, and this show takes the issue and makes it dramatic with a touch of humor at the same time. Julia Roberts, wow. Sean Penn, wow. I think you can enjoy this show whether you are a historian and know all about watergate, or if you have no clue about it.
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Black Bird (2022)
Thrilling to watch, sad to think about.
9 August 2022
A trailer for Blackbird caught my eye a few months ago. I can tell you honestly after watching the entire series that it surpassed my expectations in almost every way.

Paul Walter Hauser is great in every role he takes, but his portrayal of Larry Hall chilled me to the bone. I'm disgusted and angry that people like him exist, and I'm heartbroken for all of those who have been victims or loved ones of people like him. As good as this show is, I always have a hard time letting myself enjoy a true story about others misery. Hauser has displayed some comedic chops in other projects, but roles like these are perfect for him.

Sepideh Moafi as agent Lauren McCauley was a pleasant surprise. Clearly she's beautiful and talented but these roles aren't easy to play. She had to be believable as a bad ass agent who's relentless in her pursuit of Hall, as well as a comforting lifeline to the James Keene character. Moafi nailed it. I look forward to seeing her in future projects.

Casting Ray Liotta, and Robert Wisdom is smaller but yet effective roles was a great choice. I'm not positive if this was Liotta's last work before he sadly passed away in May of this year or not, but it's a great way to go out. He plays a character that's familiar and comfortable to him and his credit history: A tough, hard nosed ex cop. The twist: I can't remember seeing him play a loving father like he does in Blackbird. My heart was breaking watching this father feel helpless in his attempt to aid his son, while enduring some life threatening issues of his own. I've always enjoyed Liotta and will miss him going forward. Wisdom also plays a familiar role, as a no nonsense prosecutor. He has always had a knack for making the most of limited screen time, and it's no different here. He only has a few scenes, but they are powerful and you remember them.

Last but certainly not least, Taron Edgerton is incredible as James Keene. Edgerton masterfully displays the journey Keene has to endure. From a charming cocky ignorant drug dealer, to a prisoner with no hope, to a prisoner on a mission. He's a jerk but I found myself rooting for him throughout the series and it's a credit to Edgerton. I can't say I've always liked his work but he completely won me over with Blackbird.

The only reason I don't have this as a 10/10?? These limited series based on a true story will sometimes struggle to have enough material for 6 episodes. So they need to get creative to chew up some time. Blackbird is better at most at keeping the show on point and trying to make every scene matter, but there were a few storylines that either had no conclusion or weren't necessarily needed at all. I'm not the type of person to nitpick so even this complaint is a stretch.

This series is based on a true story, still I have tried to keep this spoiler free. It's better to watch this series with no idea of what is going to happen. It's a fast/addicting watch at 6 episodes long and I hope you can appreciate it as much as I have.
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The Gray Man (2022)
The Russo's do it again
18 July 2022
I've read the books and I wasn't confident it could be adapted into anything resembling what I read.

I'm happy to be wrong. My god was this movie a blast to watch. I was lucky enough to see it in a theater. But I'll definitely be watching it on Netflix quite a bit. I hope they make more of this franchise. Please Netflix, make more of this.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Incredibly authentic
6 July 2022
I can't put into words how good this show was, but I'll try. I'll keep it short and sweet.

1. Chris Pratt clearly was passionate about this project and in every way possible he delivered. Maybe being a producer made him more invested, maybe it's just a situation where he identified a character that he could play to absolute perfection. Similar to Reacher earlier this year, I doubt you could find a better person to cast in the lead role. As for the ridiculous and unwarranted Chris Pratt hate, get a life. No matter the project, or genre, Pratt delivers.

2. Taylor Kitsch blew me away. I felt the brotherhood between his character and Pratt's. It was beautiful to watch. Taylor's talent has never been a question and he's a guy I feel has had some bad luck with some of his roles. But I think a complimentary role like this one suits him well. Constance Wu, Riley Keough, and the rest of the supporting cast were excellent.

3. Above all else, they obviously went to great lengths to make this show as realistic/authentic as much as possible. It's top notch in every area. Special Operators are the absolute closest thing we have to superheroes and this show really demonstrates the good that comes with that, but also the bad. It's breathtaking at times.

4. This is my favorite show of 2022 so far. It surprised me how superior it was to Reacher.

Hope you love it as much as I do.
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Ignore the pretentious reviews and have fun
10 June 2022
I'm not sure if anything pleases people anymore. I had a blast at this movie. Great cast, and some dynamic action scenes. What's not to like? Okay it's a bit long, big deal. We need the distraction. Our country is in the toilet, and I for one welcome anything that takes my mind off of that. I think this was the best of the trilogy. I seriously am baffled at the low score on here. I give up.
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Brimstone (2016)
How did I miss this
7 June 2022
Found this recently on STARZ. Incredible film. Fanning is so talented and under appreciated as an actress. You could say the same for Pearce. I don't remember this movie coming out or even getting promoted, which was a mistake in my opinion. It's beautifully shot and the performances blew me away. I'm glad I found it. If you like this genre of film you will not be disappointed.
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Bad Education (2019)
Great movie about awful people.
5 June 2022
Hugh Jackman, Allison Janney, Ray Romano, Geraldine Viswanathan, Analeigh Ashford, and others make this movie a great watch. Jackman is so talented and so believable that I wanted to punch him in the face by the end of the movie.

It sickens me that people like this exist out there. Nothing makes me happier than seeing them get busted. It further shows why no one should trust institutions anymore. It's all a crock. God bless America.
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Game of Thrones: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (2015)
Season 5, Episode 6
This is
20 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For all of the idiotic and childish reviews on this website. If you have a chance to do so, check out the users who score this fantastic show lowly. It's odd, the review bombers have only left one review! If you can't figure out how the internet works, best to stay away.

Game of Thrones is one of the best shows ever. It showed no favoritism in its depiction of violence. And if some of you happen to live under a rock or you are I'll informed, I'll let you in on a secret: Martin based a bunch of his terrible storylines on historic events. The Red Wedding? Yup. Based on similar events. Oppression of women and others? Yup. Rape? How dare they? Well, it's based on similar events.

For those stupid enough to say so, Rape was by no means glorified in this episode. They cut away and show Theon crying. If you can't handle certain elements of entertainment or certain things are triggering to you, they do these awesome things where each episode is "rated". It's even so dummy proof that it tells you why it is rated a certain way. "Frightening images, violence, sexual content, etc". I'm not sure how much more dummy proof the world can become, but hey it continues to try. You could also stop being lazy, and do some research into the show you are watching and decide if it's something you can handle. It's amazing. You don't have to do it! Stick to the Disney channel. Stick to posting selfies on Facebook! Whatever it is you enjoy doing. But don't get on here and badmouth a excellent show with excellent writing and performances all around because you are lazy and or stupid.

Unfortunately we live in a time where morons have a voice, and we are all suffering because of it.
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Severance (2022– )
Captivating, Thrilling, Comedic, Dramatic, and more
5 April 2022
Severance is one of the best shows I've had the pleasure of watching in years. It's simple, yet powerful. Sad, yet funny at times. You don't need superheroes and 200 million dollars and tons of CGI to tell a good story. I'm amazed at the writing on a weekly basis. The cast continues to impress me every episode. I honestly have zero complaints about this show. Kudos to whomever made it possible and I hope other streamers/networks take notes.

More importantly than all that, Severance is saying plenty with its content. It's a big "F you" to capitalism and all of the evil companies that run this world. Severance makes its points without beating you over the head with it.

I'm sad S1 is almost over, but hopefully a S2 happens.
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Top Gunner (2020)
29 March 2022
On anyone who had anything to do with this movie. You can't possibly be proud of this type of work. The fact that these low budget frauds get produced is a crime. How are these "films" not copyright infringement? Because you change one word and use substandard employees with a high school level of production? This type of work shouldn't even be recognized by IMDB as legitimate.
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One Of Us Is Lying (2021–2022)
Book fan, but the show was worth it.
24 March 2022
I know it's typical for people to say this about book adaptations, but I'll say it anyway. I loved the books this show is based on. I found the first one when Covid first hit, and it was such an escape for me. It helped me through a very tough time, so it holds a special place for me. Obviously I was excited to hear that it was being made into a show.

It took me a while to warm up to the show, but I'm glad I gave it a chance. Book adaptations are always forced to make changes and I'm fine with it as long as the changes make sense and they don't screw up the overall arc. This show accomplished both. I also love the job they did casting these characters.

I'm looking forward to the second season.
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Suspicion (2022)
Way better than I thought
20 March 2022
Apple + continues to impress me. Suspicion appeared to be a typical mystery when I saw the first trailer. But the first episode roped me in. Action, drama, and a great cast. It's scary how realistic it is, it really hits a nerve. Weekly shows aren't part of our culture anymore, yet I found myself looking forward to a new episode every week.

If you haven't tried this show yet, I envy you, because as of today, the whole first season is available to binge. Check it out!
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The Batman (2022)
I've been a Batman fan since the age of 4
7 March 2022
And this movie left me speechless. I was so happy. I felt like I didn't blink or move an inch for the entirety of the film. It was perfect. The cast was perfect. This was a year 2 Batman story. And watching the character grow throughout the movie and realize he needs to be more than just vengeance, was incredible.

I can't put into words how mesmerizing Zoe Kravitz is as Selina Kyle/Catwoman. Sexy, Beautiful, Smart, independent, etc. She's now my favorite non Batman character.

Paul Dano's riddler felt like he was taken out of a movie like Seven.

I could go on and on about this movie but I don't like to spoil things. All I wanted to get across to people is see this movie ASAP.
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Simple, Fun. Need more of these
27 February 2022
I remember when these types of Rom-Coms used to be in theaters. Now they are streamers, which seems to have a negative stigma attached to them. I find that to be unfair but what do I know.

The cast alone in this makes it watchable. I hope to see Eastwood in more things going forward, he's extremely talented. Charlie Day and Jenny Slate are incredible in the lead roles. It was also fun to see Gina Rodriguez have some fun.

The plot is simple enough and I laughed more than I thought I would. With how ugly the world is these days, we all could use more laughs. I'm sure a bunch of people will get on here and pretend to be critics and attack this movie for this or that. Maybe it isn't woke enough. Who cares anymore. Just relax and enjoy something.
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Uncharted (2022)
I had a blast
20 February 2022
I'll start this by saying I'm not a gamer. I know this was adapted from a video game series, but that's the extent of my knowledge of the characters. I saw the trailer and it looked entertaining. Plus it has an A+ cast.

Maybe my lack of knowledge helped me to enjoy this movie more. Or maybe gamers are pretty much impossible to please. Idk. I loved this movie. Had comedy/action and some light drama. If I had to compare it to anything I'd say it's a more adult version of national treasure. I don't like to leave spoilers, but I'd highly recommend this movie to anyone. I hope they make more.

To gamers or whoever else feels the need to complain. Relax. Adaptations from books or games can be very difficult and tons of detail can't always be duplicated or carried over. You almost have to look at these properties as something different entirely. If you want it the exact same, go play the game again. I just can't stand the constant negativity.
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Reacher (2022– )
Who needs Tom Cruise
15 February 2022
Finally, some smart people got together and actually cast the perfect person as Reacher. Alan Ritchson is so perfect for this role, he may struggle in other roles. Kind of like James Gandolfini being known as Tony Soprano and no one else.

I had given up on the Reacher stories ever being portrayed well on the big screen after the insulting Tom Cruise movies. When I first saw the trailer my excitement grew but I had to temper my expectations. I was still so insulted by Tom Cruise playing Reacher that I didn't want to get my hopes up. I did a little research and was happy to find out that Lee Child (the author of the Jack Reacher novels) had been praising Ritchson's portrayal of Reacher saying he "nailed it". Child also felt that Reacher would be better as a TV series because it wouldn't be rushed.

I'll try to keep it simple and without spoilers. This show blew me away. If you're a fan of the Punisher series on Netflix, it reminded me of that series in a way. I loved the setting, the supporting cast. No outlandish plot, just good storytelling. I felt like I knew the characters well after a short time and more importantly, I was fully invested. I'm telling everyone I know that they should be watching this show.

I was also excited to learn that it was very quickly renewed for a season 2 which is great news. If you're on the fence about watching this show, either as a fan of the books or not, I think you'll be pleased.
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