
7 Reviews
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Fear the Walking Dad because zombies are not threat to anyone this season
24 August 2015
Well do we need another ''walking dead'' title? I mean original series are all over good and everything but this really feels like forced. Well computer gamers will get the idea of taking a beloved franchise and slamming it to the ground.

Pilot is seriously the worst of all pilots i have seen this year. I would settle for the zombie action taking it's place meanwhile character introductions/development but no. Instead of giving a good spin off they actually wanted to show us their acting cast. Why? no idea. Acting in the pilot is seriously bothering. After what we have seen this year(true detective mainly) it is really behind any kind of expectation. I struggled with myself to watch it to the end because i expected something new or breath taking thing would happen. You know the little details or piece of information would actually make us all excited about the show. But no. Either AMC ran out of ideas these days or they really need a quick cash they haven't even wait for original series to complete.

Overall bad acting, same plot nothing new on the table, director feels like he wasn't even in the same studio. I'm fine with expanding the story/universe ideas but this is like same deal different people(worse) different place.

Jeez they made 2nd episode for this nonsense. This show is bad i mean look LA is more than 18 million people right? Atlanta is like more than 5 million people. AND FREAKING ZOMBIES ARE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. You hated carl? given he was just a child in the comics and show. Take it like this now there is like 5 more Carls in the show but they is a catch. Most of them are YOUNG ADULTS who cant separate what is right whats wrong. Yeah well there is a chubby kid who knows errryyything but nobody listens to him because being chubby is not cool in US uness you are one of the Kardishians.

How hard it is to set up a survival/horror/drama series guys. Do we have to waltz over your scripting offices and type something that actually is entertaining? There is no hope for this show 2nd episode showed me that either 2/3 of the cast have to die next episode or this will be a 10-13 episode lets launder some money from our fanboiz thing. Good god ewww. This world was a better place before capitalism hit 9/11 and everybody ran out of ideas and started to(most likely tried to) expand the comic book universe.

Total toll: AMC owes me 2-3 hours of my lamely spent life time. Just wasted it over nothing. NOTHING
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Predestination (I) (2014)
what the hell did i watch?
13 August 2015
Have you ever felt like this: You fail at something so hard, you wanna change the basics of it and see how the others do. Seriously plot is not like any science fiction at all it is more like someone failed hardcore at science topics decided to show combine this with his darkest desires and call it a science fiction movie.

So movie will try to do this basiclly: It will try to make you sad for a orphan girl then for some reason put time travel into it to tell you a message: life is f*cked up.

I mean it is original yes but there is a big but about it. If you grew up watching back to the future you will probably act like me about this movie. If movie had no plot and no time travel and all that standing was story telling i would totally give it 9 out of 10. But no.
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The Brink (2015)
Political lols
25 July 2015
Well it is probably because i studied international relations and politics at collage i find this show entertaining. Jack Black is one of my favorite musician so that was a bonus for me. Best part is all political dialogs are well written with lots of hidden information in them and people who are having this conversations are doing it in an informal way. Aside from pilot part all the political riff raff is lot of fun if you are interested in eastern politics. If you are not into that kind of stuff this show will probably bore you to death. I'm glad someone took politics down to a comedy level because people tend to get very tense about it. It is safe to say whole show is a parody of world politics. Fun to watch, Jack Black is Jack Black as always doing weird stuff and all. If you like all these above you are probably waiting for the next episode already
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Zoo (2015–2017)
At last something new . Brilliant
3 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Thanks God of Olympus someone with creative writing arrived and wrote a non supernatural non sci-fi end of the world crisis thing that actually around us and about us. We have seen zombies, killer pandemics, nukes all kinds of world ending. This one takes the cake for me. First of all after that twilight thing Billy Burke lost me for years now he won his place in my heart back again with socially awkward scientist stuff. Second of all i have read some reviews about ''uuu it is like jurrasic park but no dino just lions'' This is not it. This takes the planet apes idea to another level applies it to all known animals. They are not like ultra smart or something. Think of it as like this: they have been enslaved their natural habitats are being destroyed, they are hunted for sport and they are cornered in the brink of earth destructions by us. They get fed up and start to fight back. I mean this was the only thing left nature hasn't done to us yet so far and this series takes the what if part of it. I loved the actors so far, i mean it is new they have ways to go and bond increase chemistry there. I'm excited and curious how will it roll after few more episodes but i must say most original concept i have ever seen well executed and brilliant. Show is off to a great start i have high expectations.
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Well something different
6 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well before i started watching this i considered my self as an open minded person. After trying to endure all the sexual stuff happens in first 3 episodes i changed my mind. So consider this bit of information during my review.

This is slow paced what if internet was a biological thing and only few people had access to it kinda plot. Yep there are few people and pool of information,feelings and stuff and they are learning to connect to this pool meantime there is shady things going on. Most of the characters are well written if you take away their lust and sexual life. Seriously there is too much sex, same sex relations(after 3 episodes i felt like we should have straight pride day too that kinda much). Creative stuff seriously. I mean my mind is blown all over my computer and i'm excited like a prom-day teenager on every episodes. Some character stories are extremal cheesy. Thats probably because of they tried to mix drama into the action. This kinda stuff would sure improve children imagination but it is not a family safe series. If you like sci-fi, plots, good stories and cool action scenes this is your kinda show. If you like these but hate same-sex stuff you can just skip them because plot is worth more than that. When i started watching the first episode one and only question popped into my mind ''So if they can feel each other's feeling how would it be when a girl has a period and guy feels it'' answer is in this show.

Overall brilliant show but too much ''forced sexuality'' stuff. Thats why i'm taking away 3 points
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Run All Night (2015)
Liam Neeson destroyer of Bad Guys
8 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, Liam Neeson can sell anything to me i will admit that but why people are trying to make him sell cheap stuff? I mean industry is trying to milk Neeson effect came with the Taken(which is amazingly racist movie btw) but c'mon. I struggled like an hour to get into the movie and there is nothing in it really. It gets interesting with drunk Neeson few minutes later they start to throw background story at us but man it is like not important move along stuff. Only feeling i had during whole movie was in the end. And it wasn't for Jimmy(Neeson) it was for Liam Neeson. For acting Ed Harris always pull through because he is like a natural though friend character. Joel Kinnaman was really good because we don't get to see a really good guy pausing when he is about t do something really bad. His confusion convinced me big time. As for story, i mean, cmon guys, Liam Neeson sure boomed with Taken but fans like me started to love him from Schindler's List and industry is pulling his talent and wasting it on cheap action movies.

Overall i gave 4 because i battled with myself to see the ending. You know maybe there is a surprise hidden there. Neeson fans maybe feel ungrateful but yet again it may be my taste in movies
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This is how movies should be
7 May 2015
Before i have seen the full movie i felt a slight childish motive behind it. You know kid spy movie and all. Then i looked at the cast and thought what can go wrong. Nothing went wrong. First of all this movie kinda proves you can do action scenes/movies without exploding everything and anything. Second of all plot of the movie is extremely tasty. It is not like your original bad guy is trying to do evil with evil means. Samuel Jackson's bad guy gives you mixed feelings. It is like you love to hate him or hate to love him kinda situation. Movie shows extremely diplomatic action on hand like dinner table conversations and convincing people are worth more than removing them from the game. My other compliment is for Mark Strong fans. We all seen him as convincing voiced bad guy but Mark Strong keeps rising from that streotype to charming mentor/voice of guiandince all the time. As for action scenes, man i haven't had fun since my early childhood Jackie Chan movie this much. Well coordinated little absurd also you gotta love the songs running on the background. All actors executed their roles superbly even though in some scenes you can feel they are not really into it.

This movie in not a generic spy movie. Yes we get that fancy futuristic toys/tech impossible moves and all but this movie is simply showing us hope. Hope that movie industry can evolve and hope that someday our kids gonna have a tasteful movies to watch
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