
48 Reviews
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Really good
27 May 2024
#1.... I was never bored, tired, yawning, sleepy, distracted thinking about something else six or etc. I was totally and just moving the whole time which is not an easy thing to do for me. Doesn't mean it's the best movie ever made but it was a good solid movie and it kept my attention the whole time and it was entertaining. I think Chris Hemsworth might have earned himself an Oscar at least a nomination. He was fantastic. I found myself on the edge of my seat trying to hear everything he says. I was enthralled with his character. It's rare I'm interested in seeing a movie again and this one I could an hour later I could definitely watch it again.
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Teens movie
31 December 2023
These movies are becoming more and more for like a 12 and 13-year-old. They needed to stop making all these things and start over and redo this. Marvel DCU whatever. I wasn't bad but after a while it starts to get just kind of boring and not interesting and I feel like I'm in a Pixar cartoon movie or something. I wasn't any really funny comedy moments to make it all worth it either. The first one wasn't any better it was about the same. And it's not that things need to be more scary or more violent but it's just a sable type of low into like dumb movie over and over. They just need to stop. Please stop.
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Boring, bad acting, should be on Netflix
31 December 2023
I get it. They are trying to be a world war II movie but with a jaws twist. They're out to kill the big bad shark. But I didn't really work at all. Why?? It's boring long and slow. The Godzilla they went with is like the 1960s 1970s version. Really kind of weird goofy looking. But in the end the whole thing reminded me of one of these crazy Korean shows my grandmother from Columbia watches on Netflix cuz that's about where her levels of expectation and self-entertainment are. And this was right on par with that. Boring, dumb, beneath me intellectually and many sort of fun action adventure way too. And the acting. Oh my God the acting was horrendous. Corny dumb foreign stuff basically. I don't know why you guys are pumping this movie so hard. And it's still getting a lot of people in the theater. I don't get it.
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I'mma stop getting review advice from here!!!
31 December 2023
Here's a spoiler.... This movie is dumb boring and slow. It's only because of these ridiculous reviews here that I even give it a chance. In the trailer was slightly interesting. I thought this had the potential to be a really interesting idea and it was going to be a comedy and being something very entertaining and funny. At least a little funny. It's not even remotely funny entertaining engaging and I was falling asleep. The only thing that kept me from turning it off cuz I was convinced there had to be something more to this. Something was going to happen, it was going to get funny but guess what? It never did.
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The Nun II (2023)
8 September 2023
If you want some better jumps and scares watch something like drag me to hell. Or ust something else anything else. Through all this hoopla for 2 and 1/2 hours The demon was going to become all-powerful and unstoppable. If it got the eyes. Don't let it get the eyes. The eyes of St Lucy or something. And of course gets the eyes and then they defeated by praying and throwing wine on it. They could have done that from the very beginning. What stop them from praying and throwing wine. Why not acid or something that sounds more lethal? But in the end I'm sure there will be part three. Oh boy can't wait.
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Asteroid City (2023)
Borrrr-- ringggg. WAYYY over hyped.
3 July 2023
I get it. And I even read some post movie explanations here there. It's about loneliness it's about isolation it's about feeling out of place blah blah blah all this stuff. That's fine it might be about all those things and some weird people here and there found some of it funny. But it was not entertaining. It was not dreadfully long and awful. It was almost things and more. A slow boring walk through a bland script and only maybe one other time in my entire life that I feel like getting up and walking out. It was that bad. I don't usually go to movies that are that bad in the first place. I just want y'all to know this is WAYYY over hyped.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Hey guys ... It's Good
18 June 2023
Don't let other people fool you. The media, reviews, any other negative stuff out there. It's actually very entertaining and a funny movie with lots of Easter eggs and witty dialogue and comedic moments. Everybody the theater was laughing on a constant basis. I was worried it was going to be very very average but it's not it's pretty good. They're saying the same thing about the Indiana Jones movie. It's like they're trying to destroy stuff with all their negative comments. It'll probably be a lot better than what everybody's saying. This movie is the same it's very good definitely well worth the second watch.
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M3GAN (2022)
Ain't no 6.4.... maybe 4-5.... Very average.
23 April 2023
This is about an average Netflix quality movie. Very short on plot and acting in a good story and anything really compelling. I found it hard to watch and very boring. The whole time I just kept thinking about those Boston dynamic videos we see of these robots that are doing all these incredible athletic things burning up steps and jumping and doing flips and things. I don't know how to do it. Those things keep their balance and do all the stuff and they probably are super powerful and strong too. And on top of that all this news lately about AI. Just has me thinking about we are already at the point of connecting AI with a very capable robotic device. I had to think of something to keep myself busy cuz the movie was boring.
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Smile (V) (2022)
1 October 2022
Movie had my interest every minute all the way from beginning to end. That's not an easy thing to do. It had me totally involved and interested in the whole mental health disease aspect of the whole thing and then sprinkle a little bit of this demonic paranormal and very entertaining aspect all three of the movie. Put those two together and you have a very engrossing movie that actually felt like it went quick. I actually could have washed another 30 minutes. I was hoping there be a little bit more of a surprise twist to the ending but it was still good. The use of sound effects in the digital cinema theater are really good too. Lots of moments that will make you jump.
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Pearl (2022)
ONE ... Way too high rating here
25 September 2022
I kept waiting and waiting for some cliffhanger or some surprise or some twisting game and it never happened. It was dumb from beginning to end. I don't understand who the hell is giving it such high reviews on here. If you like creepy weird dumb stuff that's not scary or memorable in any way this is your ticket. It's okay if it's a creepy weird movie I like stuff like that if it's good. But this is just stupid bad pointless movie from beginning to end. There's actually no reason to be able to make this. Waste of paper the script was even written on. I don't know how these things even get mad.
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Barbarian (2022)
Not bad not great
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The one thing I give this movie credit for is being unique and original. It's a interesting take on something we see in the news all the time. The weird old guy with women and his basement dungeon, getting them pregnant, keeping them like pets somewhere in the basement. They just do an interesting twist on that at a few clever ideas and you get a really weird outcome. But I think these reviews of 7.6 and stuff like that are a little way over inflated. It should be more like a average or slightly above average movie like what I would say is like a six. And I have to find something to fill up 40 more characters blah blah blah.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Quick witty humor keeps the movie rolling
18 September 2022
Quick witty humor keeps the movie moving fast never gets boring. Never fell asleep or got bored or lost my attention once in a movie. Reminds me of Deadpool beard every line is like a joke can't wait to download it so I can try to catch all the things I missed. Excellent movie. Brad Pitt has wonderful comedic timing. Oh my God I don't know what else to say and I've only got half of the minimum amount of characters I need. Jesus why do they have these reviews so big why can't I just leave a simple comment that I like the movie and simple explanation why. Why do I have to write a book here? This is ridiculous.
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Prey (I) (2022)
11 August 2022
People are overhyping this. It's average at best. It's like an average Netflix movie. Or Disney. And yes I did notice the liberal Hollywood feminist overtones. It's always either feminism racism the endless slave movies or lgbq gay cartoons being forced on our throats. There was a girl in the last predators movie and I would consider he ruin one of the main characters without making a feminist statement. Other than that the movies just average.
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Men (2022)
MUCH better than some are saying
30 June 2022
I did NOT find it boring at all. Morbius, Jurrasic Park, almost everything out lately has been pretty boring. JP was a lot better. Just mentioning some off top of my head, not in any order. But I actually watched this whole thing. I get it.... MEN... a commentary piece of how bad men are. But I really didn't get 90% of what was going on and how deep it all is until I looked up on the net a movie explanation on "highonfilms". Great site. I did not catch the deep levels of symbolism, references to society, western culture, relgion, or how all the characters bothering her were the same actor. Kinda remind me of "The Hereditary". There's a lot going on here and it helps to read about it right about you watch so you can have all those "oh yea" moments. I actually had the SAME reaction to Hereditary. I didn't get it, was angry about it, thought it was weird garbage, and wasted my time. THEN I read an explanation and I was so wrong. Watched it 2nd time and will agian some day in the near future.
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Long, and boring
24 June 2022
This moves like 3 hours long with previews. And it's mind-numbingly dumb action and plots. And never really stops or slows down but it's just stupid things that never really keep my interest. It's literally 3 hours of... Oh hey we have to turn on the radar so we can fly away from the dinosaurs... Oh for the next 30 minutes we have to find the key that opens the door to the room where we can turn it on... Oh the key is left in the building that's at the end of a river. And then in between each of these is a little dinosaur incident. Very long and stupid and boring. And I'm not one to not like a good action movie.
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Meh ... Not that great
25 May 2022
USA is not.perfect but this is definitely a message movie for China more than America. Traditional Chinese values, pretty much a LOT of places, don't accept gays and a lot of things. Very traditional people. So I felt I was being preached too. Outside that it was a bit weird and hard to follow sometimes. Crowd laughed and seemed to enjoy it. For me it was silly, weird, hard to follow sometimes, and Iover cooked on all the messages.
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The Northman (2022)
23 April 2022
Long long long. No point to any of it. No message. Twists. Nothing interesting happens. I thought green night was really long but at least it had a really interesting ending and a plot twist.
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X (II) (2022)
Walked out 1)2 way thru
2 April 2022
The reviews here have me curious. I might download it at home later and look at the end but I couldn't sit there any longer. I kept giving it a chance and just give it a little bit more a little bit more and I finally got fed up with its weird stupid thing it was doing. Some movie just meandering all over the place and not going anywhere interesting.
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Morbius (2022)
2 April 2022
Almost walked out to go see X. Nothing interesting about the script, screenplay, acting, etc. Just all around boring. Worse than first Venom movie. This a average Netflix movie ... And stay on Netflix. Even worse is they seem intent on making more morbiua movies too. Please spare us.
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The Lost City (2022)
Started off good.... Last 1)2 was mediocre.
26 March 2022
What a shame. First half was so good. And the laugh started when they killed Brad Pitt in a violent gory way. He was integral to the comedy. He was the serious person that everybody else could play off of. And they killed them off very early on.
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Moonfall (2022)
It's like an average or below average Netflix movie
6 February 2022
And yes this is a chinese-made movie and I did notice the little Chinese propaganda here and there. Very corny very average very boring. The dialogue was hard to listen to most of the time. The acting was very subpar because of this too.
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Better than average but not great.
21 November 2021
IGN gave us at 9. And it's overrated here too. It has a fun campy feel of the original. But it's not as good as these ratings and in the end I felt like it wasn't that much action scariness and suspense and it was all over so quick.
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Antlers (2021)
21 November 2021
Most of this movie was kind of slow. There is one time I jumped which is rare. And the weird thing is I knew it was coming too. You know how they pick those camera angles and you can tell something is behind somebody or something or I kind of seen it coming but I guess it was the speed the way they did in the sound effects got me. But one part of a whole movie doesn't make a movie great.
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Eternals (2021)
Fell asleep... Boring.
7 November 2021
My woman who's usually easily amused and likes every movie actually said she didn't like it either if that tells you anything. I thought it was a little boring and fell asleep in the beginning and in the middle.
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Not bad
26 October 2021
Could have been better. Funny enough but they should have made it more scarey too. Can do both. Milana... everything she does is cute. I hope to see her in more movies.
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