
33 Reviews
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Man v. Food (2008– )
Extremely annoying
4 May 2024
I haven't seen the Casey Webb episodes,so my review is based on Adam Richman

The guy is incredibly annoying and childish,

throughout every episode he say's " OMG THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER TASTED" ,

sometimes he says This before he even takes one bite what a complete fraud,

And he constantly adds deliberately unfunny jokes And puns, he does this throughout each episode and the joke quickly wears thin

I really hate how he sucks up to the restaurant owners, he's always saying nonsense like " you can tell they create their food with passion and determination to serve the local community" give me a break, it's just greasy slop ,

this guy is worse than Jimmy Kimmel

Speaking of slop, that's exactly what Adam is,

this show is just an excuse for Adam to pig out, where is the entertainment value in watching some slob eat huge amounts of unhealthy food? What am I missing here?

Wow this is totally amazing, that is totally amazing, this glass of water is epic dude and this plain toast is like heaven maaan, cringe and embarrassing

What's even sadder are the people cheering him on, I know the producers told them,but it still looks Very desperate.
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Good series
30 January 2024
I Saw the trailer's for this series and wasn't impressed, I thought it would be dull and formulaic

I was wrong,it's actually a very decent show, and it's also not woke

Although the story is predictable it is still enjoyable,the acting is also decent, not amazing but not rubbish either

What I love about this series is the pacing,the show never lingers on one scene for too long, it also doesn't bore the viewer with the usual tedious relationship problems, or clichéd lines ,it is quite fast paced without much unnecessary fluff

Neil Morrisey is great in this , very believable

The only thing I dislike about This series is Buckley, he plays the exact same " awight geeza mate " character as he did in the Inbetweeners,

He's very annoying and over exaggerated, I'm sure there were hundreds of other actors who could have elevated this series, Buckley however brings it down.he should stick to doing adverts or possibly join Hollyoaks, that's all he's capable of.
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The Vice (1999–2003)
A decent, but not excellent show
7 January 2024
A hard hitting cop/ detective show based in London

I have lived and worked in Tottenham court road for over 40 years, the area gets Very dangerous and creepy after dark, pimps, druggies, people with mental health, etc

This show explores all of this and more

The acting is above average the storylines are simple and there are not any major plot twists, it is mostly fast paced,but theres also lot of sadness and disturbing scenes

This would have been an excellent show if they replaced ken Stott and Caroline Katz,

Ken is an amazing actor ,yet he's so out of place in this series, far too old and out of shape to be running after baddies and playing the tough guy, very scruffy

Katz however is a terrible actress, she plays the same part in every role, being friendly and bland,

she is more suited to soaps , she plays an identical role in "doc Martin"

It is Very comparable to the series "trial and retribution" but much better and less depressing

I would describe this as an X rated version of "the Bill"

The BBC would never produce anything as controversial as this today.
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Heartbeat (1992–2010)
28 December 2023
There are lots of things to enjoy about heartbeat,

decent actors, lovely panoramic countryside views, old architecture etc , beautiful women, simple storylines,

and a unique sense of old school Britishness,

there was nothing woke about heartbeat

But there's also alot to dislike,once you've seen a few episodes it quickly becomes repetitive, how many times must we see greengrass and his dimwit mate stealing something and getting chased by the plod?

Characters are Very one dimensional and you can almost always predict what they are going to say, usually something sarcastic

Or someone cheating, having an unplanned pregnancy etc

I do enjoy retro music, however it is overdone In heartbeat, it becomes cheesy and ruins the scenes.
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Harry (1993–1995)
11 December 2023
Elphick is an amazing actor, Very underrated,RIP big man

Sadly he's the only good actor In this show

And the only reason to watch this

The rest of the actors are below average and Just plain annoying

The problem with the show is there is too much focus on background characters and not enough on Harry,

so what the viewer gets is mundane love stories, stories about pregnancies (yawn ) And Comedic gangsters,

Tom Hollander completely ruins the show, he adds nothing ,yet is given so much screen time

Another issue I have is with the uneven pacing, they spend a huge amount of time on some boring and badly acted student romance,and then add a Very quick car chase at the end

I don't recommend and stopped watching after 4 episodes,

I wanted to see a rougher side to harry, but All I got was the usual rubbish that you get from British TV series.
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Bangers & Cash (2019– )
Only for boomers
6 December 2023
This show was made by boomers,for the enjoyment of boomers only, I am an elderly man And was not impressed

It is an incredibly dull motoring/auction show I have seen 5 episodes and was bored to death

Nothing remotely interesting or memorable happens,

the northern narrator drones on , attempting to appear "homely" but is just irritating

They try to create fake tension by claiming the car has to be repaired in a few hours or the entire business will collapse, who are they trying to fool?

If somebody bids £100 over the asking price it is treated as something groundbreaking

In conclusion nothing happens in this show,for instance the light bulbs malfunctioned And the narrator tried to claim this was a huge dangerous disaster

Throughout the show they regularly repeat how " THERE'S NOTHING LIKE A GOOD CUPPA* And how Great the north is ,

Should be played in nursing homes only.
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City on a Hill (2019–2022)
Nothing special
1 December 2023
Tries to portray itself as hard hitting, unique And complex

In reality its mundane, predictable and nothing we haven't seen before

Endless scenes revolve around screaming/complaining about money/ having long "emotional" talks

Kevin bacon is the real Star of this show,the ONLY reason to watch , he acts superbly in this series,

When I saw the first episode I was amazed,it was violent, non PC, had real drama and intrigue

After this episode it All went downhill,it's the same tired old story about " Brooklyn cash robberies" corrupt cops, Irish American gangs etc from Ben Affleck

Most of the rest of the characters are Lame charactuires , the tough guy hard drinking/gambling veteran cops, the low level criminal Junkie brother,etc,the skanky women ,

After 4 episodes I had enough, most of the characters were unlikeable so I stopped watching

I was surprised to see tom Fontana was involved in the production,I expected much better from Him,
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Holby City (1999–2022)
Had the potential to be amazing
16 November 2023
Holby city was envisioned by the BBC as an alternative to the deary "casualty"

You can't compare Holby with casualty

Holby is leagues ahead, Holby is alot more polished and the production budget is alot higher, which results in better actors and better storylines

Casualty was More like a dull soap opera, filled with ex soap actors, bad acting and tiresome storylines , And a focus on irritating teens who couldn't act

Back to Holby,The acting is mostly great There is genuine humour ,its not over the top or forced, and used sparingly

It can be dark at times, but again with the comedy this is used sparingly, without depressing the viewers, scenes don't drag on

The reason I haven't given it a 10 star rating is because some episodes are worse than others, These bad episodes focus on dull , unimportant characters and storylines that have predictable endings,

These are the type of episodes where the words "I NEED YOU TO BE STRONG/WERE IN THIS TOGETHER" are repeated throughout

If they moved Holby to a post watershed time it would have been much better.
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Big Zuu's Big Eats (2020– )
Turned off
11 November 2023
Wow, what can I say? A new low for UK TV ,well done Dave channel

The Idea seems good, a street food tour of London, we have had endless series about poncy Michelin star restaurants, so this seemed like a nice alternative

That's the only positive,

big zuu is extremely annoying, very loud, childish and doesn't have anything interesting to say, he also has no knowledge of food ,he repeats the same Dumb phrases constantly

how on earth did someone so irritating and of low intelligence get his own TV show?

It boggles the mind

His fans will say ", he's so down to earth" I say so damn what?

My postman and dentist are down to earth, big deal

The fact is wokism has ruined all television, this is the only reason someone named " big zuu" gets to be on TV

When This show finally gets canned, due to low viewership the producers Will blame it on "outdated values"

I thought there was an obesity crisis,so why has an obese person been given a TV show?

Think of how many talented unknown chefs the UK has, chefs with charisma and likeability, And Dave give THIS guy a show?
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Shallow Grave (1994)
30 October 2023
To me this didn't feel like a movie It felt like a One off TV drama

The main complaint I have is the main characters are completely unlikeable with no positive traits,

they are the type that lie, cheat and steal ,so Why Should the viewer have any sympathy?

Another huge problem is the lack of background characters, this made the movie drag on , constantly seeing the same 3 characters, And these 3 are dull

If they had showed more scenes of the characters going to work, mingling with others it would add depth, but Danny Boyle loves quirkiness and "black comedy"

Some scenes added nothing, for example the entire dinner party scene where McGregor deservedly got punched,was it supposed to be funny?

And the generic getting drunk And laughing scene was also tiresome

There are also lots of inaccuracies and plot holes which I won't bore you with

The only positive was Keith Allen being killed early on, he was only on screen for about 5 minutes, but was already irritating.

There are some movies that are so great you watch them again 3 or 4 times, This however was just irritating And artsy.
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The Weakest Link (2021– )
Ruined by romesh
26 October 2023
I enjoyed the original series with Anne Robinson, Anne was the original Simon cowell

Her posh accent added gravitas to the show

And Her put downs were famous ,and regularly talked about by the press

The new version with romesh is a real let down Romesh is not funny, And his catty comments are tame and predictable

The problem with romesh is he's just not funny or even likeable

His attempts at humour Fall flat, he tries to be quirky like Richard ayoade, or laddish , and fails at both

Another thing he does is say something deliberately unfunny or pedestrian and then he looks at the contestants expecting them to Pity laugh,sad

When romesh does stand up comedy he only talks about race,

he obviously can't do this on a BBC quiz show so he doesn't have much to offer

The BBC obviously care More about being PC then entertaining the public , this is the reason for choosing romesh

This is what the BBC have repeatedly done, ruined classic series and replaced them with pc , then they wonder why their viewing figures are down.
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26 October 2023
This would have been a decent show if they turned off the annoying pun based music and had some likeable presenters

Martin Roberts might be knowledgeable about the property business, but in this series he appears Very tired and bored, shows zero enthusiasm

Jacqui and Dion don't know anything about property and were chosen for very obvious reasons, this is the BBC after all

Dion is just annoying and an attention seeker, very childish, constantly trying to be funny And failing

Martell loves to over exaggerate and be dramatic for no reason ,regularly screeches

Tommy Walsh is a decent guy,but is in ill health And really struggles, he should take it easy and retire

They sacked the only good presenter,the delightful Lucy Alexander , This is typical from the BBc, surprised they didn't replace her with Alison Hammond

Even theme tune is also annoying and obtrusive.
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26 October 2023
50 years ago people would have rightly laughed at the Idea of shows like Gogglebox and GPS behind closed doors

The show is about gps working at a busy clinic, that's it , riveting stuff

Why anyone would want to watch 45 minutes of footage of gps talking to patients and footage of a waiting room is beyond me,

Are we supposed to be interested in their bowel movements,or what their blood pressure is? Or when their aunt is going on holiday? No

there is no entertainment value here, fans of the show will claim they are learning things ,

this is untrue, this show is no difference to eavesdropping or curtain twitching

One good thing I can say about this show is there's not much scripted, pre planned scenes, unlike other "reality" TV shows

Another good point is unlike American TV series there is no dramatic music and over exaggeration

However the banter between staff and small talk is very annoying and fake,and adds nothing to the show

I suppose it's very cheap to produce, hence why it hasn't been cancelled yet.
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Father Dowling Mysteries (1989–1991)
22 October 2023
I have always liked tom bosely, a very versatile and charming actor, that can do comedy as well as play serious parts

Sadly He is the only good thing about father Dowling,

the rest of the cast are horrendous actors, some of the most wooden actors/actresses ive seen, they make Hollyoaks look like Shakespeare

the woman who plays sister Steve is gorgeous but can't , and is always whimpering

The bad guys are all one dimensional , they all smoke heavily, wear sunglasses, turtlenecks etc And none can act

The plotlines are simple but unrealistic, bosely and Steve always turn up just as a crime has been committed or is about to be committed,

This would be believable if bosely was young and athletic

I find myself struggling to get through episodes,

it's All to predictable and therefore not much point in watching to get to the inevitable end.
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Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001)
Every episode is the same
19 October 2023
I watch fictional TV for the drama, not to be preached to

I have watched 8 episodes of walker and have given up

It seems like every episode is a sermon from chuck Norris about being anti drugs, family being the most important , how he loves the native American people etc

bla bla bla we get it Chuck

The acting is atrocious, Especially from chuck And his wooden sidekick,

these two say their lines as if they are reading the ingredients off a cereal packet, they show zero emotion

When they do Get angry/ laugh/ become sad it's over exaggerated

sheree Wilson and noble willingham are decent though

Don't expect much story wise, it's just walker and his wooden buddy chasing bad guy's, beating them up and saving the day, a different variation of this every episode

What makes this a truly horrible show is the melodrama. It's like watching a Danielle steel movie

As soon as there is even a hint of sadness they play weepy music And close ups of people crying

The fight scenes are intentionally hilarious, are we to believe that Norris can defeat 15 armed baddies single handedly? That's what happens in this show,

Even the theme tune is dreary.
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Bland, not spicy
14 October 2023
Gordon Ramsay would describe This as a "nothing burger"

And hes correct,

This is forumalic, generic and just dull, dull,dull

I really struggled watching two episodes ,hoping for some excitement or at least some drama/tension/comedy but got nothing

Although meera is a decent actress she isn't good enough to be a lead , they should have replaced her with a better actress.

Craig Parkinson is a brilliant actor and is wasted in this

The rest of the supporting cast are unremarkable and add nothing, none of them have strong character traits

The "comedy* is cringe and desperate, not even remotely funny

The sets look incredible cheap, there is no atmosphere,I have seen better amateur movies on YouTube.

Why are people rating this 10 out of 10? They must be easily pleased

Why is mediocrity like this being celebrated? In the past we had excellent crime series like Maigret rumpole, morse ,even bergerac,

sidhu doesn't compete, and yet people claim to "absolutely love" it ? Sure.
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Trial & Retribution (1997–2009)
Too depressing
1 October 2023
I'll start with positive things about trial and retribution:

Good acting, I have seen 15 episodes and have not seen bad acting from any of the lead actors/actress, Which is refreshing for British TV series, just look at the bill and Coronation Street/ EastEnders ,

Strong storylines,with interesting plot twists,

Very fast paced without much fluff

Not politically correct, One of the best things about this series.wokism has ruined all entertainment

Now I'll move on to the negative parts of the show:

The lead character played by David hayman is incredibly unlikeable, he almost never smiles, And is aggressive as the criminals he pursues, the viewers are supposed to sympathise with this toothless miserable baldie?

Quite predictable , once you know who the perpetrator of the crime is there's really not much point in watching, some of the villains are cartoonish and One dimensional

Boring legal jargon, sometimes during episodes there are long drawn out scenes with barristers And the police discussing complex legal terms, This adds no entertainment value for the viewer's.
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Jake and the Fatman (1987–1992)
6 August 2023
Jake and the Fatman During the 80s there were tons of lighthearted "comedy crime" series, such as murder she wrote, Matlock etc.

Jake and the Fatman is another one of these shows.

Conrad and penny are both great actors and their acting ability and charm make This dull series a bit more enjoyable

The problem with this series is its far too genteel predictable and safe, I would have loved the series to be more gritty

You can tell Joe penny is a real life tough guy,they should have highlighted this, instead he plays the role of loverboy

The comedy segments are cheesy and seem forced, and usually revolve around Conrad getting angry or making a mistake

I really wanted to enjoy this series but I gave up after watching 4 episodes.

I recommend viewers to watch kojak or Rockford files instead, who loves you baby?
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Find It Fix It Flog It (2016–2022)
Not good
10 July 2023
A decent programme ruined by an annoying narrator and childish sound effects

The 2 main presenters are likeable and are very knowledgeable in restoration And motorcycles, unlike jay blades who does nothing at All

The only problem with the show is the annoying narrator who won't stop talking

Henry is painting a table And the narrator has to scream,"AND HENRY IS NOW PAINTING A TABLE" she does this throughout the program And it makes it completely unwatchable, Why? Who thought this was a good idea?

Another really annoying thing is they add a pointless sound effect jingle which is repeated every 2 minutes,

it serves no purpose this isn't blue Peter,

I suspect the 2 main presenters will be replaced by someone more "vibrant" anyday soon.
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A Place in the Sun (2000– )
Boring And annoying
2 July 2023
One word to describe this show? Boring, I could add tedious, rubbish etc

I have seen 10 episodes And it's the same complete rubbish every time ,

they visit a few nice properties, the words "AMAZING" and "BEAUTIFUL" and " SIMPLY GORGEOUS" are Said 5000 times,

the couple's crack lame jokes with the presenters and often laugh repeatedly when nothing Remotely funny was Said , for example a couple Said they enjoy golf, And everyone burst out in laughter

I don't understand how People can watch this,it is the definition of dull, one you've seen one "beautiful" property in Spain/ Greece/ France You've seen them all

They add fake tension by saying the property owner wants a quick sale,and repeatedly say "time is running out" This is complete nonsense and misleading the viewer

The presenters are also annoying, they put on a fake happy "bubbly" personality, and Also try hard to be funny, when its obvious they are not funny or even likeable

I am amazed how this rubbish has Been on screen for over 20 years, meanwhile excellent TV shows are getting cancelled.
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Wycliffe (1993–1998)
9 January 2023
One word to describe Wycliffe? Depressing

the only positives I can say about the series are the memorable theme tune and great acting from the main stars, especially yulin

now to the bad, the series is unrelentingly depressing, there are no light hearted moments, its just one hour of total sadness, even the scenery looks bland , storylines are often repeated and the whole thing is a jumbled mess , most of the characters were unlikeable and i couldn't care what happened to them, some of the fake cornish accents were terrible

i bought the entire box set , but resold it after watching 5 episodes, too depressing.
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Glitz (1988 TV Movie)
Decent but not worth watching
22 May 2022
Once again another movie ruined by focusing on a love story it started off slow got really good then got boring towards the end

this was an intruiging movie with a few sub plots intertwined, great acting by everyone involved and a decent soundtrack, some great hotels and casinos and lots of beautiful women

i would have rated it a 9 if it didnt focus so much on the romantic aspect.
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Three Blind Mice (2001 TV Movie)
22 May 2022
The movie starts off great, quickly goes downhill im a big fan of denehy , and john doman is also an above average actor

this movie looks cheaply made with bad lighting and lame action scenes they spent way too much time on the love story aspect.

The movie is spoiled by glenn plummer with his cheesy comedic acting and cindy oliver who tried to be cutesy but was just annoying.

The plot of the movie ( a whodunnit/ action/drama) is not original and has been done hundreds of times before. Overall a very boring and innofensive movie.
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fake tension
18 January 2022
This is horrible, cant pay take it away was much better

This programme is full of fake tension, and the narrator is horrible, he speaks so slowly and completely ruins the programme, also none of these bailiffs are likeable, the american woman is particularly annoying, complete rubbish.
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18 January 2022
I have watched 4 episodes and thats enough, no more this programme is full of old footage, repeated throughout the episodes,

everyone knows about cashpoint scams, why bore the viewer with the same old warnings about keeping your bank card safe? The worst part is the endless clips of therapsists and pschologists telling us the reasons why people commit crime,

also why block everyones face out? This makes the whole show look fake, the bbc dont do this , and the goons at the orchard centre need to be removed, they act so big and tough, they are toothless and illiterate.
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