52 Reviews
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Lullaby (IV) (2022)
Waaa Waaa Waaaaaaaa
31 December 2022
I didn't notice a lot of the bad effects people complained about, because I kept skipping forward through the first 14 minutes of the film which are dedicated to a baby crying. 14 full minutes. There's a break after that, but plenty more baby crying to come, with parrot squawks to complement.

I know horror films always lean on the jump scare crutch but there's some really goofy moments - like for some reason the baby monitor makes a sound when there is silent movement!?

The 2D mother character is cringy. The 'honest reaction' scene will remind you of any dishonest woman you've worked with more than anyone you would date, so it seems forced

Overall they did try with the plot here, more than most modern films, but it remains unwatchable due to the constant baby crying (another crutch in 2022 films, weirdly). It adds nothing to the film.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
Not Ten Stars
31 October 2022
A couple of good series with plots and then loads of series with no plots but lots of rants about social justice (aka left wing racism)

The characters are likeable and started off getting well developed in the first series' (but naturally they dropped that focus when the propaganda started) the actors are good and films like the godfather left a lot of people looking for this exact sort of content.

Unfortunately hollywoke couldn't stick to a good thing.

It's still watchable compared to a lot of the trash squeezed out this year which gets worse and worse, but it certainly doesn't deserve the 10 stars all the nostalgia victims are giving it.
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15 October 2022
There's something very wrong with the director of this film. Each of the characters speaks and acts as if autistic and equally, do not know how to interact with other humans. I was left with the feeling the director must be autistic and intentionally tried to show how the world seem to him - but it seems that is not the case, rather they just wanted to stand out

The plot of this film is quite good but the "style" is insane. Every 9-10 star review or those calling it a classic are outright lying to pretend like an artist claiming they see some deep truth

Despite the style it remains quite watchable and you'll probably stay til the end, which comes at a slow pace.

If nothing else, you might appreciate how autistic people see your everyday interactions, despite it not being the point.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
A bit childish
28 September 2022
This show has a pretty good premise with the inevitable downsides of production...

The series does a better job than many modern ones at progressing the main plot, however it still has a lot of propaganda junk thrown in, spoiling it. It's also over-reliant on narration to explain what's happening and using a kid actor. The narration comes in the form of his thoughts which makes it a bit less disturbing, but it's no dexter.

The introduction of a transgender(?) wife with an unnecessarily annoying personality and the typical left-wing projection of not allowing any feminine women (short hair, no curves, boyish attitude and clothing) spoiled this series a bit. There's a plethora of scenes involving her and none of them advance any plot, it feels very shoehorned. In fact the episodes actually pause for some time with 'the couple'. The inclusion of the far-left "police are all evil and incompetent" narrative is a nasty addition too, along with a bunch of talks about "problematic speech".

Overall, it's still remains quite watchable as background material.
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You've had more entertaining daydreams
23 September 2022
Imagine endless scenes where for 4 minutes at a time you just state at a landscape with the same single piano riff playing over and over because they seemingly had zero audio budget

Then imagine adding to it a host of people with zero acting skill who you hire just for their willingness to throw out awkward, out of place far left one liners (such as insane praise for twitter). Just to shoehorn in something woke enough for the "professional" critics to upvote it.

Then imagine a dog ate the script before filming started.

If you're imaginative enough, you've can save yourself from watching this junk, since you'll have already have seen it all in your mind - well done!
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Dark Skies (2013)
Keeps you tense
18 September 2022
I don't often like films with children actors, but the kids in this were believable all the way through so too nothing away from the engagement.

This film does a really good job with the tension and feeling of powerlessness, except for one insane scene where the mother attacks the father about hurting the kids, for no reason, knowing the disgusting things she is saying are not true. That made her character instantly dislikable which was a problem, given she is the heroine of sorts

Like all films of the genre it uses some loud noises to increase scares - it's typically the worst part of horror/high tension films as it's done badly as often as it's done well. This is one of the latter cases - the sounds fits well to the scenes and isn't just an afterthought.
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Reign (2013–2017)
What a sham
9 September 2022
I decided to watch this after learning that the awesome series 'The Tudors' was a 'spin off' of Reign, however reign is an awful awful dumpster fire.

History has been completely cast aside in reign and the caricature characters are designed only for 10 year old girls who want to watch princesses. This is reinforced by the 'hallmark rom com' choice of music, awful whinging acoustic music that don't gel with the time period in the slightest and are played so loud as to drown out the scenes

Typically such historic-basis series gain their strength by lots of great political intrigue, but once again that is done so ridiculously poorly and oversimplified for the 10 year olds, that we can't possibly enjoy it

You'll really have to have a simple mind to enjoy this, so start dumbing down.
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The Tudors (2007–2010)
Excellent series
9 September 2022
There was some of the usual liberality with facts, but it largely followed the main themes from history and made for very compelling viewing. There were no changes that were so grievous as to make the show cringy or unwatchable

This skinny version of Henry VIII was every bit the embodiment of the imposing but arbitrary leader history tells us he was and the intrigue of the court was tense all the way through

Some of the execution and torture scenes in later series were hard to watch but it adds to the atmosphere. As the main instigators for the first series' It would have been nice to see more of Cromwell and Wolsey in their own rights

I would definitely recommend this series.
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Fall (I) (2022)
7 September 2022
Too much glamorization of negative personalities and tik tok selfishness, A few of the usual woke checklist, but not nearly as bad as many 'modern' films.

The film will leave you tense and uneasy due to your own fears - so in that sense the film has succeeded.

There's plot holes and the girls the film stars are way too stupid to realistically be away from their parents long enough to get into such a situation. Despite all these, it remains an OK watch with only semi-predictable twists.

What's utterly clear is nobody who produced this has actually done any climbing. I would have assumed the actresses/stunt-actresses would at least be climbers for safety reasons but I guess not.
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9 Bullets (2022)
Gets worse by the minute
18 July 2022
Take one actress on a downward spiral after GoT, throw in a diversity hire kid who acts so badly it makes you cringe physically and Disney it up by trying to force us to believe the imbecile kid is a genious while also pushing ponzi scheme crypto ... et voila!

But wait what a bout the plot, talent and editing?
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Close but no cigar
18 June 2022
This isn't good. It's not as bad as the mental health intervention advert "discovery" but it's ruined by the inclusion of Melissia N and the ongoing battle from hollywood to destroy anything feminine.

It is however the closest recent series to true star trek.
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Chariot (2022)
Plot points all start in the 2nd half and don't wrap up
28 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible acting from malkovich and lots of wtf decisions with things like the red wig.

Some pointless but interesting parts of the plot never get closed off. Why are their phone calls, why is she desperate to get out of somewhere?

Why is there a 2nd Rory and how what has it got to do with his existence??

What are the elephant masks for??? What is happening in the end scene?

Despite an intriguing start, a poor end. It maybe deserves an even lower score but I didn't actually switch this off before the end like so many modern disasters.
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Station Eleven (2021– )
15 April 2022
Superb first episode and intrigue. Immediately and utterly destroyed in episode two by Lori petty and a ridiculous far left group of 'shakespearean actors' trying to sound deep with weak poetry and prose.

...Because the only people to survive an apocalypse would be a group of people with absolutely no skills? Then, because all hollywoke types think they are somehow important, the whole film world revolves around people desperate to see or be part of the stupid troupe?

Honestly going from episode 1 to episode 2 felt like they threw away all of the plot.
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Severance (2022– )
10 April 2022
Wow this feels like some creepy s""*, right from episode one. The mental health implications are horrible. The show itself is very compelling viewing, definitely worth trying out.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Doesn't have the strength of the original season
27 February 2022
It doesn't have the strength of the original season.

The sea effects weren't convincing nor was the Black Jarl - not even just a warrior, but of course the one in charge and cast for the show despite not being a good actress :/

Can't wait until they decide to bring some balance to a real minority by rewriting Roots, they can add a white woman as a tribal leader.

The first fight scene got me pumped like the first series, but the later ones showed the weakness of the castings.
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Confession (II) (2022)
Not all bad
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's not as terrible as the other two reviews. It's definitely at watchable level but there are some cringingly unwatchable scenes because the woman in this cannot act at all which pairs especially badly with the unrealistic phone dialogue and the terribly shooting scene.
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The tragedy is that people believe this
21 January 2022
I'd usually give this political pander piece a 3 or 4, but the usual fake accounts have fake inflated the rating again.

It tries to be a tragedy but it's lost behind ridiculous monologues and trying to distract from the mountains of evidence that disprove the entire premise.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Don't let the disney logo scare you
19 January 2022
This is surprisingly great! I can't understand some of the other views here - even about the effects which I think are of excellent quality

This is an enjoyable delve into a 'side character' from the real star wars'
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
So So
12 January 2022
I don't know any such books, bus as a series alone it's fairly good. Manages not to be overly predictable but suffers from modern times.

Unfortunately it loses impact because affirmative action and unnecessary diatribes have supposedly crossed over into the supernatural too. Because of course it's impossible for any of us to get anywhere with merit.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Good, for now
22 October 2021
Has been really good, with all likable characters. Of course as always the perverts have started inserting unnecessary propaganda all over the latest season, so I fear it wont have more than one more good season.

The same bigotry that has affected every series that becomes popular lately.
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Purgatory (III) (2021)
I wanted to like it
19 October 2021
Sadly the first actress couldn't even act out a phone call with her friend, so unnatural it was cringy.

Then (based on the music) you're meant to find a creepy kid showing her dad a mask shocking.
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Old (2021)
25 September 2021
This film was very enjoyable for an original point and no out of place political gesturing. They even made sure to wrap many things up and not leave everything as cliffhangers open to interpretation

The cast was mainly good, I don't see the complaints others have raised about acting except maybe for the black lady, but even there I don't think her acting was the problem, rather it was the meaningless typical leftwing-language her character had to use which was jarring and unbelievable (like it is when you hear it in real life too). She spoke in platitudes too.

The main detractor to this is that the writers wrote the 6-year old and 11-year old to have all the knowledge and wisdom that comes with age, when really their mental age would be unchanged.
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Law & Order (1990– )
Lost its way
22 September 2021
Older series of this show were fantastic.

The show has always been a little left leaning but generally presented things fairly and didn't push any patently false agendas. The same cannot be said of the later series which are more and more in favour of criminals and present crime as a good thing, unlimited DA power as a good thing and police abusing the law to frame whoever they like without actually investigating anyone else as a good thing (as long as the suspect is white)

Sadly lost its way as more perverts joined the writing.
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Fire the sound crew
19 July 2021
Only put yourself through watching this if you think repeatedly going from extremely quiet whispering to screaming a excessively loud noise is what makes a film good.
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The Nest (2021)
Stays Engaging
15 July 2021
When comparing this relative to other recent media, it scores highly.

The plot stays engaging, the actors aren't annoying (even the kid actors do a good job) and you cannot tell which way the ending will finally go

This is worth a watch.
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