16 Reviews
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Fugitive at 17 (2012 TV Movie)
The two leads(Avgeropoulus/Cox) that are the only 2 people in this that can actually ACT!
23 July 2022
The only reason I rate this at 4 stars is because without the 2 leads this would have been a 1 star execution of a story that had the potential to live up to the 6 star rating...

Marie Avgeropoulos and Cristina Cox carry this movie, it could have been a lot better but when there is exactly 2 people in it that is actually capable of portraying a character in a way that makes you see the character rather than just some person pretending('acting'...) to be whomever they are portraying, the end result is obviously less than good...

The story is decent and the writing isn't horrible but in the end you watch it because of the 2 leads and just kinda suffer through the rest of them...
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Anyone capable of liking this should probably not be allowed out among people.......
7 December 2021
This is a case of 'art' imitating life to a degree that no one in Hollywood would ever be willing to admit.

It is an accurate portrayal of a large portion of the upper strata in Hollywood, in a very literal sense.....

It accurately describes how they lure vulnerable girls in and it accurately portrays the mindset as well as the physical actions of this upper Hollywood strata.

Unfortunately this completely ruined the innocent and clean(at least to a point) impression one has of Fanning and that they exploited to create this 'deer in headlights Elle Fanning surrounded by sociopaths and psychopaths' story.

This isn't artistic license or art, this speaks to and stems from something altogether more real and genuine that exists in Hollywood, short of deliberately trying to expose them you to act in something like this or create it unless there is something seriously wrong with you...

I don't bother with taking the time to write negative reviews(have made a few 8 and 9 reviews) as I simply don't have the kind of psychology that make someone prone to do this....

This warranted an exception...
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Dune (2021)
Essentially a regurgitation of the Dune story as already told by Lynch
17 October 2021
It's good but it is still a updated re-hash of a story that have already been told and essentially what Hollywood thought was a safe bet for a money maker and that is likely the only reason this was made because, 'why be original and do something new when we can regurgitate something old'..............

A testamental headstone to the brain-rot that has become Hollywood......R IP.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
The storyline is drowning in the melodrama.....
7 September 2021
To the writers the storyline appears to be nothing more than than an annoying detail that they can hang the melodrama on, it is genuinely like watching a soap/drama and it's a shame as the storyline still manages to carry the burden of all the emotional melodrama that the writers are piling on it.

This is good enough to make me still watch it but fast-forwarding through the noise is pretty much a necessity to maintain the draw of the storyline which is quite good on it's own.

Its like having a conversation with someone sitting on a dunk-tank chair and them being repeatedly dunked just as they said something interesting and worthy of further exploration, it's annoying and frustrating as some of it would just tie things together but as it is the writers are treating the condiments as the main meal and that is obviously going to get unpleasant in a hurry.

Shame, could easily have been worthy of the obviously artificially inflated 7.8 rating but as it stands it only manages to have enough good in it to outweigh the bad sufficiently for one to keep watching in spite of the bit's one fast-forwards through.....
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Dwight in Shining Armor (2018–2021)
What everything on Niceklodeon and Disnely Channel could and should be, but isn't..!
14 August 2021
Everything on Nickelodeon/Disney Channel are basically good concepts. Made like how a 5 year old would do it.

If you have a functioning brain you basically see all of those shows as something that could be good but isn't due to campy cheesy over acting and generally just the kind of stuff that makes most people want to go drown puppies and start fires just to feel 'normal' again.

This is what an actually grown up would make out of those concepts if they actually tried to do a good job instead of the condescending talking down to the children crap that Nickelodeon and Disney Channel make.

So if you want your kids to NOT turn into another generation of tide-pod eaters, this is what they should be watching rather than Nickelodeon and Disney Channel shows...
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Jolt (2021)
This! Is GENUINELY Good!
23 July 2021
I would class this as an action comedy and it is right up there with 'Mr. Right' and a very short list of others.

Most action comedies either go heavy on the comedy to the point of making the action slap-stick or just plain stupid while others go overboard on the action without much direction or purpose and attempt 'comedy' in the most awkward and unfunny way imaginable.

This is different in that actually manages to find a balance where the comedy fits the action and the action fits the comedy, something that is so rare that I genuinely can't think of another movie that manages to do this beyond the aforementioned Mr. Right....

I rarely bother writing a review as there simply aren't many movies or series that are worth the effort, I think the total number of movies i have bothered to write a review on is still in the single digits but this one certainly warrants it as it is something as rare as a movie that I actually WANT to tell people about..........
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WandaVision (2021– )
That must be the dumbest way to start a series in the history of television.....
6 February 2021
They will have lost viewers by the thousands(like double digits percentages(not low...) of the viewer numbers this series should/could have had) by spending close to 3 episodes on that scare people away start...
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
Emily Dickinson, Hailee Steinfeld version(quirky, weird, awkward, funny and feisty)ed her life to be...
30 December 2020
From all the publicity pictures and what not I expected this to be stodgy and not at all suited for Hailee Steinfeld.

But it's pretty much like it was written for her and her personality(quirky, weird, awkward, funny and feisty).

Not at all what I expected and Given that Hollywood is the reeing leftist cesspool that it is, from someone who is as extremely right-wing as he is liberal in his attitudes about respect for individual freedom, that is a VERY good thing...

It's rare that I enjoy stuff that is made to be funny or a drama, but this I like....
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3022 (2019)
A 90 minute wallow in depression...
23 November 2019
This is basically an endless and pointless spiral into depression brought on by being the only 4 remaining humans in the universe, it's the sci-fi version of watching paint dry with the exception being that watching paint dry would be less depressing.... AVOID!!!
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Siren (2018–2020)
Great 1st season, 2nd season enter forced 'diversity'
30 May 2019
This started out as an amazing show and the 1st season was great and without much of anything to really complain about as far as moralizing sjw nonsense was concerned, the forced diversity was present but the show was so good that it was certainly something that was easy to ignore and on a level that while obvious wasn't blatantly and obnoxiously so..

Season 2 however they started to get down right ham-handed about it, the script writing and story-line is still great but this is getting so forced that it is actually encouraging racial resentment..................

The thing is, it is likely to be the money people and executives that are pushing this through given that you find no hint of diversity moralizing in the script/story-line, that the story-line is so neutral and without any ethnic bias of any kind is what makes the ethnicity of the characters completely unimportant.....

Enter executive retardation into the mix and what started out as a really good show with great script-writing is forced into making an issue and a 'statement' about what was a non issue is overshadowed by agendas to such an extent that it is detrimental to the show and the story the script-writers are trying to tell.

Someone in charge has made a non-issue into an issue that is blatant and stupidly obvious and it's very much detrimental to the show, which is unfortunate for an amazing show with a great script and good casting of main 1st season characters.

If it wasn't for this b(term that isn't allowed on imdb)t I would rate this show an 8 bordering on 9, as it stands I'm still rating it a 6 even after the forced 'diversity' which is actually doing several of the non-caucasian actors a huge disservice by trying to make their ethnicity more important than their performance which needs no 'assistance' of any kind as it very much speaks for itself without the patronizing 'help' of executives that can't be described as anything other than racist....
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Occupation (2018)
This is 1980's b-movie bad
28 August 2018
How this has gotten enough positive reviews to get a 6 rating is beyond me. I don't normally bother to do something like write a review and definitely not a bad one, but this warranted it.

It is like they transplanted a Australian 1980's B-movie director to the present day and he tried to condense the TV-series Falling Skies(which is a half-way decent series) into a movie using every cliche imaginable with a sprinkling of Red Dawn on top.

If I were to sum it up it is like what could have been a good story was re-told by an over 12 year old boy, skipping ahead when there should have been detail and spending a lot of time elaborating poorly on action scenes.

Could have been a good movie and the story is actually not that bad but the way this is made is just.. bad.
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The Good Place (2016– )
I genuinely hate the forced 'funny' of comedies but this, I like.
21 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Comedies in general with their forced funny, awkward, funny, awkward shtick more often than not are just plain tired and obvious to anyone with a modicum of intelligence but this actually manages to be genuinely funny because the level of misanthropy and mischief makes it anything but forced.

It is funny in a way that someone irritable/annoyed and abrasive can be genuinely funny when they in no way are trying to be, Kristen Bells personality and mannerisms plays a large part in pulling it of as the character genuinely suits her and is in a way the comedic distillation of most of the characters she has ever played and you can recognize those characters as well as her personality as seen in every talk-show she has ever been in.

I hate comedy shows because the 'trying to be funny' always seems forced and insecure(in the way that most comics/comedic writers genuinely are) but this show doesn't and is actually the only comedy show I've actually continued watching(I love Robin Williams but I even got fed up with The Crazy Ones because of the constant trying to be funny), simply because the comedy seems to almost be a side effect rather than the goal.

The base premise of any paradise/heaven will eventually show itself to be hell is an intelligent one(unlike most of the current Hollywood regurgita), and it shows...
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The Machine (I) (2013)
Oscar worthy performance from Caity Lotz!
28 January 2017
Ex_Machina is a good movie but The Machine completely outclasses it.

I'm not really the type that overlooks imperfections or details nor am I someone that gives praise without caveats, however Caity Lotz performance in this movie is the kind that they should be giving Oscars for rather than the minute variations on the same old theme that is so often regurgitated in what the people with the votes consider an "oscar worthy" performance...

Both the movie character and Caity Lotz performance is original, subtle and genuine in a way that only rarely make it as far as even being nominated for the brain rot that to a large extent has been the academy awards for so long.

This movie is one of the few on my list of favorite movies(Thale, Age of Adaline, Mr Right, Watchmen, V for Vendetta) based on story/performance alone rather than action and effects, and I would even put it in the absolute top 3.

Thoroughly recommended.
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Aftermath (2016)
A show that is growing into a modern day apocalypse fairytale.
25 December 2016
I thoroughly recommend watching this, preferably back to back rather than one episode each week...

Anything that humans make will have it's flaws and so does this show but the rest of it is so good that even I who is not one that easily ignores the stupid of anything find myself ignoring the flaws and wanting to see what happens next.

I think this show it is one of those flukes that sound like a bad idea when you word it out but that works beyond ones wildest dreams.

Those that dislike it fail to realize that in a show where this much happens, keeping up the pace makes it grow old and formulaic real quick and that the stupid things that they mention are what everything else revolves around and what makes it possible to give this story the slow burn that it needs to be as good as it is, this show just keeps getting better and better(warts and all).

The constant that roots the show is the family and the fact that people tend to do stupid things, this may get old if it is the only thing you notice but it pretty much has to be the constant because THERE ARE NO OTHER CONSTANTS IN THIS SHOW.

Just when you think that something more outlandish couldn't possibly happen, it does, and so far they have managed to not run out of crazy and outlandish things to throw at this constant and this makes for a very engaging and exiting show that just keeps getting better and better........
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Mr. Right (I) (2015)
Beautifully F***ed Up!
28 November 2016
Beautifully f***ed up is really the only way to describe this movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

There are two other hit-man /girl/boy movies/(one with Angelina Jolie and one with Katherine Heigl) and to be honest I didn't enjoy either half as much as this one, they may have bigger(but not better) action but they have no where near the charm of this one.

It is the kind of date movie that a guy would enjoy and the kind of action movie a girl would enjoy and why this haven' become a bigger box office success is beyond me as it is probably the most enjoyable action comedy I have ever seen.

The ending and final action sequence can only be described as psychotically cute...
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Viral (I) (2016)
If you like zombie or "world falling apart" movies, chances are you will like this movie!
11 October 2016
Unlike pretty much every zombie movie ever this movie actually explores the one way that zombie like behavior could genuinely happen, through a virus or parasite affecting basic behavior(rabies for instance cause the infected to become hygrophobic and afraid of water).

So far this is the best Zombie movie I have seen, not from an action or survivalist perspective but as far as story, concept and execution is concerned it is heads and tails above anything else I have seen to date.

If you are fed up with zombie movies being more splatter and low brow than actually story line you will probably find this movie to be an intelligent breath of fresh air brought to the genre.
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