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Adam (I) (2009)
My experience watching Adam
28 December 2009
I am always looking forward to seeing a film about minorities. It is always a challenge to one's stereotypical views and beliefs. Adam, as many others, tries to break those views and make us understand those among us more.

I was impressed by Hugh Dancy's performance as Adam Raki. He made me believe that Adam had Asperger's Syndrome, though I haven't seen single case of it before.

Also it was great to hear a lot of information about this syndrome, about it's symptoms and even how to deal with them. This information was included in a nice story of a young chap and a young lady from different backgrounds.

Moreover, the supporting cast was splendid too, from parents to friends to very young kids..

Adam is on the top of my 2009 films list. If you're not too close-minded, you should enjoy the film.
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Hush (V) (2008)
Makes you hush
8 July 2009
What did this film do deliberately? It showed how people die, lie and decide. We have seen deaths in other films, and those in "Hush" are no different. Some deaths were sad, some annoying, some retarded.

Lies there also important. There are no 100 percent truthful persons, as is seen from this film. Both protagonists and antagonists are lying about one issue or other.

Decision making is usually director's or screenwriter's task, and "Hush" was made a really intense film. Even though I hardly sit through similar films( for example Shuttle), but it gave me a good impression, and I am happy about it.

This film was unjust, because, as many others, it showed only one side of the story. Mostly we were kept in the dark with flashlight running low on batteries. This might be a good thing since you can always think for yourself: what is happening here, why? Finally, this film was good to an extent. It was also unoriginal up to a point. "Hush" is nevertheless a film worth watching, it has an idea worth considering.
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In the Loop (2009)
Funny, but just
6 July 2009
Before watching "In the Loop", I didn't check, what genre this was, what actors were in it or what did the title mean. I understood everything while watching. I like British films, and I have seen quite a few good funny comedies in the past.

At first, I wanted to understand, what was the plot about, so I didn't find anything funny. Rushing around, shouting, creating noise looked awkwardly normal to me. Office work, tension, I didn't think that the film was about politics until I saw Malcolm cursing at the telly over and over.

Cursing was a big part of this film. You can learn some interesting words, but one starting with f bored me and was not funny at all.

I enjoyed the acting. It was interesting to see how some of the characters there constantly pushed by others, and then they reacted so realistically! Main idea of the film could have been developed more, since more attention was given to little jokes than to the development of the idea. It was a satirical film, but at some points it tried to be too much comic. That were both interesting dialogs and laughs. Watch it and think!
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You came in with plains, and you - in chains
22 June 2009
I wanted to watch something boring. I chose to watch The Combination. The beginning didn't promise me much, I even had to check if this was an Australian film, and actually it was!

I am neither Australian nor Lebanese, but I have met both cultures for at least a brief moment in my lifetime. So the question when watching a story of Lebanese in Australia was: are the facts just? Is this real? It is. Although people are depicted differently from those I have seen in the real world, parts of them that are true and up to a point are also shown.

Is the material educative? Yes. You can remember your history lessons, fighting skills, and how to be romantic.

Will you be bored? I was not.
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Bronson (2008)
30 May 2009
Michael Peterson. A boy who was a bully all his life. A story which is ridiculous from its backbone, painful for its context and wild for its savageness.

I couldn't tell if this film is bad or good, decent or truly terrible, because it is exceptional. You have to see it and then judge for yourself. Personally, I found "Branson" a weird film. It remembered me that we all are animals, we do not know what we want very often, and if we want, we can't get it. For a story about criminal this is more than enough.

For the scenery of "Branson", it is quite realistic. Switching between points of view and dirty cells made "Branson" quite a pale film, which it might have intended to be.

Charles Bronson. If you ever thought about having an alter-ego, you can watch this film and see, how terrible alter ego is at some situations,
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Good (2008)
I fell for Maurice
29 May 2009
I never give much attention to the titles of films. Usually titles represent an idea of a film, or a line, or a character. The context of "Good" implies that it was wanted to say "Virtuous people" by the title.

Were SS good people? Decent? Average? Normal? OK? Bearable? "Good" presents a point of view of a person who thought himself to be virtuous, but then faced a society which was completely different, but thought so too.

Viggo Mortensem gives us an interesting character with it's ups and downs, and these ups and downs are in the behavior of a character, not the acting.

Furthermore, it was not the acting or an idea that dragged the film down and bored me or others at certain moments. It was the fact that WWII has been discussed for many times, so there are only minor differences between one film and the other.

Those who haven't watched a lot of WWII films or who would like to see one more example of censure will like "Good".
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Horsemen (2009)
Come and see
28 May 2009
How often do we read books and remember nothing? Read magazines, but only their headlines? "The Horsemen" might teach us just how not to do this.

The cast of this movie consists of quite a few well-thought about actors, starting with a brief appearance of Peter Stormage(Once a girl from Sweden told me he's the best), Denis Quaid, Clifton Collins Jr. and one Ziyi Zhang. I believe that this crew worked great together and it was a thrill to gallop along! The plot that galloping slightly. It wasn't in a bad way, more so in a decent one. Jumping from suspects interrogations to family's relations worked well. Minor details like "Dad, need breakfast food" in the beginning led to a kind of unexpected conclusion.

Why was it unexpected? Firstly, I am not very experienced in close relations between parents and their infants, less so in situations where a person is lost. Secondly, because the dialogue was very frank and pleasant to hear, a lot of deep lines and interesting ideas. Interesting aspects of this film were unexpected.

Lastly, I hope the film will satisfy those whose family relations are in a crisis, or those who have only dreams about being detectives. This is a chance to see yourself as one.
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Crisis? Not for escorts
28 May 2009
Steven Soderbergh delivers every time he makes a movie. Whether it is an independent film( like Bubble), serious film(like Traffic) or a comedy( Oceans). Once I even considered him the best director, so "Girlfriend Experience" had to be a treat to watch, a candy, an ounce of grapes.

It was not. I watched "Girlfriend Experience" in two takes, because during the first one I was just too tired. This is a serious film! You should not take into account the fact that main actress is a porn star! There is nothing similar to adult material until after the credits! It is much more like a serious drama.

It had plot, it had different and sophisticated characters, cosy and warm atmosphere, economy crisis, even Barack Obama.

It had escorts, it had muscles, it had cars and discussions What it didn't have was me understanding why Sash Grey acted like she did in some of the scenes. It is unusual to see an actress intentionally looking bored!

I will definitely watch "The Girlfriend Experience" again to see more, to understand more and to enjoy more of one Steven Soderbergh
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Queen of your dreams
22 May 2009
I came across "The Young Victoria" quite by accident, so I was not expecting a lot before watching the film. I had a faint idea that storyline was about kings and queens, and cast included the beloved Emily Blunt.

The story. There is nothing completely different from other monarch's history movies in "The Young Victoria". There is nothing less. The experience is like passing along the history line.

The Characters. I did enjoy Emily Blunt's role, just as her acting, although I noticed that the change in her looks was too harsh. Bettany acted quite well. However, not all of his motives were clear.

The scenery. Every time I watch a British movie, I see lots and lots of marvelous palaces and wonderful gardens. I saw it in this movie to. Nice, delicately presented and sweet.

The goal. I hope this film will help us understand more about what queens life looks like, what pressures can people face and how they react.

Finally, I hope everyone who comes across "Young Victoria" will not get disappointed, as there is no need to be.
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5 April 2009
"Burning Plain" intrigued me from the opening scenes. In fact, I watched this film more or less hoping to see beautiful girls, rather than see a deep plot. It turned out that "Burning Plain" offered me both of these.

If I start from the miss-shots in this movie, I have to say that there were some plot holes. There were unfinished developments of quite a few characters, but that is probably because you can't put everything in 100 minutes movie. Thurthermore, I actually enjoyed the twist of the plot, since I understood parts of it immediately, and others were unknown to the very end. I am glad that the plot is not lost during flashbacks and flash-forwards.

Secondly, I enjoyed the problems which this film discussed, especially the problem of guilt. I caught myself even pondering, how should we face guilt? Should we run away, or should we welcome it open-handedly? Moreover, the girls were just I expected them to be. Young, beautiful and motivating. I would envy Guillermo Arriaga if I were in film business and I didn't get to work with such beauties.

Lastly, the soundtrack. I didn't particularly notice it throughout the film, which is good, because it helped me focus on what is happening, but in the end, when the film had it's most emotional moments, the sound delivered. I understand Hanz Zimmer had something to do with it, and I congratulate him for such a nice participation Generally, films that offer nice girls do not offer awesome plot, but there are exceptions. As problematic as it is, "The Burning Plain" has its prettiness, which makes me rate the film 9/10
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Defiance (I) (2008)
Jews bring the chill
1 January 2009
I don't trust the history books, as I don't trust the reality of facts in an autobiographical book, maybe even more. So goes with movies. Just a day before watching Defiance, I discussed with a friend about whether Lenin was killed by Stalin or not. It's just a story that you can interpret very widely. Even history books interpret - we can take the creation of city Rome by Romus and Remulus. This movie gave me another of those interpretations - how true is it, I don't know, but the message in the beginning "A true story" made me watch this while trying to think how it could really have happened.

I live not far from the location used in a film. There were nothing but Jews in bigger cities of my country, and now there are barely any left. I believe Defiance gives Jews justice. I understand now, that as any other people, they didn't want to fight, but when angry or furious, they did. They fought they are different, but they certainly weren't. I want to underline that Jews are just as any other people. They do not differ from regular village person more than a black man differs from white. Edward Zwick depicted Jews that want revenge, can unite for better good, but can still be selfish in those beautiful forests.

I loved the way film is directed - camera movement, strong personalities, hidden messages, and it was even long! In conclusion, I was startled by the point that Defiance is the first movie I have seen this year, it is informative, intellectual and still differs from other war movies. And we have lots and lots of those.
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Frost/Nixon (2008)
Review on Frost/Nixon
9 December 2008
Why this movie is worth watching? A few reasons can attract a person like me. a) it is up for award consideration. b) Has a director of brilliant movies such as beautiful mind or Cinderella. c) is depicting a real person. Apart from attracting a person to watch a movie, there is a question: how to keep him interested in watching movie through. Frost/Nixon has an amazing duel between to giants - politic giant and performing giant. Those together impress the audience. Movie is involving, loud, and thoughtful. The guy who played Nixon and the dude who was Frost did brilliant job. No complains on them. Sweating looked real, movie seems real and good. Maybe it will grab an award or two of some sort this or next year.
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7 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the firs movie made by Chaplin that i watched knowing what kind of person Charlie Chaplin was. At least knowing that he was a comedian. Before, I had only watched "Chaplin" with Richard Dawney Jr., which gave me a good perspective of what I could have expected in here. I got what I wanted. Funny moves, interesting speeches and moving story. The dictator might not be so great, but Chaplin is. The way people acted in this movie - always watching not into the camera, but somewhere above, like farther into the audience - strange, but realistic, too. Moreover, I really enjoyed hat Hungarian song played when Chaplin was a barber, cutting bears. Or the situation when he wanted to cut beard from a girl which does not have beards. Problem of treating freedom as a right and Jews as just another people made this movie interesting. The last speech - weirdly funny.
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Elegy (I) (2008)
I saw
12 September 2008
Once I am watching a brainless comedy, twice I am into some deep alien adventures, trice I watch a drama called "Elegy".

It is not the plot that attracts people to this film, since it is not that special and you could even guess some of the twists in a story. Yet it is still very thought-provoking, and sometimes even worth a nice little cry. The problems discussed here.. Relations between lovers, father and son communication, listening to other people advice and being good enough for something. That's only to name a few, but trust me, I know a good film if it has a lot of problems in it.

The characters.. Ben Kingsley is a far away in the road on this one, he has a reputation set through various Oscar-worthy performances, and this is one of those. His companion, Penelope Cruz, I have never thought that actually she can look that lovely, and that she looks way better with clothes on than without them. I was still pleased to see a naked body at some point of the story.

The benefits that I got from "Elegy" are a few. I was able to mention a film to my friend, I had a great evening and my mind was settled with bunch of ideas. Would you like to feel the same with your head?
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We all need a way out..
15 February 2008
To begin with, there were times when people didn't care about the money, didn't cry about work, popularity or power.. However, those lovely times are way back in ancient civilizations, while nowadays the religion, the bank and pure emotions steal the scene. These are the subjects I were thinking about a lot lately and probably some of you did too. Therefore, this movie probably was the best movie I could have watched at this part of my life. I did, and now I am happy.

The story of this movie could be easily summarized by one exact quote of just a random-looking worker from the movie: "I need a way out". I couldn't agree more - in todays universe, even more in my country, there are people who live to work. They live to eat, they live to buy some goods and sometimes, they just live to give their problems away to other people... This is actually all covered in this movie by a director that I have never heard of, but it might be a time for me to start learning his name. I began loving this movie from very first fifth minute- to the very end.

The cast is amazing - both main and supporting actors gave me their best. Bacon, Whitaker, Gellar, Fraser, Garsia, Hirch - what a nice choice for this movie! However, if you are not really open minded, you may not like their characters, you may not like the plot, but still, you will love the acting. Persuasive, smart and well done. That's how I would rate the crew members of this movie.

This leads to n awfully understandable conclusion - "The Air I Breathe" is actually one of the best movies I have seen this year, only "25 Hour" moved me more.. Even after seeing Ed's "25 Hour" i was quick to state that crime/drama is from now on my most favorite genre of the movie. Didn't take long to prove that it actually is - thanks to the amazing "The Air I Breathe"
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23 December 2007
I have just seen this new movie delivered to us from Mr Denzel Washington.

The movie concentrates on debates, equality and social justice. These three topics are really the main points in this movie, and the actors delivers them all quite nicely. Also, Denzel continues to impress me with a stunning performance - how can he be awesome in both director and actor seats?

The main idea of this movie is you have to do what you have to do in order to do what you want to do - you have to search for truth in order for others to act truthfully.. You have to stand and speak, just like the Spartans did stand and fight, if you don't want to fail or loose being nobody..

In my country, i'm also on the debate team, so I can even take some idea's from the movie and deliver them in my speeches. The speeches were pretty strange and simple, but it was still quite entertaining to listen and to compare to our own debates. Sadly, it was nothing like the real debates in USA looks - the speaker, who started the debates, also ended it? I don't know how creators would explain it, but never ever in debate tournament team gets benefit from saying more speeches than the other team.. In "The great debaters", it happened. However, it still can be just a little plot hole as they could have just skipped the last speech.. This is not like i want to spoil something or I didn't like the movie, i just think that even perfect movies are somehow imperfect..

Still, this was only a minor misunderstanding and i liked the movie very much. It's even marvelous for me.. Story delivers to a amazing and almost worth crying ending.. So watch it in theaters, don't hold back..
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A comment on a movie called The Kite Runner
22 December 2007
During recent times I really started to like drama genre. Tragic, magic, suspension, astonishing delivery - just some unknown words i could define "The Kite Runner" by. So, lets start from the beginning. Normally, i wouldn't watch movie like this because most of the time it's spoken foreign language, and even IMDb top films in foreign language visit me really rarely. However, I gave this movie a chance, and, you could guess, i was blown away.

I believe this is because of superior director Marc Forster - he's on a roll right now, last 3 of his movies there amazing, this is too, and i can't wait to find out what the next bond brings to us..

Back to The Kite Runner - this movie had a lot father/son storyline, a little of love, few tanks and one little crazy fagot. Strange, but if not him, the story would have crashed and the kites wouldn't have the meaning they have now. This movie tried to shock us, to stun and to surprise us. Actually, it did.

There were some strong lines, both quite funny ones and lines that almost makes you cry. Really, i can say, this movie impressed me. I didn't like the main actor very much, but the supporting crew was amazing, and even liking everyone except the one I should like, i loved this movie. Please, try it out if you can, you will possibly love it too.
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Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007 TV Movie)
2 November 2007
I have just got my eyes on the screener of the new Battlestar Galactica: Razor and here is what I think about it.

BSG is one of the best series that are not yet finished. Now, its on one year-long hiatus until final season beginning in Spring 08. It looks like creators decided to push back the ending as far as they can, but meantime, they gave us something to enjoy - Battlestar Galactica: Razor.

It remembered me, how I watched mini-series of Battlestar - a movie plays as long as two TV episodes would and gives us same intention and uncertain future as it did during the miniseries. Even better, it gives 3 times more of that than in the third season. That season was really upsetting - boxing fights and unimportant galactic traveling - why didn't we get more of this??

This BSG:Razor movie tokes place somewhere between miniseries, season 1 and season 2. Throughout the movie I thought - maybe this is how creators pays us back for lacking third season? Thrilling as hell, and also, new actress was hot like hell too.

I really must say I enjoyed this movie. For some, it could look as unimportant side story of searching for earth. Thats not true. We get to know a lot about Pegasis crew. Turns out, that whatever it takes, you always have to leave someone behind, you always have to makes choices, even if some of them are terrible. I think that dealing with it is better than revenge, but how couldn't Battlestar and Pegasis seek for revenge while Cylons hunt them without real purpose and while they create.. things..

Concluding Battlestar Galactica: Razor is a must see movie for all BSG lovers and all SCI-FI fans, as its one of better movies about flying objects these days. i give it 9 out of 10, because thats how I rate these series, and this movie shines up-front.
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Accept The Good
23 October 2007
Believe me, i'm no fan of Benicio, Berry or the unknown director of this movie. Still, i got an opportunity to watch this movie very soon after original screening date. I couldn't pass the chance - "Things We Lost in the Fire" genre is drama, and these days most of better movies are drama too.

So, first came the consequences, then came death and then came a Heroin addict. Definitely, story isn't bad, it even looks original. Of course, those too kids looked like taken from any other movie about death and put in this enjoyable movie without any changes. Still, there were changes, at least cosmetic - funny hair, paying attention to the details. Common, 60 Dollar cash took whole 45 seconds of a movie - a time for a strong sex scene...

However, i liked children in this movie. They acted very realistic and made me sure that they got more than 2 dollars for such a brilliant acting.

Also, i kind a liked flashbacks. First, they were unexpected, when, they became crucial to the story as they revealed a lot about relationship between main cast and about the drug addict itself.

Moreover, Things We Lost in the Fire crew is really strong. There were places in the beginning then i thought - production of this movie sucks... Strangely, it looked like someone heard my voice and the movie went upwards from that moment.

Upwards it is. This is a really moving Dreamwork picture which you shall not miss...
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
This town's gonna burn!
21 October 2007
First off all, this was amazing. Director James Mangold surprised me once with powerful, dramatic and Oscar winning "Walk the Line". I thought that it was all that i can expect from this genius. Lucky, this director has guts, as sure do the cast.

Western, faked action in the past created in our days. What do we know about simulating a western? Turns out we have everything. Every detail in its place, every man with his gun, everyone giving away even their family in order to get money. Stubborn farmers, thieves who can shoot you from a mile... Surely, this movie has everything that is needed for our excitement, not forgetting good guys, bad guys and good guys that turn out to be cowards.

3:10 to Yuma flushed me few centuries back from the very beginning, and merely after the end, more than anything, i wanted to be flushed again. Actors did a lot of work. Cristian Bale continued his recent success with another powerful and Oscar-worthy acting, Russell Crowe made it clear that he has his own reasons with a fabulous performance as Ben Wade...

I think this movie would be one of the years best even with only those two stars in the whole movie, but others really didn't damage the view. Diferently, i would gladly give out Oscar trophy for best supporting actor - Ben Foster in role of Charlie Prince. He is describable only by one world - amazing.

Concluding, 3:10 To Yuma IS REALLY A MUST MUST MUST-SEE movie. Amazing, superb, excellent.
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11 October 2007
This movie is so hot i would have never thought it will be made. First, I saw a trailer. OMG it was so amazing. While seeing it I started screaming, nodding and then the trailer ended, i thought like i'm going to puke from this huge excitement. Ryan Gosling in a new movie, which is even a better movie than his all previous. Title of the movie sucks, though, but which movie would be worth calling sick, if it has Ryan Gosling in it? Come on, Gosling is probably the best actor these days after Depp. Yeah, there is Clive Oven, Willis and other amazing actors, but Ryan is on top. He is young, he still has potential, his best movies are yet to be made. I'll sit during the credits of this movie and even won't dear to stand up and go away... Rock on, Lars and the Real Girl!
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How stupid should you be to shoot a ghost?
7 October 2007
First, I haven't seen a good horror film in... EVER! There are true horror movies, that make me laugh, there are horror comedies, that are too scary to be funny, but luckily, there are some enjoyable movies, Return to House on Haunted Hill is one of little. I haven't seen the original one, haven't seen the remake, but does it matter? This movie is far better than a lot of todays remakes.. yeah, its a sequel, but the storyline is so moving. As usual, good guys, bad guys and bad guys pretending to be good guys... I have to say - actors made their part in this film, they looked so realistic and scared. It was really fun to see how smart those people there - at least they weren't trying to shoot a ghost!! Despite low budget of this movie, music, special effects and make-up was great - surprisingly. After giving all these pluses I must say - this movie is worth taking a look. Of course, youngsters should not watch it as they are probably going to pee their pants. Enjoy this 8/10 movie till the very last minute and expect more.
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Movie with no point to exist, exists!!!
16 August 2007
I haven't seen any good movie for over two weeks. So i was glad that i had an opportunity to see something new. Bourne is old story for a lot of you, pupils, but this was my first encounter with Bourne.

Here it goes. At the beginning of the movie, i thought - it looks like its another "Die Hard" style movie, good guys against the bad guys. However, this was something else. In this movie, one guy thinks he is the good guy and fights for the truth. Other side, very serious agency, thinks they are the good guys and that what they are doing is OK for their country. So this movie was somehow special. There were no good guys as everyone is bad or have done something not really good. Also we cant say, that all the guys are bad as some are complaining, how terrible their colleges are. Yes, Bourne would be the bad guy, as he kills everyone in his way, however, he's not a bad guy nor good. He saved the life of the only nice girl in the movie.

Concluding this, i only could clap in the end. The Bourne Ultimatum is not an usual action-romance movie, it has tremendous fights, duels and even.. charismatic actors... Go see it in the theater, believe me, its worth it.
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Reign Over Me (2007)
27 June 2007
First of all, before watching, I had no idea what this movie was about. I knew that Sandler has a role here, nothing more. The only reason why I wanted to watch Reign Over Me was because i slept over 14 hours and i needed something to entertain myself. For sure, my wish came true.

Its very ambiguous. Strangely, i saw a connection between my life and the movie. The connection wasn't big, so i thought it could just make the movie worser for me. Successfully, it wasn't so ambiguous - it was precious. Before explaining my happiness of this movie, i want to talk about connection. Last four days i was communicating with people from Rwanda in summer camp. Don Cheadle had an important role in this movie as he did in "Rwanda hotel". That wasn't the only link that made me think. "Rwanda Hhotel" was the only movie, which almost made me cry. Reign Over Me was second.

So maybe or maybe not because of this connection i enjoyed this movie more than i could had. The fact is, this movie is so good. Adam Sandler did his part in Reign Over me unexpectedly perfectly. Somehow i doubt that Sandler can look good while being angry. In this movie, he looks good as he becomes angry very unexpectedly, and that makes you forget the criticism and start enjoying that guy. I was thinking, what if this were a comedy? And my answer was:"Another Click-like thing which gets boring even before you see boring Sandler face". All things considered, i loved almost everything in this movie - acting, directing, storyline, Liv Taylor. Lastly, that court judge was making jokes like it was a comedy movie. That concluded my satisfaction of this movie. I hope you will like it too. Don't read the plot, its boring. So don't do boring things, see satisfying movies. Seriously, I recommend watching Reign Over Me 100%.
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Are you psycho-something enough for this?
26 February 2007
First of all, if you are from Lithuania or at least a Lithuanian deport, its a must-see movie. Why? Well, for a number of reasons.

To begin with, have you ever seen director's Algimantas Puipa best movie made so far "Forest of The Gods"? I guess you did not. But if you did.. Actually, this movie is better drama with better script, better actors and the director had improved too!! Secondly, this is not only a movie, its based on three of R.I.P. Jurga Ivanauskaite books. Its not an adaptation or a remake of some old movies. "Whisper of Sin" is representing passion of new era movies - its based on a book. Another plus for this movie is that camera-man really did his job and movie looks amazing!! Not amazing compared to those Hollywood expensive crap, but its the most we could expect from a Lithuanian movie. Lastly, i found no contra-arguments for this movie, so i can just say that even if you are not Lithuanian or you don't understand our language, download this movie from internet someday, or buy DVD when it hits stores later this year.

All in All, even this movie will probably wont get an Oscar, because 300 will :), still, it's and awesome Lithuanian flick.
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