
47 Reviews
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Poor Things (2023)
2 March 2024
I really enjoy the work of Lanthimos and especially the writing of McNamara, and have been fond of Stone and Ruffalo however for some reason this films has to be one of the worst films I've ever endured.

The sets, the costume and score are great. Sometimes even they have moments that lazily CGI obvious which seems odd especially when they have secure amazing locations in other area. The make-up especially on Defoe is incredible.

The story... the script... just does not land. It all feels like an American studio trying hard to be European 'art house'. It's very heavy handed with its social commentary... like being spoon fed.

I hope Stone gets an Oscar just as a compensation for the amount of nudity she had to endure which pales compared to slighted by the project itself.

I absolutely understand why this film has a high rating, it must feel very 'new' and 'fresh' and probable even 'experimental' to younger viewers or those who have less exposure to film. Kind of sad that this is what's regarded as 'fantastic!'.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
The Iron Flaw
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mesmerised how this film has been fawned over. It's so strange and verges on both boring and downright stupid. I guess not that different from the whole wrestling industry.

The production, the sets and graphics are fantastic. The wigs are terrible and a huge distraction.

The tragedy pile-up is heavy but also kind of exhausting. And without much build up to an attachment to these characters it's seems to fall flat.

Was happy to see many great actors come back into the limelight. Maura Tierney and Lily James excelled, esp James who nailed the Texan accent. Zac Efron does a decent job with what he's been given. White I still don't understand the attraction to his style of acting or even his aesthetic as a 'heart-throb'.

All in all it's just a boring film which I'm sure fans are shocked to read but I just can't wrap my head around what the draw is to this film.
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11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever was doing hair really did a dirt on Callum. His bleach blond mess looks absolutely terrible.

This film should have sailed along as it's based on what it understood to be a great novel but boy does it sink. For the life of me, the female love interest from her very introduction has to be one of the most annoying characters out to film. If someone told me the writer or director was a hardcore misogynist I'd believe them, because this girl ticks all the boxes for a steterotypical annoying, interruptive, narcissistic and career dampening 'broad'. Horrifying.

As for the rest of the film, it's a mess. The script is so crummy and cliche. The final race is actually executed really well, with great pace and editing. Even Owen's cameo had some impact.

What amazed me was Clooney's decision, surely knowing the script was a dud, but that he had on hand a cast of handsome fit heartthrobs, to choose to NOT have moments of them shirtless. At least using some male eye candy would have helped drag this film along. And I include this vapid point because it's during the credits that we are presented with archival photos of the original crew and in nearly all of them they have their shirts off!

Another 'film for long-haul flights' to add to the mix...
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Master of Bad Casting
10 February 2024
In reality the majority of the actors are well cast and fantastic but whoever is the agent of Butler should be fired. It's beyond embarrassing as an Australia to witness this fellow Australian whom we have known for years, continue to lean into the Elvis voice since that production ended, not just in this production but also off camera. It's ridiculous. He shouldn't be cast again until he gets that weird accent, which he's not even good at, purged from his identity. It's hard to know if he's putting on a chain-smoking Elvis or a parody of the Batman. And realistically he's not that great of an actor.

Barry shines as always without overshadowing the ensemble. He nails the Irish-NY accent. Callum is believable but it feels the Director doesn't know how to utilise his inner talent.

The production is astounding and pretty much carry's the entire series because the scripts are terrible. 'Band of Brothers' this is not. The rawness of war, especially the details are great reminders that the diet of propaganda 'goodtime war hero' we've been fed on are all lies, but rest assured there are still moments of American salute the flag cringe.
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The Book of Confusion
10 February 2024
Concept wise it's intriguing. Execution is a mess. The trailer is brilliant and sets up a film that has strong legs. What is presented needs crutches... and it's incredibly disappointing.

The actor ensemble is outstanding and they surely care the film but though the story is well known, the story of Jesus Christ, but for some reason this interpretation, even using an 'original' lense doesn't land.

What fundamentally is the purpose of this film? The actors are top notch. The location, is iconic (the same used for most Jesus films), the quality of production is high, it's as if every ingredient is perfect but the outcome is downright boring.
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The Sound of Interest
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a slow film, with intention. Mundanity is key to maintain the contrast of the chaos that we as viewers don't need to ever see but know after decades of media footage and documentation of the Holocaust. There are signs of activity and you need to peer over the edge of the fence, just to see a glimmer of a trains smoke, the tip of a roaring chimney furnace. We as viewers are constantly contained within the confines of the Hoss compound and all of its delusion.

What our eyes are shielded from, our ears are forced to hear the low drone of vibrations from the myriad of activities on the other side of the fence. The lull of sound is so low and constant you can feel it in your chest, it gnaws at you and becomes almost hypnotic yet irritating.

There are pops of identifiable sounds, always muffled. Only towards the end do the subtitles translate the various cries.

The addition of more abstract film scenes, the solarised footage and even later the future footage of the camp as now a museum work well. They are jarring but help to reset the viewer to the realities of what darker themes run alongside the film.

Not sure why some viewers were emotionally disturbed, even some proclaiming to be violently upset. It's not a confrontational film. It's a slice of life, if anything a curiosity. There are far more darker psychologically and/or visually graphic Holocaust films out there.

The actress who plays Hedwig Hoss does a fantastic job. There is no need to play these characters as cartoonish monsters or with underbelly's of deep dark seething. The reality is far worse because it's so mundane and if anything too relatable. These people were usually pretty poorly educated, mid to low class, and subject to nearly a decade of propaganda that lulled them into their delusion of righteousness.

If there is a contemporary takeaway it's seeing this film during the time of the globally exposed conflict in Palestine-Isreal. The weight of this conflict in contrast with the wilful ignorance of the Hoss family is probably the most confronting theme in this film, even though it was not intended.
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19 January 2024
Other reviewers have nailed it. This mess of a movie is the victim of a LOT of interference from the powers that be at Warner. It truly is a ChatGPT meets midjourney production.

Such a shame as the first film was such a smash hit and though it was a big story and big production there was cohesiveness. This...seems like Wan and the writer got so frustrated with Warners meddling they just gave up or actively sabotaged this film.

There are some good production design moments such as leaving into an almost 'steam punk' meets the '60s mod with the 'ancient' machines. The contact lenses on Arthur look so bad... and then they disappear. The CGI for Kidman and Head, melding their faces onto stunt doubles or just cgi animation is astounding...

There are a LOT of plot holes, a LOT of goofs.. it's just riddled with problems. And to have to hear Mamoa do that stupid 'whohoo' squeal again... he delivered a great Aquaman in the beginning but has exhausted it very quickly. Glad he is being retired from the role.

Glad to see this DCU is finally being put to rest...
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Incredibly Disappointing
17 January 2024
The Color Purple novel is one of the greatest pieces of American literature. The film adaptation a masterpiece worth of a 10/10.

What is presented in this iteration of the novel and the film, a musical version has to be one of the worst musicals to ever be adapted to film.

There original film has musical numbers that are magical and memorable. That elevate the story and bring a soul and substance. This musical version has no memorable moments. The strongest being 'Hell, No" which unfortunately lands flats. Fantasia's 'I'm Here' is another powerful track but gets lost in the mix of what are essential filler tracks that have been through the Disneyfication machine. The musician H. E. R. Barely gets to offer her incredible voice to the ensemble.

The story plods along at times incoherently. The rawness of the novel, left out presumably to making it 'family friendly' which is a major mistake. The rawness of this story, or this novel, of these iconic and remarkable characters is the foundation of the entire point of why the colour of Purple is so important as an analogy of God and His Grace.

Each actor shines, but the direction is so lost these incredible actors moments get lost with them. It's hard not to keep one's memory from harking back to the powerful performances from the original film. Nothing can erase the majesty of that film.

A very disappointing outcome that just leads to the conclusion that this musical project just doesn't work.
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More Romper Room Than Romper Stomper
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Romper Stomper was one of the heaviest films to come out at its time and still packs a punch. This sequel lacks are the rawness of the original and gets lost in its own desires for relativity.

Fresh off the wave of Right Wing Fascism hysteria, it seemed like fertile ground to revisits the core elements of the Neo Nazi movement from the industrial 1980's to a contempary post-Trump climate. However this is unfortunately, unrealised.

The performances from the old cast esp McKenzie are outstanding. And the girl who played Cassie was the standout amongst the younger cast. This shows lead looks the part, but struggles to manage the Australian accent. He is 'pretty' but there is a lacking of exploring his sexiness, or at least the veneer of masculinity. The gender roles of the Right are foundational to the movement. Russel Crowe's Hanno delivered the binary that was both terrifying but also engaging and in ways attractive to the females in search of the 'Uber man'. This was explored between Gabe (a lost youth) and her attraction to the 'manly' Hanno in the original film. We don't get this dynamic from Kane, or in fact anyone.

This may seem a strange point to start with but it's just the tip of the iceberg re what this series lacks in re the core nature of the attraction to the Radical Right, and thus what is then never explored with the Leftists or even the family of the Muslims. It's all very underdeveloped.

There are numerous plot holes especially when the storyline leans into social media, media, technology etc. The most startling being that these Leftist who are so 'engaged' with media are oblivious to identifying who the runaway is.. let's be real.. when there is a prison break in Australia it's massive news. The fact that this girl was on the run but never identified is beyond unbelievable.

Understanding the Australian environment is also glazed over. Yes there are racial tensions, there is gang violence, some gun violence and yes there are even Neo-Nazi's, but these are meek compared to places like the US. It's as if this show is desperately to make these tension far larger than they are. It just comes off as lame and cringe.

However, in the 1980s, there was a true racial divide, there were punk gangs and there was a lot more gun violence. The landscape was very different, very raw and still a decade before the true globalisations that we have today. It's what makes the Romper Stomper film work.

There IS a way to make Romper Stomper work in a contemporary setting but this is not it. Disappointing.
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The Matrix (1999)
Overrated Yet Still A Cultural Phenom
24 December 2023
When this film first came out I was the prime age to view it. Back then it came off as cringey and boring as hell. However the impact it had on the zeitgeist was undeniable. To this day, as the 'matrix' has expanded more and more, the notion of being 'red pilled' is part of the lexicon of melenialls and even zoomers.

But looking at this film as a film, being its success on telling a story behind the confines of the hype during its release, that is, the ability to be a 'classic'; The Matrix fails and succeeds at both.

Filmatically it's a terrible film. It's clumsy with appalling performances by nearly everyone. Fishburn really holds a lot of this together. The special effects have aged poorly but this can't be used as a slight as it was 'ground breaking' at its time. Watch Clash Of The Titans to see how special effects can age terribly, but then watch the marvel of Star Wars and see how it has aged handsomely.

The whole philosophical aspect of The Matrix is truly the only redeeming element. A lot of these concepts and ideas weren't able to be explored in cinema, but thus doesn't mean The Matrix has done it successfully. It's hasn't. It's all clumbsy and tedious.

After all is said and done... I'd have taken the blue pill as a chaser.
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Neo Liberalism Has Failed
21 December 2023
There are a few themes that are immediate, for eg. Racial Profiling in a climate where Racism is on the rise in Europe. But the real deeper theme seems to be about the function and failure of NeoLiberalism.

It's extraordinary to watch a German school lean so hard into practising 'democracy' in a school environment, where essentially the students, who are under the cusp of even teenage-hood have a level of input into the functionality of the classroom in ways that would be unfathomable in British, Australian and even American classrooms.

There are definitely the long shadow of post-Nazi Germany, the steady control at curbing anything int be education environment that could even come close to 'indoctrination'. A forced 'transparency' founded on the terrifying thought of a generation sliding into some of the 'old ways' - and it wasn't a one off!

You can see the terror in the eyes of the adults, teachers and parents, and the clock-work precision in 'crisis management'. There is a 'plan' for everything. It's astounding and alas...very German.

The means-testing method of democratic teaching mirrors the intensity and ultimately the failure of NeoLiberalism as a solution for everything. A singular problem that could and should have been resolved is left to cascade into never ending saga because of 'systems' that seem so counter-intuitive but as peddled as 'progressive'.

It's like watching a parent have a long deep conversation with a toddler trying to explain why they're tantrum is not appropriate, and the child is confused and getting more and more hysterical and the parents is just craning their frustrations deeper into themselves and the talking seems to be more for the benefit of themselves than the child. That's the NeoLiberal system and that's what we see playing out in full force in this film.

It's an extraordinary film with a riveting pace. The lead is fantastic. It's a clever film that should hopefully initiate some discussion into how to solve and resolve societal issues.
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Fellow Travelers: White Nights (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Weakest Episode
13 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This singular episode seems very out of place with the rest of the tone of the series which so far has been sensational. Very clunky and cringey scenes muddling a gay liberation of fire island, which should/would be in contrast to the weight of the gay liberation movement in San Francisco. It's a good enough premise but it doesn't land. Perhaps translated better in the book but was a mess on screen.

Performances were also odd, which leads me to believe that perhaps there was a different Director for this episode. Hoping the next episode, the finale, is a solid conclusion to an interesting love story.
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26 November 2023
The low reviews have to be from people who are either disappointed that it's not an exact remake (or sequel) or can't wrap their heads around the fact that it's an English speaking reality show BASED on the Korean tv show that's BASED in a reality show.

The fact that real people, 99% of whom are financially insecure, are compelled to lean into a Game show based on a game show that punishes failure through execution is astonishing.

The sets are phenomenal. It's edited/presented with the same level of cliff hangers. The psychology behind it and how it plays out is always engaging. You are meant to do all the things viewers have been conditioned to do since the birth of 'reality shows' back in the '90s, that is fall in love with and commit to despising various 'characters'.

Like Squid Game, this is not just about the Game...
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Murray Overrated...Again.
12 November 2023
The 7 is based on the script, the ambience that has been captured and heavy lifting by Johannsan to carry what could have been a masterpiece over the finish line.

The -3 is because of Bill Murray. Truly one of the most overrated yet beloved American actors of our times. An incredible achievement that alone should be applauded.

LIT was a bore to watch when it was released as we were living through this aesthetic. To review it now, when this film has stayed in retaining a cult following, especially aesthetically under the inherited nostalgia of the Millenials into Zoomer generation, gives a perspective that will be divisive.

LIT is a boring film, even though it's 'meant' to be. But there are ways to create 'ambience' in cinema that carry a film. To stay closer to the source, Coppola IS an incredibly talented director and visionary. Marie Antoinette is one of the greatest American films made, and to this day the push back against it is more indicative of viewers inability to grasp that film in its entirety. I wish this for LIT but the Coppola magic doesn't land as is does even with Virgin Suicides or Beguiled.

Johannson truly drags this film to the end. She is fantastic. She was very young but mastered the character brilliantly. The aesthetic built around her is iconic and a touchstone for young people today wanting to capture that magic. Her reoccurring giggle/laugh is such a simple but engaging signature. It constantly warms the viewer to each scene that has been detailed by Murray's feigned dead-pan comedy schtick.

Naturally, the weight of Murray is inescapable as part of that aesthetic yet that character really could have and should have been played by anyone else. It couldn't have been that hard to find a tired former Hollywood star spiralling out of a bad marriage.

Always wished this film could be more palatable but everytime it just grates.
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Promised (2019)
Failed Promise
7 November 2023
What a wasted opportunity. The Italian-Australian story especially during the 1950-60's is incredibly fascinating but this is not it. There are so many technical issues in the production. The script is all over the place. Direction directionless. The editing is a slog... the casting... what a mess. I could barely keep on track with the plot which is a lot of credit to even call it a plot.

Tina Arena does a lot of heavy lifting. Such a waste and she is a great advocate for the Italian-Australian story; herself being a one of the most iconic Italian Australians who pioneered the rise of Italian pride.

Mercurio can barely get his mouth around the most basic Italian phrases.

The rest are forgetable.

Hopefully someone can tell the Italian-Australian story with the same success as shows like 'My Brilliant Best Friend'.
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Spiral Into Failure
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Film starts off pretty well. Always interesting to dramatise a period of Welsh/Roman history that there is scarse documentation about. However, as soon as she becomes Boudica, it's begins to spiral into a lot of confusion. There's a sword that becomes magic. The 'new guy' - from Vikings fame, seems to spend the rest of the film saying 'Boudica'. He's a terrible actor but seems to have been led astray by terrible direction.

As gory as it is, they seemed to have shied away from the historical accounts of Boudica's savagery, (in particular to Roman women) which I won't describe but can be looked up.

In the end it's a failure. The lead actress, though beautiful as a Queen, looks comical as Boudica and can barely hold up the magical sword she's apparently able to wage war with. Truly bizarre.

A shame as there are few films that have ever been able to tell the Boudica tale with the dignity she deserves.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Furious that this mess of a film went beyond the terrible script into production let alone releasing it. Especially considering they were able to bin the entire Batgirl film. Blue Beetle should have been scrapped before release. It's a terrible film.

There are so many plot holes, that compact over and over again it's exhausting to even unravel. Blue Beetle is such a terrible character in the comics and now onscreen. The OMAC angle is such a tried motif. Yet it's needed because how else can you find a villain strong enough to challenge what is essential and invincible, indestructible scarab armour.

Truly it's like watching Halle Berry's Catwoman with poor Susanne Sarandon playing the same lame character Sharon Stone played in said film. The whole thing is nauseating.

This should have been produced as an animation and even then it would have been at least a desperate filler for 10 year olds on a plane ride.
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2 September 2023
A promising start to the series collapses with the introduction of Claudia... poorly cast. Actress should be a child not a teenager/adult cosplaying as a child Vampyre. Very unfortunate.

Such strange casting choice to use a young woman and the only reason must be the fear of a child actress aging out over seasons, because it couldnt be due to the controversial content.

If anything this...woman's poor performance only amplifies the brilliant of Kirsten Dunst performance in the film.

Sad to see a show that surprised me as far superior than it's trailers to already run out of steam.

And for all of these '10' reviews - please resist using this website and giving reviews. A '10' is the pinnacle of brilliance and should be used very rarely.
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Jury Duty (2023– )
Fake...yes It's meant to be but lead is Fake
23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The concept is great. Love Noah Fielding's work, which seems to be the inspiration, but this just doesn't have the intellect. Nothings landing.

The lead who is the only 'non-actor' is an actor. This is all so fake. It's frustrating. There a so many give always... it's embarrassing... 98% of the cast are extras or small role actors that I've seen in others shows... staged so badly.. even if the lead WAS completely oblivious to the show... he would recognise these people.

The only pro is that they leaned heavily into mockumenyary which allows the 'cast' be be mic'd, even wearing tv level make-up.

If you don't or haven't worked in the industry this is all probably so cool and exciting... but if you want to see a show that leans into the world of 'hidden camera' style with a great payoff - see 'The Rehearsal'.
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Mr. Jones (2019)
Flat Film About an Interesting Topic
12 March 2023
Not sure why there are 10/10 reviews here. Despite the subject matter being on interest and importance, this is not a well made film. It's behind ridiculous to even give this film anything over 7/10.

The subject matter re the man-made famine in Ukraine will immediately bring debate from both side of the spectrum. Leaning into contemporary issues re Russia is not helpful.

The film itself just a messy presentation that seems directionless. It's very much a glorified tv film, with a weak script and lose plot line.

Better to study the events with a few documentaries as this attempt at a dramatisation simply falls flat.
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RRR (2022)
Special Effects Marvel But Weighted By Genre
11 March 2023
Indian films are always epic, filled with the fantastical, sexuality expressed with coding, and lots of musical theatre... Its signature that can push creative but can also drag down the film with too much weight.

RRR hits all the note expected of a Bollywood film, but its a saga that runs too long. It's the true definition of 'silly fun'.

The homoerotic elements are easy codes to decipher, but to be fair, male friendships are very different from what is seen/expected in the West. It just reads as a very very bromantic if not just straight-up romantic story. The two female alive interested are really left as throw ins to throw the scent! Lol.

The action sequences are great. Epic. Far fetched. But choreographed pretty well.

The story is just a mess but it's all so forgivable as the protagonists are so loveable.
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Women Talking (2022)
Women Procrastinating
10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Truly a bizarre presentation based on true events that were brutal and sickening. This film doesn't land. I understand the subject matter, and the Mennonite community of which it's inspired, but this script doesn't connect the dots.

These women (and children) were subjects of a brutal assault, and their take away it to vote then have a mothers meeting weighing the pros and cons of their plans to either stay or go.

There are some beautifully scripted moments, but to present this community as philosophically minded, even passionate about their prospects is far fetched. These communities of isolated, uneducated women are usually docile and intellectually numb, and that is by design. The men of these communities fare little better.

There are defiantly strong moments for the actors to shine, but what their working with is just a muddle of contradictions. There are also miscast actors... who are unable to stay in the lane of women of these communities.

There is a vein of neo-liberalism that just doesn't not translate when you are presenting ultra conservative communities. It's not only a stretch but it's disingenuous and veers on offensive; as if these communities are again, filled with women who are just 2nd class citizens who, with a bit of education can sore. But these communities are generally quite functioning as they are, and women are content in the roles that they have. The only conflict is the incident of violence that is either systemic or a random act that has derailed the community.

A very confusing and convoluted film which is very disappointing as the subject matter is really quite interesting.
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History Hypocrisy
22 February 2023
The Woman King isn't the greatest film ever made, nor is it 100% accurate in its historical context...but few films are! There are countless American films peddling all sorts of revisionist history to peddle their own propaganda especially American War films.

The Woman King leans into their has in the slave trade, and yes it was in there, like so many other nations in Africa and outside of it. It was a system designed to exploit everyone except the Masters. The film covers the moral quandary of participating in the Slave Trade as an endless cycle. It also showcases the brutality of war. It's not meant to be a fairytale, and it's not a documentary.

Reviews of this film should stick to quality of the film not debating the validity of the historical value. And those who are interpreting this film as a 'Leftist' or even 'Marxist' propaganda piece have completely lost their minds.

The film plods along as expected of any action-drama. There are some forced moments and a little predictable dialogue but all in all it's fine. Performances are solid, but nothing sensational. Viola Davis is the steady hand on this vehicle.

What is important is the scale of this film. To showcase African culture(s) in a historical (even if at times inaccurate) Hollywood film. There really aren't that many blockbuster films like this with a Hollywood lead.

Definitely worth viewing at least once. If you're unable to watch without losing your mind over every or any historical in accuracy just avoid all Hollywood cinema.

For those wanting to accompany this film with a decent documentary, there is one with Lupita Ngongo (?) where she visits the area of the Dhochony (sorry) and even meets an elderly member. And yes it covers the true horrors of the slave trade.
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The Last of Us: Endure and Survive (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
Another Boring Episode
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm lost... I just cannot wrap my head around the fawning for this show.

Beyond the fantastic sets and the soundtrack... the storyline has to be one of the most boring Zombie / Apocalypse stories imaginable.

This girl, the 'cargo' is such a dower and sullen actress/character. I can't stand her. I have no idea how she has survived this long even before she became the 'key' to the plague or whatever it is that's going on.. Previous episodes opened with compelling stories that are filled, or at least set up the world this show is set in but once it goes back to this guy and this brat it's boring boring boring.

The introduction of the brothers is.. a shift... but a dead character trying navigate the zombie world... we just had this over on the Walking Dead.

The storyline of these government agencies being authoritarian and now the rise of an seemingly equally authoritarian resistance... seriously... who cares.

Once again... the reviews for this show are heavy handing the scales claiming this show is a 10/10... meaning it's flawless. That is just psychotic. Any show that needs the source material to carry it has already failed in its perfection.

I'll keep pressing on scrambling for gems like the various moments in episode 3 but really think this is a downhill spiral...
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Lost In Translation
16 February 2023
I've not read the book, so taking this in in the format of film and it's just not translating. If this film requires the previous reading of the book/novel then it fails as a film.

It makes sense that it's based on a book because the script is heavy in dialogue that is very unnatural even if that is the intention of 'white noise'. Its just easy to get lost and fundamentally not engaged in the script and thus story.

The production, set design, from scale to recreating famous photography (of the supermarket) is extraordinary. They must have spent a fortune on production. The density of the extras, their costume, the cars and props... that is a lot to work and a lot of detail that should be applauded.

Performances are fine. Again...what the actors are working with just doesn't land as perhaps intended. There's little to no emotional engagement.

Will always remember this film for coming out just prior to the East Palestine OH train disaster, as the very extras in this film ended up becoming victims of a toxic chemical spill right in their community. Tragically uncanny.
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