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Oh My Ghost (2015)
Yes, Shrek pasta really exists!
16 April 2020
Oh My Ghost is a K-Drama following Bong-Sun, a lifeless kitchen assistant who has a crush on the head chef, until one day a ghost appears to mix things up! This was so fun to watch and I'd really recommend.

Firstly, the characters were great. To be honest I didn't like anyone through the first few episodes but I soon warmed up to them so if you're not enjoying this straight away just keep going and it gets better. The character development was consistent throughout and the acting was good from most of the characters, if a little exaggerated. (You will be shocked to know that the shaman is also the housekeeper in Parasite!) The main romance was maybe my favourite ever, it was so cute and adorable. It feels slow paced at first but it is a good build up.

There were also some genuinely funny moments throughout the series, mostly involving the kitchen staff or the shaman. Some of the camerawork was hilarious too although I don't know if that was intentional! There was such a positive vibe that suggested all the cast got in really well and it was just great to see.

Something to note - especially in the first half there are several unexpected jumpscares. There is no build up to them so they really take you aback! And there is violence towards the end so some viewers may be wary.

Maybe the only bad thing about this was that in the middle there was unnecessary relationship problems just for the sake of drama which felt forced. But that was the only thing that annoyed me.

Also I love Chef but why was it never addressed that he found a dog and instead of reporting it he just kept it tied up? Lol what a fine man.

If you are a fan of romance this is a must watch!
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
Possibly the worst adaptation ever?
16 April 2020
If you are a fan of Cassandra Clare's books, please do not watch this. If you are a fan of quality TV in general, please do not watch this. This is not only the worst adaptation I've ever seen (and that's including the Percy Jackson films) but it's not even a good TV show in its own right.

I don't know which is worse, the acting or the writing. Clary and Jace have no chemistry and it was cringe to watch them in scenes together. Most of the cast is disappointing. I do prefer the actors playing Alec and Izzy to their movie counterpart and the actor who is Simon is okay but apart from that it's pretty terrible.

Secondly, the writing is just...ugh. The first season was okay as far as I remember but it just kept getting worse and worse as it went along. The strangest thing the writers did, especially in the last season, was keeping events from the book but changing who they happened to. There was literally no point to this whatsoever and I have no idea why they thought this was a good idea unless they were trying to be 'original'.

Probably the only good thing I can see about it is that it had positive LGBTQ rep. The queer romance was at the forefront just as much as the main straight ship, and they added an asexual character which is great.

What else is there to comment on? Special effects are poor but I could overlook that if the other elements made up for it...but they don't. The fight scenes are alright. I was watching it as it came out so it's been a while but honestly I just needed a rant.

I think if you want to watch a decent adaptation just go to the movie. A lot of people don't like it but it's pretty enjoyable and compared to this it's amazing. This show pretty much appeals to preteens as shown by the fan base trying to make plans to get on a plane and head to Netflix HQ to demand they bring the show back when it got cancelled. Yep, that's the maturity level of people who like this show.

Cassandra sweetie, I'm so sorry they did this to your books.
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Thor strikes again
26 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Thor has never been my favourite avenger. Although I quite enjoyed his first movie, I hated the second one, and didn't quite know what to expect with this one. However, I absolutely loved it! In the opening scene the humour felt a bit awkward but it quickly gets better throughout, and had the whole cinema of people laughing. I've seen several people compare it to Guardians Of The Galaxy which I think is quite accurate.

Chris Hemsworth (Thor) was brilliant in this movie. He suited the humour really well and played it up quite a bit. It also wouldn't be a Thor film if we didn't have a shirtless scene at some point, and who's complaining to be honest. In my opinion the character was a lot better without the annoying love interest of Jane, who for me personally brought absolutely nothing to the first two movies. She is conveniently tied off when some random human mentions that she dumped Thor, and that's all we hear about her at all. I think the Valkyrie is supposed to be the new love interest, and she shared one or two little moments with Thor throughout the film which was nice. She's a drunk, feisty Asgardian and at least she has more personality than Jane. Just saying, sorry to any Jane fans out there. The dynamic between Thor and Hulk was pretty fun too and he was a welcome addition to the film.

Tom Hiddleston (Loki) is amazing as always. I'm a bit of a Loki fangirl to be honest so I'm slightly biased, but he was funny as ever. We still don't really know what he's doing, as at some points he tries to save Thor and the next he betrays him again, which is kind of annoying. The thing that still hasn't been explained from the first movie though is if he is a frost giant why does he have godly powers? I don't understand! Anyway at the end there are some brotherly bonding moments, and all seems pretty good between them. For now.

The absolute best new character was Korg. A lot of the best jokes came from him and I hope we see more of this character at some point. Hela was also quite a good villain, she had a straightforward aim and plan, which makes a change from Loki's confusing plots. Kinda feel a little sorry for her but not really.

Let's talk a little about the plot. Thor wants to prevent Ragnarok, which you probably know as basically the doomsday of Norse mythology. Whilst on Midgard discussing it with Odin, Odin passes away, meaning Thor's evil sister is released from wherever Odin's magic was containing her. The thing that seemed a little strange to me as that nobody knew who Hela was? She was around when Odin was conquering the nine realms, so do no Asgardians remember that? I'm also not sure about the whole evil sister thing, we kind of already had that with Loki but oh well. Also if Hela is literally the goddess of death why can't she just kill everyone with a click of her fingers if she's so 'super powerful' and everything, like how Thor can summon lightening. Oh well.

As usual with Marvel films, great songs, cinematography and special effects. Fight scenes were good, plenty of badass moments.

Honestly this is the best Thor film, go watch it. It's a good laugh and great action and you won't be disappointed.
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A fun and original K-Drama
25 July 2017
Our story begins telling the 'greatest love story' of Princess Pyeonggang and OnDal. We then cut to modern day, on a film set, creating a new take on the old love story. Soo-Jung is starring as the princess, however when something is changed in the script and she doesn't know about it, she throws a huge tantrum. And so we are introduced to our main character; a stubborn and easily provoked actress, known as Korea's 'top star'. Due to certain events she drives off in her car and is magically transported back to the past into the time of the Princess and OnDal, and must figure out how to return to the present whilst trying to deal with love and war.

The best thing about My Only Love Song was definitely the characters. Soo-Jung, OnDal, Sam-Yong, and Il-Yong were all hilarious. A few of the characters I found annoying were the princess and the two guys who fawned over Il-Yong but overall the characters were great. The flashbacks in the final episode really showed how much the characters had changed over the course of the series, especially Soo-Jung, which was enjoyable to see. Soo-Jung (Seung-Yeon Kong) was the sassy main character, and although she's a terrible person, in the first few episodes at least, you just can't help but love her, especially when you start to peel away her tough exterior. Sam-Yong is the small innocent character that just needs to be protected and he' so cute. OnDal seems cocky and sure of himself, but he's actually very lonely and needs support. Il-Yong, the antagonist, is ridiculously in love with himself and a bit of a wimp but he's still twisted and sadistic.

The plot I thought was fairly original, as I personally haven't seen any time-travel K- Dramas myself. A few plot twists occurred throughout the series, although not all of them made sense and were not really explained. The best by far though was near the end when we discover the truth about the OnDal in the story and everything clicks into place! It also keeps you guessing which character will end up with who, and there is plenty of laughs and tears to be had along the way. The scene with the flowers and 'apologising in advance' is by far the cutest and will rip your heart out with feels. Because I'm a nerd and did some research about the original story about the princess and OnDal afterwards and I love that they kept so many details the same, for example, OnDal was known as 'the idiot' or 'the fool', so the show subtly referenced this by having Soo-Jung call him 'dumb OnDai' lots, which I thought was cool.

Other things: I was surprised by the special effects as they were very inconsistent. One minute they were really great and looked amazing and the next I was crying with laughter at how shockingly bad they were. The music was average, it didn't particularly stand out for me. I really like the whole design of both costumes and setting, I don't know how accurate they were but they were very aesthetically pleasing, especially the natural locations such as the huge river with the rocks.

Overall, My Only Love Song is a fun and dramatic K-Drama, the only real downside being a few plot inconsistencies. If you're a K-Drama fan it's definitely worth watching but if you're new to K-Drama then you might find it a bit weird and want something a little more normal to ease you in to the genre.
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Before I Fall (2017)
Teen movie tries to take on Groundhog Day concept and fails
18 July 2017
Before I Fall starts with a girl and her three popular friends doing their everyday thing, being mean and wild. They go to a party, pick on some girl that looks like she lives in a trash dump, leave the party early and the car crashes. But unfortunately for us, it doesn't end there. Sam (Zoey Deutch) wakes up as normal, thinking the whole day was just a nightmare, until history repeats itself and she finally figures out she is reliving the same day. Then the rest of the film we are subjected to her self righteous, whiny monologue while she learns to be a better person. How exciting.

I read the book this is based on about a year ago and I don't remember it perfectly but it was an enjoyable enough read, however it wasn't really interesting enough to ever read again. The film though, was incredibly boring. There's no other way to put it. I just about made it past the half way mark then gave up as I already know what happens and there was no point wasting my time being bored to death. The whole 'Groundhog Day' concept has been done to death, and whilst there have been a few good versions of it, the fact that there are so many takes the excitement out of it. This film completely lacks the charm the original and it's so predictable. I feel like the GH D theme always needs a little comedy to keep it interesting but there was no humour at all in this movie. Another reason I struggled with it is because I dislike Deutch as an actress. I saw her in some other stupid teen movie and I wasn't enthralled by her then either. The girls that played her friends were at least more interesting to watch. A thing I found odd was how grey and lifeless all the shots were? I get that they're trying to be depressing but it was unnatural to look at.

Save yourself some time and don't bother watching, or just go watch the original Groundhog Day film instead. It will definitely bring you a lot more enjoyment.
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A Coming Of Age movie which isn't like the rest
3 June 2017
The film centers around Leonardo, a blind teenager, and if that wasn't hard enough on him, he's also struggling with his sexuality and his relationship with his parents. When the new boy Gabriel befriends him, it tests his relationship with best friend Giovana and opens him up to new opportunities.

I absolutely love this movie! For once we get a coming of age movie that isn't about a straight, moody white boy with too many hormones, and get something that feels so much more real. The acting is great, and so are the characters and the relationships between them. Giovana and Leo have such a great friendship, although Giovana is in the friend zone. Leo doesn't think he should be limited because of his disability, causing him to be both rebellious and sassy which I love. Gabriel probably had the least impression on me, he was nice enough but kinda bland I thought. Although obviously I still shipped him and Leo, and the film keeps their fate in the balance until basically the last ten minutes which was nerve wracking to say the least.

This was one of those great films that can have you laughing and crying at the same time. I would also like to thank the film for introducing to me Belle And Sebastian who I'm now obsessed with. I also quite like the fact that they didn't overdramatise the theme of homosexuality, Leo seemed comfortable in his sexuality despite being closeted and that was really nice to see instead of the usual inner turmoil gay characters have which can get tiresome after a while, if you watch lots of things with LGBT characters in which I do. Overall, a lovely little film with nice characters that you should definitely watch to unwind and relax.
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Nerve (I) (2016)
Apparently teens will risk anything to get famous
20 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So the concept is this: a new website/app arrives, called Nerve. There are two options, to be a player or a watcher. Players get given dates by the watches and receive money for completing dates. The watchers have to pay to watch and are basically all crazy cult like about this game. People either 'fail or bail' and eventually the game will go down to two people.

I actually thought this was quite a good idea. Is it really so unbelievable that a website like this wouldn't pop up, knowing the risks people will take for money and fame? The first hour of the film was good, but then you find out about the secret third mode 'prisoner' and it all becomes ridiculous after that. It is absolutely unbelievable that the police would not find out about the game or just simply not care about it. The cult following of Nerve is also dumb af, who would want someone to die over a game? It doesn't even look majorly exciting to watch to be honest, not exciting enough to have such a weird obsessed fandom anyway. We never find out anything about the people who create Nerve either. I get that our cute little team of hackers took down all the servers at the end, but I don't see why the creators couldn't just simply start it again. Also where did the big stadium come from in the showdown? Like I said, it is impossible that no authorities know about this! It's also crazy that after their big fight, Sydney forgives Viv in a heartbeat, when she seemed like such a cow earlier, but hey.

The cast was pretty good, Dave Franco and Miles Heizer are great as usual. The soundtrack was obviously aimed at 'edgy teens', what with the likes of Halsey and Melanie Martinez. Overall I like the techie vibe to it.

In conclusion, after the first hour all the plot holes become glaringly obvious and it gets stupid, but up until that point it's enjoyable. Aside from that there's nothing really that lets it down, so a decent film for us crazy millennials I guess.
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Unfriended (2014)
Typical horror movie aimed at teens
18 May 2017
'Unfriended' is about how the ghost of a girl who committed suicide comes back to haunt the people who were part of the reason she killed herself, via Skype. Yeah, it's as bad as it sounds.

Firstly, the acting was terrible. I found the whole thing incredibly awkward and forced, most of it being a lot of yelling at the other cast members. The characters were likewise terrible, the only form of character development we get is them admitting to some of the awful stuff they did to Laura and each other. Blaire says they're 'good people' at one point, girl are you kidding me? I don't see why they couldn't have just decided to wait till another day to Skype each other anyway, it was nothing urgent and if you see a glitch wouldn't you just leave the app so it could sort itself out? That's one thing teenagers in horror movies can never seem to do; think of logical solutions.

The reason I watched it was because I liked the concept of it all being shown on the laptop screen as an interface. I saw something similar when I was watching an old episode of Modern Family the other day, where a whole episode was based off the screen of Claire's laptop. However, whilst Modern Family is a comedy and managed to keep the idea concise and interesting, the worst point about Unfriended is that because of the interface idea, there is a lot of time where nothing happens. Half of the movie is spent watching Blaire typing, scrolling through Facebook or dodgy websites, or the characters looking confused whilst someone's screen lags. It was incredibly slow paced because of this and when it boils down to it, there's actually a rather short amount of time devoted to actual action/interaction between the characters. Instead you're just sat there watching a screen lag and wondering why you didn't just call your own friends on Skype as it would it have been more entertaining.

In short, a good idea perhaps, but very poor execution, not worth anyone's time to be honest.
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A sequel that is as equally good as the first
1 May 2017
I always expect to be disappointed with sequel movies, but that was definitely not the case here! Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume Two has just as much action and humour as it's predecessor, whilst also taking the time to expand the universe and focus more on the backstory and relationships between some of the characters, (namely between Quill and Yonda, and Nebula and Gamora). Although there is still a lot of humour, there are a few sad twists to the story and it has more emotional depth than the first movie.

As you would expect from any Marvel movie, the visuals and special effects were absolutely stunning.

The two characters who stood out the most for me were Baby Groot (the cute factor was off the scale, yet he still managed to be sassy at the same time), and Drax, whose bluntness and general craziness is hilarious. I also thought the new character of Mantis was a nice addition, although I don't know if she stays with the gang or not. Acting is superb from all the cast. I also really love Nebula and I'm glad we had some nice moments focusing on her and her history with Gamora.

The things that let the movie down were the soundtrack and the Stan Lee cameo. The first soundtrack was just so amazing, and although still good, I don't think the new quite measures up. I'll probably still buy it though. Also, I know they like to have a cameo every movie from Stan Lee, and sometimes it works, but other times it doesn't, and this time it really doesn't. I guess they needed some way to squish him in there but it's clear the only point of the scene with him in is to feature him, there is no other purpose. He's old, let the man take a break, jeez. Although most of the jokes were fantastic, the 'taserface' joke was annoying, as I've seen lots of people agree. Rocket in general was just not as good in this movie as he was in the first, being argumentative for the sake of it. I guess it lacks a little of the charm the first movie had too.

Overall, a great addition to the MCU! It's slowly building the hype towards Infinity War what with the brief mentions of Thanos and infinity stones. Definitely stick around for the end credits, there were several funny extra scenes that are worth watching.
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Cute, heartwarming journey
22 April 2017
Minuscule is about a baby ladybird who gets lost and befriends some ants. I went into this expecting it to be some happy little film with cute creatures, but it's so much more. There was so much peril in store for the ladybird and his friends, I began to wonder if there was even going to be a happy ending! I love the characters, even with the minor ones like the spider you still get a good feel of their personality.

The wide mountain shots were absolutely stunning, and paired beautifully with the soundtrack. I love that although the creatures were animated, they still used real backgrounds. I also love the insect noises being like traffic, which I thought was very original. It also helps make a distinction between the red and black ants, as the black ants have a calming whistle whilst the red ants sound like angry dogs in my opinion.

Parts of the film were a bit unrealistic. Obviously the big fight at the end was and I was okay with that because it was funny and it's an animated film so what else would you expect, but the beginning with the pregnant lady is a bit stupid. She starts going into labor (I assume this anyway, we only see some light gasps) and plays with her husbands leg to wake him, then they both gaze at the scenery before he knows what's up. If you have time to gaze at the scenery, you have time to pick up your picnic and not be litterbugs. I guess they had to set up the film somehow though. I also think it's crazy they had a whole box full of sugar, that's gonna be one hyper baby she gives birth to.

Overall, Minuscule is a cute little film with some original touches and it's definitely worth watching.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
More like two or three reasons why
13 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Basically the show is about a girl who kills herself and makes 13 tapes about it, each containing a reason why she killed herself, each targeted at a specific person. The internet seems to have blown up over it, saying how important it is that bullying is stopped and how dangerous the consequences are. However, whilst this message is important, I don't think it was portrayed very well by the show, the only kind of bullying Hannah was receiving was being objectified by the boys.

Don't even get me started on the main character, Hannah. I could not stand this attention seeking drama queen. Who makes tapes blaming people for their suicide, so those people can then be haunted by the guilt forever? She even drives another person to suicide with her actions. Everything is about her; she never considers how anyone else feels. For example, putting Clay on the tapes even though he did nothing wrong. She tells him to leave, so he leaves...and that makes him an awful person??? She's the terrible person, I mean her kind-of-friend got raped and she did nothing although she was in the same room. The least she could have done is have called the police afterwards. So many of her problems are of her own doing. Almost everyone in the tapes did not deserve to be on there. For example, Justin. He shows Bryce this picture of Hannah that Bryce sends round, thus getting her labeled 'easy'. First of all, the picture was literally just a bad mug of her flashing a tiny bit of underwear. Big deal. I'm in high school and pictures like this are posted on Snapchat everyday and everybody forgets it 5 seconds after they've seen it, it's not like it was a nude or anything. Second of all it was Bryce that sent the picture, not Justin, so surely he is to blame. Thirdly, why does Justin have a second tape? Because he didn't try hard enough to save Jessica from Bryce? News flash Hannah; neither did you!

Next, Clay. He started off okay, before turning into some crazy justice warrior, taking Courtney to the grave and whatnot. Also I'm pretty sure hallucinating Hannah everywhere is not normal and he should probably see somebody about it. All the time whilst he's having flashbacks and staring off into space he must look so dumb, it's a wonder nobody notices.

Tony. What even. We never get an explanation as to why he was chosen by Hannah to take care of the tapes, other than he was the only nice boy in the whole school, which is convenient. Why does he not hand in the tapes to the police anyway? There are only 3 people who could get in actual trouble for what they did, so it's not like he needs to protect Clay or anything.

Just stuff that bugged me: •Justin suggesting they kill Clay. How on earth would this help. Justin didn't even do anything wrong anyway. •Clay gets handed pills by his mum and we found out he used to take them. I assume they were anti-depressants? However this is skimmed over and never returned to because the only person with mental health issues is Hannah obviously and we can't let anyone else be more troubled than her. This could have been a great character development point but was sadly wasted. •Clay's attitude to Courtney coming out. He says it's the 21st century and nobody will care that she's gay, and I hate how wrong this is. LGBT kids are as relentlessly bullied as ever, just in more subtle ways than they used to be. One of my best friends came out and her life has been hell since. Clay is shaming the kids that are still too afraid to come out, but they have genuine reason to be afraid, and nobody should be told they are a coward for choosing the safer option, especially now Donald Trump is president. Also the fact that Hannah just tells everyone on the tapes Courtney is gay is so disrespectful and rude to Courtney, showing once again that Hannah is selfish and doesn't care about anyone else. •Another thing I think the show was wrong to do is present self-harm as it does. The cafe girl says that self-harm is the brave option, stronger than suicide. Why would you send this message?!? Obviously ultimately suicide is worse, but saying that self-harm is brave is going to convince more kids to cut and was phrased so badly, making it sound positive. Just what we need, more kids self-harming, thanks for that. •The fact that there's going to be a second season shows they just want to draw out the drama. It's not about the message, it's about the money, which is a shame. •Why would the stalker guy mention the tapes to the authorities? He's one of the only people who actually did something illegal. •One of the students says to Clay that they know everything, for example his nightmares. How do they know??? This was never mentioned on the tapes! There are too many similar plot holes to list so I'm just going to wrap this up here as my word count is reaching the max.

OK so onto the good points? There was a nice diverse cast and the acting was pretty good. The plot would have been better if it wasn't sooo slow paced. Raising awareness of teen bullying and suicide is always good I guess, yet I wonder how long it will be before somebody actually makes tapes then kills themselves after this show. I wouldn't be surprised if it happens.

So basically it's not all it's made out to be and all the characters seem to have a borderline personality disorder, but hey, if you want see what all the hype is about then if you can ignore the stupid characters then go ahead.
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Fairly average high-school drama with a taste of horror
25 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
To sum it up, 'Nightmare Teacher' is about mysterious things happening at a Korean school. A new teacher arrives, and offers his students the chance to come see him in the counselling room. Once the students are there, they make a deal and sign a contract with him to get something they want, and it all starts to look up for them. However it goes downhill for each student pretty quickly and always ends badly, and afterwards nobody can remember the students who signed the contract. The first 10 episodes focus on five students, two episodes for each student, and the last two episodes focus more on solving what is going on.

The two main characters, Ye-Rim and Sang-Woo were awesome. Intelligent, funny, and caring, what more could you want? Ye-Rim is class president so takes it upon herself to be responsible and find out why people are disappearing and Sang-Woo, who has a huge crush on her, helps. I was rooting for Sang-Woo the whole time, he was definitely trying his hardest to impress Ye-Rim! Their acting was good, as was most of the cast's actually.

Most of my problems with this was the plot. Each of the students who signed a contract with the teacher had very fickle wishes: popularity, beauty, a boyfriend, etc. I guess they were trying to make it relatable for teenagers but frankly all the secondary characters were just stupid. Who signs a contract in blood? They clearly don't think things through! Also the plot was a bit inconsistent, especially in episode eight when the boy who signed the contract seemed to be recovering and being independent and then all of a sudden for no reason he deteriorated again into his former state.

The thing that ruined this for me was the ending (major spoilers ahead). Ye-Rim is in the dream world trying to figure out what is going on, and Mr. Han pretty much tells her how to escape, so obviously she does. When she wakes up he just decides 'Oh well lets just forget this whole thing ammiright' and just rewinds all the events. This made no sense to me. If the dream place was his 'heaven' as he called it, why did he just get rid of it? Because one girl escaped, because YOU TOLD HER HOW TO? As none of the students remember it they haven't learnt their lesson so they're basically all going to be the same terrible/stupid people they were before. It just made no sense and seemed lazy and rushed. Also Ye-Rim and Sang-Woo had remarkable luck to get this far anyway, seeing as he obviously knew they were sneaking around his office and could easily have called them out in it. Did he want them to succeed? But how on earth would that benefit him when they are jeopardising his 'heaven'? Why would he give it up in the first place? So many questions!

Because I'm nitpicking, the other thing that irritated me were the weird camera angles. There were some odd zoom ins of Mr Han that were really forced and just didn't fit in.

In summary, if you've got a few hours to spare you might as well watch it, seeing as each episode is only between 10-20 minutes. It's fairly average but enjoyable enough for a quick binge on Netflix so worth giving it a shot.
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The Silenced (2015)
Lazily written
18 February 2017
I saw this movie on Netflix and decided to give it a try. To summarize, an ill girl moves to an all girls boarding school which helps sick children. However, all is not as it seems - supernatural displays of strength, disappearing girls, and many death. The idea behind it seemed quite good but unfortunately it was not a great film.

The first half hour seemed interesting enough, however after that it all got too samey. There were millions of flashbacks which got pretty tiring, but the most overused scene was the main character staring at blood on her hands. Honestly, I lost count of the times she just stood there staring at her bloody hands after she beat people up or whatever. It's as if they didn't know how to lead on to the next thing so they were just like, "Let's add another hands with blood scene in here!" It was so ridiculous and random, but boring for the watcher. This was just something that irked me as it seemed pretty lazy.

My next point - the characters. Shoddy writing to say the least. None of the characters get a proper background or even a glance into what their motives are. Each character is there to serve their purpose to the plot, but the watcher can really feel that and so it is hard to care about any of the characters. The main character is rather bland and boring with not much personality, just looking shocked or scared the whole time.

Another thing I considered to be lazy was the ending. They probably thought they were tying all the ends up nicely, but it was so predictable, Also the fact that the headmistress keeps 'treating' the girls when all of her attempts get botched up and people literally die, she keeps going. How desperate is she to find the right 'treatment'? And what do they tell the parents of the kid who dies? Because it is a school for sick children they probably try to pass it off as them dying of illness, but if this were the case wouldn't the parents want the children's body back? I'm sure they wouldn't just be cool with letting the school keep their child's corpse and complaints must have been made, but hey, it's just another technicality that the movie skims over.

Overall, The Silenced is rather lazily written, rushing to get to the anticlimactic end scene. Maybe if you have nothing else to do give it a watch but don't set your hopes too high.
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Age of Youth (2016–2017)
5 January 2017
Age Of Youth is one of my favourite K-dramas and a must watch. To summarize, it is about five roommates in their twenties, struggling with work, romance, and family issues. I found it while browsing Netflix and decided to give it a shot. The first ten minutes were pretty boring and I almost gave up with it but I'm so glad I didn't.

The thing that made Age Of Youth stand out were the awesome characters. Each of the five main characters were so lovable and I am hard pressed to pick a favourite, although I would probably go with Jin-Myung. They all have their secrets, and their very different personalities is what keeps it interesting. They all got roughly the same amount of screen time although I think it does tend to focus a little on the new girl to the flat, Eun-Jae, especially in the first and last episode. Although most of the cast is relatively unknown they all do a great job. I also found it really refreshing that the show wasn't just based around romance, as a lot of Korean dramas are, but I must admit I squealed a bit when two of the characters I shipped finally got together about halfway through. The writing is just overall very good, always maintaining the balance between humour and seriousness.

Another great thing about it was the soundtrack. It was so calm and understated and for the mood of the show perfectly.

One of the reasons Age Of Youth stood out for me was the quirky little original things, such as the mini interviews with the characters at the end of each episode. They were funny and insightful, and not something I've seen done before.

In summary, Age Of Youth has a fresh and original vibe and I would definitely give it a try,
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
A disappointment
3 January 2017
As a big fan of the books, I was sorely disappointed by Shadowhunters. The key reasons for this are the plot and the acting.

Apparently the main reason for ditching the movies and starting fresh with the TV series was so they could stick closer to the plot of the book. However, whilst the major plot points are basically the same as in the books, pretty much everything in between is different, and is frankly quite boring. It feels a lot of the time like they're just making it up as they're going along, which is irritating as there is are lots of good scenes in the book they could have used instead.

The main reason I struggle to watch Shadowhunters is because of the poor acting. Katherine McNamara and Dominic Sherwood take the lead roles as Clary and Jace but unfortunately they are the worst actors in the whole show. Clary and Jace are complex characters so it is understandably difficult but they just can't do it. They don't have any chemistry together and I have to skip all the romantic scenes between them because it's so painful. The rest of this cast isn't much better either. The writing of the characters is pretty poor too, and there is no character development whatsoever. There is also a lot of teen angst which grates on you after a while. Whilst I love Malec, the angst in the story line is pretty annoying. Having said this, it is really rare a gay couple get the same amount of screen time as the main straight couple, if not more, so the creators should be commended for that.

Probably the best thing about Shadowhunters is the props. The weapons look really cool and the special effects are better than I expected.

Overall, I would definitely recommend the movie over the TV show. Hopefully season two will be better but we'll have to see.
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