
11 Reviews
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Secrets of Playboy (2022–2023)
The View does Playboy
22 March 2022
Came across this monstrosity. Aren't there laws against deformation? No proof, just angry women who happily became playmates and them turned on Hefner when they were replaced with younger, prettier versions.

In a more normal time, no one would put such a thing on the air because they would lose every cent in lawsuits. Today lying is free. CNN, NYT so why not cable shows too.

What's worse is that the producer and these women wanting another 15 minutes of fame waiting for Hefner to die and then crapped on his grave. Shameful.
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For any basketball fan, this is FUN
21 March 2022
I don't know if every detail is correct and I don't care. This show is FUN. The depiction of jerry west is hysterical; I wouldn't be surprised if jerry has already sued the show. I never rooted for the Lakers though I always admired their style. This series takes you back to a time when sports was about competition and fun and not about slogans on the court.
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The Batman (2022)
Too Much Going On
20 March 2022
Three hours is a lot of time to fill. This movie is loaded with stuff, some interesting, a lot making no sense.

Pattinson is a dark, brooding Bruce Wayne / Batman and was fine. Catwoman didn't have a real storyline and seemed to be put in to have a lesbian (?) in the movie. There were all kinds of bad guys, cops and hoods, that is was hard to keep track. Penguin wasn't at all funny. Riddler came in and out of the story. There's a flood, there's a car chase, there are a dozen Riddlers in Gotham Square Garden though the real one is locked up in an insane asylum.

There didn't have to be all this noise. There could have been a clear story with a clear villain. There could have been some humor. Maybe next time.
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Abomination but worse
19 March 2022
Huge Sopranos fan who loathed this monstrosity with all my soul. Using the Sopranos to launch a black series? And Chase thought we wouldn't notice?

Look, when you link anything to the Sopranos or The Godfather, you have responsibilities. You can't throw black or gays into it just to show how woke you are. Chase desecrated his own franchise, and millions will never forgive him for it.
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The Magnificent Multiculturals
23 February 2022
First, the original was my favorite movie as a child. It was also the first movie that I saw in a theater alone, at age 7. Times have changed.

This thing is a carnival mirror version of the original. There was ABSOLUTELY no reason to make the 7 different identity groups, other than to concoct something that didn't exist back then - and only does now in tv commercials.

Yes, most young people today don't care if it's authentic or not, but for oldsters like me, you don't mess with the West, the Mafia, and our Presidents.
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1883 (2021–2022)
It was great until it wasn't
7 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the premise and the first few episodes: Aging man who lost everything decides to lead group of immigrants to Oregon. OK, they cast Tim McGraw and Faith Hill who cant act, but the early episodes were gritty and real.

But then, like everything Hollywood touches, 1883 turned to mush. The daughter, who's impossibly beautiful, turns into a modern day slut. The token black guy is sleeping with an immigrant. Faith bosses around men like shes a producer on CNN. Bullets hit the stars but none of them are hurt. Finally, FINALLY, the last straw: The daughter and an Indian are on the ground during a twister and she has the urge to have sex with him! No, seriously, Im not making it up. I expect she will be sleeping with Mexicans and women before this season is over.

Ive come to the conclusion that Hollywood cant help itself. They know how things were in 1883 but the reality doesnt fit their agenda.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Worst movie ever made
1 January 2022
No, I'm not emotional about this. At least in Mars Attacks the big stars were in on the joke. Here they really think they are doing something important, they are teaching us dumb asses about the impending end of the world.

This movie tries to tell us that ignoring climate change is like ignoring a comet that's about to hit the earth except a 90 degree day isn't quite that serious. Yes pollution is a problem but my SUV in 5 years doesn't give off as much pollution as Leo's private jet produces on one flight from NYC to LA.

Most bad movies just aren't entertaining or well executed. This one is loathesome.
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Human Capital (2019)
The Use of Tokens
11 November 2021
Yes, the story was interesting until it wasn't. Yes, really great cast. Felt like When the Devil Knows Your Dead", which also starred Tomai and Maya's father. But this review is about the use of tokens.

There simply is no good reason why Leiv's wife is black. Other than to have a black somewhere on the screen. The same can be said for the black wife in Greenland. Inclusion might have a place when the ethnicity or race is meaningful to the story but tokens for token's sake is silly. It's also distracting since everyone notices it and wonders the same thing.
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That Has to be among the best hot water Ive ever tasted!
16 October 2021
If you've seen one episode you've seen all 500 episodes. The 50 episodes of somebody making pulled pork. The 20 episodes of the greatest taco that Guy has ever tasted. It's like watching CNN without the snark.

I get it: people like to watch fun food being made. They like Guy's corny jokes and silly hair. Maybe they like the casted restaurant "guests" say "flavorful" over and over. It would be nice if there was some honest opinions of the places but then you might have an unhappy owner.
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Let Him Go (2020)
Tricky ethics here
10 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So the son marries a woman and they have a son. They all live with Costner and Lane. The son dies, the woman remarries, and they both decide to take the child and move away to the husband's family. Not that rare an occurrence. But now Costner and Lane show up to see the boy. What rights do grandparents have regarding grandchildren, especially when the parents decide to move the grandchildren away?

This is a small but gripping movie that raises questions.

Without giving too much away, the conflict between grandparents and grandson's new family turns into a blood feud. And while it might seem like a sort of happy ending, with grandson and mother leaving with Grandma Lane, in real life Grandma would face a murder charge.
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Oslo (2021 TV Movie)
Another Bad Israel, Good Palestine Movie
27 June 2021
If you've seen MUNICH, youve seen this movie. Spielberg directed the former and produced this one. The agenda is so obvious.

There are two Palestinian negotiators. Both are noble in their grievance and open to peace. There are several Israeli negotiators and they all CURSE. Constantly. It's the director's cue that the Israelis are vulgar. The Israelis are also condescending. All that's missing are hook noses and money coming out of their pockets. I've been to Israel many times and have never seen characters like these.

The issues in the Israeli-Palestinian feud are complex on both sides, but it helps no one to paint one side as all good and the other as all bad. Really good people dont use their women and children as human shields. Good people dont place missiles in mosques, schools and hospitals. And really bad people dont warn the enemy before bombing them.
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