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Mars (2016–2018)
Left Wingers will Love It
10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a hard core lefty, this is the show for you. Everything is about global warming, despite the undeniable fact that not one single climate change prediction has EVER come true...not one. Not even remotely close.

You think you're watching a show about Mars, right? Well surprise, my friends, it's really a hard-left propaganda series...a bit in season one, and over-the-top hard core in season two.

About half of every episode cuts away from the storyline to give documentary style lies and propaganda about how evil corporations are and how man made climate change is killing us all. The story itself is actually interesting, so I gave it an 8 out of 10. But the weirdo leftist crap is so dominating that it brought it down to a 2. Actually, I lied. I'm being generous about the 2. The left wing propaganda crap really brought it down to negative digits.

Here's the forward anytime they cut away from the actual show, which is 50% of the time. Boo!!!!
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
I stopped watching in season 6
1 February 2019
Season 6 started so ridiculous, with unwatchable episodes and stupid plot lines. It ended with the most ridiculous premise in the entire series. So I never watched any episode after that.

What I want to know is...will it ever return to its former glory? Or will it stay stupid? Will they ever look for an actual cure? Will they ever explore past their own tiny realm? Will we ever find what started this? Will there ever be any connection to other countries? Possibly move to offshore islands? Anything? Or will it always be running around in the woods, having this goofball negan character cower everyone with his terrifying bat? Seriously?

I heard rumors there were zombies that could talk, or maybe just whisper. That would be fantastic! I might tune back in for that. I'd love to see some actual progress. But I seriously doubt it's true, and have very little faith in this writers to bring the show back to viability and watchability.
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The Punisher: Trouble the Water (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
Religion and Politics - leave them ut
20 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You know this will be a horrible episode when they start shoving in fake religion. If there' sone thing hollywood loves, it's fake religion. You want a built-in bad guy? With a built-in motive? Just make up some religious junk and throw in some bible verses. The downhome foiks in LA will eat it up and never waste a brain cell wondering if it's true. Better yet, they will judge all Christians based on the hogwash thrown at them in episodes like this. And even better, they will demand that political policy be set to punish the evil Christians, because some 19 year old writer-wanna-be came up with a script that shows the #1 enemy of the political left (religion) as really wacked out. Nice going.

I should also mention that utter predictability of all doctors and gov't agents turning against Madani because...just reason at all, really. To make her the underdog who has to reprover herself, and once again prove the unkillable and unstoppable Billy really is a bad guy. Gee, I never saw that one coming.
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Elementary: The Geek Interpreter (2018)
Season 6, Episode 19
Liberal Hogwash
17 January 2019
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You can tell liberalism is taking over this show. They always slip in some leftwing nonsense. In this case, they are changing flood zones due to "rising sea levels". What nonsense. No place in the world has yet to change a single flood zone due to "rising sea levels". Why? Because, despite the climate hysteria, the sea levels haven't changed. In fact, over the past century they've only changed a millimeter, with a risk factor of + or - a millimeter.
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Elementary (2012–2019)
Warning to all non-radical viewers
14 January 2019
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This show started taking a hard left, radically extremist turn in season 6. It coincides with a time when President Trump is trying to fund the same border security and border wall that has been funded (and built in many places) for decades. Radical left wing extremists are trying to stop him, and this show actually SYMPATHIZES with them! Beware.

However, if you love lawlessness and extremist globalism, you will like this show. It's not bad up to season 5, but beyond that it's getting pretty sketchy.
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Elementary: Meet Your Maker (2018)
Season 6, Episode 12
WARNING! This show took politically hard left turn.
14 January 2019
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This show took a turn towards radical extremism in this episode, where Holmes told Detective Bell that he believed Bell would have some "moral objection" to working for ICE. Wow. Unbelievable. He wants to work as a federal agent upholding federal law, yet wouldn't want to work for ICE because ICE...does what? Upholds federal law...laws that have been on the books for many years...decades...centuries.

This sort of radically left wing extremism is creeping into a lot of shows. Beware, it's starting to rear its disgusting head here. Let's hope it dies a quick death, or else this show will.
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Manifest: Crosswinds (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
Why is Grace still alive?
14 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Grace is still alive? Are you kidding me? Why? What on earth is the reason the stupid and ridiculous writers/producers would keep her character alive? It's the most Gawd-Awful decision they have made in their lifetime.

I just checked and she's actually slated for the entire second half of season one, so I'm stopping right now. Next year, if this pitiful show survives that long with her incredibly horrid character, I will check to see if she's still included. If not, I MIGHT consider starting up with the first episode where she is DEAD.

Otherwise, I will never watch another episode of this crap.
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Poor writing, horrid ending
4 January 2019
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Good guys win. Good guys' girlfriends don't die. If you can't figure this out, keep your day job.
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Not Bad If You Like Sucky Movies
30 December 2018
This one time, I watched the movie "Santa Clause Conquers the Martians", and that was the worst movie I ever saw until I watched "2036 Origin Unknown".
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Rampage (2018)
Fun Action Flick
4 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Serious fun, plenty of action, and don't kid yourself...that's what you came for.

To all the reviewers complaining about the science and other crap, come on...grow up. It's an action flick, it satisfies your desire for a tough guy doing tough guy things, and crazy creatures doing their things. It has a happy ending, all the main characters walk away happy, it's all good.
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Manifest: Dead Reckoning (2018)
Season 1, Episode 9
Die Grace, Die
3 December 2018
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make Grace the next character to die. I have no intention of watching after the break if she is still in the credits.
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Manifest: Off Radar (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
The New Bad Guy
10 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After this episode everyone can agree that the character grace stone is the world's most hated and hateful human being. She's an arrogant, selfish person who willingly risks her marriage and her son's life for no reason. In what world can a plane magically be transported five years into the future and have this fact accepted, and yet this idiotic woman has trouble believing some of the passengers are now having visions? The fact that she thinks the vision part is crazy, yet the magic plane is not, shows either the writers are in the wrong business and should give up their failed careers for something more in line with their talents like flipping burgers, or else this woman is too stupid to live. The show is great other than this character. Unless they kill her off soon it will ruin the series. I'm hoping she gets sucked into the magic wormhole with her cheating lover, so that Ben can marry Saanvi and everyone will be happy.

Also, getting a bit sick of lying, cheating, all-powerful government entities who are evil and corrupt, and unaccountable to no one. Clean his mess up quick.
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Haunted: The Slaughterhouse (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
This episode stopped me from watching any more
22 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was foolish enough to believe this was a reality style show with real people (not actors) recounting past tales of hauntings. But that's absolutely not the case. This family had parents who were serial killers and the police were never involved? Puh-lease. I thought maybe at the end the narrator would describe the police investigation, the discovery of bodies, or something involving law enforcement. But they didn't because the whole thing is made up.

I'm fine with fictional horror stories, but this BS is not acceptable. Tell us a scary story. But don't give us a reality show with fake stories disguised as real.
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Z Nation: Welcome to the Newpocalypse (2018)
Season 5, Episode 1
Surprised by the slow start
13 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm surprised they didn't start season 5 with more of a "bang". Instead, they opted for slow, boring, and not much happening. For starters, at the end of season 4, they made it seem like all life on earth was about to end due to the black rainbow, which was the main focus of the entire 4th season. But when season 5 opens, it's more of a whimper than a bang. All that happens is another slight mutation in zombies. So all of season 4 (one of the best seasons) is negated by a weak episode and unimaginative writers.

Then, we get this sloooowwww story of Warren and a farmer. Who cares? It was stupid.

One of the main problems people have is the mysterious, missing characters. Since the end of season 3, we've been losing characters that didn't die, they just vanished. Are they ever going to explain that? Are they ever going to bring those characters back? Or did the actors quit mid-episode and the writers just forgot about them?

Come on, season 5! Do better!
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NCIS: Reasonable Doubts (2016)
Season 13, Episode 19
10 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The title for this episode should have been "Catfight", hahaha!! It's all about two woman, fighting over a man. The man is shot to death, and each woman claims the other one did it. So funny.

But the side story is what makes this episode. Tony's dad reaches out to a homeless woman with a very touching and heartbreaking result. That side story is the best part of this episode.
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NCIS: Past, Present, and Future (2013)
Season 11, Episode 2
The End of the End
23 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the last of many episodes where crummy writing and stupid executive decisions ruined Ziva's character. There is no excuse for the complete stupidity of her character arc's end. I know Cote de Pablo wasn't happy about it either. It really sucked. There was no reason for it. Her character was happy in DC. For them to create this false guilt over the hienous bad guys she's guilt is beyond stupid. She has an old friend who was/is a terrorist because she was going to marry the murderous ari, and tried to justify the horrid things he did and innocent people he killed. That "friend" should have been arrested and sent to Gitmo for life. For crapwad writers to try to convince anyone that she and ari were anything less than the scum of the earth is ridiculous. BOOOOO!!!!! Bad writing. Quit your day jobs. Become homeless bums living under a bridge. Do NOT ever write again. Because you really, REALLY suck at this.
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NCIS: Revenge (2013)
Season 10, Episode 22
Writers should do their jobs or quit
22 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only writing this review because writers can be so incredibly stupid and useless at times. This episode was 100% ruined by the stupidity of the last action scene. I'm going to spoil it and say what it is, because I don't give a rat's behind about spoiling this terrible episode. In tv land, when a bad guy has a gun pointed at him, he can easily escape by turning and walking away. Boooo!!! Terrible writing!!! George Schenck and Frank Cardea, you guys suck so freaking bad. You seriously should get out of the writing business and never, EVER, EVER write again. If I was your boss, I would fire you and blackball you from ever writing again. Stop sucking!! Stop writing!!! Stop ruining good shows with your crapball antics. Go away. Just go far, far away.
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Bleed (I) (2016)
Stereotypical hollywood
20 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I hate when big city liberals try to make a movie about small town, flyover country people, and they base it entirely on how other hollywooders have shown them in the past. You have the hillbillies, hunting rabbits, "a bullet straight to heaven", talking about angels, sin, and other hollywood tripe.
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South Park: Splatty Tomato (2017)
Season 21, Episode 10
Enough with bashing our president!
27 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We love President Trump. What we don't love is whiney little hollywood nobodies that think they know what America needs to watch. Shut up and go home.
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How It Ends (2018)
I will be generous
14 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is an exciting film that has a lot of good and a lot of bad in it. To start with, you know something bad has happened, something "end of worldish"...I mean, it's in the title. But what is it? Aliens? Nukes? Meteor? Earthquakes? So the tension is good as the story unfolds and weird stuff happens, and you still don't know.

But there are some bad things as well. When it starts, you are amazed at how utterly annoying Forest Whitaker's character is. I've enjoyed him since I first saw him in Fast Times, decades ago. But here he practically wears a sign saying, "I'm a jerk!" You hope they will kill him and his sucky wife off soon but sadly realize it's not likely. Both he and his wife are inexcusable and nasty pieces of work. If they were my in-laws I would divorce my wife if she didn't sign a contract to never have contact with them again. I'm not sure what the writers were thinking by introducing them as such horrid people.

I was also amazed at how things turned to anarchy almost within minutes of the power going out. A trio of thugs try to rob them at a gas station full of people. Maybe that's NYC, but I would think they would wait until dark, or not so many people, or once the apocalypse has really set in. I mean, NYC has had power outages before and people didn't immediately assume it was the end of the world. Then the character Will has a near hissie fit when he finds out Whitaker has a gun. Seriously? The apocalypse is meant for people willing to fight back, not whine about a scary gun. That made me feel ashamed for the whole film.

Then we have them flying down the highway and a fake redneck cop tries to kill them. He really goes out of his way to track them down. Let's think about that for a second. The power has been out for only a day at this point. Surely, if he's decided to start robbing people, he might try something simple, like the locals. Why go to so much trouble to track down and chase down a single car on the highway which may or may not have any loot? I wouldn't waste my time, especially not if I had a cop car and fire power and could blast my way through several encounters with any of the tens of thousands of locals in all the neighboring towns. After that, they end up at a secluded Indian reservation. At this point, you realize they are going through every stereotype of unusual, frightening things a Hollywood writer can dream up about Americana.

A few things that really made sense, though. First, they were using ham radios to communicate. That is the most likely scenario in this situation. But it was odd they didn't find any info, since those things can reach around the world without the need for satellites or cell towers. Second, and this is exactly what I would expect, small towns closed off their borders and put armed squadrons on the roads into town. If you recall after the fall of the Roman Empire, when tiny towns throughout Europe were left to fend for themselves, they walled themselves in. That's the way to survived and keep your town safe.

In real life, people would have known what happened, there would be no question. It would be on radio and ham radio frequencies around the world. So it was dumb to pretend no one knew. In the end, what hurt this movie the most was the bizarre ending where they're running from it and the credits roll. They never definitively said what caused this world ending scenario, and we never knew if our heroes survived to tell the tale and raise a family in the quiet wilderness. Writers today are never as good as they used to be. They always screw up the ending. I think a 5 out of 10 is generous for this because of the stupid ending...or lack of an ending.
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Beautiful and Haunting
23 June 2018
Shows like this are hard to find. When we do find them they are too often cheesy and ridiculous. The Secret of Crickley Hall is anything but. This was a wonderful show about an old house in the north of England. It takes place both in modern times and in 1943.

After having their son go missing, a family moves to this old estate for a few months hoping to deal with their loss. Unfortunately, the house has a lot of secrets of its own...secrets that need to come out.

Shows like this should be made more often. This was atmospheric - especially the first episode - it was tragic and haunting, and it was emotional. Anytime you have ghostly goings-on in an large, old, creepy house in England, you know you're heading in the right direction.

This is an actual ghost story, but it's very well done. It's not cheesy, it's not hokey. It allows you to meld into the story, you feel their pain and frustration as well as their emotional rollercoaster dealing not only with their missing son but the tragedies of the past that they begin to uncover.

I wish there were more shows like this. Ignore the bad reviews, they probably come from people who read the book and think this isn't a perfect representation. Fortunately, I haven't yet read the book so my viewpoint isn't tainted.
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The Secret of Crickley Hall: Episode #1.3 (2012)
Season 1, Episode 3
A Heartfelt Ending
23 June 2018
This final episode in the three part series was emotional, especially at the end. I won't give anything away, but it was haunting and ghostly, it was tragic and beautiful, and it had its thrilling moments filled with danger.

I don't know why more shows like this aren't made, and I don't know why this show doesn't have a higher rating. I love this!

I'm not normally a fan of flashbacks, and I prefer a story being told in the "now", and not in two timelines. So if that's what puts people off I can understand. But the ghostiness isn't something people should complain about. After all this is a ghost story. It takes place in an old English house in a small northern village. You should expect all the atmosphere and "gothic romance" style plots.

One thing that I liked about this is getting multiple characters involved, going around and talking to people...not too many, but a few here and there, and learning more of the mystery as you go. Some people have secrets, some people are covering things up, some people have lots of information to move the story along.

Great acting, writing, the whole bit. Please do more of this.
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The Secret of Crickley Hall: Episode #1.2 (2012)
Season 1, Episode 2
Delving More into the Past
22 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wonderful episode. This time they get more into the past and the history of the hauntings. We meet a few more characters, and learn more of what became of some characters from the past.

This episode wasn't as good as the first one. They gave over the atmospheric and moody storytelling in favor of more hands-on interactions.

One odd thing, it's starting to feel more like a gothic romance, in the sense that much of it is a bit over the top. It seems unlikely that so many people would be so cruel, and so willing to let bad things happen. In the flashback scenes, every adult we encounter is not only hard hearted, but is close to being wicked. They not only condone the violent abuse of the children but encourage it. And not only that, but they openly oppose anyone who would speak out against it. People like that are hard to find, and a whole village of people like that is unlikely.

The present time isn't much different. The vicar in current times is just as freakishly mean and insensitive as his predecessor from the past. How is it possible someone could dedicate their lives to helping people, but be so cruel towards children and anyone who wants to help them?

The classmate is also a bit edgy and unlikely. Imagine going to a new school after your brother had been kidnapped, and the first thing anyone says to you is to make fun of you for it. How implausible is that? The world really is a bit more compassionate that a gothic romance would have us believe.

Overall, a solid 8 out of 10 despite the few issues with character interaction. I would love to see more shows like this one. Explore the English countryside for legends of the past and how they affect people today, often in haunting ways.
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The Secret of Crickley Hall: Episode #1.1 (2012)
Season 1, Episode 1
Beautiful, Atmospheric, Mysterious
22 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode was excellent! This is a drama, mystery, ghost story. It takes places in an old haunted house in England.

I'm an American viewer. People in Britain can't understand how Americans feel about the wonderful old buildings you have. We don't have many places like this. Old buildings are few and very rare. A building dating back to the 1800s is almost unheard of in most parts of America. But to live in a country scattered with buildings dating back centuries, filled with so much history, is something Americans can only dream about.

I love horror movies, but what I love the most are atmospheric ghostly movies that take place in old houses, on ancient land with medieval buildings, stone walls, that sort of thing. We have some great American horror classics (Poltergeist, Exorcist, etc). But a movie about an old English house can only be done properly by people who live there. And they did this one very least in the first episode so far.

The story is filled with drama, a family grieving over a missing child moves to an out of the way place in the north country. In Britain, saying "in the north" means rustic and far away. Houses have names, and a house name that ends with "hall" means it will be extra cool (old and creepy).

Looking forward to the next episode!
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Liv vs. The Underground Railroad
21 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
1855: Liv found out some slaves had escaped. They were heading for the border. She knew what she had to do. Since slavery was legal in the south, and in most border states it was illegal to aid runaway slaves, Liv sprang into action. She quickly apprehended the runaway slaves and sent them back to their owners. Their owners promptly beat them to death. Liv said, that's okay, it's not her fault, it's everyone else's. She's just upholding the law.

But it actually took place in current times:

A woman is trying to escape an abusive husband. She's got the help of a secret group that helps battered women get new identities. Liv finds out. Her brilliant answer is to tell her husband where they are.

Stuff happens, and the husband got someone to kill his wife. Liv, at this point, still can't admit she's a murderer. She still hides behind her shield, claiming she did the right thing.

It's sickening.

Liv is turning into a monster more and more with every episode. The SVU writers are sick freaks. So glad I gave up on this show.
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