
19 Reviews
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Awake (III) (2021)
A solid thriller
27 May 2024
I enjoyed this movie - it had an interesting concept, good acting, and solid execution. The science holds together better than many sci-fi apocalypse movies I've seen - the complaints I read from other reviewers were all explained if you paid attention.

Not everyone enjoys the same things, but I can't help but think if this movie had been about a dad trying to save his kids with everything else exactly the same, the average rating would be about 2 stars higher. Unfortunately, I've noticed this trend with many female-led action/thriller movies.

So if you like seeing strong women who don't need to be saved by a big, strong man, you should give this movie a chance. Otherwise, skip this one, but don't try to ruin it for the rest of us.
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Taken (I) (2008)
Moderately entertaining man-fantasy.
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The good: I have to respect the pureness of this film - everything is in service of making Liam Neeson's character more heroic. Every other character encountered, with the exception of his friends and the pop star, is somewhat to excruciatingly terrible. He is always the most bad-ass, always right, always righteous.

The bad: His ex-wife a shrew, the daughter sweet but vapid, the stepfather a caricature of a sugar daddy are the set up, and it just gets worse from there. Meanwhile, the hero, after heroically serving his country, heroically quit his job to be closer to his daughter, and his sacrifice has been woefully unappreciated.

The implausible: No matter how good he is at what he does, it makes no sense how quickly he's able to carve his way through the cretins of Paris with absolutely no help from anyone. Also, I can't understand the business model of these Albanians - how is it more economical to prey on rich tourists with connections than on the poor and vulnerable? If rich (white) tourists are going missing from Paris every day, people will notice and their relatives will certainly make the French police take it seriously.

The excruciating: It was obvious Amanda would not make it through the movie the moment she coyly suggested sleeping with a strange man - and her death went largely without emotional effect. The daughter, the virgin, after being rescued, seems to suffer no trauma or grief. She's been saved by the hero, so she's totally fine.

There is clearly a market for this kind of schmaltzy action, but my eyes are tired of rolling, so I won't be watching the sequels.
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Warm, funny surprise
8 November 2022
It really is a shame so many people feel ready to judge the whole show after watching an episode or two because this one's a grower. I thought it was just okay after the first episode, but next thing I knew, I was hooked!

This is all about characters and relationships, of different sorts. Nicholas is a bit of an odd bird, but after a while I found him charming in his own way. I thought it was really interesting and commendable how he viewed his role in his sisters' lives. Matilda was not like any character I've seen before and brought a lot of light to the show. Genevieve was also surprising to me, and is the unsung hero of the show. She's a tiny teenager, but shows so much maturity and compassion in the way she deals with her family.

I'm sure this isn't for everyone, but if you like warmth, oddity, and humor in your family shows, it's fantastic.
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Reasonably enjoyable for the genre
6 November 2022
Did I roll my eyes several times? Yes. Did the ending make sense? No. Did it transcend the Christmas romance genre? Absolutely not. Actually, the romance kind of took a backseat to the restaurant story, probably to the movie's benefit. I mostly liked the cast of characters, and while little screen time was given to the budding romance, there was some good chemistry at the few moments it was given. I do wish they had given the two a couple more scenes together before the pivotal moment to make the resolution more believable.

I wouldn't go out of my way to watch this, but if this is what you're in the mood for, it'll pass the time pleasantly.
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Dopesick (2021)
A healthy addiction
28 May 2022
Although highly rated, I was reluctant to start watching this since I thought it would be too depressing. I thought I would just watch an episode or two to get an idea and move on. Instead, I was hooked within the first episode.

The performances were fantastic across the board - so many likable and evil but nuanced characters. The owners and executives of Purdue's complete lack of morality was present in every scene, but not overblown. I don't normally like storytelling that jumps around in time, but in this case it was done really well and was appropriate to the story. We all know basically how it ends, so there's no spoilers, and the past informs near past informs the present, so it all fits together surprisingly well.

At 8 episodes, it was the perfect length. While a heavy topic, it wasn't all depressing to watch, and I feel like I come out of it with a better understanding of the opioid crisis.
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Take Shelter (2011)
Well done, but a little slow
27 April 2022
This is a masterfully made film with strong performances. The love amongst the family members was truly beautiful to behold, and the soundtrack was very effective at building a sense of doom.

However, it could have done with a little more editing, since it dragged on a little too long at times, especially with the many dream sequences. If it had a running time of 90 minutes, I think it would have been even more effective than it was.
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Happiness (2021– )
Primo Re-watchability
19 February 2022
After I finished the last episode, I started watching it all over again - it was THAT good. The main characters are lovable without being cloying, and the whole cast makes a satisfying and fascinating whole. Park Hyun Sik does an amazing job acting with his eyes, while Han Hyo Joo conveys her character perfectly with just her posture.

If you're looking for a gory zombie show, this isn't it. This is more of a balanced mix of romance/action/thriller/comedy/drama with limited sets that focuses on characters and relationships under extreme stress. It's a mostly realistic and more interesting outbreak than a typical zombie virus, and explores concerns about personal responsibility and class.

It's not completely perfect; the methods of transmission don't make scientific sense, there's at least one too many criminals for one apartment building, and a freeze-frame transition used a few times during suspenseful moments was just awkward. I also would have liked a little more closure at the end as to what happened to all the (surviving) supporting characters.

However, it pleasantly surprised me a few times, the pacing was excellent throughout (it was the perfect length) and was so enjoyable it entered an elite group of shows/movies I wanted to immediately re-watch, which earns it a rare 10/10 from me, and I'm sure I will watch several more times in the years to come. I have suspicions this was made in a lab for me, but I'm sure others will enjoy it, too. :)
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More innocent than you might expect
11 February 2022
More innocent than you might expect from the description, this is a film about understanding and respecting your partner, as well as withholding judgment of others. A generally playful tone, good acting, and interesting characters are all pluses here.
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Let Me Be Your Knight (2021–2022)
Fun watch
9 February 2022
I was a bit unsatisfied with the romance execution, but all the band's characters were well-fleshed out and likeable, and it was overall an enjoyable viewing experience. The music was pretty good, too, and I believed the members as a band.
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Short and sweet
20 January 2022
This has all the beats of a classic romance novel. The leads are fairly likeable, so even if the plot is thin, this is a pleasant way to pass a few hours.
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Two great actors, one lovely movie
24 September 2021
I very excited to see the young German actress Helena from System Crashers again. Her performance in that movie was amazing, and her performance here proves that was not a fluke. Not many actors could believably stop and start a riot, but Tom Hanks can do it. His performance is fantastic as always.

Only two great actors can convey what they mean without understanding each others' language, but once again, I believed they could understand each other from their eyes and body language.

Cinematography and music were also great. If you only like fast-paced smashy-smashy movies this isn't the movie for you, but it held my attention the whole time and found it well worth the 2 hours.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
No villains! Just good people and space
2 August 2021
I found all four characters to be interesting and likable and their motivations understandable - a refreshing break from the formulaic villainy that usually drives Hollywood plots.

The takeoff and artificial gravity rendered by centrifugal force were in particular very well done. There were maybe a few scientific booboos, but if I can suspend my disbelief in order to watch the latest F&F movie, I can certainly overlook these.

Overall, I found it entertaining and emotionally resonant. Also, excellent cast.
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Necessity of Music
10 May 2021
I've had a moderate hearing loss my whole life, so I'm used to straddling the hearing world and deafness, without having the benefit of the deaf community portrayed in this movie. Therefore, I understand some, but not all of Ruben's struggles. Most importantly, I understand the difference between hearing music with my ears and hearing music through hearing aids, and there is really no comparison. I always take my hearing aids out to enjoy music, and whenever I have no need to listen to people talk. They are necessary tools, but they are kind of awful.

For a musician, or anyone for whom music is a central joy in life, hearing loss is an absolute tragedy. I have often thought how grateful I am that at least I can hear music, even if I miss some of the sounds involved, and the idea of never ever hearing music again is unthinkable. And this is what Sound of Metal explores - how hard it is to accept that loss and conceive of another way forward. I loved that in the beginning, it is made clear how much Ruben loves all music, dancing to delta blues and singing to classic soft rock in the space between his and Lou's passionate metal performances. Ruben and Lou's relationship was also quite beautiful to behold.

The only drawback to the immersive experience of hearing loss is not acknowledging that he can still communicate through text messaging and chat. Also, Joe's reaction to Ruben's decision I thought required a bit more exploration of the reasons and consequences.

The acting by all was superb, and the soundscape was excellent and effective.
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Stalker (1979)
Artfully shot, but boring
14 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just because a movie is shot artfully and scenes are drawn out way longer than necessary, doesn't make it good. I liked the sepia/color switch at first, but by the end the back and forth just became distracting. Because there were so many looong scenes of people walking slowly (supposedly to increase the suspense, but I lost my patience for this strategy long ago), it allowed me to start nitpicking a few things.

The sound effects are absolutely terrible and do not match what is happening on scene (why are his footsteps so echo-ey when he's out in the open???), and the vocals seem to be dubbed as the lips don't match exactly. I also often could not tell who was speaking. The makeup effect Tarkovsky seems to like where the skin around the hero's eyes gets increasingly dried out as the movie goes on, which seems to be aimed at underlining his exhaustion, makes no sense here as the atmosphere is quite moist and he even had a nap in the middle! These are things I wouldn't notice if my attention was captured, but since so many scenes dragged on, they started to annoy me more and more.

The point of the movie seems to be that men should learn to be happy with what they have, which is fine, but women are specifically excluded from the thesis, as he refuses to take women to the room where desires are grants for some unstated reason. The glimpses at the end of the stalker's wife and daughter were actually the most interesting scenes and made me wish they were used more in the bulk of the movie. It also would have been more interesting if there was more dialogue and less monologue. The monologues ended up sounding disconnected and self-indulgent to me, since there were so many.

For a movie where literally, nothing happens, the length was not earned, in my opinion. If it had been cut by an hour, I would probably have given it 5 or 6 stars for cinematography and decent acting. As it is, I cannot recommend it.
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Making Time (2020)
Unlikeable lead results in unenjoyable B-movie
7 July 2020
Production was fine and the acting was okay-ish, but the plot was naive and pretty dumb. The main problem, though, is that the lead was such a boor to his wife and she was such a saint that I couldn't root for their relationship. Just painful to get through.
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Pearl (II) (2010)
Kind of thrown together, but watchable and family-friendly.
27 December 2010
"Pearl" covers the life of a young aviatrix with a Chickasaw mother and a blind, white father during ages 12-18 in the 1920s and 30s. The same actress plays Pearl throughout all these years, which doesn't quite work. This film focuses on the love of young Pearl for her family, especially her father, and her love of flying, and the conflicts that ensue.

This movie was sponsored by the Chickasaw Nation, and has that BBC film quality rather than a Hollywood feel. Many BBC films, however, are excellent, while this one was just . . . not. Apparently it was filmed in just a few weeks, and it really shows. The acting, while not terrible, was a bit forced rather than natural. The flying "special effects" are rather transparent as well.

While it had many flaws, it wasn't boring and did wring a few tears from me anyway. It is an interesting story, and something the whole family can enjoy. I would recommend watching if you have an interest in aviation or Native American film.
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Mad Men (2007–2015)
Start from the beginning - you wouldn't watch a foreign film without subtitles, would you?
3 September 2009
The brilliance is all in the subtext. There are many hilarious moments that are only funny if you've been paying attention and understand where the character is coming from. There are also many tragic moments that would pass you by if you didn't know what came before. Many lines have double or even triple meanings. Watch this from the beginning, with a friend. Believe me, you will want to discuss each episode afterward to figure out some of the nuances of what happened.

The main Mad Man is the confident womanizer Don Draper, who is head of the Creative department at a mid-sized ad agency in 1960s Madison Avenue. I admit, at first I kind of hated him, but as the viewer learns more about him and his past, I learned to - not love him exactly - but like him and want to watch him endlessly. He is a complicated character who can be a very good man, but also a very bad man.

Don Draper is joined by a rich cast of supporting characters, many of whom deserve a show of their own: The ambitious young Campbell who is utterly sleazy most of the time, but has occasional moments of growth and even cuteness.Peggy Olson starts out as Draper's secretary, but her growth into a strong, confident woman mirrors what is happening for Woman in the 60's. Silver fox Stirling - he may be morally bankrupt but gets some of the best lines. I could go on . . .

The 60's clothes, hairstyles, decor, and current events provide an interesting backdrop for what is essentially a character piece. The setting provides both the occasional laugh (cigarettes being advertised as "healthy") and the more than occasional cringe (how could dumping trash from a picnic in the park right on the grass ever seem okay?!).

If you need fast-paced action or a laugh track, this definitely isn't the show for you. But, if you like character development and subtlety in your television shows, rent the first seasons on DVD and settle in. You won't regret it.
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But it's actually funny!
3 October 2006
I was fully expecting this one to be the usual trite, mildly amusing romances that proliferated during this period. I would've been okay with that, except it wasn't - it was so much more. More original and way more than mildly amusing.

It dodged the first bullet of triteness when the love story was not between the millionaire and the girl, but between the girl and her (broke) boyfriend. Then, instead of the boy being affronted by the prospect of being supported by his wife's money (as in the hilarious movie clip shown at the beginning of this movie), he reacts in a perfectly sensible and realistic manner.

Beyond the freshness of the plot itself, it was genuinely funny, causing me to laugh uproariously several times. I don't want to ruin any of the gags; just keep in mind this is a satire of the usual rags-to-riches comedy, not dumb and dumber comedy. I found Always Together to be quite entertaining and fresh.
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Surprisingly funny
1 May 2006
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Perhaps because I wasn't expecting much, I found it to be rather well composed and way funnier than pretty much any teen movie I've ever seen.

The movie begins with our hero, Dean, discovering his best friend has hanged himself. Dean then leaves the house without telling anyone. While this seems inconceivable to hear about, in the environment of the movie, it is a perfectly reasonable reaction. We learn that he and the whole town are too heavily medicated on happy pills to deal with loss.

There's quite an ensemble cast, but they aren't too hard to keep track of, because you've seen most of them before, and they all do excellent jobs here.

It reminded me a little of Donnie Darko, only it wasn't so far out there or so obscure. Definitely a dark comedy, but it ended up making me feel good - go figure.
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