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A good watch an forget film.
16 December 2023
This is the story of an ordinary car salesman who it turns out used to be a government assassin. Predictably his past catches up with him and he goes on a road trip from Buffalo New York to Las Vegas with his family inculding a young baby. They have no idea about his past and he hides them being chased across country. It is comical how he hides people out to kill him from his family, on one occasion by the use of bluetooth and Enya.

I only watched this for Mark Wahlberg. Its all a bit predictable. The comic bits are the best. The action is good but found a bit dull.

Its no an amazing film or something that will stay with you. But it is a decent film that everyone will like. Its worth a watch at least once.
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The Fake Sheikh (2023– )
An Interesting Story. Could have been longer.
29 September 2023
This three parter tells the story of Mazher Mahmood, the fake sheikh. I try and avoid documentary series as some of them stretch a story out to 10 parts and get dull and slow. This however moved quickly and keeps your interest. It could have maybe stretched to a fourth part but it never drags.

It does try and talk to a range of people. Journalists who worked at the paper at the same time (but weren't in his little private circle). People who helped him with stings and wound people in. "Victims" of his stings. Even his partner at one point.

However the man himself and some of the key players obviously did not want to take part which does leave it a little one sided. Especially what really made them go after the celebrities in the first place. It is quite obvious that everyone is not as innocent as they try and make out.

I actually felt sorry for him in the end. He did do some good stories. He brought down some people who thought they could do what they wanted by using their racism and greed against them. However he ended up trying a bit too hard and no-one reigned him in. It says a lot that all he supposedly did but it was a simple case of getting his driver to take back a statement about what he heard that brought him down.
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Interesting and nostalgic but seemed a bit over ambitious
20 August 2023
I'm in the UK so this was very foreign to me. It was very interesting though. Why and how these people keep these places going. They were all the same but different. I really did enjoy it though.

The only criticism is it seemed to try and feature too many places. It was hard to keep track and care for so many different places. It was obvious that some where more interesting than others. To be honest I only remember about four of them.

It would also have been interesting to hear more from the customers of why they visit in the days of streaming. There was a little bit of it but it seemed like an afterthought.

Well worth a watch though and you really do end up hoping and believe some of these places can survive.
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Nolly (2023)
Interesting story
3 March 2023
I was 7 when Crossroads was cancelled and barely remember it. I always remember Benny for some reason. So I gave this a go with no idea whom it was about.

It was a very interesting story. She was a really amazing woman. Its hard not to feel sorry for her. The three part grabs you from the beginning and keeps your interest.

I have no idea how accurate it is and what has been changed but it is well worth a watch. If anything it would have benefited from being a few more episodes and expanding on her time at ATV before Crossroads. I read about her briefly after watching and there was a lot more to her than Crossroads.

Helen Bonham Carter is outstanding in it. She really makes you forget you are watching someone acting and not watching the actual person.
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Bust Down (2022)
Maybe it's just me.....
14 April 2022
Was looking forward to this as I love South Side and thought this would be the same. The promise of "edgy comedy" definitely appealed.

I barely made it through the first episode though. It didn't seem that funny. The edgy comedy seemed to consist of making fun of male on male sexual assault in the workplace by a supervisor. At least if your going to joke about something like that, make it funny.

But no. Maybe it gets better but definitely no.
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12 in a Box (2007)
Funny and silly but amateur
27 March 2022
Watched this on Amazon Prime and wasn't really expecting much. Its all about 12 strangers who are forced to spend 96 hours in a country mansion.

Its funny and some parts are a bit silly (in a good way) like an old fashioned farce. The story keeps moving and there is enough happening to keep your interest.

The actors involved aren't really that well known. Miranda is not really in it that much but I can understand why they pushed her as being in it.

Some parts feel a bit amateur and some parts are illogical but you really need to not think too much about this one and have a good laugh.

Its a bit of fun and worth a watch.
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Actually not a bad film.
8 January 2022
Sometime in the future a financial crash causes a breakdown in society. A family take shelter with their neighbours who live in an underground bunker.

I actually enjoyed this film. There were no slow bits. It had a good pace. The story was a little different. There was tension and action. The only main criticism is the ending. It seemed rushed and didn't really seem to fit with the film.

Just watch the film for entertainment rather than thinking too much about it.
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Different Perspective
31 December 2021
This film tells the story of Nipper Read who eventually brought down The Krays.

My wife is from the East End and interested in the Krays. So we watch a lot of stuff on The Krays. So it's interesting to see a film from a different perspective.

It's a true story and everyone knows how it ends but it still keeps your attention. It's low budget and some of the acting could be better. The Krays are played by one actor which was clever but some scenes are a bit strange because of this. It also didn't seem to want too involved in police corruption, even though it says from the start it was a problem. The violence is brutal but you don't see much.

Overall it's not a bad 1960s London cop film, especially if you are interested in The Krays. But it could been better.
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Nice to see something different.
20 December 2021
This film is about nightclub owner Tony Towers (in no way Peter Stringfellow). On a train home to Nottingham for Christmas. However he finds that by changing train carriage he can travel forward and backwards in time.

I really liked this. It has trains and time travel, what is not to like? Each carriage is a different decade and the little touches in the background including the style of train carriage for the period seemed pretty accurate. The style of film also seemed to change to match the period.

If you don't pay attention it can get confusing as as in all time travel films, he changes things to improve things but just makes things worse.

Overall its a nice Christmas film and a little bit different to the normal films that seemed to be churned out.
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Moby Doc (2021)
Felt unfinished
18 December 2021
As you would expect, a documentary about Moby was never going to be straightforward and standard. It starts out really well and there are some deep moments but half way through seems to lose its steam.

It does tell you about his childhood and the pressures of fame in an unique and interesting way. There are insights. Also as you'd expect there is plenty of his music and looks of beautiful shots. Stories are told with wooden models, actors and while he is on the phone. You need to give it your full attention as there are little bits its easy to miss.

It just really felt unfinished. Maybe that was intentional. It just really felt like it was 3/4 there but never quite got there.
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Like Dogs (2021)
Good film but amateur dramatics
26 October 2021
This is about a mysterious experiment where a woman is made to live like a chained up dog. She is then given a kennel mate. There is a big twist and then several more.

It's got a good pace. It keeps moving and there are no real bits that make you feel bored. It's believable and the effects are good for the budget. Its also well written.

It's the acting that lets it down. The actors make it feel like an amateur dramatics production. The acting is okay in most places but occasionally not great.

It's a shame as there is a good film in there but maybe didn't have the budget. It's worth a watch but just makes you feel a bit let down.
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Love story with a little sci-fi
17 October 2021
This tells the story of a couple who are very much in love but are split up permanently and forget each other in the present by an ex who goes back in time.

The film isn't really about time travel. It's never really explained how it works or how people have come to just accept their lives regularly being altered by people messing around in the past.

This is all love story and if people can still be in love if they don't remember each other.

It's a bit slow and pretentious in places. I almost gave up after 5 mins. When I got to the end it felt more like achievement than satisfaction at a good film.

It really felt like it could have been much better done. It's hard to really care about the characters so you feel cold against what is happening instead of being drawn in and involved. It should be a film you discuss about after but it's just lacking in something.

It's worth a watch but it just really feels like it should have been a far bigger and better film. A waste as it's well acted and it's believable but not well executed.
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Enjoyable Watch but little no action, more comedy.
15 August 2021
This film is about two teenagers who have to try and defeat two amateur burglars. There is little action but its still an enjoyable watch.

The film is funny in places and keeps up the comedy. Although it does turn a little dark and awkward towards the end. Its well acted. There are nods to Home Alone. Its well acted and it kept my interest throughout.

I enjoyed it. I laughed in places. Its not going to change your life or win lots of awards but its still an amusing watch.
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Gully (2019)
A Mess
21 June 2021
This film is about three young guys, all who had bad childhoods, going on a rampage. It started out well but quickly went down hill and ended up a bit of a mess.

The story was hard to follow. The characters weren't particularly likeable, even with their child hardships revealed. It didn't really feel realistic. I also didn't really understand the Grand Theft Auto graphics and fantasy scenes. They seemed like an afterthought and didn't really fit in and seemed quite random. The film would have been much better without them. Although it is a good idea and done properly and throughout the film could have worked.

Overall it was a good story and idea made into a complete mess. It just gets worse as it goes on. By the last 30mins I wasn't really paying attention. I wouldn't waste your time.
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Gave up
8 May 2021
This film is about three friends who invent a murder themed board game and then after an accidental death, try and use the game to cover it up.

The film is really slow to get going and then doesn't seem to go anywhere. The film also doesn't seem to know if it wants to be funny, serious, gory or what.

I have up half way through and that was quite a challenge.
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Feels amateurish or maybe just improvised.
5 May 2021
This film is about a new TV program that follows a family and films everything they do. However they are picked at random and do not know they are being filmed. They are pretty much the perfect family and so boring for TV so they are manipulated to liven things up.

I am not sure if this was amateurish or if some of the script was improvised and it was meant to come over that way. It is interesting and terrifying at the same time about how people can be manipulated. It really does sum up current "reality" TV even if the ending is a bit over the top.

On the one hand it is an interesting film about good people being manipulated for someone else's benefit. On the other it is a scary look at just what TV directors and producers can achieve. Regardless it is a good watch and still relevant nowadays.
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Eat Wheaties! (2020)
Really nice and gentle film.
4 May 2021
This film tells the story of Sid Straw, who is a bit of an oddball. Over enthusiastic and doesn't really understand social cues. He joins Facebook and accidently ends up stalking a celebrity he went to college with. This leads to a restraining order, losing his job and his home.

This is a really nice film. No sex, no violence or swearing. Just a nice story which keeps your interest. You end up really feeling for Sid and hoping everything works out for him.

Its more of a film you find amusing than laugh out loud. Well worth a watch, really enjoyed this one.
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The Penthouse (II) (2021)
Amateur in places but interesting story
18 April 2021
This feels quite amateur in places. Some of the acting is dodgy in places. It also takes a while to get going. I only kept watching it as my wife wanted to. I am glad I did as it is quite a good story in the end.

Sometimes it is good to watch something that is not a polished Hollywood blockbuster and a bit rough round the edges.
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For the Back To The Future Fans
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is supposed to be about a guy teaming up with Christopher Lloyd to track down a Back To The Future DeLorean to auction off for Michael J Fox's charity. It really though is more about Back To The Future and DeLoreans.

How much of it is real and how much is scripted I do not know. It really is like one of those "reality" shows where you know its all scripted and nothing is real. That would probably put the casual viewer off.

However as a Back To The Future fan I watched it all with a smile on my face. It tells you a lot about making the films, the production and about how they made the Time Machine. Plus it shows you a lot of the props used in the film, not just the car. It also tells you about the DeLorean cars. All in an entertaining way.

Plus there are cameo appearances from different people in unexpected ways, repeating their lines in some way from the film. Such as Strickland being the security guard at the film studio. There are tons of easter eggs in the background as well.

If you like Back To The Future then this is well worth a watch. If you have never seen the film then I really would avoid. Its not really a serious program but so entertaining. The fact Doc Brown appears at the beginning to start the quest tells you that this is not going to be very reality.
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4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's almost like someone decided to make a film with The Smiths as a soundtrack but couldn't think of anything interesting further than that.

Set in the 80s in USA. Group of friends distraught over The Smiths splitting up. One takes a DJ at a radio station hostage and forces him to play only Smiths songs. The others drive around and party.

Apart from the music it's dire. Amateur writing. Amateur acting. 1980s references the actors don't understand and are obviously reading lines without attempting to put effort in. Dull. Over the top melodrama.
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Go/Don't Go (2020)
Not a traditional end of the world film.
5 February 2021
This film tells the story of Adam who may possibly be the last person left on earth. He tries to keep to a routine. He takes the rubbish out. He locks his front door. He leaves himself friendly voicemail messages. He imagines/dreams flashbacks to other people that were in his life, sometimes confusing reality. I can see why it has so many negative reviews. The film is about the last human on earth but its not really a sci-fi film. It really is just about one man alone on earth. It is a slow film and nothing ever really happens. The film didn't explain what had happened to everyone else. There also didn't seem to be any living things around (apart from a single mouse). All the services appeared to work and there is no sign of damage or dead people. I do not normally like slow films but I do like films about people, even if they don't go anywhere. This film doesn't really go anywhere. It is just about someone on their own doing little rituals and trying to do normal things in a very unnormal situation. I really found it fascinating. I enjoyed it but can really understand why others don't. Ignore the situation and plot. This is no sci-fi film.
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Not as clever as it thinks
4 February 2021
I think I watched a different film to everyone else. It tried to be clever funny and different but ended up a mess. There was no introduction to what was going on. It didn't seem that well acted. It made no sense. It was barely possible to follow. It felt like the result of a university project to get an artificial intelligence computer to recreate a British 60s sex comedy. I would avoid this. It is unwatchable.
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Rocketman (II) (2019)
Nothing to do with flat earth. Entertaining story.
1 February 2021
I nearly didn't watch this as I thought it would be about the earth being flat. However it really is about a man and his dreams and the people that help him. The story is about Mike Hughes who wants to build a rocket to travel into space to see if the earth is flat. Most of the film is about him building a smaller steam powered rocket and launching it with him in it to go much less a distance but to get attention for the bigger project. At first he seems crazy but it is more passion than anything. The documentary draws you in and you genuinely want him to succeed. Its not about engineering or space it is about people. About Mike. Waldo the actual rocket engineer and the other people who help. It is a really nice story and there is no judging or fact checking. It just lets the people say what they want. I really don't believe Mike thought the earth was flat. I get the impression it was just another way of getting publicity to reach his goals. It kept me interested for the whole film. There really was no bits you lost interest or it dragged. Like I said, its just a story about a passionate man that draws you in and ends up with you wanting him to succeed. After you watch this, you really should Google what happened to him after the film as there should be sequel of what happened next.
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12 Hour Shift (2020)
Not sure where it wants to be
16 October 2020
This is the story of a nurse's night shift in a hospital. The nurse is selling organs, harvested from dying patients but one goes missing during delivery and has to be replaced.

I enjoyed this film and I think if you give it a go you will. I think the problem is that it doesn't really know where it wants to be. Its not quite a horror but does have some blood and gore. It is is funny in places but not really a comedy. It's dramatic but that doesn't really seem to be the same theme. It is also is set in 1999 which I didn't realise until the end of the film and missed why that was important.

It's really well acted and written. Although there are moments where you have to suspend disbelief that anyone can be really that stupid and not see what is plainly going on in front of them.

Just expect a good movie, rather than anything for a specific genre or anything that is trying for glory.
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Sneakerheads (2020)
Not a sneakerhead but still enjoyed
5 October 2020
I am not a sneakerhead. My sneakers cost $40 and I have been wearing them for two years and not once cleaned them. I still found this series enjoyable though. It tells the story of the quest for a pair of sneakers that a collector has offered his whole collection in return for.

I found the characters believable and well acted. Well written. It was genuinely funny in parts and amusing throughout. It kept me interested. It was eye opening as well.

I really enjoyed it despite not really being able to understand or relate to the quest for sneakers and hope there is another season.
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