
53 Reviews
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Breaking Away (1979)
Great coming of age flick
2 May 2024
With many coming of age films like "American Pie" or "Porky's", you get the usual bacchanal of boozed up, horny teenagers looking to lose their virginity. "Breaking Away" is a different animal all together. It doesn't try to insult your intelligence. It's a wholesome piece of middle Americana that still holds up all these years later.

In my opinion, Paul Dooley's portrayal of Dave's loving, yet perplexed father is one of the best acting jobs I've ever witnessed. How this man did not win an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor is downright criminal. Melvyn Douglas was great in "Being There", but come on guys, Paul's performance was awesome.

The "Cutters" would be four dudes you would want to hang out with. And to me, that's what makes this film so special.
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Bones (2005–2017)
"We need to solve this case"."Forget that! How's your sex life?
29 April 2024
There was always one thing that bothered me about forensic t.v. Shows like "Bones" or "Quincy". It was the fact that 2 medical examiners will be standing over the corpse of a murder victim. While the investigation of the body is underway, one of the ME's notices something odd and quickly points it out to the other. He explains what he sees using a long, scientific, usually Latin term. The second ME gives a stunned look and repeats what the 1st one said. However, he says it in Layman's terms. I realize WHY he says what he says; to have the television audience understand what they are talking about. But if you think about it, in reality there would be no need for them to speak using everyday vernacular. I realize that's a bit of a lame reason for why it gets to me, but it does. As for the show's okay. The characters are average and I really can't root for or against any of them.

This show does tend to get a little "soap operay", which is a bit of a turn off.
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Dhar Mann (2018–2024)
Painfully bad
4 June 2023
When my 10 year old granddaughter visits, Dhar Mann videos are always on. Every time I have to sit through one of these pieces of drivel, I am reminded of the old saying: If a million monkeys pounded away on a million typewriters, they would eventually write Shakespeare.

MST3K or Rifftrax would have years of material to work with here.

Ol' Dhar must have those monkeys working overtime because there is absolutely no way possible that a human with a fully functioning brain could come up with such stupid, asinine material with no redeemable qualities whatsoever.

The only thing else I can think to say is that may God have mercy on their souls because hell is too good for everyone involved; from the horrific actors, the soulless, brain-dead writers, and, of course, Dhar Mann himself.
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A film I've wanted to see for a long time
5 February 2023
Judgement at Nuremberg has been one of those films I've always heard great things about, yet has never gotten around to seeing...until today.

I can describe my experience with one word...Wow!

I am truly sorry that I have never experienced this masterpiece before now, but I am happy for finally adding it to my list.

The main thing this movie taught me was the amount of gray area involved when it comes to the regular people of Germany during Hitler's dictatorship. Did the people REALLY know what happened? And if they did, did they just close their eyes and pretend it didn't? Or, were they truly left in the dark? I'm betting on the former, but we can never know for sure.

I visited Dachau back in the early 2000's and noticed houses surrounding the complex. These were not newly built homes either. There was definitely some age to many of them. Well before the time of Hitler and the Nazis. Someone had to be living there at that time. So to say that they had no idea what was going on is a bit of a stretch.

It's amazing how the herd mentality can affect what would be considered intelligent and civilized people. It's something that we as Americans should all consider while listening to a smooth-talking politician from EITHER side of the aisle. They may say all the right things, but do something completely different. Or they may say all the wrong things from the beginning, yet we still support them simply due to what political party they belong to.

What happened in Germany should be a lesson to us all and this film tries to teach us that lesson.
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Okay but unnecessary
24 December 2022
I'm going to start out by saying that I was very interested in seeing this. If for anything, at least to see the child actors all grown up.

I was very disappointed in the fact that Melinda Dillon didn't reprise her role as Ralphie's mother. Julie Haggerty did her best but didn't quite do it for me.

Also, the father passing away subplot was kind of a waste. It was as if the writer (or writers) would begin writing about fathers passing; forget all about it while going for the whole nostalgia thing by reintroducing old characters, then saying "Oh crap! We forgot about fathers death" and begin writing about it again. It would have made more sense to have him already deceased.

One other thing I noticed was EVERY photo in Ralphie's mothers house were just production stills from the original movie. So did time just start and stop at that particular period? No photos of Ralphie in high school, his wedding or birth of his children? With new photoshop technology that feat could have easily been possible; very lazy on the producer's part

A very disappointing experience

5 stars max.
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Average at best
13 November 2022
So basically, A Madea Christmas was nothing more than a Hallmark movie with a higher production value. This was the first Tyler Perry movie I've seen, and I'm pretty sure this will be my last.

The improv scenes including Larry the Cable Guy is this films only saving grace. Other than that, it's a very mundane movie with a weak character arc and and lazy story telling.

I truly believe that Mr Perry used the writers from The Hallmark Channel and asked them to write a generic, by the numbers script and have himself and Larry improvise scenes that add nothing to the story. It just seemed lazy to me.
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Bad, just bad
16 October 2022
One thing that always bothered me about found footage films is that they still have the wherewithal to leave the cameras on even during the most stressful, terrifying events. Turn off the frigging camera and work together on a plan of action. Blair Witch unfortunately sent us down this rabbit hole with no end in sight.

Another thing that annoys me to no end is bad actors trying to act like they're not acting.

Also, I'm not entirely sure what their target audience is, but they must've been after a rather poorly educated one because every other word out of their mouths was the f bomb. Come on guys, find another adjective to describe your feelings. I realize this is supposed to be a stressful situation, but this is ridiculous.

A bad movie experience all around. Neither scary nor suspenseful. Thankfully I watched it for free on Eevee, because I would've been pissed had I spent money on this dung heap of a movie.
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Outsourced (2010–2011)
1 October 2022
I first began watching Outsourced after I had to cancel my cable after getting laid off back in 2010. I never even heard of this show before I began watching after switching to antenna TV.

I fell in love with this show immediately and was sorely disappointed when it was canceled after only one season. The show had so much promise.

I just found it the other day on the Roku Channel and I'm glad I did, because it's just as funny now as it was then.

This is definitely a show that probably wouldn't be made today due to overly sensitive PC folks who would find it culturally insensitive or something like that.
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In my top 5
20 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I remember going to see CEOTTK in the theater when I was 7. I wanted to sit in the front row for the full effect while my parents sat a few rows behind. I was in awe then and I'm still in awe today. This came out the same year Star Wars did, yet preferred this then as now. IMO, the air traffic controller scene is one of the greatest directed scenes in movie history and still gives me goosebumps.
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First Blood (1982)
What are the woke to do??
20 August 2022
On one hand Rambo is going up against an evil police force. On the other hand, he's a military veteran defending his rights. I'm sure "progressives" hate this movie because they are torn between the two institutions they hate the most, yet would be the 1st ones to cower behind either of them if the stuff hits the fan.
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Green Acres (1965–1971)
I want a Hoyt Clagwell tractor
20 August 2022
Perhaps one of the goofiest, corniest, silliest, most ridiculous shows ever made...yet I love it. It doesn't try to insult your intelligence or secretly attempt to slip a political agenda in your face. Being a show that came out during the height of the Vietnam War, I'm sure this was a great escape from the depressing news Walter Cronkite delivered nightly.
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The Drew Carey Show (1995–2004)
One complaint
28 July 2022
I was a huge fan of The Drew Carey Show. The only complaint I have is that they should have made a spin-off show based on Lewis' life working at Drug Co.
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A tale of two movies
30 May 2022
I absolutely love the first half of FMJ. R Lee Ermey knocks it out of the park. His performance is both hilarious and terrifying. At first you wonder how he could be so cruel, yet slowly understand why he is doing what he's doing. He goes from calling the recruits "worthless" to "maggots" to finally "Marines". He sees their growth and that's why he was so strict. I've heard that many DI's during Vietnam would check the daily death notices to see if anyone they trained was killed. I can only imagine that Hartman would do this as well and his heart would sink had he recognized any of the names.

As for the second half of the movie...meh, it's OK. It is no where near as memorable as the beginning. Everyone I know who has seen it can quote the basic training scenes almost word for word. The Vietnam scenes kinda go by the wayside.
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One of the two films that make me cry
29 May 2022
Field of Dreams is such a beautiful, touching story. Any American man who has fond memories of playing catch in the backyard with their father will definitely choke up. This and the end of Rocky are the only films that have this impact on me.
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You ARE the baby daddy!
5 May 2022
Between ads for Pay Day loan companies and ambulance chasing lawyers, you can watch Paternity Court. The perfect show for those who sit around in a mumu and curlers while their 8 children run roughshod through the trailer park.
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Home Improvement (1991–1999)
Very predictable show
4 May 2022
Start of show: Tim screws up.

Middle of show: Family drama. Tim talks to Wilson for advice. Drama solved. Tim screws up.

End of show.: Tim screws up.
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Sorry, George
2 January 2022
I know that what I'm about to say may trigger all the Star Wars nerds out there, but THIS is George Lucas' best movie. Sorry guys, but at least this one is original, and not a rip off of The Hidden Fortress among others.
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Pseudo intellectuals and wannabe elitists rejoice!
24 December 2021
Your movie has arrived! A film so artsy-fartsy, so pretentious, so Euro-Trashy that it's the perfect film to pretend to like in a vain attempt to impress people you feel mentally inferior to! Behold...I give you The Holy Mountain.

Do you boastfully tell people that you listen to NPR but doesn't even know what NPR stands for? Watch The Holy Mountain.

Do you sit in the corner of your local hipster coffee shop pretending to read a book containing the writings of some 19th century European philosopher? Watch The Holy Mountain.

Do you mock religion, yet worship at the altar of an 80 year old communist from Vermont? Watch The Holy Mountain.

I'm looking at you, Brandon (stepson)
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A very average and predictable thriller in my opinion. Just in the first 45 minutes alone, I counted at least 5 times he would have easily been stopped. Seems to me all she had to do was call the police on his phone and have them track her phone.
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Knocked Up (2007)
Seth Rogen plays an underachieving stoner...good to see him branching out.
8 October 2021
Seth Rogen is courageously cast against type to portray an underachieving slacker in the role of a lifetime in Knocked Up. For accepting such a risky role and giving a performance that ranks with the likes of Olivier in Hamlet, Mr Rogen was unsurprisingly awarded his first of many Oscars....oops sorry! Well, at least he was nominated....oops sorry!
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Suburban Sasquatch (2004 Video)
What did I just watch?
28 September 2021
Why do low budget Bigfoot movies always have a man in a cheap gorilla costume? Why not just tweak a few things in the script and make it a movie about a serial killer that wears a gorilla suit? Anyhow, I'm not sure if this was made as a joke or if it is a genuinely terrible movie created and acted by incompetent people.
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The Andy Griffith Show (1960–1968)
One of the greats!
14 June 2021
I'm curious as to how many of these "woke" PC cowards would try and cancel this show.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Good show, but Rod Serling's family should sue for plagiarism
3 June 2021
I enjoyed Stranger Things, but everything in it was already done on The Twilight Zone.
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NOT intended for mature audiences
2 June 2021
If you are under the age of 13, then Jackass is for you. Anyone older who watches this drivel can't possibly have a mature bone in their body.

I can only picture a 30 year old loser living in his mother's basement watching this between his shifts at Arby's. If you are under 13 and enjoy's understandable. Anybody older needs to get a life.
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Paris, Texas (1984)
Two words...BOR ING!
28 April 2021
If you enjoy watching paint dry or grass grow, then this is the movie for you. I kept waiting for something to happen, but it never did. I was hoping upon hope that there was an underlying story; such as the brother left him to die in the desert to be with his girlfriend. But no. That would be too easy. This one was way too artsy-fartsy.

A friend of mine recommended this film to me. He's still my friend, but I will no longer trust him when it comes to movie suggestions.
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