
55 Reviews
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Less Jurassic, and more great movie
21 June 2022
Its almost its own movie. It almost felt like it wasn't even in the Jurassic film series. But that's not bad, not bad at all. I enjoyed the movie a lot. I actually prefer it over most of the other films. It was great writing, directing and acting.

I will admit, second act coulda been a little better. And DEFINITELY needed more gratuitous deaths I mean come on lol.

I'd go in and make your own decision.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Dark wanna be
23 May 2022
It's a nice imitation of the German "dark" series. By that I mean it's figuratively dark, sci fi and eerie at times. But one huge thing "dark" did that outer range didn't , it had more action more or less. Outer range was too much dialogue and eerie. But all in all I liked it.

I didn't binge the show, but it did keep me entertained for 2 months.
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Not meant for men
2 March 2022
An immortal movie would definitely slightly peak most men interest. But alas this movie is not meant for men to view nor critique.

In the film, their dates were boring, Blake lively was boring. Film was boring. And the end was lame. I could see an immortal person getting this bland after centuries but this lady was bland after 10. Sorry waste of a movie. But women like anything devoid of humor but full of fictitious romance. Cue puke emoji.
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Almost reinvented the wheel
1 March 2022
I usually don't bother reviewing rom-com's because for a guy you've seen one, you've seen them all. And while that's technically true of even this film, I still felt something good about this, like it almost made itself stand out.

It's funny, multiple layers of emotion and from different angles. It's silly but covers relationships in a vary mature manner but maintains the comedy simultaneously.

Lastly the end. I was mad and thought they were dragging it out, but I was not disappointed. Very good film.
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Uncharted (2022)
Better than national treasure
21 February 2022
Perfect buddy heist. Was awesome movie. Fun chemistry with all the actors. Holland and whalberg were funny together. I really have no complaints beyond a few plot holes. Over all a very watchable flick.
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Injustice (2021)
DC does it again
25 October 2021
I never have played injustice games but i love the story arc. It's similar to other story arcs such as the dc movie where the soviets raised Superman. So i loved this movie was great. I don't understand the low scores on imdb, fan boys possibly idk. I enjoyed it and hopefully y'all will as well.
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Too short
1 October 2021
It was short and felt sorta rushed. But during Covid movie biz been slow so I'm not complaining. I love venoms voice though I left kracking up singing "you say tomato" lol so it's a good movie. Take a load off and watch some mindless entertainment a relax.
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Reminiscence (2021)
21st film noir
24 August 2021
Basically it. Probably was copying blade runner a little, but it's basically a throwback to a classic 50s era movie where you have a dark crime drama. At first hugh jackmans voiceover (classic film noir element) was annoying but more I listened I started to love the lines.

I was watching it with my 21 year old friend and he didn't like it. Was it a generational thing? Was it merely a difference in taste? Not sure but I liked it.
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Parallel (II) (2018)
Would have been an awesome book
18 August 2021
Bite off a couple books really bad but still an awesome premise and an ok delivery. I'd definitely recommend it especially if you like sci-fi and b movies.
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The Lie (2018)
I was so good it was bad
12 August 2021
That's all I'm gonna say and I repeat, it's so good it's bad. Just watch it is all I have to say. I'd definitely recommend it.
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An acquired taste
16 July 2021
I saw Melinda and Melinda at a young age for will Ferrell, and got used to woodys humor. This movie, to Rome with love, is probably the closest to an outlandish comedy for woodys standard at least. It's a lot of moving parts in the movie, at least 4 stories but come together nicely in the end. Somewhere within the movie I think there was some symbolism especially when it comes to celebrities and "pseudo intellectuals." Woody has a nice charm to his movies, and like other dry comedy types ie Seinfeld, curb your enthusiasm, they are all acquired tastes.
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Black Widow (2021)
Gender bender
10 July 2021
It's a movie that's meant for men and women, better yet young women. It was nowhere as insulting for men as captain marvel was imo. But I'm pretty sure the criticism from fans is sexist, although they may not come out and say it. But the movie was good, a great combo of emotion, comedy and action. It's a good story. They changed a few comic book origin things but that's what Disney does. They got the viewer emotionally invested. It's definitely a six but that's about it. But I definitely enjoyed my cinematic experience.
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Edge of tomorrow time heist
5 July 2021
I will start by stating the obvious, They don't even explain time travel outside of saying they created a worm hole, that's it!!! I watch a lot of b movie films on Netflix and prime alike, this is waaaaaay worst than a lot of those movies. The whole dad thing was lame, cgi lame, action aight, the dad/daughter relationship was ok, side kick lame. Smh and to make matters worst it was a horrible copy of edge of tomorrow.

But I'm an advocate of making your own opinion, so suit yourself.
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They tried to mix it up
27 June 2021
They been making these movies with mostly the same actors. They tried to mix it up with the emotions and flashbacks. Added a layer of drama in the movie. I personally thought it worked. I'm not mad at them for making the same movie over and over and over again. It's a nice formula and of the 6 or so fast n furious movies I've seen, this has got to be in top 3 or 4 lol.
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Madea goes to Colorado
25 May 2021
They could have picked any other plot to explain why 2 crooked men with govt connections was after someone in the woods during a forest fire, any plot but the one they settled on. Scrap the kid, madea, Angelina Jolie, the father, would have been a good movie. Best part was when Nicholas holt was using Jolie for sparring practice. The action made it worth it, but the plot was garbage.
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School Daze (1988)
There was a message butt....
24 May 2021
I kinda got the message, not really I was just there for the jokes which honestly besides the nostalgia was the only pleasure I got. But somewhere within the movie I could almost grasp the deep meaning, but between the sex, fighting and the doing of the butt, it was too fuzzy and I just couldn't quite appreciate it. But a lot of ppl like to think spike is real deep, me however think he is woody Allen like, just little eccentric, dry comedies. Wake up!!
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A great concept but at .5 the speed
27 April 2021
If it wasn't so drawn out this would easily be a 6 or 7 on my scale. These kinda movies really need no plot or character development, just a krazy person is after a nice person, simple formula. Where this movie excelled at is a mother trying protect her kids, that gets the viewer even more involved. However, it's so drawn out, like really drawn out. They stretched 30 minutes of suspense into 90 minutes. It could have did with some kinda act 1 with I don't know something a better writer or director is paid to come up with. It helped me pass the time in 4 or 5 different attempts to finish lol. Enjoy!!
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The Signal (2014)
For movie lovers
10 April 2021
It's no academy award picture. But movie touches on youth, drama, coming of age, sci-fi, little action, love etc. I guess movies like this don't do well because it's so diverse in its setting that it doesn't exactly appeal to any specific category; ie someone who loves drama might be turned off by sci-fi themes, a sci-fi fan might not be interested in the slow pace and teenage drama.

I however loved all the various elements, I think they compliment each other in a very entertaining manner. To top it off like most good movies, it adds a slight amount of romance.

I think it's an 8, and by time it's over with some patience most movie lovers will enjoy this.
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Hollow movie
31 March 2021
I liked it but for a monster flick, I think we've seen better. Even for a Godzilla movie we've seen better. I think it was a little lackluster.

Another user mentioned humans get in the way of monster movies in general. While I don't share that sentiment with all movies, I think that was a flow of Godzilla vs Kong. Another critic is hollow earth variable was kinda weak as well, like they coulda have left it out.

I will probably end up loving this movie next time I watch.
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Y'all fickle
18 March 2021
How is a longer version of the movie some fans hated even better? I'm not sure unless it's what I assume, ppl allowing the critics to sway their opinion.

That being said, I liked this re-edit very much. It's pretty much the same movie with some scenes slightly different, an hour or so totally new content, and the action scenes had a lot of drama and emotion added to them.

If I had one gripe it would be some of the cgi, but didn't bother me personally.

Btw I'm neutral when it comes to all this dc vs marvel drama, I just want action and sci-fi, whether it's power rangers or Star Trek, all the same to me.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
In the same vein as maze runner/hunger games
9 March 2021
Never heard of story prior to watching the film, but as I watched it I thought this must be based on a book for young adults. And what do you know, it's based on a book for young adults. That being said the movie has an original plot, excluding Wonder Woman's island themiscara or whatever it's called, so that made for an interesting backdrop.

At its surface it's just an interesting plot, but more I think about it, for me it's kinda weird. I couldn't imagine a civilization behaving as the one on screen behaved, let alone conceiving such a plot. I think that's my biggest grip, but if you don't read to much into movie and just take it at it's face value, it might be entertaining.
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Old heads assemble
6 March 2021
First off y'all not go act like this ain't no good movie. It was a dignified, decent story. It's a nice trip down memory lane with a new twist. Obviously don't replace original but a remake ain't never hurt nobody.

It does not have the original movies wit and humor, but it did retain the regal, family and cultural charm of the movie original.
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Affliction (1997)
I shoulda went to bed
28 February 2021
My wife was smart and exited stage left. But alas I was not so fortunate. 7 stars on IMDb led me to watch this train wreck of a movie. It's just a train wreck. I'm not spoiling this movie for anyone who has not seen it but the movie is a bleak family drama about a terrible loser. That's it. I'd rather watch the reality show "cheaters."
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Why do I do this to myself
14 February 2021
Did I watch the entire movie? Yes

Was it dumb? Big yes

It's a nice millennial twist to a worn out plot, Groundhog Day that is. I love sci-fi, noticed "the map of tiny blah blah" had almost 7 stars on IMDb and thought this was the making for a rather entertaining evening. But alas it's not. If you are under 25 years of age maybe it is, but for me the girl is not cute at all unless if you like your girls dermatologically challenged, also my entertainment is not based on how much I can relate to the main character, and the plot has been used and reused so many times it's virtually public domain.

I give it an A- for effort, and a D- for follow through.
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Mortal (2020)
Y'all not worthy
31 January 2021
Not go spoil it just in case someone reading this and has not seen it for themselves. But it's a good movie, has its flaws but with the action, special fx, wnd beautiful scenery I enjoyed it. Now I can also see someone upset that it had an American and ruined the potential Norwegian appeal, but it's close to 50% subtitles so it's not a full fledged English movie. But I enjoyed it hope you will too.
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