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Secret History of Comics: City of Heroes (2017)
Season 1, Episode 4
Van Jones doesn't have a clue
28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Update: In response to vondiesel-1, Van Jones did indeed say "Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11." The whole program was about Afghanistan and Iraq was never mentioned. I know the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan as I spent 27 months in Iraq and 7 in Afghanistan!!!"

I would have given this episode a much higher rating but it actually deserves a zero for a major error in fact. I couldn't believe that Van Jones makes himself look like a fool and a moron when it comes to 9/11. I'm not saying he is one or trying to insult him, here. Just saying he is ignorant, not stupid. Meaning he doesn't know everything. He said one of the stupidest things I've ever heard a journalist say. He said "9/11 had nothing to do with Afghanistan!" What???? OK, first of all, Afghanistan was Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban's staging area. The country of Afghanistan was taken over by the Taliban in the 80s. The guys who flew the planes into the World Trade Center may have been Saudi nationals but they were taking their orders from the bad know, Al Qaeda which was in, you guessed it....Afghanistan! Wow, wow, wow, Van Jones really lost his credibility on this one. Even President Obama, who was the biggest liberal ever to hold office, said the Taliban in Afghanistan were....were...were responsible for 9/11. Kirkman, you lose major cool points for a major error in fact. Most Americans know the truth...I served in Afghanistan for 7 months myself and I know Van is absolutely wrong.
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Star Trek Continues: What Ships Are For (2017)
Season 1, Episode 9
You went political and lost half your audience
6 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
With this episode of Star Trek Continues, you went way too political. Most people I know who are on the left and the right both are not racist, misogynist or homophobic. In fact, most people on the right are just as nice as people on the left. All the people I know who are true conservatives hate white supremacy and they hate "hate groups" like the KKK. My point being that this episode of "What Ships are for" preaches to us without needing to. Most people in our country, to include most people on the right, aren't racist and don't hate immigrants. Let me explain. We have laws in the U.S. and most conservatives have absolutely no issues with immigrants, in fact they want them to come to our country but they must come to our country legally and through our legal channels. Unless the law is changed, follow the law as it is written. Yes, Trump wants to build a wall, but he's said it has a door in it for legal immigration. Also conservatives don't hate the children of DACA. In fact, if our President didn't have any compassion, he would have ended DACA outright, but instead he extended it 6 months so Congress has time "to come up with a law so that the children of DACA can stay here." In fact, that was the President's goal, he wants Congress to do what it should have done under President Obama and that is to make a law so the DACA kids can stay here. That's all. People on the left have been lying saying that the President doesn't like the DACA kids, which is a fallacy. The President said on TV, "I love these kids." He just wants them to have a law made by Congress that will protect the DACA kids. So the point of this is that you have ruined Star Trek Continues with the last few episodes that have been extremely preachy when they really didn't need to be. People on the right are not unfeeling monsters or the evil things that the left has made them out to be. I'm worried that your writers suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome--irrational perceived fears of a Trump Administration. Look, I love your show but please don't ruin it any more with these overly political messages that are not very well disguised. People like Star Trek Continues because it captured the soul of early Star Trek in the beginning. Now, it feels like I am watching propaganda. I understand that many people on your staff were upset by a Trump win, but please don't take this out on your audience. We, the viewers, the American people want to come together, but all you are doing is continuing to remind us of the election with your preaching. We can't turn on the news without hearing the left falsely saying "racist, racist, racist" and the right falsely yelling out "fake news, fake news, fake news." Both sides are wrong in their own ways and have falsely accused each other of horrendous things, can't we all just get along? Go back to making entertainment. This episode wasn't as bad as one entitled "embrace the wind." That episode was inane in how it handled the whole issue of sexism. Most conservatives definitely believe in equality for women as well, so it makes no sense to me why you even made that episode, but whatever. You know President Trump, as a businessman, hired more women at executive level positions than just about any other CEO in the country and they were paid much higher or comparable salaries to males in his firm. This isn't something that I just made up, but it's something that his daughter recently pointed out, taking a reporter by surprise. This is a fact and you could, I guess call it an inconvenient truth. But it goes to that whole point that I just made which is that most people in the U.S. aren't racists, aren't misogynists and aren't homophobic. Please, please don't preach to us anymore. Star Trek Continues was once a great show, don't destroy it.
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American Horror Story: Election Night (2017)
Season 7, Episode 1
Too political for my tastes
6 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. Just wow! I'm not a DEM or Republican but AHS Cult smacks of Trump Derangement Syndrome--the irrational perceived fears of a Trump Presidency. All I have to say is that everyone to include me, Democrats I know and Republicans I know are tired of all the rhetoric from the left and the right. We want to be entertained and not have our heads filled with leftist propaganda or right propaganda. We're all tired of the election talk, the election ended in November...get over it. Trump is President, the world didn't end, if you want to try and change things in 2018 vote for who you think are the best candidates for House/Senate and then in 2020 help with a local campaign and vote for who you think would be the best President. Dear producers of AHS Cult, if there is another season of AHS, please don't make your audience suffer from a forced morality tale about politics...the American people are tired of politics and all your show has done is continue to divide our country even more. Thanks. I'm not sure if there are any spoilers in my comments but I was careful and checked the box anyway . By the way I love all people on the left and the right and can't we all just get along and not always be reminded of our divisions?
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A menu full of leftist propaganda
22 June 2017
I went to see this believing it would be a good independent film and hadn't read ahead about it. My wife and I ended up walking out on it toward the end of the film. The movie spouts nothing but anti conservative rhetoric which are lies currently being spread by the left. I was extremely insulted and I would urge any conservatives who are tired of the Hollywood elites accusing us of not see this film.

This type of leftist propaganda movie is the reason the left will continue to lose elections. They accuse conservatives of being racists, which we are not. As the left continues to name call, we only get stronger. It is this kind of rhetoric that caused the Democrats to lose the special election in Georgia this week and the special election in South Carolina. These types of movies are only meant to spread hate against conservatives and to show them in a poor light. I am waiting for a movie that truthfully shows conservatives in a positive light---because that's the truth. They should fairly show both sides. We who are conservatives don't want dirty air and water, we don't wish bad things on peace-loving Muslims, we aren't racists, we want good career opportunities for women and we are not homophobic. Hollywood, stop portraying us as evil and unfairly. Do we want strong borders? Sure. But do we wish ill against immigrants? NO.

The farther Hollywood goes left, the more the people in middle America will move away from them and we will stop seeing movies like Beatriz at Dinner.
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Fargo: The Law of Vacant Places (2017)
Season 3, Episode 1
Very happy...thanks to all who are involved
20 April 2017
This is only my second review and I just had to comment on the wonderful performances of Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Ewan McGregor last night. I have been a little depressed over how boring and unoriginal many TV offerings have become. Fargo has restored my faith in good television. You folks rock! I hope you read this and understand that you guys really are part of something special. Thanks for not insulting your audience and for making such carefully woven, engaging story lines. You give my wife and I something to look forward to on Wednesday nights. I can't remember the last time I watched a program that I didn't want to see end. I wanted more after it was over...more Winstead, more McGregor..more everything! Thanks for bringing a little hour or more of flavor into our lives!
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Awesome from start to finish
20 April 2017
This is the best of all the Planet of the Apes films. For those who are older students of film like myself...we know just how amazing/ground- breaking the music, cinematography, writing and make-up were in this film. Sorry to sound cliché but Director Franklin J. Schaffner was a true visionary. Of course, two years after "Planet," Schaffner won the Academy award as best director for the movie Patton. Everything from the cinematography to the cynical nature of Col. Taylor were captured perfectly. What a great, epic film...all of those involved in the production did a great job and the film was the perfect vehicle for starting a truly beloved franchise...:)
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