
14 Reviews
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People need to be honest
2 May 2024
So much down voting on reviews that are being completely honest. The FACT of the matter is that Aurora is out of line often. She is a border line criminal. I know these shows are meant to be fun but the writing is just so bad. The plots are just too far fetched and they make Aurora into a complete idiot. The only reason she "solves" anything is because she outright accuses everyone until she gets it right, impedes on people's rights (like barging into their homes without concent), blabbing her mouth about everything to everyone, and breaks the law when she interferes into every investigation. If a father gets a ransom demand and they say no cops. It's HIS choice whether or not to go to the police NOT hers and yet she feels she is the only one who gets to make decisions. The police have said a billion times to stop interfering and it's in one ear and out the other. She does what she wants when she wants and nothing, not even the law, will stop her. The last one I watched she left her shot lover and another boy bleeding out, defenseless, and a baby upstairs, in an unlocked house as she ran across the street to peep in on the other house. I thought she was going for her phone to call an ambulance but nooooope, she went to go spy on the neighbors as Martin was bleeding out on the floor. She is ridiculous and I can not deal with it anymore. I have switched to the new Fixer upper with Jewel and I love those. I wish they would make more. At least she has common sense.
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Hot Chocolate Holiday (2021 TV Movie)
Stupid script
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so yes, the guy is hot and the girl is beautiful but the script was terrible. First of all, the management company would have never allowed two businesses of similar sales to be side by side. He was a complete jerk to even open his shop right next door to hers knowing he was opening a bakery and would be stealing her business. Everyone was harping on her for being "crazy" but she was right and he WAS using HER family recipe. He should have apologized the second he realized and agreed to stop selling it. She should have gotten a lawyer if he did not agree to do so. Instead, she did a complete 180 as soon as he was the least bit nice to her and she bent over backwards to please him. It kind of gave me whiplash to be honest. She wasn't being paranoid, she was right but in the end it didn't really matter. I didn't really feel any chemistry between the two leads. She seemed almost desperate for him to like her and he seemed indifferent to her but accepted everything she offered. I didn't care for the mother character either. She didn't really seem interested in Collette. A mother who was self absorbed and stuck in her own childhood trauma that she wasn't very attentive to her child. Okay, that's enough. This is the standard meet, hate, insta love that leaves you cold and confused.
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More please
21 April 2024
I have already devoured the four episodes of this new series. I love Jewel as an actress and she's not the only one who is talented in this series. I hope this takes off and we get as many episodes as Aurora Teagarden which I was not a fan. Great chemistry between all the characters. The town is absolutely gorgeous and the scenery is breathtaking. Jewel is some hotshot contractor that has taken over her father's company. Her love interest is a crime reporter and is usually being dragged into trouble by Jewel. She isn't just a nosy person like the garage mystery and the bakery mystery. She has a strong sense of justice and wants the truth to come out. It's usually someone she had known since it is such a small town. This is by far the best series I have seen in the mystery series. Although I do absolutely love the Photography mystery too with the married couple. I believe they are the PenaVegas.
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Mystery 101: Mystery 101 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
It was decent
18 April 2024
For a Hallmark movie it was one of the better ones. I found the acting was a little over the top but not poor. The beginning was annoying like others have already stated. He was the real detective that was overly hateful towards the concerned woman who brought the crime to his attention after he blew off her concerns the first time. He seemed hostile from the beginning and then in an instant "poof," he was all about her helping out and he finds her attractive too. Her acting rubbed me the wrong way for some reason I can't put my finger on but not because it's terrible. I think maybe because it seemed forced, unnatural. The two main characters did have some great chemistry, which went a long way in making this episode above average. I guessed the killer instantly but they did a decent job trying to misdirect. The actor playing the killer was too good at being creepy and having a killer vibe, you can spot him. I don't think Mr. Detective could have solved the case without her and that's a bad thing. The only part that really irritated me was the very end. The whole victim making stupid decisions like running up the stairs to the unescapable rooftop annoying. I won't give it away but let's say that when it comes to the pressure of life or death decision making, she doesn't shine.
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Making promises you can't keep
17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie extremely annoying. It starts out with Olivia's daughter calling her mother back from a much deserved romantic getaway because she couldn't wait for her to return was selfish and ridiculous. Then the bride. I understand wanting your spouse's family to like you but she was a complete fraud. Changing almost everything about your wedding to COPY theirs, literal days before the date to impress your in-laws is pathetic and disrespectful to the place of business (this would no doubt be impossible in reality). To make it worse and even more annoying was Mick saying yes to everything and telling Olivia he had it all under control when he didn't and couldn't deliver. His arrogance and his avoidance in asking for help could have ruined this couples wedding. I'm not sure who was worse. The insecure little girl who knows it takes months to plan a wedding and trying to make drastic changes in two days or the fiancee who clearly saw her struggling for acceptance and ignoring the problem or Mick who was clearly out of his league and thought just saying yes to everything when he had no idea what he was doing was okay or the sister who was clearly manipulating the bride's insecurities and then playing it all off as if she had no idea what she was doing. In the end, of course, the bride didn't so much come to her senses, but was told of her mistake and then was lucky enough that they were able to change it all back. Not much character growth here. Although being made a fool does tend to hit home a lesson, this insecurity seems deeply rooted. She also wants to quit law school and become an artist, which I guess it's good she's marrying into money. I just had no respect for the main characters and that's important in making a connection. The acting was fantastic and the setting was stunning. I adore Wedding March series just not this one.
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Christmas in Notting Hill (2023 TV Movie)
It wasn't good
23 March 2024
I agree with most people about Georgia and her terrible acting. Her makeup alone was clownish and completely distracting. The only thing worse was her terrible personality. I felt zero romance or chemistry between the two. I am not even sure what he saw in her, it wasn't her charm because she had none. There was little to no humor in this like Notting Hill. Just a girl taking out her insecurities on everyone else. The plot dragged if there even was one, and the ending was sloppy and incomplete. There was zero character growth and zero romance. I love the lead gentleman and he is quite a good actor but I still would never watch this again.
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Sun Moon (2023)
I Loved It
8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A young American woman gets left at the alter, broken hearted, she runs away to Taiwan. Leaving her sick mother and younger sister behind to fend for themselves. This of course causes resentment from the younger sibling. It's hard to blame her for wanting to live her life as she is very young. She is offered a teaching position in another country and decides to take a leap of faith.

You relate to her struggle to adapt to a foreign country, teaching students when you barely understand each other. Each student has their own struggles and personality which adds interest to the movie. This is when she relies on her co-worker to help her with fitting in with them and also shows her around briefly.

The scenery is absolutely stunning and will take your breath away. She and her co-worker get to know each other as they help each other learn their language, and bond with the students. They only spend time with each other, no romance, flirting, or physical contact. Their relationship starts off slowly as friendship builds into something deeper. This movie should have been a lot longer because they don't even hug or kiss before she is called back to America when her mother passes on. When she returns they shake hands and then get married. This film is not much of a romance at all but resembles a picking up the pieces, moving forward, and not blaming God for the hardships in your life. I still really enjoyed this film and was captured from start to finish. Although I was slightly disappointed that the romance was not fully developed, it only alluded to their feelings headed in a romantic way. The ending was abrupt and didn't make much sense. They should have just added another 20 minutes to show them at least go to a date or spend time in a romantic setting before they were married. Still, I think it was worth my time and I might actually watch it again.
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Sweet on You (2023 TV Movie)
Started Out great
13 September 2023
This movie started out great. They were all nice to each other, the acting was fantastic. Then it became the predictable, she found out and over reacted. Everyone turned on him in a second and treated him like crap. If someone spoke to me the way they did, no. Like he was somehow suppose to know he would come to care for them before he even got there. Guilt tripping him for even daring to sell off his property before they even met. He was falling in love with her and the town. They had him, all they had to do was keep making him feel welcome. Instead they turned on him like vicious attack dogs. It pissed me off so much that I couldn't even finish it. I couldn't stomach his begging to be believed and sucking up to these unworthy people. I would not recommend this movie and rated it as such. She didn't love him in my opinion.
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Quite Disappointed
5 October 2022
To be completely honest I should start by saying I deplore sad movies; especially movies that remind one of one's own mortality. However, I do not believe the statement above reflects entirely on the rating provided. I was expecting so much more...supernatural or depth...or substance. It was missing a substantial something. It was basically a rushed and brief depiction of a relationship that we are told and therefore must infer was so deeply felt that not even death could keep them apart. The movie did not deliver on any of its promises. It seemed like a typical, very brief teenage romance story to me with a very tragic ending. The "supernatural" elements felt contrived and almost an after thought thrown in. I will say I am a big fan of Joey King which is basically the only reason I sat down to watch this movie. I did not enjoy it though and felt my eyes roll a few times with my yawns. This movie was a waste of talent, time, money, and most importantly potential.
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Curly Sue (1991)
Underrated feel good movie
23 September 2022
This movie is adorable and one of my all time favorites. I honestly can't believe that it's rated so low because it's so great. I wouldn't listen to the bad reviews and check it out for yourself. It has a cute little clean romance, a heartfelt relationship between a father and child, and a little girl who learns to be a child. I can't find another move like it so if anyone has any suggestions because the ones offered here are nothing like Curly sue. Also why do these reviews have to be so long, I just wanted to make sure that people gave this movie a chance because it's excellent and didn't get reviewed properly in my opinion.
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No Romance Here
24 August 2022
I am a die hard romantic and 365 days was shocking in its explicit content but I loved it regardless. People tend to forget that Mossimo had a NDE with Laura as his soul mate and that he isn't just some psycho kidnapper. The chemistry between the two was powerful in my opinion and both characters had room for character growth, so I was excited for the next two movies (I hadn't read the books so I had a completely different plot in mind apparently). Laura was shallow, bored, empty and unfulfilled. Mossimo was hard, lonely, sexually violent, and had the tragic loss of his father and by association his brother he needed to face. Unfortunately, I was not a fan of the second movie which addressed none of these issues in either character. Mossimo's refusal to open up and/or face his past and Laura's emotional and selfish immaturity stunted the romantic bond and natural evolution of their relationship. Instead of speaking to Mossimo our Laura threw out her phone and ran away from the situation entirely. I could overlook her misunderstanding considering Mossimo's lack of candor regarding his brother. Still, she was married and "in love" but somehow moved on immediately which destroyed the efforts of the 1st movie completely. Add in the lack of chemistry and romantic development between Laura and Nacho and the entire film felt wrong. Granted she didn't actually do anything wrong but a few uncomfortable to watch wet dreams and Nacho is hot so okay, not my favorite but whatever we have one more movie. Now we have finally reached the final film and I am left feeling empty and deceived. The entire relationship between Laura and Mossimo was a lie, everything that brought them together was meaningless. Laura's infidelity and narcissism, her total lack of growth or substance of character made me wonder why this story was ever written and adapted at all. Mossimo now has the loss of his child, his wife's with another man mentally and emotionally and eventually physically, and he never faced his previous issues and you have a time bomb. Laura is the wrong woman for him and for herself, she needs to be alone in my opinion. Laura acts as if she has some deep seated daddy issues I think and doesn't need to be in a relationship with anyone. The compulsory addition of the gay sexual fantasy was thrown in because Netflix can't make a SINGLE adaptation of anything without shoving every kind of political agenda down our throats. To say I am disappointed in this film is an understatement but the I am more disappointed in the author and Netflix's personal interference. P. S. Netflix grow up and stop destroying beloved classics like "The Wheel of Time," and "Persuasion". I just can't find anything romantic or worth while in this series. Like the other reviewers say I suppose the author was okay with her series being nothing but smutt. The complete disregard for plot, character development, integrity, and romance by this author (and Netflix) makes this series another nothing burger and a travesty to the romance genre.
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Not much romance
11 August 2022
Honestly, I can't believe this is issued under romance. Although I suppose it is a romance the ending ruined it as any kind of date night entertainment. The acting was out of this world good in my opinion but I usually steer clear of these types of movies. The type of movie that leaves you feeling wreaked and depressed so some author could feel as if the "strong" female lead will rise as a fheonix and some facade of depth was rendered.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Disappointed Fan
29 June 2022
I've been saying for years that a film adaption of WOT should be done. I can still feel how excited I was when I found out my dream was about to come true. Then....this GARBAGE was produced and delivered and shoved down our throats and we are told to suck it up buttercup and do not dare complain or he will make it worse. Well, sir you couldn't make it worse if you tried. You have slapped every WOT fan in the face with this monstrosity and changed every aspect of the story to fit your woke agenda. WOT is exceptional, brilliant, deep, and you managed to destroy it into dust. Why not create your OWN story instead of taking a beloved series and twisting it into something unrecognizable? Fans are outraged but progressives are thrilled. Downvote this review if you want to silence us but we fans know the truth and will not be silent. Another fan review will come out and another after that. This is NOT the WOT, this is not even close to the WOT. This is dollar store trash trying to imitate priceless material.
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Legacies (2018–2022)
Political nightmare
7 April 2019
It seems to me that this series is more inclined to shove Julia Plec's political views down her viewers throats instead of being an opportunity to rise above the ashes of her last two series. TVD and TO started out amazing and I was a huge fan, however, they both ended in train wreaks. Rick, Hope, and Lizzie are the only characters with acting abilities, and the plot is boring and disappointing. Whatever potential this series had Julie burned down, just like she did with TVD and TO. Unless they replace pretty much the entire cast, ditch the SJW offensiveness, take the plot in an entirely different direction, I won't be watching season two IF there will be a season two. By the way there is ZERO chemistry between ANY of the cast.
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