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A Godwink Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Not my cup of tea
21 November 2018
When I go outside and a dog c does a #2 in front of me while I am eating is that is a "GodwinK.

This romantic drama-comedy swings tor the fences but strikes out and so does the viewer.

In this film a girl ends up falling in love after she gets engaged! The visuals in this "Hallmark Movie" are cheap. It also re-used lots of establishing shots from other films. Low budget film making with bad looking snow and cheap insert shots of Martha's Vineyard.

I wish I could nominate this for the Razzies but, they do not honor television movies! They might want to start thinking about it!
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Sorry This was Boring
30 September 2017
Out of all the screen adaptations I have seen of "A Christmas Carol" this is the most boring adaption

Now here is the break down of the film from Amazon.

This is the darkest, most ghostly version of this story ever made. It stays true to the original feel of the Dickens story, while turning up the creepiness. A range of well known Irish and English actors makes up the cast. On the anniversary of his business partner's death, Ebenezer Scrooge finds unwelcome company in the form of three spirits from Christmases Past, Present and Yet to Come.

I was hoping that this films "Darker Elements" would make this version stand out more but it doesn't. The sets are brightly let and thus taking away anything that might be scary.

It doesn't help that they used "Old English" type of writing in this. This makes the film sounds smug and keeps the audience at an emotional distance!

I have no idea how many adaptations have been made from this Charles Dickens tale but it is time to give it a rest.
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The Christmas Wish (1998 TV Movie)
Stupid with a Capital S
20 September 2017
This film is boring. It take forever for even the simplest of scenes to end. There is lots of scenes where NPH enters rooms and walks across them that were not needed. Every scene had 20 seconds that should have been cut. Almost Every scene with his "Girlfriend" were not needed.

Now the story is about a man returning to his home town after the death of the grandfather who raised him. He is now a slick and cynical Wall Street trader! He isn't really taking a sentimental journey at all: He's merely in town to modernize and streamline his family's real-estate company. While going through his grandfather's effects, Will and his grandmother (Debbie Reynolds) come across the old man's diary--which reveals a lengthy relationship with a woman named Lillian.

Before he leaves he wants to find out who Lillian is. Now this sounds like a good story and "Part of it is". The main problem is that this film has too thin of a plot. It would have made a better film had they edited it down or come up with a more suitable B Story!
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The Christmas Ornament (2013 TV Movie)
2 Gun Shy Adults at Christmas
25 May 2017
This is a very sweet film. Better than the average Hallmark film. What this is about is 2 adults who are single for different reasons. One lost her husband the other was dumped. Both are afraid of getting hurt. What is nice about this film is that both characters are nice decent people that enjoy the holidays but both find themselves alone. If your an adult you know its hard to be alone at Christmas.

In this film Kathy owns "Dream Cycle". It was her husbands business and she is trying to keep it open during a downturn in the economy. He has just passed away but she fears if she loses the store it would be like losing her husband all over again

On the same block is Tim. A great guy who own a Christmas tree lot. He is a level headed man who loves Christmas and family. He was dumped by his girlfriend some time ago and is very afraid of being hurt again.

When Kathy & Tom meet they like each other but each is afraid of making a move. They don't want to be hurt and both are afraid of being rejected. Each one likes the other but both are making excuses for not moving forward.

If you are a shy adult you will "Understand" both of these people. For shy people it is a major fear of being rejected. Man or Woman, nobody wants to be hurt.

The film is not ground breaking. However it is well made. Look for it on the Hallmark Channel. It is one of the best. You will love it!
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Christmas in the City (2013 TV Movie)
The Final Act needed work
16 May 2017
Television films are by the number. This is a "GREAT EXAMPLE" of a that. This doesn't mean this is a bad movie its just nothing special.

In this movie a young woman (Wendy) leaves her small town with her daughter to earn money to save her fathers business. She gets a job a department store and she falls in love with the stores owner.

Things get messy when another woman (Teanna) sees Wendy a threat. The actress Ashley Williams smiles in every scene. I fully understand why she took that approach. The reality is that "Wendy" is a nice woman. She is kind and supports her friends. Teanna however never smiles and she is only out for herself.

The climax of the film however needed more work. There is a scene where they "Make-over" the store. I think the whole film would have worked better if they showed more decorations and customers reaction to them. What we get is "Okay" and gets the point across but the film needed a bigger "WOW" then what was presented. Don't get me wrong the scene still works but it should have been better!

Family safe but don't expect too much. It is worth watching!
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