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The Office (2005–2013)
That's what she said! US vs UK office
1 June 2020
I've watched UK and US Office, and by far US is better of the 2. What differentiates US office from UK, it has more positivity, where UK makes you feel depressed. The US cast is also all filled with highly likable characters, where I can't really think of one UK character that I gave a S* about. Michael Scott had many redeemable qualities than Gervais portrayal. It was tough for me to get thru all 12 UK episodes, where it's enjoyable to get thru all 9 seasons of the US.
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Rick and Morty: Never Ricking Morty (2020)
Season 4, Episode 6
Stop trying so hard
6 May 2020
Harmon and Roiland try so hard to be edgy, that it comes across as a hot mess. Seasons 1-3 were amazing, but it seems like they are trying too hard this season, such that they've forgotten how to balance their show. Just get back to basics.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Memorial (2000)
Season 6, Episode 14
Moderately interesting with a stupid ending
16 April 2020
The plot of this story, is that an an old alien race embeds traumatic memories into anyone passing by their star system as a way to memorialize a tragic event, creating ptsd in the crew. At the end Janeway, instead of dismantling the device, decides to fix it and power it to honor the event. This flies in the face of starfleet, it's values, and it's prime directive. Forcing PTSD memories on random passerby's doesn't seem like something any starfleet officer would condone, much less intervene to restore the tech and power it for another 300 years. It just seems somewhat unbelievable.
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
Its a 10 in my book
17 March 2020
If you didn't like this movie, I would understand. Its comedy is really meant for certain people. This movie is spoofing sci-fi shows (specifically Star Trek) and its community of loyal follower. As someone who loves Star Trek, its alot of fun. Its not overly stupid like many spoof movies are, and it has a really nice arc for its characters, believe it or not. This is one of those movies I enjoy rewatching over and over again.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Sci fi flick cloaked in the Star Trek brand
16 March 2020
As a regular sci fi flick, the show is not too bad. The special effects are nice and it's pretty interesting. The biggest issue is for a 10 episode season, the setup is taking half the season. The plot isn't terrible compelling and it's taking alot of time for it to get off the runway. With that said, let's talk about the elephant in the room. Why is exactly is this called Star Trek? Every franchise has their own brand. You go see Fast and Furious because you want to see cars and stupid crazy action. You see Mission Impossible for the thrill of the ride. Star Wars mythology and battle between light and dark is engrossing. The Star Trek brand is known for presenting real world human problems in a very unique (sci-fi) way that allows us to judge the entire picture objectively. It's obvious that the writers and show runners understand Star Trek in a superficial way with superficial fan service. I'm all for making changes, but I also think it's important that Roddenberry's vision be at the core of each show. At the core of his vision, he saw a united and harmonious humanity that had respect for all life. The fact that the writers suggested starfleet/humanity has lost respect for Picard because of his compassion towards the Romulans fly in the face of Roddenberry's vision. With Roddenberry no longer around to set up rules for Star Trek writers, the brand is slowly becoming nothing more than 2 words.
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Fantastic ending with 1 misstep
12 March 2020
The main storyline about the dominion war was fantastic. After the war when things are dying down, the whole pa-wraith storyline feels out of place. The writers invested so much into this story, that I'm not sure how they would be able to give it a satisfactory ending. Regardless, DS9 was a great journey. It was very exciting and I enjoyed most of the characters and felt they all had tremendous growth during the series. I especially enjoyed seeing Julian and Myles become the best of friends, and Odo's struggle with his people.
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My first 10 of 10 review
10 March 2020
After this episode, I blurted out "Wow that was amazing".. Its exciting from many standpoints. For one, the intense nature of the devious plan had you in anticipation. Then, this had some of the biggest stakes in any episode. The twist at the end was a welcomed surprised. Last the moral questions and implications is very relatable to choices any of us could have made. Probably one of my favorite episodes so far.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Children of Time (1997)
Season 5, Episode 22
Interesting idea, execution is flawed...
8 March 2020
I started out enjoying the episodes but ended with mix feelings. The main issue with the plot is presenting a moral dilemma that no one can relate to, and in reality, is way too convoluted. If you really think about it, in 2000 years there might be a billion people so oh no they just killed a billion people because they didn't go back in time. I love it when Star Trek makes you think, but there is a balance between creativity and absurdity.
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The Flash: Love Is a Battlefield (2020)
Season 6, Episode 11
Quite possibly the worse episode of the series
20 February 2020
This is the worse episode of the series so far.. This is partly due to 2 things:

1) The Villain - Amunet Black and Gold Face, worse duo villains in this series. This is mainly due to Amunet Black, her accent and characterization is the worse. Combine this with the villain plot (Amunet and Gold Face in a lovers quarrel), and you get something quite terrible.

2) Flash Team Relationships - This mainly has to do with Iris and Barry, but other relationship mess was quite stupid, too. There really is not reason for Iris and barry to be fighting. It just seems like the writers inserted an artificial story line in to create conflict on V-Day. This adds another knock on Iris in a long time of obnoxious character conflicts. I use to really like Iris. The CW writers have really destroyed her character, and the show by making her a focal point equal to Barry Allen on the show. In the comics, she was Barry's wife. There's no reason for her to be so prominent in the show, and I understand why people hate her so much.

I've never reviewed a show on IMDB, but this episode has prompted me to actually go on IMDB and review this stupid show. That is how bad it is.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
Show went from great to awful
20 February 2020
This use to be my favorite show. It was really compelling early on, but went downhill after about season 3. I see other people's complaints are mainly about Iris. I do see what they say and agree to an extent - this show has quickly evolved into some weird comic book soap opera. The relationships have become really childish. The script sometimes feels like it was written by a team of 15 year old girls. I'd say my biggest complaint, is how stupid its become. The logic has become mind numbingly dumb. Soooo many plot holes. Sooo many inconsistencies. In one episode, called "Flash Time", all the Flashes are running near the speed of light. Then, in other episodes, Flash slips on some marbles and goes "Darn it, the bad guy got away because I fell down. There is no way I'd be able to catch up with them now!" I've forgiven them alot over the years for using dumb logic in their plot devices, in all their episodes , but its become way too much. The writers don't even care anymore about making sense. They've relegated this show to pure stupidity. The crisis crossover has been the dumbest thing I've seen on TV. I mean seriously, in 1 scene, Barry must run on the treadmill to save the multiverse. I use to watch all the arrowverse shows, but I've dropped all of them but Flash, but soon I will be dropping flash. It's obvious their target demographic for this show are 10 yr old girls. It's become 90% relationships 5% dumb logic 5% flash stuff... I mean really, CW, if you're going to make a comic show, why not make it primarily for the folks who watch this stuff? Why target 10 yr old girls? I know people want to hate on Iris, but I'd say she is 10% of the problem. The writers and the showrunner is the main problem.
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Scandal (2012–2018)
Even dumb and dumber is smarter than this
26 May 2017
I enjoyed first 2 seasons, but has sunk faster than the Titanic. Over time you realize everyone acts the same. Every actor has the same cadence when they talk. Olivia can't act, it's just the same expression over and over and over and over... By this last season , you realize it's the most idiotic thing you've ever watched EVER. It's hilariously stupid, yet the show still takes itself seriously... It's like Adam Sandler thinking 1 of his movies will win an Oscar. I'm not surprised by any twist and turn because it's so stupid - it's just 1 eye roll after another. I feel like the type of show it was changed after the first 2 years. Anyways, I want my life back
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