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It was great to be back
3 August 2022
Go back to crash's world was really fun. Crash Bndicoot don't waste much time trying to explain anything. It's simpl: your girlfriend was taken by Neo Cortex and you now have to fight your way throught th islands overcomeing challenges and foes to rescua her. The entire game feels like a journey.
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A celebration of the present, the new and the old; and a chance to begin a new and fresh star
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter, but adopted the Skywalker name Kylo was redeemed and assumed his Ben Solo persona before dying to save Rey Finn expressed a slight force sensitive power and helped his friends Poe officially became the leader of the resistance alongside Finn Hux ended up being a spy for the resistance and was killed for it

After setting everything we needed to know about this new Star Wars sequel, director J. J. Abrams didn't waste time trying to explain things we already knew. After two slower movies (in a good old fashioned Star Wars way), Rise of Skywalker felt like a full pack of content that need to be dropped to public. But not to say anything bad, it was good in every minute of it's execution, and never felt rushed.

The tone of the movie is different. There are tons of references to other popular culture media, such as Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, the Avengers and the Disney Princess movies. It managed to combine humour, action and impact within it's two and a half hours of pure entertainment.

The last two films were slower and took it's time to set the story the characters and the context of this new episodes, but Rise of Skywalker was frenetic trying to make every moment at the screen worth watching. If you blink, you lose something.

The reason behind this might be about the challenge to tie those nine episodes into one film in a concise way. One that J. J. mastered.

The story brought a lot of new visual and conceptual elements to the canon. The treat on the characters was also phenomenal. There was a clear focus on the three main protagonists, but everyone surrounding them had a role to play and a meaningful purpose to exist.

There was no time to waste, so the arcs that started with the Force Awakens found its conclusion within this last entry. Old faces and voices returned and really added to the nostalgia feeling that crosses the film.

Some moments seemed to have come straight out of a fanfic from the internet, but even those made sense in the context of the previous happenings.

The visual of the characters was well designed and mixed some old and new styles from the Star Wars universe.

The use of the force is another important element that was expanded and played an important role into the story.

The film is an opportunity to say goodbye and celebrate the past and the new. It all ended where it began, and this is powerful message.

Even Chewie was remembered and finally had what he deserved.

It would be easy to sit down and watch one more hour of Rise of Skywalker. Besides the satisfying conclusion, it lets an open ending that could be explore in a distant future. The saga, with and emphasis to this new trilogy let a mark with this new generation of people - where I include myself - that grew watching this heroes fighting their challenges and struggling to prove themselves after the shadow of the so stablished legends of the past.

It's always good to revisit something that cherishes our hearts. And Rey, Finn and Poe are certainly the legends of my time. The ones that ignited the spark inside every

There is a powerful message being told beyond the blasting and light-sabering. It says that no matter what others think, no matter where you came from, your faith is yours and yours only to decide.

There is no such a thing as the right way, so let the past die. Kill it if you need, and arise as a new self.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
I loved Season 4
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What I Like Alfred is one of the best characters Uthered looks like a game character Each season has a "big villain" Series looks like an RPG Character dynamics is interesting Soundtrack Reminiscent of The Witcher

What I Don't Like Low budget makeup and production Vikings are not very well explained Fights are not well choreographed.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Season 4 is Great
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 4 There is a new way of filming; New photograph style; Soundtrack is still amazing; Tommy's new enemy at the parliament is very interesting; Tommy on the higher life is also a huge improvement for the character; The assassination plot was a very unique moment; The fascist speech was equally amazing; The scaling of fascism in England was also a great setting; The return of old characters is good; Polly and Michael are bad, I just want them out.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Brooklin Nine-Nine (S1) Likeable the characters; Jokes are funny; Has some potential; Do not require previous knowledge to watch episodes individually; Holt and Peralta are the best

Season 2 · Do an amazing job pushing the characters stories and relationships forward while balancing fans expectations presenting a lot of surprises that expand the universe of the show. The jokes and new situations are still as funny as in season one. It is undoubtedly an investing that rewards you with a few laughs and touching moments.

Season 3 · Introduce new characters and establish deeper character relationships. It presents backgrounds and set new story opportunities, leaving an interesting cliff hanger at the end of the last episode that hypes the tone for the next season.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
Season 4 Is amazing!
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Anne Bonny has her best moment of action in the series when she swimming to take down the British ships during the battle. Vane's sacrifice was surely a strange plot point that a don't fully understand. I can't see why he would have up his life just to prove a point. It doesn't seem like something Charles would do. To watch the rise of John Silver as the second in command and eventually a match for Captain Flint was interesting since I now really care and like him, when I used to hate the character in the first seasons. Anne Bonny and Rackham continue to be bad ass characters and probably some of the best characters. Black Beard was a great surprise to the cast. Wood Rogers is another amazing addition. I like how he's being developed but it's a shame it was at the cost of Charles sacrifice.
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Eternals (2021)
One of the Best marvel films
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps the Eternals is one of Marvel's most serious movies without all those jokes that get in the way of the story. I really liked the tone of the film and the way the story is told. I found all the characters very interesting with their particularities and especially the creative way in which they use their powers. The film's time of 2h40 is perfect for telling this story and I would find it difficult for any shorter duration to handle it. The whole presentation of the concept of the eternals, deviants and celestials is great and puts a good context in a part of the Marvel universe that we haven't seen before. Amazingly, the Eternals strike me as the most human characters in Marvel today. There's a lot of philosophy and deep thinking behind the conflicting characters' actions that are all morally questionable. The cinematography of the film is beautiful and the dark tone perfectly matches what the story proposes. It feels like an intimate film, produced with intimacy. The post-credits scenes really made me want to watch a sequel, but I find it difficult for the sequel to follow the same tone and level of quality as this Marvel masterpiece. So far I've watched the movie twice in two days in a row and my opinion remains the same. The strong parts are still strong and I find it hard to find any bad parts. I believe these characters are real people living in the world and considering there were so many characters to introduce and so many new concepts in such a short amount of time. This shows the excellent work of directing and writing that was done. Ikaris is basically a Superman or homeland captain who is completely disproportionate when compared to the other powers. I like how he is the soldier fulfilling his mission understanding the need to sacrifice for the greater good. At the same time, Sersi's counterbalance to the morality of sacrificing so many for a Celestial who will give life to so many other planets and beings is incredibly fascinating to watch on screen. Even Harry Styles didn't seem out of tune in this universe and opened up the possibility of several new stories for the future, including other Eternals and Celestials.
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Parasite (2019)
It's a nice film, but not everything people say
3 August 2022
I like the characters personality; I like how the film manages to build up the tension; I like the characters relationships; Every character feels important to the progress of the narrative; I like how the film manages to present the different perspectives of each family.
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365 Days (2020)
It's a good film
3 August 2022
Good day, Lads. I just watched 365 Days. The movie is not terrible and I had fun watching it. The ending is not the best and the story, despite being quite simple, is intriguing and even tense at times. It's easy to find yourself really wanting to know what's going to happen or being impressed by certain events. The main characters are great, the film's photography and settings are stunning and the soundtrack is even better. Overall, it's a good movie! I would give it a 7.
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Pompeii (I) (2014)
Historical value overcomes the generic adventure
2 August 2022
I watched the film right after visiting the city ruins in Italy and it made all the difference. I had seen the movie before at launch, but I barely remembered anything. I found the story superficial and the dialogue very shallow. The characters are also pretty stereotypical, but I don't think the movie deserves a bad rating just for that. All the work representing the city and life at that time is great and the film is full of references for those who know history and where to look, so it has a lot of value beyond the generic heroic adventure.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Psychological Metaphor of Human Lives
1 February 2020
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The confined scenarios and close way of filming let's you feel the claustrophobic environments that the characters' minds resides, creating a false notion of reality that later justify the very wonder of what was or not real. The deep and complex acting of both Pattinson and Dafoe also adds to the role, establishing them as ambiguous and mysterious characters that can not be trusted simply by their words. Every element of fantasy and art decision of this film feels right and contributes to create a dark atmosphere. The narrative reflects over the human choices and presents symbols of redemption and punishment that are key to understand the hidden message behind the thriller. Overall, this is a fine addition to Eggers' terror fantasy collection alongside the acclaimed "The Witch" and is definitely worth a watching.
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A psychological exploring of the teenage and side effects of fanatic ideas
10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a psychological drama film that successfully presents a group of interesting characters facing the condemnation of everything they believe and feel. As we watch the protagonist growing from apologising for who she to making decisions for her own after finally accepting the situation, a lot of things go terribly wrong for others fighting the same battle inside their minds. The movie shows us how important our mental health is and how knowing and understanding who you are is an essencial part of the teenage. It also approach concepts such as religious fanaticism and prejudice in the personification of adults that have already settled their mindsets and established a solid vision of the world, exploring the confusion that such prearranged ideas could cause into one that haven't completely comprehended their place in the world yet.
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Raw (2016)
Weird in every wrong way and hard to watch
11 December 2019
Raw is a weird movie filled with strange characters in cold empty environments. The feeling that something is wrong crosses the entire film, but it is more about the context than the tense situations. In other words, it means it s hard to believe in what is presented to the spectator in first place.

Leaving it aside, the narrative is too slow and uninteresting. The whole movie feels like a set up for something that never came. The accolades that said "one of the most disturbing films of 2016" were definitely wrong. It's just a hard one to watch that doesn't bring anything new and offers a flat experience.
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019 Video Game)
A welcome return to the franchise
27 October 2019
It is hard to say when or if Call of Duty is back, but Modern Warfare is definitely a gem out of the track.

The story establish a new roost of interesting characters alongside old favourite faces. The sense of urgency follows the player throughout a variety of missions that bring new mechanics and unique situations.

Modern Warfare has something for every type of player. Old fans will be pleased with the references and new takes on familiar characters. Beyond that, the game presents an engaging narrative with memorable moments and a foundation that may suggest a future continuation.

The multiplayer and co-op also return as it's best for the franchise. The weapons are balanced and really have some weight. The character movement has also been revamped with a new grounded animation and the photorealistic graphics contributes to a lifelike atmosphere.

The progression system is intuitive and deep. The player really feel the achievement of every unlocking of levels and weapons. There is a variety of maps and modes that extend the game's life and bring new ideas to the tradicional list of activities.

This new installment is a welcome dose of fresh air for everyone that was waiting for Call of Duty to return for its former glory.
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