
62 Reviews
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The Resident (2018–2023)
The first two seasons were very good but then...
1 May 2024
Sometimes it is better to quit while you are ahead. The first two seasons were spot on with very good acting and passionate story lines that made you think seriously about medical care in the U. S. The writing was intelligent. It is hard to maintain such a high standard and by season three it was slipping into more of a soap opera genre. It is not the fault of the actors. They are all exceptional. It is just that the story has burned out. Great acting by Matt Czuchry and Manish Dayal (those two are HOT) and also Emily VanCamp and Shaunette Renee Wilson. I need to meet the required number of characters but that is all I have to say.
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Ripley (2024)
29 April 2024
This was the most brilliant show I've ever seen. The acting and directing and cinematography are all in a class of its own. I watched it by myself and then again with my husband and I may watch it a third time. I never do that. There is very little dialogue in this series. The story is moved along through the most striking and beautiful cinematography you will ever see and the acting is very nuanced with facial expressions telling you everything you need to know. Andrew Scott is superb as the lead actor. This is utterly genius. The original movie, "The Talented Mr. Ripley", did not hold a candle to this.
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23 April 2024
I gave this a 7 instead of lower because Jeff Bridges at age 34 is such eye candy !!! And having been to Chichen Itza, I really enjoyed the views of that magical place. I have not been to Tulum, but that was also fun to see. It is a minor Mayan architecture, but overlooking the Caribbean Sea made it impressive and beautiful. The story was confusing and a little tiresome. I understand it was based on a previous movie. Still I did watch the whole movie. James Woods can always be counted on to play a villain. I felt Rachel Ward was miscast. She was not beautiful enough to be the demise of men. That hairdo didn't do her any favors. Also her acting was not that good. I loved Phil Collins' song at the end.
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Northern Exposure (1990–1995)
The Best!
8 March 2024
Available for free on Prime Video!!! I watched Northern Exposure way back in the early1990's when you had to wait a week for the next episode. It is just as good seeing it today as it was then. It is funny and poignant and thought provoking. The acting ensemble is brilliant and so are the writers. Rob Morrow as the lead is perfectly cast. He plays a New York Jew (with all the accompanying stereotypes) and he is lovable and laughable. John Corbett plays Chris Stevens, an ex-con, heart throb, intellectual and he is perfect. Janine Turner is the drop-dead beauty who is a smart mouthed bush pilot. The rest of the cast is also perfect, well cast and at the top of their game. It is the most intelligent comedy I have ever seen. Love it!
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Eileen (2023)
Read the book first
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book by Otessa Moshfegh. I thought it was an amazing character development of the character Eileen. However, I thought the conclusion seemed a little rushed and unclear. Therefore, I was looking forward to the film and I did enjoy it. The film did not focus as much on Eileen's home life. Both Thomasin McKenzie and Anne Hathaway did amazing acting jobs. The situation with Lee Polk was a little more clear in the book but you will get the idea from the film. As far as the ending, in the book Eileen had all these ideas about what she was going to do with her life and after the incident with Mrs. Polk, how she was going to deal with that. In the movie she just left. Maybe that was the best ending. Eileen has a satisfied smile as she drives away and you have to wish her luck. It is a very unusual story in so many ways: the hints at lesbianism, the mental cruelty of her father, the offbeat, radical psychologist. I liked it.
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Good ending but
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing Saltburn (fantastic!) I was interested to see this director's first movie. The ending was great and really tied everything up nicely. However, I felt it was much too long and boring in getting there! Yes, this is a woman with a lot of anger and need for revenge. Why? I assumed she had been raped. It didn't come out until much later in the film that her best friend was the one who was raped and consequently committed suicide. What the director did was have the story of what happened come toward the end of the movie. It was like she told the story backwards. Consequently, I found most of the movie boring (why is this woman so angry and what is her deal?). I would not have finished watching it if I hadn't been so impressed by Saltburn.

My thought was "You are going to handcuff a grown man to a bed and do something to him that will ruin his life?" "Then you had better get some police grade handcuffs and not those silly S and M frilly things!" Not too smart for someone who was supposedly in medical school!

P. S. I am a woman in case you think I am a sexist man.
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May December (2023)
What a disappointment!
7 December 2023
With two power houses like Julianne Moore (Still Alice) and Natalie Portman (Black Swan) I expected good things from May December. Instead it was boring and tedious. I only kept watching because I expected it to get better. Nope, it never did. I am not even sure what the story was trying to say. I just found it to be a waste of time. I know the review needs to be a certain number of characters, but I am not sure what else I can say. Who to blame for this lackluster creation? I guess you can start with the writers, the director, the producer, and maybe even the actors for taking the part after reading the script and seeing it goes nowhere.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Should have quit when it was ahead
18 November 2023
I had to change my rating from a 10 to a 7 and actually I may not even finish watching season 6. I used to love this series, especially when Claire Foy played the young Queen Elizabeth. Matt Smith was also my favorite as the young Prince Philip. The acting was good and the storyline fascinating. I also enjoyed seeing the interior of Buckingham Palace. I also found the struggles of the young Prince Charles interesting. Now with Princess Diana's story it seems to have become a cheap soap opera. The moony looks of the actress playing Diana just get tiresome. This was a classy series at one time but they let it go on too long. They should have quit while they were ahead.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
The best series ever!!!
10 November 2023
I never saw this until it recently came to Netflix (2023). This series is brilliant. The writing is consistently amazing and the acting is perfection. It is laugh out loud funny but then it touches you profoundly. It looks at life and it looks at death in a raw, unashamed way. This is absolutely not to be missed. Now there is a requirement to have a certain number of characters in a review but that is really all I have to say. I could try to tell you the story but it is best for you to discover it for yourself. Just strap in for a wild ride and be prepared to be surprised at every turn. If you don't love it, you don't have a pulse. The final episode is the best season finale of all time! The final glimpse into the future at the end is brilliant! I have watched it more than once.
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A fun romp!
15 October 2023
I usually do not like romantic comedies, but this was a delight. It was much better than what usually comes out of Hollywood. The movie is visually gorgeous and the story has lots of twists and turns to keep you surprised. The acting was right on and the dialog clever. I do not understand the negative reviews. These must be people with no sense of humor. If you want a fun ride that will surprise you at every turn, you will enjoy this. Congratulations to the Danes for making a movie that has entertained people in many countries! I need to have 600 characters and don't know what else to say! There I met the requirement.
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Lots of twists and turns
19 July 2023
We thoroughly enjoyed this movie and are puzzled by some of the low ratings and negative reviews. It is based on a novel and viewing it you know that is very likely. The story keeps you guessing and that is part of the fun. We thought Leighton Meester and Ziad Bakri did an especially good acting job. If you want to enjoy a roller coaster ride of a movie, try this. Well, my review needs more characters. Should I just keep saying the same thing over and over? I think I have made my point. Most people don't want to read a book. They just want to know what someone liked or disliked about a movie or series.
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Thought provoking drama
1 July 2023
This movie is very long and I did not watch it all at once, but it is haunting and I was anxious to get back to it. It seemed so realistic, I thought it was based on a real person, but I see it was from a novel. The characters were well developed and the acting was very good. I think the idea that struck me the most was the detrimental effect of bad parenting. As far as religion, the movie does not present one religion as better than another. There were good and bad people in each. Maybe sometimes genius is a curse because the main character did not have a happy life. However, he found people who cared for him and loved him.
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31 March 2023
All I can say is the Italian people must have much more patience than Americans. I waded through hours and hours of this documentary thinking there must be a climax, an answer to this mystery. We are led down path after path of possible leads, only to learn we are on a wild goose chase. I feel immense sympathy for the girl's family because they have been waiting years for closure that never comes. However, it is amazing to me that Netflix made this documentary without any resolution. Although we are shown many faults of different people and organizations, nothing is ever proven or resolved. If you are willing to go down this path, knowing there will be no answer or resolution, be my guest.
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Messiah (2020)
8 March 2023
This series is so well written, acted, and produced I can't say enough. While all the actors are great, dare I say Mehdi Dehbi was born to play that role. Tomer Sisley was also brilliant. Equal respect was given to all the religions. The truth keeps us guessing all the way through. I don't understand why a series of this caliber would not get a season two. Maybe the writers could not agree on how it should proceed. I guess I can understand that. The ending of season one is perfect. Just when you thought you knew the answer, you don't. It is a fun ride and I enjoyed it more than any series or movie in a long time.
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Much better than the book
23 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised a decent movie was made from this book. I hated the book! Credit goes mainly to the acting of Eddie Redmayne and Jessica Chastain.. I'm sure a lot of credit also goes to the script writer who adapted the book and the director. This is based on a true story which always makes a movie or book more interesting. It will surely give you pause if you ever need to go in the hospital! Sometimes that is unavoidable but the loss of control you experience is scary enough, plus in this case you have a psychopath nurse. The fact that hospitals were covering it up and passing him along to other facilities to avoid a lawsuit is unconscionable.
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Not THAT bad!!!
9 December 2022
I see the average rating after the first three episodes aired is 2.4! Oh come on. It isn't THAT bad! I am tired of all the "news" regarding Harry and Meghan and the British royal family in general. The Netflix series "The Crown" is excellent, especially season one and two with Clare Foy. If you are curious to learn Prince Harry and Meghan's side of the story about why they gave up being "working" royals, you will probably like this. It gives you a good feel for who they are from childhood through today. Yes, it is a bit of a mushy love story but it appears to be authentic. I gave it a 5 (a low rating for me) but I will probably watch the final three episodes.
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Not all Stephen King stories are horror
21 November 2022
Not all Stephen King stories are horror. Take for example Shawshank Redemption which, like Mr. Harrigan's Phone, is based on a short story by Stephen king. I think that is the best movie based on a King writing. Well, you cannot beat Donald Sutherland for acting and the young man, Jaeden Martell, really has some acting chops! I recognized him from Defending Jacob, another excellent drama. I think some of the low scores were because people expected a horror movie. This is a nuanced drama which is very thought provoking and has a supernatural twist. I thoroughly enjoyed it! It takes you through a very believable and relatable story and then there is the supernatural aspect in a modern, technological medium.
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7 November 2022
I feel bad for people who thought this was a historic epic. It is a farce, but lots of fun! Heath Ledger is very good in the lead role. My favorite parts are the opening jousting event with Queen's "We will rock you" to the crowd's pounding and stomping, and the Knight and his Lady dancing to David Bowie's "Golden Years". This is a classic tale of good versus evil, and a true love story, and an underling rising above his station. Now who would not enjoy that? The soundtrack alone is worth a watch (and a listen). Just sit back and enjoy the fun and the music. Some movies are not meant to be taken seriously and this is one of them.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
4 November 2022
I really didn't expect too much from this series but I was surprised by how much I got into it. I was raised old school Catholic so I was familiar with a lot of it...(the songs, the traditions, the concepts). This was very well written and acted. It starts out kind of slow, but hold onto your hat! Lots of surprises and twists and turns. I guess Mike Flanagan is known for this sort of thing and his next project is the Midnight Club. If you are looking for something different, you will probably enjoy this. It is pretty intense so I did not binge watch it. However, I did finish it and I am glad I did.
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Derry Girls (2018–2022)
16 October 2022
I was born in the U. S. I went to Catholic school from 1956 to 1965. I am 71 years old. I find this series hilarious, although I do have some trouble understanding what they are saying. My favorites are Jaime-Lee O'Donnell and Siobhan McSweeney, but the entire cast is very good. It is wonderful to have something so refreshingly different. Also it is wonderful to be able to take such a difficult time (the Troubles) and make a comedy out of it. The writing is so original but the cast probably takes the ball and runs with it. Good for Netflix that they show unusual and original series like this. Right on!

I saw that people said the show fell flat in season 3 so I was disappointed. I am watching it now and am on episode 3 of season 3 and it is as funny as ever. Liam Neeson in episode 1 of season 3 is a hoot. A tip I will give for people like me who have trouble with the Irish accent is to turn on the subtitles.

Finished it. Great ending.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Loved it!
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watched all seven episodes in two nights! There were so many twists and turns, it will keep you guessing until the end. Well, the real life case that it is based on is unsolved, so this is as well. It is a fun ride with very good acting by all, especially Bobby Cannavale. It is not really a horror movie. It is a psychological thriller. If you want a fun ride, you will like this. I don't understand the people who say it is not true to the real story. Who cares? It is entertainment, not a documentary. Besides, it says "based on" a true story. The directing is good, the setting is beautiful, and there is not a boring minute. Enjoy.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
A hoot!
5 October 2022
When I first started watching Bridgerton, I thought, "What in the world?". Then I caught on to the fact that it is campy and fun and entertaining...not meant to be taken as historically accurate. So people should just take it for what it is and relax. As one reviewer so eloquently put it, "Thinking Bridgerton is historically accurate is like thinking Superman is a documentary!". That statement is a hoot! Ok, so I need more characters to post. I am looking forward to season 2 because reviewers say it is better, but I have been enjoying season 1 as just a visually pleasing and relaxing bit of escapism.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
Fun and beautifully done
30 September 2022
I am normally not a fan of romantic comedy. This series is just so fun and entertaining though! I love the beautiful views of Paris, the clever cinematography, the fashions, the light hearted story that is also interesting, and the eye candy such as Lucas Bravo. Lilly Collins is infectious as Emily. She is perfectly cast. I binge watched the first two seasons and am looking forward to the third in December. One of the most enticing and funny aspects is the culture clash between Parisians and Americans. Why watch morbid, depressing shows like Jeffrey Dahmer or "Blonde" when you can watch something fun and light hearted, but interesting too!
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Mother! (2017)
20 July 2022
This was the most bizarre, unfathomable, unpredictable, unique, intense, original movie I have ever seen and I could not stop watching it. There is no question that Jennifer Lawrence is one of the best actresses on the planet and Javier Bardem is also very good. The writer, director of this movie is a genius but It's not for everyone. I would not even know how to explain or describe it to someone.
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Fun and thoughtful
9 June 2022
This is a light hearted romantic comedy worth watching if for no other reason than the little speech Susan Sarandon gives about why people get married. It is brilliant and thought provoking.
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