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Silent Hill (2006)
creepy and gory horror film
4 November 2006
i haven't played the games so don't know much about the silent hill world. But i love this movie. I was in a really bad mood when watching this and was somewhat in the mood for a dark and creepy film. What i found was Silent Hill. There is not much gore or violence which lowered my rating but there are many creepy elements and all the scenes of gore are fantastic. Three of the goriest things I've ever seen come from this movie. The ending is a bit weird but i didn't care, the scares, gore and violence saved it. The acting was not bad like in most video game movies and the effects were incredible. If your a fan of gore horror, then this is a must see.
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first role i actually liked tom cruise in
3 August 2006
I finally got around to watching this movie today and let me say it is an awesome movie. It was very suspenseful with some of the best special effects I've ever seen. Most directors use large explosions to make their movies cool and show off that they can make fire, but spieldberg uses CGI dinosaurs and giant "tripod" alien machines and CGI aliens to show off. This role was actually good for tom cruise, i love the mission:impossible films (except the first), but i don't exactly like the character of Ethan Hunt. I liked Ray Ferrier, the kids didn't and that didn't really phase him, but he is not one-dimensional and he did blow off a lot of extra money at work because he had to go see his kids. There were some scenes when i was like "what are you doing?". But at least he showed emotion for his kids and always made sure they were safe. I liked it when he wouldn't let his daughter see him and TIm RObbins go at it, though i wouldve liked to see that fight. The gore in this movie is decent for a pg-13 film and doesn't gross you out (those with soft stomachs might hurl, but whatever). The special effects are great and it was great to see TOm Cruise actually take charge of the situation without using violence. It is scary at some points when it shows how crazy people will go to keep themselves alive.

All in all, great remake of a classic, great special effects and a great main character. Don't miss this one
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First movie nowadays that deserves a sequel
24 July 2006
This movie is funny, its violent, its dramatic (at the end a little) and its got a great story. The nineties age of movies started with two masterpieces: this and T2: Judgment day. There were some good ones along the way, but the nineties ended with bad films and the same is going for the 2000's. The film does show halle berry in a strip dance which is quite interesting. But bad boys didn't need a sequel and it got one, a little late might i add, rambo got sequels, didn't need one. The Last Boy scout surely deserves a sequel seeing how it ended, Bruce Willis and Damon wayans are hilarious together. Though Willis delivers most of the laughs and all the action, but id still love to see them pair up again. They can have all their swearing of the original and not overload it with violence like bad boys 2 and mission impossible 3. Bruce Willis doesn't exactly make movies as much as he used to and none have a story like this. If you haven't seen this, get off your computer immediately and rent it, anyone who doesn't like this film is a total retard.
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Click (2006)
By far the best comedy movie in years
24 June 2006
This movie was wonderful. It had drama and a lot of original jokes that don't get old. Everyone wishes they could mute someone or go back in time and fast forward through something, this movie let Michael Newman, an overly working architect do that. He even used the contrast button on the remote and turned himself into a green guy and a purple dude. It is true how kids grow up fast, he missed one year and his kids had moved from dragon tales to watching CSI. That scene was very funny, i was disappointed in seeing parents bring five year old kids to see a pg-13 movie on which the adds clearly showed sexual themes. But i suppose parents do that a lot nowadays, this movie had a very comic affect even when he didn't have the remote. Then it got very touching when he went to the future and his dad was dead, then he lost his wife and his father died and he missed him though he never thought he would. The neighbor Kevin O'Doyle, the annoying little brat who seems to try to make Newmans life suck and always brags about the cool things his family has. It was hilarious when Newman got his brief payback. This is the first movie since Fun with Dick and Jane and Big Momma's house 2 when i heard the whole theater laugh out loud. LArry the cable guy and date movie seemingly didn't have that effect. I almost cried watching this movie and i am hardly ever touched, the film was far more original than any other recent film without using the gross or mentally challenged humor. Don't pass this movie by, its an all around great movie.
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Scarecrow (2002 Video)
definitely cut to be R
9 June 2006
With all the excessive violence in this film, it could've been NC-17. But the gore could've been pg-13 and there were quite a lot of swears when the mum had the original jackass bad-hairdewed boy friend. There was a lot of character development which made the film better to watch, then after the kid came back to life as the scarecrow, there was a mindless hour and ten minutes of him killing people. The violence was overly excessive and i think the bodycount was higher than twelve which is a large number for movies like this. ALmost every character in the film is stabbed or gets their head chopped off, but the teacher who called him "white trash" and "hoodlum" (though the character lester is anything but a hoodlum, not even close, i know hoods and am part hood, they don't draw in class, they sit there and throw stuff at the teacher). The teacher deserved a more gruesome death than anyone of the characters, but was just stabbed in the back. There were two suspenseful scenes in the film, but didn't last long enough to be scary at all. As i said, the killings were excessive and sometimes people who have nothing to do with the story line get their heads chopped off. If the gore was actually fun to see, then it would've been nc-17. Two kids describe a body they find in the cornfields, they describe it as a lot gorier than it actually was, they explained to the cop that there were maggots crawling around in the guys intestines. His stomach had not even been cut open so there was no way maggots were in his stomach, though i would've liked to see that. The acting was pathetic, characters were losers, and the scarecrow could do a lot of gymnastix stunts. I suggest renting this movie for the death scenes, i wont see it again anytime soon, but i enjoyed the excessive violence. Also, don't bother with the sequel, i watched five minutes of it and was bored to death, it sounds good but isn't. The original scarecrow actually kept me interested.
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The Omen (2006)
very creepy
6 June 2006
I did not see the original which probably made this film better for me, I've heard it wasn't as good. But this film literally scared me, the people saying the film sucked are wrong, it was quite good. The little kid was a great actor. The one casting mistake i noticed was Julia Stiles as the mother Katherine Thorn. The images of 9/1/1 and hurricane katrina were disturbing and scary to see, but the images fit the prophecy. Julia stiles did not really show the fear she had of her child or in the bathroom scene or the zoo scene which shocked the hell out of me. The film started creepy then showed very disturbing images of current world disasters, it became very creepy during a scene on the highway. Then there were the scenes of Kate Thorn becoming frightened of her kid and suddenly it got a little boring and the creepiness that was supposed to be there, was not. THen suddenly, it got really suspenseful to the point i was shivering. The end was really norhing special, it wasn't exactly a surprise since five minutes before it happened, you know something was going to go wrong. I still enjoyed the film but there were some flaws, not perfect but an enjoyable film.
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Jaws 3-D (1983)
they should have stopped at two
17 May 2006
and left the series where it was. This was made in the eighty's a few years after the second one (not as good as the first, but pretty good), the first two were made in the seventy's and the sound effects and shark effects were worse in this. The shark made in this looks like a piece of cardboard that floats through the water, they copied the original score from the first jaws film and if it wasn't for a brody descendant and the score this could've been named something else. It looked so damn fake when the shark went through the glass at the end of this ridiculously bad film. Even Dennis quaid did a bad job in this one, if they kept Roy Schneider it would be worth watching. I only gave this a two because it was suspenseful at parts. A part that bugs me is when they say they are going to bait the shark near the end they are saying they will use a live person as bait, but at the end nobody is used and all the shark does is swim at them and through a glass window and tries eating a bunch of people. I'm tired of great movies being ruined by bad sequels. Jaws 4: the revenge was worse though, its pretty far fetched how a shark would know the brody family and would be stalking them in the Caribbean (jaws 4 plot). Don't see this or part 4 because they both suck. Just watch the first two.
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the sequel was way better
14 May 2006
Okay, lets start with the good stuff. Tons of violence and some pretty gory scenes, i enjoyed some of it and this is kind of like an action movie. Now for the bad. Uwe BOll directed it, begins with two minutes of clips from the game, literally gave me a headache and then it showed something that seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with the movie or maybe i wasn't paying attention. THere is a lot of bubbling water for on this island and you start to wonder why there would be a rave party on this island. The film is called "House of the dead" and based on some great arcade games, but they appear to only be in the house for about a half hour of the movie and remember those dogs that jump out of the fountain and attack you before you get into the mansion in the games? well, they are nowhere to be seen, nor are the guys running around with chainsaws that look like leatherface, and there isn't a gargoyle like thing anywhere. They could've just called it "Island of doom". The film had some "scary" scenes before the violence started but then it was all violence with heads being blown up and all that crap. There were girls that used their fists and feet to kill a bunch of zombies, the zombies also died from one bullet to the chest and could jog. The game is about zombie hunters, this is about teens and a coast guard and a crazy fisherman with a crapload of guns all stuck together on an island that is filled with zombies. One of the only things they did right was the "boss fight" at the end when they fought the king zombie, the good guys had an axe and he had a sword, not at all like the game but okay. These teens were too good at avoiding zombies and killing them as they had good aim with the guns, could dodge sword attacks and could kill them with their bare hands. In the last fight, the girl is stabbed and falls dramatically then gets up two minutes later as her friend is being strangled by the zombie and then she finishes it off and they live happily ever after. some mindless crap is involved in this movie and the sequel is less violent, but has some suspenseful elements and is actually in the college campus for the whole movie, with the exception of a few scenes building up to it in the beginning, that one had the zombie hunters and none of it was mindless gore. See the sequel and you can skip this one unless your looking for a nice piece of trash to watch on a Saturday night.
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god, i hope there'll be a fourth
5 May 2006
i really do hope there could be a fourth one, this is definitely going to be one of the biggest movies of the summer and was quite enjoyable. A lot more entertaining than the first two, the first was confusing then slow, then confusing and a little exciting, the second was slow and slow and slow then action packed. But i really like this one, Laurence Fishburne was great and he could be an interesting character to bring to the fourth. there was a lot of action in this, and it wasn't mindlessly violent either, every scene of action (which there were a lot of) had something important to do with the plot, Cruise definitely made himself look like an action superstar in this and the fight scene at the end was really well done. They got right to it this time, didn't start violent but went right to the plot, the first action scene was terrific and we see how smart the special ops team can be. The rest was an edge of your seat thriller with no boring romance, just tom going nuts on bad guys and using some super cool stunts. The bridge scene on the ads was much more violent and intense as it came out to be, there were new characters who were in it and Cruise did no more solo missions this time, it seemed that he was always with the team, just not in the end. If they make a fourth, they should make it like this one.
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Snake Eater (1989)
its not as bad as you've heard
28 April 2006
the reviewers on this site who call this horrible, are wrong. One of my buds had told me about this being good so i checked it out here and all the reviews said it was bad. I was hesitant to watch it but finally did and i liked it. Most of the acting was bad and the writing wasn't perfect, but i still enjoyed it. This film is like earlier 80's films like death hunt and first blood, a veteran in the woods getting chased by a bunch of people. Lorenzo Lamas' character as Soldier is like stallone's rambo, he uses traps that he makes to defeat the rednecks which i think is an original set of villains as these movies go. Some of the film was cheesy but enjoyable. Its not perfect, but its a good film that doesn't focus on loads of violence, let me note that there was only one shoot em up action scene in this movie.
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Cliffhanger (1993)
Die Hard on a mountain
23 April 2006
This is pretty much Die Hard, but on a mountain. After the original Die Hard there were some pretty terrible clones, Passenger 57 and Under Siege. Under SIege had a sequel which was better than the first, the only difference in those clones is that they used martial arts and different settings, the die hard sequels didn't even stay in one place!!! This film is pretty much Die Hard, but on a mountain and with Stallone replacing Bruce Willis and adding Michael Rooker as a sidekick. The villain is deadly and evil, and there are some pretty creative action scenes in this, most were fist fights but that doesn't matter. This remains a classic Stallone film with great acting (even from Stallone) and a great villain whom is really cold hearted. I expected less from this film but i got way more. The only problem is that Stallone went half the movie in a tee shirt on snowy mountains and was never really cold. still, great movie, see it to believe it!!
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There is only one flaw...
14 April 2006
The acting isn't great, but who cares??? acting is bad in like every movie these days. The only problem i really had with this movie is that the vampires could walk during the day after they performed a ceremony or something which didn't exactly make any sense. I thought the weapon Jon Bon Jovi used in the beginning was awkward, but original (a pistol that shoots stakes, it looks weird) but the rest of the movie isn;t really bad. I liked the vampire scene in the church when they use the spears to kill the vampires. The plot is weird and doesn't go along with other vampire movies, but i managed, I say you just check this film out not expecting the best, its not the best, but its not the worst either.
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War of the Worlds (2005 Video)
don't bother with it
13 April 2006
I was watching this on sci-fi and couldn't bear to finish it so i turned it off. It is really just the main character and people he meets along the way running away from the aliens. The special effects were horrible and there was barely any violence. Tha rating says that there is gore, but from the hour and a half i watched, i didn't see any blood at all. I expected this to be good seeing that it was modern and all, but i was severely disappointed, i became bored out of my mind. I'd have given this a 1 but there was only one good scene and that was when the aliens came out of the crater in that pit in the woods and started killing people with the tentacles. So all in all, don't bother seeing this film. No blood, bad special effects and nothing sexual equals a bad movie.
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The best war movie ever made
7 April 2006
flawless. That's the one word i would use to describe this film. I've never seen anything like it, it was definitely written by someone in the war and with respect for those who served in World War II. The acting is perfect and every bit of it is exactly how my grandparents describe war. If your seeing this not for the storyline, but for the violence, then shame on you. I am rarely touched by movies, but this touched me, especially the ending. Every battle scene is brilliantly played out and every actor does a brilliant job. If you haven't seen this movie, then you better get off your computer and run out and go see it. It is by far the best war movie ever made and a classic.
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Interceptor Force 2 (2002 TV Movie)
This movie is not bad
2 April 2006
I just watched the last hour of this on sci-fi channel and I really liked it. The special effects are bad, but that just goes along with most sci-fi movies these days. The alien was totally bad-ass and there was plenty of violence and gore. The high-tech weapons they used were awesome and original, the alien regenarting it's leg after it was shot off added to the problem of the unkillable alien.

From what I could see, the hero's were trappped inside a military base where there were nuclear weapons that they'd have to shut down. This movie is somewhat predictable, but isn't every movie these days? Just watch this movie expecting blood and a shape shifting alien hunting a group of commando's. What more do you want?
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Don't let the other reviewers fool you, this is not the original.
20 February 2006
Okay, its funny and its cute. I may be a little over the age limit expected to see this movie but I liked it. The problem is (which totally ruined the movie for me) is that this is nothing like the Curious George books that I loved as a kid, I have all the books fro gods sake!!! First, The Man in the yellow hat (perfectly voiced by Will Ferrell) never had a name, in this his name is Ted. Second, why does this man need a girlfriend? the books never had any romance. Third, The Man in the yellow hat never had a boss named Mr. BloomsBerry. Fourth, the monkey did not seem at all curious, all he did was walk around causing trouble for the man in the yellow hat and finally it was too long for a little kids movie. This movie is enjoyable but somehow I knew that Hollywood would just try to make this a star studded movie and try to add drama, romance, adventure, city humor and references to King Kong (you'll see them, they're everywhere). I enjoyed the movie but not how bad it screwed up, kids will love it, but people who grew up loving the books will not.
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Best movie of the year!
18 February 2006
This is by far the vbest movie of 2006 (besides big momma's house). The gore is pretty much non-stop which goes for the killings as well. I loved it, every scene was good and some of the girls were kinda goodlooking.

I wont give away the deaths because you wont expect any of them. I never expected how every little thing could be a part of someone's death. Just like in all the final destination movies, the story is terrible but its a great movie. I didn't find one flaw of the film, except me and my friend were laughing every time someone died.

Its better than I thought and the goriest movie of the year. (If you don't like gore, then don't see it)
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Frankenfish (2004 TV Movie)
Decent for what it is
12 February 2006
okay, the title kills it. I turned this movie on a few nights ago and saw like the last thirty minutes of it. When I turned it on, there was about six people there. Then the fish has the mind to smash through the wall of the houseboat! This movie is fun because for the first time ever sci-fi channel did not have terrible acting, but the CGI was terrible. The fish looked totally fake, but it was a blood fest! One lady gets fire launched into her skull, two cops on a fan boat are slaughtered and the others get ripped apart by vicious killer fish! The ending was predictable but I wont tell you what it is, rent this movie and if your a fan of blood and guts coming from animals then you'll like it just like i did.
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decent monster movie
29 January 2006
sure, its not the best but its decent. It opens up pretty good but then gets sort of slow with all the stuff happening to the guy whose name I cant remember. Once you see what is going on on the ship it gets pretty entertaining. The acting wasn't too great nor was the cgi but it was entertaining.

If you want to watch a monster movie with good acting and creepy creatures then you'll have to look elsewhere. I think only the mad doctor was doing good (He was believable). You cant only watch the ending for entertainment, you'll have to watch the whole thing to understand the end. See it, don't love it.
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Home Alone (1990)
A great family comedy
27 January 2006
There's nothing better to watch on Christmas time than Home Alone.

Its a funny, well written family film with good slapstick and idiot burglars that stole the show. Really the credit for this film being so funny goes to Daniel Stern, he's probably the best Movie comedian since John Belushi and he plays a great idiot.

The film is about two idiot burglars (Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern) hitting every house on a block except for one because Kevin, the brilliant nine year old fooled them that someone was there and they skipped it, then when they find out that Kevin is the only one there they set out to rob the house, but they'll have trouble getting through Kevin's little house of fun.

Watch it, you won't be disappointed, the slap stick for such a young kid is great, Pesci and Stern are hysterical and it's all good.
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Mindhunters (2004)
An all around good thriller
27 January 2006
This is probably the best FBi thriller made ever. The acting is great and it keeps you guessing the whole film (I am mad at the discussion board users because they gave away who the killer is and i haven't watched it all yet) but its still fantastic.

It has the best murder sequences since Freddy Krueger hit Elm street, i loved how well the characters were developed and how well they were murdered. I saw about 55 minutes of it and three people were killed off (If you a guy who watches these movies for the murders) and each time the killer is not shown, he just sets traps for them.

The film was great and the acting terrific, where are the Oscars on this one?
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King Kong (2005)
A definite award winner
23 January 2006
I just saw this yesterday and i already know it has Oscars written all over it. Thh three hours flies by and its worth the seven dollars for a movie ticket. In three and a half hours this film had no flaws. It was fast-paced, adventurous and a great movie. I will be trying to see it again for the second time this weekend. This is not the stupid 1976 remake that is not like the original at all, this film mentions the name Fay Wray (THe star of the original), says the last name of the director of the classic (Merian C. Cooper) and shows a scene from the original (I've never been on a boat with a woman before) THe film was not overdone with drama or action, the adventure is non-stop once they hit the island and the scenery where it was filmed was terrific. I was surprised at how many little kids were in there, this was not at all advertised for kids. If your a parent looking for a movie to bring your kids (anything younger than 11) then don't look here. See this movie if you know the story of Kong, not if your just looking for action, also ignore any bad reviews because the people who wrote this need an MRI, you must see it to believe how good it is.
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Hard Target (1993)
A top notch action thriller
22 January 2006
Sure, this movie wasn't too realistic, but see it for what it is and was meant to be, a classic Van Damne flick Van Damne may not be the most talented actor but he sure knows how to kick ass, this film stages i think four explosions in the end and is one of John Woo's best. Though there could have been more Van Damne fight scenes, there was plenty of gun fights and an awesome chase. I did not see all of this movie, i saw probably the last hour and five minutes meaning i probably missed mostof the plot but i loved it for the never ending action. This is pureentertainment for the average American idiot, If you haven't seen this film, get to the video store, ignore the other action films and rent this film!!!
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King Kong (1976)
Worst Kong movie ever
4 January 2006
I gave this a 2 because there were some decent Kong scenes like when hes in New York and when he fights the snake. But the rating is so low because it went away from the original.

First of all, it takes place with oil tycoons and not filmmakers which they were in the classic.

Second of all, the name of the blonde (Jessica Lange) is wrong, in the original it was Ann Darrow and in this one it was Duon.

Third, when Duon awoke she asked where Harry (THe man who she said was gonna put her in a movie) was, in the original it was Carl Dunham who asked Ann Darrow to be in a movie.

If your a fan of Kong, watch it for the violence and not to see a good remake.
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The series is dead
27 December 2005
The special effects suck, even Destroy all monsters which was made seven years before this had better action. The creators of this film have thought up the dumbest monster for the big guy to fight. I definitely hated how they made Godzilla's fire breath look like electricity, for a minute when Hedorah (Smog Monster) is marching towards the military base, I thought the military was using some kind of high tech weapon to destroy it.

I gave this a three because the finale (once I got past the special effects) wasn't bad. When Godzilla flies after Hedorah then brings him down and begins ripping him apart was pretty cool. The dumbest thing in this film (which is not the plot or how slow the creatures walk) is when a little boy yells for Godzilla while he is walking away. I would never wave goodbye to a fifty foot lizard that had just ripped up a monster, I would instead wave goodbye to whatever it is marching towards. If you like giant monster in form of pollution fighting giant lizards and terrible special effects, this is the movie for you.
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