
9 Reviews
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"True" Story, right?! ......right?
26 October 2023
Only two of these "stories" felt even remotely true. The rest felt like they were very loosely based on only some actual events at best. So many of the details were derived or interpreted from presumption, or portrayed in such a way that is all assumed through implication. Some of the "truth" to the stories are merely assumed as truth cuz "there was a police report" so must be true, right?! It's like Unsolved Mysteries met Goosebumps, but you're just supposed to take everyone's word as truth, despite there being very little to suggest it's anything other than a local legend. A lot of the acting in the dramatic recreations were also lame. And yet they portray the recreations in such way where they expect you to believe that's exactly how it happened. Here's the issue - MANY of the recreations didn't have ANY eye witnesses to them, so how on earth do you present alleged facts with no supporting evidence? This might as well have been kids telling you ghost stories they heard from other kids, who heard it from other kids...but you're just supposed to believe it's all true? Even when there's no documentation, evidence, or anything else at all?
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No Exit (I) (2022)
Do the directors not now how a freakin nail gun works?
2 March 2022
This movie tried too hard that it was super unbelievable. What the heck. Had promise, but then bombed it with such ridiculous and unrealistic moments all over. DO THEY NOT KNOW HOW A FREAKIN NAIL GUN WORKS?
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Entertaining, but Inconsistent
28 January 2022
Maybe I'm a time-travel connoisseur spoiled by the likes of Doctor Who and Endgame, but as far as what may be considered "logical" in the realm of time-travel movies, this one missed the mark. There were quite a few inconsistencies that were difficult to reconcile. For example, if you tamper with so many timelines and directly alter time-travel continuity, you're bound to have a potentially infinite amount of alterations and problems. That's the idea of a time-travel concept. Continuity. Again, maybe I'm spoiled. Doctor Who and the MCU have kept things very logical and consistent throughout their universes. I find no, or very few continuity errors. And that is what made The Tomorrow War difficult for me to watch. I found so many continuity errors and that just threw me off the whole time. But, I watched it through and enjoyed the action and drama despite how predictable much of it was. It felt like things dragged on at times, but I did appreciate a complete story. If this were not a time-travel movie, I probably would have rated it higher. It makes a "solid" attempt at being a time-travel flick, but misses the mark by far. Again, just riddled with those continuity errors. Other than that, I would recommend seeing at least once. I can't recommend past that. I sure don't intend to watch it again. Just gonna make my brain cringe.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Not Sure, I Guess?
20 April 2021
I gave it a 5 cuz I'm split. I didn't think it was trash, but it was also very cliché as well. The costumes were bizarre. The action sequences were strange. The rearrangement of characters was unnecessary. The very obvious political themes were easy to catch (police v rioters anybody?). Even the corruption angles were very over-done and over dramatic. Didn't seem believable or realistic. Didn't even feel like this was in the same time period it was supposed to have been. The movie didn't seem like it was certain what it wanted to be. A retelling? A new story? A jumbled mix of everything? I appreciate the attempt to be different. It was "refreshing" in that sense, but that's where it stops for me. I was intrigued, but nevertheless befuddled. I didn't hate it. But, the consistently bad reviews and very low ratings everywhere you look sure make you think twice, don't it? I enjoyed it as much as I could and got over my personal qualms with it as I watched. However, you shouldn't have to make yourself do that to enjoy a movie if it's actually good, should you? Ya know what? I'm doing it to a 4. Lol.
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29 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie kicked me square in the stomach and left me with this overall sense of aching and depression. Yeah, I knew it was a true story going in, but I wasn't mentally prepared for that. Very well done movie, but also a very good way to make yourself cry. You just can't help it. Because it's real is why it hits so hard. Don't watch this unless you want to get your heart slapped around.
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Unsolved Mysteries (2020– )
Loved It
6 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Look, if you want the original, go watch the original. Can't expect this to be "just like the original." It's a new show, but with nods to the past (such as Stack's silhouette in the opening credits - LOVED that. Excellent way to memorialize him). It's not gonna be the same. I, for one, appreciate that the whole episode is dedicated to one story because oftentimes it felt too quick to go between 2 or more stories in a shorter time frame. Don't get me wrong, I loved the originals, but I didn't always like stories being over so quick. I like the time given to properly absorb the situation and let it sink in. Some of the old stories deserved that kind of treatment, but didn't get it. Also, it's hard to have a creepy narrator voice like Stack's did, so that doesn't necessarily "fit" this model of a newer show. In the 80s/90s, it was cool, just not the same today. I'm fine with the format they chose for this. The creepy music is still there (and done well for this show) and there's still that element of "what in the actual heck is going on." Even after the first episode, I still had that nervous feeling like something creepy was gonna happen when I went to bed that night - JUST like when I was much younger watching the originals. What's good about this is the stories are still believable - they're not saturated in speculation of sci-fi ideas. Instead, they cause you to think of how real life can be very disturbing and bizarre. Sometimes, the suspense and horror stories write themselves.
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What in the heck was even that...
29 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to be optimistic. I thought "maybe the poor reviews are just an overall cinematic reaction and I could still really like it." sucked. Really sucked. Sure, I liked the nostalgic nods to the game. I had a lot of instances of "I understood that reference." Shoot, even Dr. Carmack made an appearance (albeit he was dead already). But, that's the only reason I gave it a 3/10. The CGI was absolute trash. The guns looked like cheap pieces of plastic I could find at a dollar store...and then spray painted. The acting was shall we say mediocre. The storyline was incredibly rushed and poorly put together. The characters died off faster than you even knew what their names were. It felt like I was watching something from some kid that said "hey wouldn't Doom be cool if they made it into a movie?" and then described what a kid thinks would be a good movie. I honestly think it would have been better if they just copied the actual game itself...the original 90s version that is. I was a little disappointed at the first attempt at a Doom movie (the Rock one) and this one just tanked even further down. I could write a better movie in my sleep. The lack of creativity and originality including the painfully predictable plot lines probably stuck out the most. Don't even get me started on the ending. Why can't people do video game movies right? You want a better movie? Play the actual game. That's a better movie than the actual movie. I had much higher hopes for this movie. I gave it one chance and it completely blew it. The only annihilation I saw was this movie's rating. Hard pass.
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Best Way to End the Avengers/Infinity War Series
6 June 2019
Anyone who complains about this film has not appreciated the last 10+ years of Marvel cinematic creation. Apparently everyone is a "genius" and those that have been working on these movies for this long are idiots. This was the best and most perfect way to end the Infinity War Saga. They blew everything out of the water and delivered exactly what fans needed and wished for. Those that apparently have been writing movies from their couches fo their entire lives while sipping on mama's kool aid need to check themselves. What blows my mind more than the movie is the fact that there are actually people griping about it and finding every reason to whine and moan about something that you never could dictate - so why bother wasting so much time? It was good. It may end up being the highest grossing film of all time. That says enough.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
9 January 2019
Not gonna lie. I'm a Christian and I know the whole story behind this movie very well (not to mention I even adhere to the real biblical content), but even I thought it sucked. The original version of this movie from 2000 was waaaaay better. That tells you something that over a decade later, they did a remake that was 10x worse. 2 thumbs down. I was even trying to be optimistic while watching it, but was let down over and over. Yikes.
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