
165 Reviews
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There is no other rating possible -- for ABBA fans
12 May 2024
I have been extremely fond of ABBA since I first heard their music -- in the 1970's on the radio! I must have reacted really emotionally to the radio broadcast, because my girlfriend at the time asked me: "Do you know them?". My feelings toward ABBA lasted way longer than the developing toxic relationship with this girl -- (She said she was a former stripper and had a child of 2 out of wedlock at the time.) Perhaps you get the idea.

Anyway: ABBA: This film tied together the bits and pieces of their lives and careers I'd gleaned over the years; but this film put everything into proper perspective and chronological order! I found the film to be very honest about four people who simply poured everything they had into their careers, families, and their live touring. I may be inaccurate here, but where else can you find 4 people with successful music careers of their own, who came together, got married (Boy-girl, boy-girl) some had children, got divorced -- all the while maintaining a world-renowned musical career that lasted about 7+ years? I don't know of any other. As a bonus, the girls were/are world-class gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!

BTW: Agnetha's (the blonde) vocal range is B2 to E7! For music folks that should mean a lot! There was an Olivia Newton John show where Agnetha even sang, briefly with the fabulous falsetto voice of Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees, and you can hear Agnetha had to lower her soprano voice to match Barry's own incredible voice! Yes, folks, she's not just beautiful, but extremely vocally gifted as well.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film; both emotionally, and as a documentary. I encourage you to see this film, perhaps even if you are too young to have ever heard of ABBA! You MUST have heard at least "Dancing Queen" -- in now even plays in supermarkets as background music.
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Ice (1998 TV Movie)
This film has little purpose
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film is filled with scenarios decidedly written by some California natives, who have NO idea on how to deal with cold weather!

In one scene, the world's most important climatologist reuses a coat that was covering a dead woman. The coat was then ripped off of him so the coat could again cover the dead woman! The reality of cold has never sunk in to the script writers in this film. I live in Illinois, so I know a little about cold weather. Also, people are continually going out in below-zero (F) degree weather with little concern about wearing hats!

OK, there is a bit of a story here, about family and loved ones; but that's about all.

Spoiler alert: This is one of those films that keeps getting worse and never really gets better. At the end, they get a bord a submarine headed to Guam, where someone says: "It's nice there". No resolution to the coming ice age whatsoever. I'm generous be giving this film a "1". I was hoping that the sub could send atomic missiles to the sun to fix the problem -- but no, the film ends with our cast getting on the sub.
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Really hit home for me!
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film really touched me, as it mirrors my own family so closely. As the youngest of three, I was not quite so directly involved, but my my parents' first-born, my sister Joan, died unexpectedly when she was about 18-months old. Joan's death was approximately the same time as this film took place -- perhaps a bit earlier. My older sister wa born while Dad was away during WWII; I came along in 1949.

I was always concerned that my parents argued so much. However, I learned, much later in my life, that a lot of parents who lose a child lack the courage to have any more -- but mine did!

I won't go into this film too much; however, having never seen this film before today, I 'predicted' that Trina was going to fall in that "Cloud" sequence.

God rarely gives you what you think you want; rather, He gives you what you NEED. Go watch this film -- bring tissues.
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Hard Target (1993)
My Fav Van Damme Film
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Lance Henriksen MAKES this film as much as the others. My favorite scene is the climax -- where Van Damme activates a grenade, then drops it down the UBG (Ultimate Bad Guy)'s pants. Not to be outdone our our UBG retrieves the live grenade, disassembles it, cackles & thinks he has won, but the grenade is still going. Then the grenade's fuse sends sparks into the body of the grenade -- and it goes off. Thus, Henriksen, the last Bad Guy, is finished. Great Climax!!!

Oh, all of the pyrotechnics is great too, and there is a LOT of it. But, IMHO, you really need a fantastic UBG, Lance Henriksen, to really keep the pace going and to motivate our hero to really fight.
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First time viewing, just today!
26 November 2023
I was moved by thus film. I have always liked Bob Cummings and films about Angels. ANY film that can make me tear up, even slightly, deserves a Very Good review!

What do you think we need in this world, today? More films about drugs, wars, Satan-worshippers, crooked get-rich-quick Politicians; or more films about Angels? Honestly, the proverbial 'pendulum' has swung so far "to the left", that I'm not certain it will come back. Maybe it needs a bit of a nudge, eh?

Well, perhaps we can start by urging a new generation to watch this film, as a start.

Marjorie Reynolds has never looked lovelier than in this film, IMHO. Bob Cummings plays his part so softly, that you would hardly even notice he's there -- kind of like an Angel.

What the hey, spend ~2hrs, watch this film, get your own heart in just a bit better place, and perhaps we can nudge that Pendulum!
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AmeriGeddon (2016)
No other rating possible -- actual tears -- I'm WITH you!
1 October 2023
This film's substance and heart MORE than makes up for any shortcomings some may see in this film!

What would you do when/if the lights went out and then some armed "UN Forces" came knocking on your door -- telling you that your President has declared Martial Law, to surrender ALL weapons, and that these "UN Forces" took precedence and all authority over our Constitution?

We need to have an answer here, People!!!!!!!

In the film, a small, community-based group, chose to fight.

Considering the abhorrent state our 'Government' is in right now: an absolutely & utterly incompetent President; compromised Military 'leaders' who read "The Communist Manifesto" in their spare time, while other(s) of the highest rank, males, go around in dresses; no existing Southern Border; no oil; stupidity seems to be everywhere in Bureaucrats and bug-eatin' Democrats; compromised Communist professors in our Colleges & Universities, etc. Etc.

What this film puts in short-form action-film style, is already happening -- and you can see this for yourself IF you are smart enough to go beyond watching Main-Stream Media News!

The newest wrinkle is that while we are certainly being invaded; the invaders come without any guns -- then they expect U. S. Citizens to pay them to stay! Our Government gives them money, food, clothing, shelter, cell phones and more. Who voted for this nonsense?

Want to know more about this film? I have news for you -- we are all living it, right now! There is no other rating for this film other than a perfect "10".
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Criminal (2016)
This film is vastly under-rated
24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline of this film is quite unique. You take a lifetime criminal, and inject the memories of a (now dead) agent. This 'criminal' now, for the first time, learns, slowly, how to feel, care for others, and eventually to even love. Throughout the film, "Jericho" is coming in contact with the dead agent's wife & daughter; and Jericho never harms either of them -- because the dead agent never would have.

The little girl accepts Jericho and welcomes him. Jericho even knows how to make the girl's Sunday waffles -- and which side to put the syrup on! This story, for me, is extremely heartwarming!

Apparently, I'm in the minority, as the box-office and the 'critics' maligned the film rather harshly. I don't care. I REALLY like this film. At the end of the film, I was literally screaming for a sequel!

The film ends, and the memory implants, which were starting to fade from Jericho, but the doctor (Tommy Lee Jones) who invented the memory-transfer process, fixes that limitation. So much so, that he really is becoming that dead Agent -- with all his abilities and feelings.

The film ends with Jericho, Gal Gidot's character as his 'wife', and the young girl ('their' daughter) all hugging it out and being happy together -- at the beach; while Gary Oldman states that he, now, wants to hire Jericho (supposedly to be an agent -- like the original agent/husband/father)! I want a sequel!!!!! Wow! I'll take THAT role, too! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel!
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The Tall Man (2012)
Cannot believe the 'high' ratings for this 'film'
1 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Executive Summary: So, this film would 'almost' have you believing that some children, we are not sure who, are better off being killed by some self-appointed care giver than struggling through life with their own parents.

Film starts off with Jessica Biel's character being the most caring and loving person you could ever imagine. Then the film does a switcheroo, and we discover something quite differently.

OK, so the town has lost its industry -- a mine -- and nearly everyone we see is living in trailers and trailer parks. OK, very sad. Then we see husbands & wives arguing -- but this film goes a step further -- attempting to con the viewer into thinking having their children kidnapped (and then murdered) -- is somehow better for them. (This is really sick!)

Oh, sure, the woman is finally caught and a death sentence is expected. This story goes that this woman kidnaps these children, plays music for them, loves them, and then kills them because she cannot care for all of them - and, according to her, neither can the parents.

I cannot help but wonder if this film is loath-fully anti-family; and is trying to half-heartedly support what is happening in our society today (2023) with migrant or kidnapped children?

Watch this silly film and decide for yourself! Me? I'd rather support & encourage a struggling family shown persevering and making it through life's trials & tribulations than this film!
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TV's Western Heroes (1993 Video)
Brings back memories ...
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you were not alive during the 1950's and 1960's, I doubt that this compilation will have much meaning for you.

But, if you were, then drag out those dusty old memories for a rerun! You'll "return with us now, to those trilling days of yesteryear" (the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's) Just about all the 'heroes' of my childhood-from-TV were there.

The movie(?) starts out properly enough -- with arguably (with apologies to the intro for {the Original} "The Outer Limits" of another genre) the opening of "The Rifleman"! You had no doubt what this show was about after that intro -- Chuck Conners bangs away his 11 or 12 shots quickly. But of course you, as The Proper Audience for this 'film', already knew that, didn't you?

The rest of my memories were properly dusted off; with one notable exception: "Wanted: Dead or Alive" starring Steve McQueen. Steve was shown only briefly -- for some product promotion -- this compilation did not afford Steve his proper place.

Of course ANYONE reading this, knows what to do with all those memories -- you smile, briefly, then put them away again -- to focus on the Present & the Future, not the past!
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Long Lost (2018)
Wow, no idea where this film was going; but I liked it!
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The actor playing "the older, long lost brother" played this part to perfection. You never knew if you could truly believe what he was saying; and his intense gaze could just bore right through you. EXCELLENT performance!!!

Abby was cute, and made you just barely believe she might be interested in you -- I was thinking a possible three-way. But her come on was a little too much too soon to be believable -- but I wanted it to be -- that was, as it turned out exactly was she was paid for -- the illusion. Also, IMO, very well-acted.

Seth was either: 1) a real hard case against fun; or 2) true-to-life. In any case, Seth was unwilling to take part in the fantasy (Read: oh, Darn!) I really wanted Seth & Abby to get-it-on -- but even in my fantasy in watching this film -- I didn't totally believe it. If I were ever in Seth's position with Abby -- I would have been sorely (literally) tempted, and would probably end up with "Blue Balls" too.

This film was a fun romp -- but really that was all it was -- but that was the intention of the Film-makers, IMHO. Well done!
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Good Kill (2014)
If anyone feels they have been 'entertained' by this; please get help!
29 July 2023
This film represents the complete absurdity of War, in general, and with all the technological 'superiority' we in the US pretends to have -- even deepens the absurdity.

The acting is great, the production of the film is great, January Jones remains extremely attractive, bla, bla, bla.

The point that I got from this film is how ridiculous all this, 'war' stuff is. If that was the goal of the film-makers, then they 100% succeeded. If their goal was to entertain me, then that number, even with January Jones in it, plummets to 0%.

In my mind, I also saw the guys making all these $$$Expensive$$$ missiles, wringing their greedy hands with glee -- every time an $85,000 missile was 'used'.

God, I wish I had spent the time watching this film doing _anything_ else! This film shows the extreme mental anguish of War, without showing ang of the red stuff. I also feel, right now, like, I'd like to join a War-Protest rally somewhere. This film is NOT fun; nor is it 'entertainment'.
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Great Film from many aspects, but not for everyone!
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For those of us who were alive in 1969, this film was sooooo relatable! I feel sorrow for, perhaps, the "average" moviegoer, age-wise, who didn't remember any of the songs, and so many other aspects of this film. You just had to be of a certain age to appreciate all that Quenten Taratino, and others, have put into this film!

Example: The German prison guard scene is a mixture of the actual Steve McQueen film, "The Great Escape", with Leonardo DiCaprio mixed in. Well done! Another side-note: It was stated that Steve McQueen himself took to carrying a gun after these events, and that he was actually invited to Sharon Tate's home that night!

I recall about half of the music-of-the-day that was constantly playing; but I'm sure I didn't get all of the references. Each time I see this film I pick up more of the content.

How many of you young people knew that "Kato" (the guy Brad Pitt threw against the car) was supposedly Bruce Lee? Uh-oh, perhaps youngsters don't know who Bruce Lee was. Too bad.

For those reading this, and are hopelessly confused, I suggest you refer to the extensive WIKI-entry on this film.

This film was about many things, but at the core, it was about the murders of Sharon Tate (played by Margot Robbie) and others -- all perpetrated by Charles Manson. In 1969 there were the 'original' "Hippies"; but that entire "Flower-Child" movement abruptly ended with these, THE most fiendish murders of the time -- and everyone was affected by them. Kind-of-funny side note: Did you know that one of the real killers, "Tex" (Watson), (serving a life sentence in prison), is now a minister?

To say that these events shook the entire country is a vast understatement. So, given all these grisly murders Charles Manson is responsible for, what does Tarantino do? He changed the film from what really happened to a MUCH better ending -- that we ALL could pray & pretend actually happened! I think this adds significantly to the film!

This film tries to show sooo much history of the time that it deserves a "10"!
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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
What no fractional, or zero-star ratings for this tripe?
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That's too bad. All these actors and actresses put on all this makeup, wear these terrific-looking costumes; but then they have to memorize this terrible, awful, beyond-sanity dialog!

I feel their pain. But it's OK, next week they could be playing in some totally pointless romantic comedy, or be reading a script of yet another top-secret Nazi-plot to take over the world.

So, for this one, a bunch of characters run around a garden, killing each other, in order to get some stone or other? Why not just have a nice day at the beach? There are lots of stones there!

The girl is cute enough to pass muster; but, really, is this the best role she could get? I'd really hate to see the scripts she passed up for this one!

But I see, all the Democrats got on board, as expected, and this garbage gets a "9.8" rating? Really? I'll bet those high-raters would give "Ben-Hur" or "The Ten Commandments" undeservedly low ratings!
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Much better than expected, wow!
26 February 2023
OK, I've seen mad-slasher films, I've seen lost-in-the-woods films, I've seen creepy-monsters-in-the-woods film, and I've seen people trucked off to an unknown location to be hunted films; but NONE are like this film -- where all of these elements are brought together in a unique way, with twists & turns that you will NOT predict!

The premise of this unknown 'civilization' was creepy, unexpected, entertaining, and original, in my view.

The acting was great, the lead actress was cute (this always helps!), and the supporting actors, like the guy in the bar, turns in a great performance -- and has more than the one dimension to his character than you expect!

Well, enough said -- go watch the film!
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I think this film is a LOT better than others' comments!
7 November 2022
One standout reason: Scott Adkins! Adkin's multitude fighting disciplines, acquired over a lifetime, really show through in this film. OK, he's not the main character, but Adkins prefers to play 'bad guys'.

I think you can watch this film from different aspects. If you want a Hercules story, you can watch that -- along with his very lovely on-screen soulmate. You can watch it for the scenery. Or, as I did, Scott Adkins just seems to take over every scene he's in.

If you want story, I think that's good too. The other actors do their jobs quite well; but Adkins' performance is superb -- if you appreciate martial-arts at all.

Worth your time to watch!
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
S6E18: Marvelous Acting Moment!!!
5 November 2022
I have admired James Spader for years. My earliest recollection of him was as a snotty elitist wealthy young man -- in his earliest films. I guess I perhaps have not appreciated how skilled actors can be.

Obviously S6E18 has had an extremely long time to develop a Story. The scene I'm referring to is Spader's reaction when character Elizabeth tells him that she was the one who turned him into the police (prison and a very near execution followed.). Although Reddington suspected her, his reaction upon finally hearing the truth from her was really a masterful mix of expressions on Reddington!

You could feel (and see) the complex mixture of feelings on Reddington's face as Elizabeth made this revelation. I cannot recall a more complex and, for me, heartfelt reaction. His face was not overly contorted, but it appeared to me as if an extremely wide mixture of emotions passed over his face in the span of a few seconds.

Yes, it was an unexpected climactic moment; but Mr. Spader was able to emote an extreme range of emotions in that time span. Well Done!!!!!!!!

I think this moment, and the acting ability to create it, deserves extreme praise.
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Really awful, no matter how you look at it.
9 October 2022
This film is either: a) A representation of Germany toward the end of WWII; or b) Have this entire cast & crew & writers & Directors ever seen a 'REAL' WWII submarine picture? Although I did plod through it until the hapless ending, There were so many things wrong with this picture, that I'd like to point out just a few.

Early in the film, the 'new' crew gets all lined up for inspection. To be ruefully honest, they all looked as if they'd just paused their Game Boys, Cell Phone games, or whatever, to get off their fat rears long enough to form some sort of 'line' for poor, unshaven, haggard Dolf Lundgren to inspect. Lundgren looks like he just finished "Rocky IV", and they just got the red coloring off. Not even their uniforms matched! Carry this theme to the locations, the desks & chairs, even the pictures on the wall and you will have an idea of how this film looked. Bad.

It is also way past obvious that the number of people in the film was cut to the absolute minimum. On the U. S. side, there is a guy who keeps running to the General with the latest news -- in his first appearance, he looks like he's thinking: "Gee, I'm really in an actual movie!". Yes, this film is THAT bad!

To be fair, making a film set in ~1945 is more difficult in 2022 then it was in 1945-1950. But still!

Do not waste your time watching this film. This film looks as though the recent 'plandemic' really did wipe out most of the (Hollywood?) population.
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This is the new world order playbook!
12 July 2022
Here we have a film series that has been highjacked by New World Order activists following their silly Playbook!

Initially, 20 years ago, it was kinda fun to 'see' dinosaurs again, but evil, greedy men stepped in to mess everything up so that instead of a "Theme Park" we always ended up with a mess -- corrected by our "Heros".

This time, we are to accept dinosaurs among humans as common, accepted fact-of life! Can you not see the connection to Today? In this ridiculous dialog, they try to justify their half-baked nonsense by questioning whether Man has any more rights than dinosaurs to inhabit our Planet!

Nowhere did I see, in the 40 minutes I could stomach this miserable excuse for a film, did I see our Military trying to eradicate these creatures from a bygone age! ((Can we say Dinosaurs == 'Migrants'?))

Perhaps PITA has a problem with hurting fake animals! Who knows?

It's not the actors, or the Producers at fault here -- it is the miserable, phony, fetid, disgusting SCRIPT that is at fault. I've also lost ALL respect for the actors, many of whom are from previous "Jurassic Park" films, who agreed to babble their lines for this tripe!

People are entitled to their sincere Political beliefs -- whatever they are. This film is extremely blatant in its message of "Humans are disposable, and can be replaced" theme. Where are our 'Leaders' in this film? Nowhhere to be found; while of course the Elites continue to hide in their protected caves -- as they always will -- or as long as there are idiots dumb enough to accept scraps of compensation to protect them.

Go ahead, get some popcorn and watch this film -- you have been warned -- it is simply more brainwashing; so do so at your own risk. Try not to puke up that expensive popcorn you bought -- thinking you were going to be entertained!

One other reviewer writes that this film is "spiritless"; another writes "lifeless". Well of COURSE it is! These NWO people have no belief in God -- just in themselves and their money! This film is a darn-near CRIMINAL waste of anyone's attention!
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I Am Mother (2019)
Typical Democrat-Ideology film
3 July 2022
Babies are ALL fed with Formula, right?

No baby EVER has a father, right?

That Formula just comes out of a tube. That tube stays filled and apparently lasts forever, right?

The ONLY plant you EVER need to grow, ever, is corn, right?

Food: it just comes from some unknown place in compartmentalized trays already warmed up for you -- just like a school cafeteria, right?

There will be no mother/father Family Structure ever, right?

If you need anything constructive done, why just go to the nearest 'robot' and ask, right? Then, wait for some robot-factory, like for the shipping crates shown here, preferably from China, to just magically show up.

Without robots, all you'd have would be those dead trees we saw in this film, right?

OK, I'll grant you, this is not a badly-made film. It has suspense, drama, action, and a quite minimal story. But that Socialist/Communist/'New-World-Order' garbage just creeps into EVERY single aspect of this film --- until I simply choked on all of it.

This film is intended for children of all ages who simply cannot "think"; there's no time to prepare food; we need to have pointless conversations with stupid robots all day long, right?

If this is anyone's idea of "entertainment", then I pity you. We do not require anymore garbage like this film. What we DO need is way much more about God, The Family, sustainability, sane treatment about what is required for survival, and more along these lines. Not this garbage.
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Good story, but flawed
14 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As soon as the husband was killed, I thought: Oh good, another film where the woman runs around a kicks everyone's well, you know.

Remember film in Australia somewhere, where three guys push this girl off a cliff, impale her on a tree, and think she's dead? Then she recovers and kills all three Bad Guys (hey, they only wanted to rape & kill her!) Well that film was GREAT; this one ... not as good.

I liked the actress in this role, but she doesn't say much. We also never learn WHY these Bad Guys were so darn Bad that they even had a Mole in the Sheriff's Department!

If films like this a going to be popular, and I hope they do (!), the women who kick-butt need to search & make weapons more -- not relying on a rock, like this film did, to be conveniently within reach.

Typically, I don't care so much for Ron Pearlman; but he was good in this film.

I thought Ali Larter was very attractive and likeable here; but really, script-wise -- she does a little Yoga, and now she's a badass?

I agree with others who said the film-makers were enamored with the scenery; that part was a bit overdone, IMHO.

The film portrays a severe survivalist requirement for our lovely Heroine; but knowing that, the ending is funny, surprising, and unexpected.

Overall, I'd definitely give this film a watch; just don't expect something like "Gladiator" or "Nikita"!
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Very Good Movie!
13 June 2022
This film proves that "X-Men" come from an authors' imagination. They definitely do NOT need to be the Original Characters we know of (like Cyclops, Wolverine, Ice Man, etc.)! They, and their powers can be absolutely anything! Extremely well done!

The think the authors of this story did an excellent job with character development here. They kept us guessing what the powers of there Mutants were for a long time; almost to the end of the film! This is an interesting approach, and for me, it worked wonderfully. Their powers were leaked just enough to keep us interested and and suspenseful and wanting to see more!

We also get to see the non-mutant side of each character. This is refreshing. Their personalities were NOT dominated by their mutant powers. This is a very interesting approach!

The acting was well done by all. This is decidedly a "just go see it" film! Do not believe the negative reviews!!!!! Just get some popcorn and enjoy the movie.
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Double Threat (2022)
Wonderful film!
7 June 2022
I write my reviews based on how the film made me feel.

This film's female lead could just be my ultimate fantasy dream-girl. She's blonde, extremely attractive, can be sweet and tender, tough, and portrays a character with an interesting split personality. I also appreciate strong women characters in films! This female lead does not require constant saving, and is absolutely wonderful, beautiful, sexy & tough all at the same time; plus she's kind of a 'bad-girl'. Oh, and the male-lead is not a woos either!

The screenplay has something that a lot of other movies lack. That is, quite simply, HONESTY. When the characters talk to each other, the dialog, be it communicating good thoughts or bad thoughts, is truthful. That is as refreshing as a cool drink of water on a hot summer's day for films these days!

The screenplay, the female lead splits between a fighter, and a nice girl. Kind of like schizophrenia, but un way that always seems to work out for the best for the story. That would be doubtful to have in real life.

Yes, this film completely deserves a "9"!

I prefer to not go through the plot in this review. If you are a guy, or a girl, just take what I've said and go watch this movie!
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Iron Sky (2012)
Parodies & brief Girlie shots present!
5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OK, Warning: this review is not going to be very sophisticated.

Most delightfully, girl watchers can find a brief moment (at about 12:00 into the film) where of the clothing of beautiful actress Julia Dietze (circia 2012) is blown wonderfully nearly off for about 30 seconds. Petty, I know, but as an older man I'll take anything I can get (and don't have). Yes, it's pathetic. Anyway, since my streaming service eliminates the subtitles in German, that's almost all I can get from the film.

There is also an excellent parody of 'Hilter' taking off his glasses and yelling a lot. (These Parodies are somewhat common and all come from the same scene from the excellent movie "Downfall"). It was very appropriate, yet surprising to see the "Downfall" parody in this film -- this time a woman takes the 'Hitler' role -- utterly hilarious.

Brief plot synopsis is almost unique: Nazis are active on the dark side of the Moon since 1945. And one US astronaut is captured when our pathetic space attempts 'land' a craft near them. The Nazis are mining He3 (Helium3) -- supposedly a good thing. They are supercharged when they discover that a cell phone (from the astronaut) can control their 1945-era 'computer'. The cell phone's battery runs out, so they naturally fly to Earth in one of their own flying saucers to get more cell phones. More fun ensues as the President meets them, and thinks its delightful to have a war with Moon-Nazis under her belt for her re-election. Then more fun-action ensues.

Unfortunately, those looking for the beautiful Julia Dietze will be disappointed with this film's sequel; as she's made to look 15-20 years older, and sadly almost unrecognizable.

This version is definitely worth a watch for it's uniqueness!
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Hulk (2003)
I feel sorry for those who low-rated this film...
2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
See, I grew up during the 1970's, and I read all of the mythology (OK, some might call them comic books), but there were and are some utterly incredible ideas and thoughts that continue to be presented in the mythologies created by Marvel.

This mythology is certainly better then most sci-fi stories you find on newsstands and bookstores. The somewhat unique Marvel approach was to give each character limitations -- so that no one was ever all powerful.

Although The Hulk (Bruce Banner) has his limitations; it sure was fun to see him smashing up Abrams Tanks! The parodies were perfectly done also -- who, old enough, can recall Bill Bixby's incredible line: "Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry" - perfectly presented the the Hulk's older TV show. That line was so perfectly done, that this film did not even try to top it -- they did two renditions of it -- the last one was perfectly done, but done in Spanish at the very end of the film; as no one can top Bill Bixby for this line!

This film did an excellent job of presenting an "origin story" of The Hulk; certainly as good or better than the (excessive number of) "Superman" origin stories.

The Characters (Actors) were well-chosen: Sam Elliot was exceptional in his role as The General -- always at odds with The Hulk; and what man would NOT melt upon gazing longingly at Jennifer Connelly's Betty?

The movie was GREAT fun -- with and excellent added dimension thrown in by Nick Nolte! Definitely worth your time!!
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Ending makes no sense
26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was all set for a horror/thriller movie. This film seemed to fill the bill. After the woman in the other house said she knew everything about "the door", including her own lost daughter, and revealed all this to the mom, I thought we were all set.

So next we have a VERY long session with the Tarot Card guy, who claims he can get their son back. So the parents enter into some 'deal' with a dark spirit; and they both sign a contract. The next this we know, is that mom&son move away with dad to follow. So dad makes a New Door, and installs it in the school with lots of children.

That's all we see other than lots of children cheerfully walking past the New Door on their way to various classes.

We are left with the possibility that the "New Door" is a 'trap' for some of these nice children? That just plain sucks!!!!!!

There were creepier children appearing for a short while; but their 'rescue' was not covered.

Those hoping for a "happy ending" will be disappointed. The story seems to make the "Evil Spirit" all powerful. That is just plain WRONG, poor writing, and sends the wrong message! God wins out, every time; period!

We need more God in our lives, decidedly NOT more Evil. Script was written by Hollywood Democrats; yuck!
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