
13 Reviews
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Angel (1999–2004)
Great spinoff to an incredible show
19 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While btvs was a much lighter show geared towards a younger audience, Angel is much more mature and takes on darker themes. I never cared much for Angel in btvs but in this series he actually has a personality! The character development, especially Wesley, is absolutely incredible. My only issue is the way the women are written (and written off) in the show.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
19 May 2022
I absolutely loved this show! I first watched this years ago and every few years rewatch the show and each time it's such a treat. While not everything holds up, a lot of the basic themes of the show are timeless. Sarah Michelle Geller is such a talented actress.
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Wish I could give it less
6 July 2019
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I was hoping for something factual but I ended up watching a 5 minute clip of a South Park episode, countless interviews with people who didn't seem to have any relation to Columbine, and a 20 minute tangent about racism in America. I'm genuinely not sure what this documentary is supposed to be about. It definitely wasn't about Columbine though.
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Dollhouse (2009–2010)
Love it, love it, LOVE IT!
27 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Joss Whedon is absolutely brilliant. There are few shows that stay with me years after watching them, but this is one of them. Dollhouse is such a fascinating story with amazingly nuanced characters. Whedon develops realistic characters who are not just good or evil. They are flawed and constantly battling with their own morality. My favorite storyline was Priya's (or Sierra) because I truly believe that that is exactly what would happen if the dollhouse really existed. It's sad that this show was cancelled after only two seasons, but it is definitely worth watching. I am always recommending this show to people. My only advice is to that you have to watch at least the first half of season 1 before forming an opinion about the show. As other reviewers have stated, FOX greatly influenced the first few episodes to make them more cutesy, action-packed episodes, rather than letting Whedon work his magic. Once they let him do his thing, the show truly develops and the storylines become so much more deep and interesting.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
First episode was great but...
13 April 2019
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Each episode after that followed the exact same formula. After three episodes I was bored. There was no character development, the character's decisions were so irrational that it didn't even seem realistic, and main characters were being killed in every episode so I stopped caring when they died. I feel like Netflix was trying to take a darker and more intense take on the zombie genre, but it says a lot when someone gets bored three episodes into an eight episode show. I had to force myself to watch the last five and I can honestly say it wasn't worth it
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Great concept but...
11 April 2019
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It was so predictable. You could see every plot twist a mile away. The characters were so underdeveloped that I didn't even care when they died. Which by the way, it becomes repetitive when every time a sister leaves the house, she dies. Also, if a show is set in a futuristic world it needs to spend at least a little time developing this world. There was one moment when the people there trash and garbage cans of fire at the police officers which implies that they don't like law enforcement/government, but why? And why have this scene if that concept is not significant to the story? It felt like this story had many different things it wanted to do and not enough time to do them so it just took half of each plot device and mushed it all into one film. If you're bored, this is relatively entertaining. But I wouldn't go into watching this with high (or medium) expectations.
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Heartbreakingly accurate portrayal of teenage years
11 February 2019
Hailee Steinfeld is amazing in the role of awkward Nadine. I loved that her awkwardness wasn't played off as cute adorable rambling like they usually do in films. I felt like the awkward things she said or did were really accurate. My heart was breaking for Nadine as you watch her make mistake after mistake because she just can't seem to understand how to handle the problems in her life. This is truly a coming of age story but one that actually delves into mental illness without making it a major part of the film. She is clearly suffering from anxiety and depression from the passing of her father and can't seem to work through it on her own. This film was an absolute gem and Woody Harrelson was perfect in his comedic role.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Some AMAZING episodes and others...
27 January 2019
Just fall flat. I love how dark and semi realistic this show is but it feels like every other episode is not that interesting. Some episodes seem like they're focusing more on the artistic filming than the actual plot. Both are obviously important but a beautifully filmed episode with little or uninteresting plot (or massive plot holes) is not worth watching. I love that this show focuses on the ways humanity can become perversed by technology but the more recent episodes look more like futuristic distopian stuff where the characters are all play into their most depraved desires rather than normal people being corrupted by tech or the opportunities it can bring
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You (2018–2024)
Pretty interesting series if you can overlook the few annoying characters
27 January 2019
Overall this series was really interesting. I absolutely loved the main character Joe. He is deeply disturbed, intelligent, and caring which makes him entertaining yet horrifying to watch. Juxtaposed with the insecure and dull other characters, I find myself rooting for him in all of his endeavors even though he's the crazy one. It's not entirely like Dexter (which I think was a more interesting and well thought out character), but this first season didn't really go into Joe's backstory. Hoping they will explain that better in season two. I found the main girl, Guinevere, to be too dull and naive. I couldn't relate to or sympathize with any of her actions and her backstory was really boring.
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Baby Face (1933)
Feminism in the 1930s
30 September 2018
She did what she had to do to thrive in a patriarchal world. Other reviews called her cold and manipulative but these men never truly loved her. The men in her life, including her father, used her to satisfy themselves so she decided to do the same. The ending was a little trite but overall I enjoyed the film
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She's Gotta Have It (2017–2019)
Self-righteous and self-centered main character and weak male characters
17 September 2018
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I really wanted to like this show. The music and the shots of Brooklyn are beautiful and the topics that this show focuses on such as racism, polyamory, and feminism are so important. However, Nola is such a frustrating character to care about. She keeps talking about how these men keep trying to control or define her but she continues to have relationships with them. And they could make the same argument about her. She is the one with the structure rules that the men in her life have to get on board with if they want to be with her. The other frustrating part is how everyone loves her when she is so selfish. Mars left one of Nolas friends to be with Nola and Nola doesn't even feel bad about it. She'll even talk about Mars with her friend even though it clearly still bothers her. She's so focused on living her truth that she takes other people for granted. And what's even more confusing is that the people in her life stick around for it. I could understand if she was charismatic, but she's not, so what are the people in her life getting out of having a relationship with her?
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A toxic, unhealthy relationship
29 August 2018
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Sutter is an alcoholic who is obviously not over his ex girlfriend. He gets Amy to go out with him and to drink, claiming that he was "helping her" (this is what he told his friend as an explanation for why he would even go out with Amy). In a fit of rage he kicks her out of his car and because of that she gets hit by a car. Even though he consistently treats her poorly, she keeps taking her back. You can tell that she has low self-esteem and he is just using that so that he doesn't have to be alone. There is not one moment in this film that shows why he is even interested in her. It was very difficult to watch this relationship unfold. I chose this film because I love the actors but they were just okay in this film. Maybe they weren't given enough to work with. Overall, not a fan of this movie
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Charmed (1998–2006)
Has it's faults, but still an amazing show
5 July 2018
Before reviewing the show, one has to understand that seasons 1-5 and 6-8 are very different. Both are great in their own rights, but completely different. 1-5 is more of a drama and focused on sisterhood. 6-8 is more of a lighthearted comedy that is aware of how campy it is. Growing up I definitely preferred the later seasons because they are so fun and comedic. Rose McGowan is a great actress and her facial expressions are amazing. She's so funny! Rewatching the show as an adult, however, I prefer the earlier seasons. I love watching their powers grow and how their magic is linked to their sisterhood. And I can't write a review of Charmed without mentioning Phoebe and Cole's relationship. Although I did not like the way it ended, their relationship was so captivating and romantic. An absolutely amazing show, if you give it a chance!
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