
12 Reviews
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I get the criticism, but come on
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel bad for this show sometimes. I feel like it was doomed to be "the worst one" before it even started because of it's release date. Coming after the near-hysterical hype of wandavision? The show hadn't even started yet, and I was already seeing people saying they weren't going to like it. Going into the show with that kind of bias, of course you're not going to think it's as good.

Then, after people have had their buffer show to complain about and compare to their favorite, they've got their "it's not wandavision" hate out of their system, and are ready to like Loki once it comes out.

I'm not saying this show is a masterpiece. The flagsmashers were the worst villains ever, the pacing was bad and the finale was insanely rushed. But at the same time, Wandavision had the world's worst plot twist and Loki became a side character to an OP genderbent version of himself. So with that in mind, was it REALLY worse than the other two?

Not to mention, it came out right on the coat tail of the BLM movement, so racial tensions were already high and some people were sick of hearing about it. Is any of that the show's fault, though? Personally, I thought they handled the race issue very tastefully without being too preachy. Plus, there were some very poignant and moving scenes. Yeah, it was rushed, but that was also because of the pandemic. It's not even their fault that Disney didn't release it all at once, which is how it's meant to be watched.

Yes, the flagsmashers sucked, but John Walker was a great, complex anti-villain. Yes, the action scenes were stilted, but the character development for most of the characters was done really well. Yes, it lacked crazy fantastical CGI, but it also touched upon meaningful issues and expanded upon how the snap effected everything.

Honestly, considering the circumstances, I think they did a great job. I think they were incredibly unlucky and ran straight into a misfortunate time of filming and release. But I think what they managed to accomplish was pretty solid. Seeing the way it kind of just takes the flack for being the worst just because one of them HAS to be the worst, it just seems kind of unfair.

My real rating would probably be a 6/10.
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I understand the criticism, but come on
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel bad for this show sometimes. I feel like it was doomed to be "the worst one" before it even started because of it's release date. Coming after the near-hysterical hype of wandavision? The show hadn't even started yet, and I was already seeing people saying they weren't going to like it. Going into the show with that kind of bias, of course you're not going to think it's as good.

Then, after people have had their buffer show to complain about and compare to their favorite, they've got their "it's not wandavision" hate out of their system, and are ready to like Loki once it comes out.

I'm not saying this show is a masterpiece. The flagsmashers were the worst villains ever, the pacing was bad and the finale was insanely rushed. But at the same time, Wandavision had the world's worst plot twist and Loki became a side character to an OP genderbent version of himself. So with that in mind, was it REALLY worse than the other two?

Not to mention, it came out right on the coat tail of the BLM movement, so racial tensions were already high and some people were sick of hearing about it. Is any of that the show's fault, though? Personally, I thought they handled the race issue very tastefully without being too preachy. Plus, there were some very poignant and moving scenes. Yeah, it was rushed, but that was also because of the pandemic. It's not even their fault that Disney didn't want to release it all at once, which was the better way to watch it.

Yes, the flagsmashers sucked, but John Walker was a great, complex anti-villain. Yes, the action scenes were stilted, but the character development for most of the characters was done really well. Yes, it lacked crazy fantastical CGI, but it also touched upon meaningful issues and expanded upon how the snap effected everything.

Honestly, considering the circumstances, I think they did a great job. I think they were incredibly unlucky and ran straight into a misfortunate time of filming and release. But I think what they managed to accomplish was pretty solid. Seeing the way it kind of just takes the flack for being the worst just because one of them HAS to be the worst, it just seems kind of unfair.

My real rating would probably be a 6/10.
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Loki (2021–2023)
I love Loki, but maybe not the show
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Loki was my first favorite character in the MCU, and I feel like this show drastically changed the direction of his character.

What I loved about Loki was that he was kind of an entitled brat, and this show kind of made it seem like he wasn't to be blamed for anything? Like, "oh, he may have intentionally killed a lot of people for purely selfish gain in Avengers, but he's just misunderstood, I swear :(" It's just weird to me that they would do that. Especially with this particular Loki, since this one technically hasn't even really gone through anything. Yet, there Owen Wilson was, explaining to the viewers with very heavy-handed dialogue that Loki was sad and starving for attention.

Mobius was also another thing that bothered me just generally. Nothing against the actor, of course, but his character felt like he was purely there to just explain Loki's character to the viewers. "You're a narcissist," "you fell in love with yourself," "you're just a sad little boy," "you fell in love with yourself because you are demented," etc.

And his relationship with Loki just felt so forced? They hardly knew each other, but were giving that wisened "we've been friends for years" kind of smile to each other by the end. Maybe that's just because it's hard to see Loki hanging out with anyone other than Thor.

I expected to hate Slyvie, but I actually didn't. I thought she was pretty cool, but I wish it didn't focus so heavily on her. Kinda felt like she was the main character rather than Loki.

Overall, it didn't really feel like much happened, aside from the rapid development of Loki and Sylvie's relationship. But it's still fun. The places they explored were pretty cool and it was interesting to see how the TVA operated.
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considered one of the best, and theyre not wrong
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I first watched this movie in middle school, right when it came out. I wasn't super interested because, being 13, I only cared about Loki (for superficial reasons). I went because one of my friends made me go with them, and everything in the movie completely flew over my stupid little head. I thought it was boring.

HOWEVER, a few years later, I watched it again, this time with the ability to cognitively think about things, and I realized that it had so much more to it than just "a typical Marvel movie."

First of all, the pacing is probably the best pacing a Marvel project has ever had. I showed this to a friend that generally hates Marvel movies because of their pacing, and even she agreed that this movie did it right. And the way the movie builds suspense that finally peaks with them facing off against the Winter Soldier for the first time? Amazing.

The fact that everyone is shown to be morally gray or untrustworthy not only adds another level of suspense, but also is a great way of introducing Steve's realization that the government isn't always reliable. Which, evidently, becomes important in Civil War. The dialogue is concise, and they even have really meaningful and powerful lines that hit hard from ALL sorts of characters (not just "I'm with you 'til the end of the line," albeit that is a great one). Nothing gets lost (as long as you pay attention), no over-saturation of corny jokes, and there isn't any extra unneeded fluff. They absolutely stuck the ending with Bucky pulling Steve from the lake and then walking away, followed by a tying-up of all the loose ends. And speaking of the lake scene, I think the general relationship between Steve and Bucky was done beautifully, especially given the amount of time they had.

It truly didn't feel like "just another superhero movie," there was a deeper storyline that pertained to loss and corruption. Even without the "Marvel'' label, this is just a very well-written action movie. The fight scenes, the soundtrack, the dialogue, the casting, it's just all really well done. I know that this movie is already considered "one of the best," but I really just cannot emphasize how much I truly believe in that statement. I know other movies like Infinity War and Endgame get more rep and love (I really liked Infinity War too!), but in my personal opinion, this is hands down the best movie Marvel's ever made. It single handedly made me care about (and then fall in love with) the Team Cap trio, and it's the only MCU movie that I still re-watch to this day.
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WandaVision (2021)
Not the worst, but insanely overrated
17 April 2021
The first few episodes when it was still a mystery were the peak episodes, and even then, it was progressed in an abundance of mind-numbing sitcom skits.

As soon as the "big twist" was revealed, it got really bad. I feel like they couldn't live up to what they had built earlier on. It wasn't awful though, it still had its good moments, like every show typically does.
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We Can Be Heroes (II) (2020)
Its for kids....
31 January 2021
Calm down, guys, it's for kids. In the words of Drew Gooden, Pixar has raised the standard for kids movies, giving them intricate, adult themes and plots, yet making them cute enough for kids to enjoy. It makes other movies tailored towards kids look bad in comparison. But at the end of the day, whatever garbage kids movie you saw was just that: a kids movie. If the kid liked it, then who cares
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It was fun, but what was the point of this
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know it was based off a true story. My question is why exactly did they choose this case specifically to make a show out of. I really thought there was going to be some sort of twist, like him getting away with it. But it was a really straightforward "man commits crime, gets arrested" kind of deal. It was still a good watch, mostly because the guy who plays Jeremy does a great job in his portrayal. But the last episode made me kind of just go, "okay. So he was arrested. Great." I guess the twist was that there was no twist. The most interesting thing I found about this case, after doing post-watch research, was that the real-life Jeremy still claims his innocence to this day, and that there are groups of people that wish for another trial due to new evidence. But clearly the show fashioned him to be the villain, so it wasn't an "innocent man gets wrongly convicted" kind of deal either. Not that I have a say in whether or not he really did it, I have no opinion on that really. I'm just saying that it confuses me why they would want to make a six-episode series on a case that didn't have anything about it that stood out. Also, I wish they had shown a bit more of Jeremy's relationship with his family, namely Shiela and his mother. It also would've been nice if we had gotten to see a bit more of Shiela, because from what I understood (and this is purely a critique of the show and not of the real person), everyone thought she was an amazing and kind person, when all I really saw was her being really distant with her family, and that was it. Like, I wish they would've shown *why* it was so obvious to close relatives that it couldn't have been Shiela. But like I said, Jeremy's actor did a great job.
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
Why is the dialogue... so bad....
26 January 2021
The writing for this show isn't great. Maybe it's because I'm not a teenager anymore, but it's all so corny. I actually cringed while watching this. The comedic moments were incredibly forced, and the "banter" was just awkward. I feel like if the writing the better, I could see potential.
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Chambers (2019)
I can see the potential
23 January 2021
It wasn't a bad show by any means. The plot was a little strange and outlandish, but it was still fun. It kind of felt like they were throwing a lot at you, one after another, and sometimes it felt (for lack of a better word) awkward, but it was still a pretty good watch. Maybe it'll get a renewed, maybe it'll get cancelled, I wouldn't be surprised either way. But I would definitely be interested to see where they take it if it gets a season 2.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Ruined TV for me in the best way possible
22 January 2021
Breaking Bad is the best show I've ever watched to date, and I've watched a lot of TV. Sure, sometimes the characters were a little obnoxious (especially when they were just used as liability), but it was all necessary for a great plot.

Whenever I watch TV now, it's just comparatively worse. Not to say that I haven't gotten into new shows since Breaking Bad, I definitely have. But this show really raised my expectations for TV. I used to be totally fine with just watching straight garbage because I would be like, "Oh this is just how TV is." I can no longer do that.
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Fan Girl (2015 TV Movie)
Believe it or not, this was not an all time low promo
6 January 2021
We stan Alex Gaskarth, but otherwise this movie was not good. But did anyone really expect it to be?

I remember watching this back when I was in high school because, like probably 90% of its viewers, I heard it had All Time Low in it. And as soon as I even heard the concept, I thought "Oh wow, this is going to be horrible." Because I couldn't stand the quirky, fangirl-y, "emo smol bean" thing that plagued the fanbase of every band I loved, and I knew this movie was just gonna be the embodiment of that. And I was right.

But like I said, I still watched it for Alex, because I can't imagine anyone watched this for any other reason.

Anyway, I just wanted to write this review because some people think this was just an ATL promo, and that is not the truth (they were asked to be on this because the creator's daughter loved them irl). Though I'm no longer in high school, I still love this band and their music, and I just did not want this unfortunate narrative representing them. It would be so unfortunate to have people thinking that they had any actual involvement in this cringe movie outside of just showing up.
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The Order (2019–2020)
Legitimately the worst show I've ever seen
6 January 2021
Title says it all. There was literally nothing redeeming about this show. The characters were unbearable, the plot was meh, and it was brimming with tropes and cliches. This was the worst show I could've picked to start my "finish the whole thing" rule. Because I did finish the whole thing, and it did not get better. In fact, judging from the extremely awkward and fanfiction-y scene where the two girls sing Tove Lo at karaoke night and have that "oh I can't sing and don't want to be here, but people are making me because I'm actually very good" vibe, it got ~worse~. They weren't even singing on key

I can only believe that this show got multiple seasons because people are watching it as a joke, like 5-minute crafts. Like who looked at this script and went "yeah this looks good."

I watched this show like months ago and I still use it as my prime example of the worst piece of media I've ever consumed. And I swear to god I generally try to be lenient.

I leave it with this: why did they constantly say the main girl was so powerful and so amazing when the only significant things I can remember her doing are getting brainwashed and kidnapped
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