13 Reviews
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One Royal Holiday (2020 TV Movie)
It was worth investing your time into..
3 November 2020
This movie caught me off guard. I don't remember ever seeing any of the cast on anything else so I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it. I was pleasantly surprised because I loved it. It was so simple and predictable but it worked. It caught my attention from the moment Anna asked James if he wanted her free donut.

I think I just fell in love with Anna's bright and positive spirit, she was so caring and compassionate against James hard shell, tough by the book personality. He was just so straight and narrow. It was great to see their story play out. The timing of it and I loved the Mom because she knew what James needed before he knew. I enjoyed each and every one of the supporting cast. Even as predictable as the movie was, I was still invested into seeing how it worked out. This movie wasn't anything special but it was cute and sweet. I will be watching it again before the holiday season is over.
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Chateau Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
It just wasn't for me...
3 November 2020
This was an okay movie. This wasn't the best and this wasn't the worst for me. It was a little bland for me. I can appreciate the meaning behind the whole movie. I liked that the plot was second chances. Sometimes we can get a second chance but we can't always. I think everyone can relate to the plot on this movie when it comes to regret. I doubt you will find anyone that says there wasn't something they wish they could have done differently.

Truthfully I watched this movie for Luke, I'm a fan of his work. I also found myself enjoying the mother more than I enjoyed the lead actress. Again I enjoyed the plot and I think the whole cast worked seamlessly together but I won't be watching this again.
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Jingle Bell Bride (2020 TV Movie)
Bravo Hallmark!
3 November 2020
I usually watch the Hallmark show where they do sneak peeks of their holiday movies, I skipped it this year. I'm enjoying the diversity Hallmark is finally showing, interracial relationships being the main and center focus of the movie, more minority actress and actors. I'm a Hallmark movie addict especially the Christmas ones.

So I had no idea what this movie was about and I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed the movie. I liked the whole plot and I enjoy anytime I can learn a little something new. Who knew about Jingle Bell flowers? Not, me I had to go and Google it. This movie kept me interested and even though it was semi predictable I enjoyed the progress and speed of this movie. It was nicely timed and I thought the cast all gelled well together. I like Julie and I have enjoyed all of her hallmark movies.

While I love the usual Hallmark Christmas Actresses. I'm glad they are adding more Hallmark movie actresses to their Chhristmas line ups. I hope they continue to add minority lead actresses to more of their movie line up. I'm looking forward to.more Hallmark movies this year.
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P-Valley (2020– )
A hard pass
14 July 2020
I guess this was suppose to be the tv series version of Player's Club. I'm just going to pass on this. I made it 20 minutes and I can't even tell you what happened. This show was so unimpressive. I'm not even sure why they made it. This is one STARZ series that's not getting my time. I already deleted the reminder off my hopper. Matter of fact I'm going to unsubscribe to STARZ until it's time for the next Power chapter. It's sad that STARZ even did this series, while Hightown was flawed it was leaps and bounds better than this hot mess.
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The Christmas Club (2019 TV Movie)
A Diamond in a swarm of Christmas movies
22 December 2019
This was one of my favorite Christmas movies this year. It reminds me of how much I enjoy Cameron in movies. This was a great little movie. Even my mother who isn't into Christmas movies like I am enjoyed it. It was just cute, sweet and heart warming. It was everything you would expect from Hallmark. It was like a hallmark card come to life.

The little cat and mouse game they played were cute. One of my favorite scenes in the movie is when they all run into each other while taking the kids to play.

I think I'm going to be keeping this on DVR. The whole movie was just engaging. It really kept your attention. As much as I enjoy the "Hallmark favorites" I was happy to see a new lead actress. Everyone just meshed so well together, they all had chemistry together. I'll be watching it again. I have already watched it 4 times since it premiered.
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Love and Sunshine (2019 TV Movie)
One of the BEST hallmark movies ever
11 August 2019
I have seen every Danica Hallmark movie. This one is by far her best one yet. I have already watched it twice. This movie seriously has everything! It is just a heart warming and feel good movie. It doesn't have that usual Hallmark cheesy tone to it.(I'm addicted to Hallmark movies so obviously I love the cheesy themes). All the characters had great chemistry together and not just the main characters. So far this has been THE best summer hallmark movie to date. You get a sweet slow build love story, an adorable dog, a man in uniform and great family scenes.

There is nothing quite like a mom telling you when you are screwing up. Even though we saw pictures on how the story ended, I wouldn't mind a part 2. Hallmark has set the bar high for this one and I'll be hard press to find another hallmark summer movie that holds a candle to this movie. This might seriously be the absolutely best hallmark movie I have seen, if not the best it's definitely in the top 5. It is without a doubt the best hallmark movie if 2019(so far).
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The Christmas Secret (2014 TV Movie)
A Christmas movie with real life issues
10 July 2019
There are some Hallmark Christmas movies that I watch again and again. This is one of them. It's just sweet. It's not that corny sweet movie. It has some real substance to it. It has some real life issues. I think that's what I find so endearing about this movie.

This movie and the cast just works. They play off each other well. It's nice to see people doing good deeds for each other without expecting something in return. It's also nice to see sweet and respectful kids. I like that this movie has little mini storylines going on during it.
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Home for Christmas Day (2017 TV Movie)
When you fall for your first love.....
9 July 2019
I have seen this movie a handful of times. Matter doe fact I just got done watching. (Christmas in July on HMM) Even though I know what is going to happen and how it will end. It still gets me every single time. I just always end up crying. It never fails. This movie has everything, a love story, a man in uniform, a protective mother, a strong support system. Every time I see it, it reminds me of the first love especially if it was this strong, overwhelming feeling that came out of nowhere.

This movie just makes the feelings of my first love come crashing back. I just wish mine has that same ending as this one. First loves Dan be so special. I'm glad mine was something that will always hold a huge place in my heart. That time was so special.

I would recommend this movie and I'm probably going so watch it again before HMM Christmas in July is over.

I wonder if I'm the only one who would like a part 2 to some of their Christmas movies.
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Love, Take Two (2019 TV Movie)
Semi different Hallmark movie
17 June 2019
I have no clue why this is being passed off as a new movie on Hallmark. It wasn't I saw this in either 2017 or 2018. I love Hallmark movie addicted and I have seen almost all of them if not all of them. This isn't your normal cheesy one. I love cheesy movies. This is cute. It was nice to see some new faces besides the Hallmark regulars that star in. This movie isn't that memorable. It's not bad movie by a long shot but this was more of a drama romance. If you are looking for a light hearted cheesy comedy romance this is definitely not it. I was bored with it. It's not my cup of tea with hallmark movies. If you like rom-coms this definitely isn't it. I personally wouldn't watch it again.. It's more like a one and done. If I wasn't a loyal Hallmark fan I would have shut it off. It just ended up being background noise while I waited for something else to come on.
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The Resident (2018–2023)
A Breathe of fresh air for a medical drama
19 February 2019
I love this show. I usually like medical dramas. This one has a little bit of everything,even if you don't find medical shows interesting. The cast is what sets it apart from other shows. I like that all of the doctors mesh well together. There is chemistry with the cast. Each one of the characters bring something to the show.

One of my favorite things about this show is that they interact outside of work. They hang out and have fun, they have a life outside of their jobs and it's refreshing to see.

This show is full of drama, some comedy it just had a little bit for everyone. I hope this show last for many years. ER was once one of my favorite medical t.v. shows. This show isn't better than ER yet but I can see that it could end up better than that.I can't rely compare the two because they happen during different times on in tv history.

I would recommend New Amsterdam as well. It's a good show.
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Winter Castle (2019 TV Movie)
I'll pass on watching it again
13 January 2019
I love Hallmark movies. I watch any new ones they have for that season and trust there are a lot of them. That being said I saw this one when it premiered. The hotel and scenery is what made this movie. The hotel was awesome not somewhere I would visit since I hate the cold but I thought it was truly exceptional.

Other than the hotel and scenery this movie wasn't anything special. I found it kind of boring. The hotel was the main story for me, the actual movie was more of a backstory for me. This movie was missing something, it's possible it was the chemistry or something. The male main character fell short for me. I didn't enjoy him and I felt like it was a miscast. He was just terribly written he brought some one he was just "friends" with to a romantic weekend. He was just fickle and kind of dumb the whole movie, it became clear to me that I see why he needs help to raise his daughter. He was a moron.

The concept of this movie and story didn't mix well. I don't mind cheesy and predictable romances if it is carried by a good story, good acting and chemistry. Unfortunately, they were missing all that. I'm not sure if hallmark are trying to spit out too many movies in a year that they are sacrificing the quality of movies for the quantity of them.
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Christmas at Grand Valley (2018 TV Movie)
27 December 2018
This year of holiday moves on Hallmark have been a real hit or miss for the 2018 season. This isn't one of their worst but it's not one of their better either. I happen to love Brennon Elliot and I enjoy quite a bit of Danica McKellar movies. I was expecting so much. Danica has been in so many Christmas Hallmark movies that I enjoyed except this movie. This movie just fell short. The supporting cast was great. I found myself more intrigue by the supporting cast story than the actually main story. I can't say if Brennon and Danica just didn't have good chemistry or if this was just a poorly written movie. I usually rematch the Christmas Movies as much as I can before hallmark goes back to their regular programming, it's safe to say I saw this once and won't be watching it again. I hope Hallmarks 2019 Christmas countdown line up has better movies than the 2018 line up.
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A Gingerbread Romance (2018 TV Movie)
18 December 2018
I have to admit I love the holiday season. One of my favorite things about the holiday season is Hallmark movies. I love them, I usually like most of them. I don't even mind the cheesy ones or the predictable ones I watch anyway, they just put me in the joyous holiday spirit, until this movie. I didn't make it through the whole movie and I tried. I think I made it through 45 minutes and thats being generous. It was just boring. I actually fell asleep a few times before I gave up. I don't know if it was the writing or acting or both. I just know nothing about this movie was enjoyable for me.

It was nice to see some more actresses besides the hallmark regular actresses. I can appreciate hallmark trying to add more diversity this year. It was nice to see more different races and cultures having a leading role in hallmark movies instead of just being a supporting cast. I would like to see more race and cultural diverse movies on Hallmark. That being said they need to be good movies along with good actors and actresses. The chemistry,writing and acting are important and this movie lacked all three. This was such a miscast. I don't know how this boring movie got the greening to be released. I've been feeling like 2018 Hallmark Christmas Movies have been a hit and miss for me this year. I've been finding myself researching some of their older movies.
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