The Cocoanuts (1929)
Classic Marx
12 March 2000
A lot of people don't find The Cocoanuts to be as entertaining as some of the later Marx Brothers films. Maybe not, but it definitely comes close. Personally, I thought this was the Marx Brothers' fifth best film. It's not that it's bad, because it great, but it's just not as good as some of the others, that's all.

As several other people have said, it really doesn't stand up technically as well as most of the others, but that has nothing to do with the quality of the script, which is just great. I truly believe that if I had seen this in 1929, I would have been as hooked on the Marxes as I am now.

There are many great bits in this movie, including the first scene between Groucho and Chico, the Auction, the connected bedroom thing, and the first time we ever see Groucho do his thing with Margaret Dumont. But the only scene in this movie to make my personal Ten Best Marx Scenes is the Why-A-Duck routine. Genius, it's just pure genius. That's my only word for it.

Harpo really doesn't have a lot of good stuff in this movie. He's great in what he doesn't have, but he really shines in Monkey Business and Duck Soup. Those are his two best performances, if you ask me. If you are looking for classic Harpo, I'd suggest watching either of those. Also, Zeppo, obviously, has nothing to do. But then, what did you expect?

This movie has a few actually rather unfunny spots in it, but you can blame that on the fact that this is the brothers' first movie, and they are still getting used to the camera. But it has a lot more comedy than non-comedy and is still a whole lot better than most of the "comedies" that are coming out nowadays.

This may sound a little strange, but if you have never seen a Marx Brothers movie, I suggest watching this one first. It's a lot more enjoyable if you aren't expecting it to be equal to Duck Soup or Animal Crackers. Because it's not. But, as I can not stress enough, it is still worth checkout, and better than than anything they did post-A Night at the Opera.

Well, it's the Marx Brothers best movie of the 20's, anyway.

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