15 October 2001
I was expecting a good movie with Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant and

Katherine Hepburn as part of the cast, but I was amazed and

surprised by The Philadelphia Story.

The Philadelphia Story is quite simply an ingenious comedy as

well as a delightfully engaging drama. Certainly not for audiences

raised on today's cinemas, however. Not one scene of action is

filmed. The movie is carried completely on its screenplay, for

which it deservedly won an Oscar.

Also deservedly garnering Academy Award recognition was Jimmy

Stewart for his role as Mike Connor. His scene as a drunk is

celebrated for one reason, Shakespeare Bond: Because it is

GOOD! Stewart and Hepburn showed a chemistry that was equaled by Grant and Hepburn's. The unusual love triangle here

was done to perfection.

Likewise this movie is adored by thousands and millions because

it is a very good movie, showcasing the early talents of three of

black and white cinema's best actors. The dialogue is quick and

witty, the acting is perfect and not overdone, like was a tendency to

do at the time. The Philadelphia Story is beloved because it is a

well-made movie.

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