Campy Show- Reminds Me of "Batman"
10 June 2000
According to marvel comics, a man was given extraordinary powers to fight Nazis during WWII. His arch-enemy, the Red Skull, was caught in an accident and perserved, while the hero himself was frozen in an ice cube. Both the heroes were revived, and Cap joined the avengers, who thawed him out (Austin Powers, anyone?. The Red Skull began a new criminal organisation. This is one of his adventures before being perserved. Like the 60s "Batman", some of his escapes from death are a bit cheezy, but they later got a bit less corny. It tells how he battles the Scarab, a villian who first murders with "The Purple Death", later steals a machine to revive corpses, and tries to rob a bank with a remote controlled armour car. At least better than the 70s movies of Cap!
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