Another case for the usual chase
18 March 2004
A great experiment is about to be completed at the Eureka Hospital Experimental Laboratory (Paul Revere Foundation). The characteristics of a chicken will be transported into an experimental rabbit. The lead scientist (who shall remain nameless) leaves his peers waiting in the auditorium while he gives Rabbit no 46 (a pampered Bus Bunny) a thorough examination. Bugs immediately shows his character by sabotaging even this.

When Bugs finds out he is part of the attraction, he puts on a good show. He starts off with some impressions followed by a magic act and a tap routine, all leading up to his impressive ‘all out jog'. But the auditorium full of stiff scientists (an effective still frame of grim looking know-it-alls) is not easily amused. When Bugs finally finds out what the experiment is all about, make way for the usual chase scenes and disguises. The chase through the halls routine, Bugs the hot dog salesman, the formula for a chocolate malted, you name it, all of them are here.

After being outsmarted and fooled as many times as possible in a 6 minute cartoon, the lead doctor (the only one that's actually animated) still intends to turn the crafty bunny into a chicken. Why he would not have chosen to reverse the polarities having witnessed the obvious improvisation skills and survival instincts of the rabbit is beyond me (unless he was motivated by revenge). During the procedure he becomes a victim of `fowl play'. In my opinion the doctor was asking for it..

7 out of 10 (an extra point for the all out jog)
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