A short MGM warpath
29 June 2003
A Wells Fargo stage pulls into a way station just as they see Apache war smoke in the hills. It seems a robber and murderer named Pike (Myron Healey) has just killed some Apache braves and stolen some of the tribe's jewelry.

In the meantime Herrera (Robert Horton) the stationmaster has run into his father, the bandit named Peso (Gilbert Roland) who seeks to rob the Wells Fargo stage of all it's money. Herrera agrees to let Peso stay at the station if he agrees to give up his guns and stay out of trouble, which Peso reluctantly agrees to.

Next thing ya know, Pike hauls ass into the way station with the Apaches close behind and they lay the place under siege. They (the Apaches) know he was the one who did it, even though all the stage passengers think it's Peso who was behind the murders. They want to leave him outside the walls and take his own chances, but Herrera has the final say and he refuses to turn his father out.

So they all take a stand and fight, including a young, teenaged Bobby Blake as an Indian who helps Herrera out at the station. Funny, but Blake's voice sounds like it was dubbed or something because he don't sound at all like BARETTA. Not even close.

There are some half way decent battle scenes but in the end, Peso catches on to what's happened and turns Pike out at gunpoint to the Apaches while the others aren't looking. The indians get their man and leave the rest of them in peace.

It's a decent little MGM oater that doesn't dwell on for too long since it only has a 67 minute playing time. Short by 'A' western standards, it's still worth a look, imo.

6 out of 10
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