Review of The Bushwhackers

a civil war vet, turned pacifist, becomes involved in a range war
8 October 1998
At times this seems like two separate movies:the first half is a mature study of a disgruntled war vet-the second half degenerates into a routine shoot 'em up. Ireland is great as the brooding war vet, Tierney(as in "Resevoir Dogs")the sullen villain. Chaney is reminiscent of Barrymore as the wheel-chair bound cattle baron. Highlight of the film is Chaney's damning accusation "You lose, soldier. You lose again!" Once the fireworks begin,all is predictable. Morris shows flashes of real talent as the corrupt town sheriff; Dell is good as the vixen. This one almost seems to be a pimer for the Ireland directed "Hannah Lee" that was released the following year. Worth staying up for, or at least setting the VCR.
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