Pete and Gladys (1960–1962)
The day Kennedy was shot...
13 August 2004 mom and little sister were watching a rerun of "Pete and Gladys" when the local news announcer interrupted the program to deliver the grim news about Kennedy's assassination.

Even today, some 40 years after the event, I can't get my mom to make a comment about the day Kennedy was shot without her prefacing her recollections by first mentioning that she and my little sis were at home watching "Pete and Gladys".

I don't remember too clearly what I was doing that day. I know I was in second grade, and they put the news on the school intercom and we listened to it non-stop until school let out. Then I went home. But I've always wondered what it must have been like to have been watching "Pete and Gladys" only to have the show interrupted by news of the president's assassination.
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