A film that builds momentum slowly before unleashing its fury..
16 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Disaster films can be great fun—they can also live up to their title... Disaster films also have a tendency to be very formulated and very clichéd... To see a disaster film with actual originality, or at least a decent plot twist, would definitely be a welcome surprise...

'The Devil at 4 O'Clock' takes place before the actual eruption... There is enough tension in the air to keep the audience interested... The film opens with a small plane bound for Tahiti, stopping for the night at the small French island of Kalua, where the Governor is notifying the authorities of a disturbance at the mouth of the island volcano...

The passengers are three chained convicts—Harry, Mareel, and Charlie— and Father Perreau (Kerwin Mathews), who has come to replace Father Doonan... The Governor releases the three convicts into Father Doonan's charge, and they are sent to repair the chapel at a children's leper hospital...

When Father Doonan prepares to leave Kalua, the volcano erupts and an earthquake rocks the island... So he enlists the convicts' aid, promising to speak up for commuting their sentences if they will help him evacuate the hospital and rescue the children...

Spencer Tracy is very well suited to the movie and gives the boost it needs to be a successful action film... He does a great job in the leading man role as the strong, determined priest trapped with the outgoing tide that following afternoon...

Frank Sinatra backs up the legendary actor as the brave Harry who brings the children safely to the waiting schooner, bids his new bride farewell, and returns to meet the devil at 4 o'clock...

Barbara Luna—the lovely blind girl dangerously in love—gives a nice aspect of romance to the film but there is a severe lack of chemistry between her and Sinatra... Their relationship seems extremely rushed...

'The Devil at 4 O'Clock,' vaguely resembling 'The Inn of the Sixth Happiness,' is a film that builds momentum slowly before unleashing its fury...
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