15 January 2004
Imagine yourself back in the cold war-period of half a century ago. Add to it your liking of the dry, tongue-in-cheek English humor, a little slapstick, and 'Une ravissante idiote' will entertain you well.

Its story is about a Soviet spy circle in London, trying to steal a file with valuable military information from a vault. A paper file, to be precise, as personal computers do not exist back in 1964. Anthony Perkins is the spy circle's main tool to obtain it, Brigitte Bardot acting as his more than willing helper .... sorry folks, don't get any ideas: there is no nudity involved in this movie.

All in all, 'Une ravissante idiote' gives us a well-built, consistent story, and fine acting from everbody involved. Both Perkins and Bardot do well in this light comedy.
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