Ready for action and good tunes?
21 April 2003
American Wayde Preston is better known as a star of spaghetti westerns but like many of his Euro-comrades he had to try his hand at the spy game. This would be his only foray into the genre but based on the results he could have made a career of it. Preston's easy going personality works well towards defining the unruffled spy archetype. Preston is agent Jerry Land who travels from Madrid to Rome to New York to Beirut and back again several times in his quest to bed as many women as possible and, oh yes, to solve the case.

You know you're in for a good time when a film opens with a car chase, especially when a Piero Umiliani soundtrack wails on as a car goes over a cliff and explodes. The camera surveys the wreckage, then zooms in on some false teeth uppers, the grisly but humorous detritus of death. Turns out those teeth house a hidden camera! Cool.

The film has its share of violence and torture too. The fights are choreographed well and feature lots of judo and karate-type action. Preston gets the best of the multiple (and recognizable) henchmen he frequently takes on. Throw in some good location shooting in Beirut and that cookin' Umiliani soundtrack and you have an above average actioner worth investigating.
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