"Aunt Clam! Aunt Clam!"
27 October 2000
This B-Movie has an all-star cast, and it's about a backwoods hillbilly named Woody Weatherbee, (you never really know his last name!) he and his family inherit a casino in Las Vegas from his dead uncle. And they use it to their advantage to try to make it big in Vegas. This B-Movie is utterly annoying without a doubt, lame!

The scene where Woody sings, "Feel Better All Over" when he sings it, he looks like he's getting shot and having a dirreaha attack at the same time! This movie is just a kelidascope of senselessness and stupidity. Yet, this movie tends to be comical in an infamous way. It makes you feel sorry for Jayne Mansfield and the other all-star cast members for even participating in this ridiculous monstrosity of a B-Movie.

Another thing that makes the movie so stupid is it's stereotypes about Southern people being backwoods hillbillies. The dialogue was cheesy and lame as the songs in this movie that it just might give you an anyerism while watching! One of the stupidest scenes was when we see Woody running out of his gimpy-looking car that looked like a pile of garbage shouting, "Aunt Clam! Aunt Clam!" Be warned! MST3K would've had a field day mocking this movie! Believe me, it's that bad!
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