Strictly for Mamie van Doren completists
4 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Actually, this has the look and feel of a mid-sixties TV pilot. Production is TV-competent, plot is exactly as plausible as the other Hillbillies, and, if you don't mind vicious, soul-destroying cracker stereotypes, the cast is as competent as that of any one-season TV series of that era.

More important, the movie uses any excuse to launch into strings of musical production numbers, what those crazy kids today call "music videos." If you got a powerful hankerin' to see the likes of Sonny James, Roy Drusky, Connie Smith, and, of course, Ferlin Husky performin' the hits that made them famous, well, this here picture show's just your jar of 'shine.

And as usual Mamie van Doren wildly outperforms all expectations; if you still don't believe she was the best of the Big Three, you can compare her, uh, head-to-head with Jayne Mansfield, introduced here as "the biggest star in Las Vegas."

And Richard Kiel shows up with the gayest haircut since Fabian. And Ferlin Husky's stage show seems to be built around the stiffest, most unnatural straight-legged kicks seen in popular entertainment till the arrival of Kevin Nash.

And then you've got the biker gang that shows up to trash the place, on one-lunger Yamahas and, my hand to heaven, a Honda 90 trail bike. To get them to calm down the band strikes up "Dixie," to which the gang immediately begins frugging (ask your mom).


And the grand finale is a pie fight.
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