Best low-budget film about the seamy side of Rock N' Roll!!
27 October 2000
This movie is about a weasley looking, sheisty talent agent/promoter who thinks he's found pay-dirt when he comes across a funky looking band called the Big Blast.

Thinking there really dumb he goes about booking gigs for them, changing their image with tacky looking suits that would make you want to puke. Soon they get fed up with it and demand more money, so what does the greaseball do, he sets them up on a planned "dope" bust. He hires a goon to pretend to be a cop to snare them, and then blackmail them to work for the weasel promoter for free. Whats even more crazy is he hires young awesome looking lasses to disrupt the gigs to create hype for the band. What a con!!

This film is filled with great gigs of the band jamming, lots of cool pot parties with groupies. This movie is by far the best from the 60's about rock 'n roll bands trying to make it in the big black world.
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