Amusing expo-zay of the pop music racket
15 December 2001
Funny, predictable melodrama about a pop group and the manager who hijacks their career. An inferior pop band ("The Big Blast!") sells its collective soul to heartless, manipulative preppy Boojie Baker, who owns their name, their suits, their equipment -- and their girls! (The Blast-Off Girls are useful to the plot but too frequently offscreen.) Vocals and instrumentals are uniformly off-key and undistinguished, the band members have no distinct "look," and the record execs & promoters don't care, because "all bands sound the same anyway." Will The Big Blast submit to contractual enslavement and every indignity known to man? See the film to find out. For Lewis fans, there are small pleasures here -- the guy who played "Lang" in SCUM OF THE EARTH plays a similar, though more epicurean character here; Ray Sager from JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT and WIZARD OF GORE is Boojie's sidekick; Big Blast members had parts in THE ALLEY TRAMP (!), YEAR OF THE YAHOO, et. al. All in all, a fun film, but hampered by its cheapness and simplicity.
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