The 'Nessy' of Lost imaginative shows
11 July 2004
There are things that you look back at in your life and you get a warm, fuzzy feeling about. This show inspired the child that I was to go outside and play make-belief with the other children. My imagination ignited by the myriad of possibilities that could exist in this realm. You pick up a stick, and it's a sword. Pick up a garbage can lid and it's a shield. The animation mixed with live action...although probably pretty hokey by today's standards...was a treat in that it linked the limit of realism with the limitlessness of imagination. It's been...25 years since I last seen it...and of all the things in my life to feel warm and fuzzy about of which there are definitely a few...I count how I felt about watching this show to be among them. So, yeah, for nostalgic sake, I would make the decision to watch it in a heart beat if someone digs it up and puts it on the air again.
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