AC/DC should sue
14 August 2004
A soft-core movie( I won't call it a comedy, as it's not funny) with inserts of a dinosaur toy. Directed by Gary Graver who has directed 125 movies thus far and none of the watchable (well save for "Arroused", but that's only for Traci Lords) It's pretty horrid when you have to proclaim the worst movie of Ed Woods Jr's life, but that's just what this is. The girls are not even good-looking as they look like they just strolled off a hippie commune. Hippie commune girls are nasty with a capital N. Saw this crap-fest on a Something Weird DVD double-feature with "the Mighty Gorga"

My Grade: F

Eye Candy: every girl gets nude, but there's NOT supermodels BY FAR!!!

Something Weird DVD Extras: Shorts: 'Nightmare', 'Prehistoric Days, and 'Diane the Jungle Girl and her Gorilla of Love'; exploitation art Gallery; Theatrical Trailer; Trailers for :Valley of the Dragons", "Lost Continent", "Equinox", "the Lock Ness Terror", "The Cyclops", "Island of the Dinosaurs", "The Cyclops", "Tom Thumb". and "Sound of Horrors"

Easter Egg: old Volkswagon commercial
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