Well acted but film has serious flaws
25 February 2002
While a lot of Hammer fans seem to feel this the best of the Hammer Frankenstein films, I think it one of the worst in terms of plot. Would you make a Dracula film and not have him be a vampire? Or a Sherlock Holmes movie and turn him into an ordinary detective? I think not, yet this film turns the Baron into an ordinary "mad scientist" interested in brain transplants instead of creating life. You could have left the name Frankenstein out entirely, used DR. SMITH MUST BE DESTROYED as the title, and had the same movie. Then the character of Baron Frankenstein is never consistent. In CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN, the Baron kills an old scientist to get his brain (the rest of his "materials" are from grave robbing and charnel houses). I think this was a bad idea from the scriptwriter. Now in REVENGE, EVIL and CREATED WOMAN, the Baron is more a misunderstood, more human character who is so intent on creating life, he doesn't see the evil he is doing and can't understand why he is being persecuted by the townspeople and authorities. He doesn't go out and kill people, his creatures do that. Now comes MUST BE DESTROYED, which starts with the Baron, wearing a mask, decapitating a rival scientist, and being an overall evil person who blackmails, rapes and does a simple brain transplant instead of trying to create another monster. Hardly the stuff of classic Frankenstein films. Hammer does redeem itself in AND THE MOSNTER FORM HELL, where the Baron is again portrayed as the misunderstood Baron again trying to create another creature. (BTW: HORROR OF FRANKENSTEIN was a remake of CURSE played for black comedy and not part of the actual series.) It is a well acted film with Peter Cushing always in fine form, and has all the usual Hammer atmosphere, but is just not that great a film. REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN is a much better film.
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