Review of Le Mans

Le Mans (1971)
A film about racing, made by racers
17 July 2000
I don't want to say too much about this movie. Let's just say that I've been a car fanatic all my life, and this film only helped to further my obsession.

The only reason I bought Le Mans is because I liked Steve McQueen -- and his driving -- in Bullitt. Le Mans is a very different movie, basically a 1.5-hour car chase with a little drama thrown in for good measure. And to those of you who say "but I don't like car chases that much," I say watch this movie anyway. You'll get a real feel for what it's like to be in a champ-caliber race car in one of the world's greatest races. (Not that I know what it's like, but I have a much better understanding after this film.)

And for those who do like this movie and are racing fans too, check out the list of stunt drivers in the credits. You'll find our man McQueen in there, as well a host of other 1970s road-course greats. As a matter of fact, if you've ever watched Speedvision's Legends of Motorsport series (a collection of old racing films), you'll realize just how good this movie is at portraying racing as it was then.

Heck, this movie is even better to watch than the omnipresent "in-car cams" at NASCAR events. That's how good this movie is. Am I exaggerating? I don't think so. Just go rent -- better yet, buy -- this film. Race fan or otherwise, you'll enjoy the ride.
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