The Exorcist (1973)
One of the best horror movies ever.
16 June 1999
The Exorcist: Highly overrated, or pure genius?

Well, I'd stick with pure genius myself. The Exorcist is one of the very few horror movies that isn't hilarious when it's supposed to be dead serious and/or scary. It has the great ability of pulling at the senses and, dare I say it, leaving you on the edge of your seat begging for more. Even though it may be rather offensive to some folk (especially the highly religious or weak of heart), it should be a forced viewing for many people, including most of today's so-called horror movie makers.

Also, the influence this film has had on pretty much every horror film (and quite a few films in general) CANNOT be ignored. It's indirectly became a pop-culture icon that people seem to not really have caught onto yet -- both The Simpsons and Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me have references to it, yet that'd fly over Joe Average's head. Which is very, very sad...

In closing, this film, along with The Shining, is one of the best horror movies ever made. As stated, everyone who hasn't seen it should rush out and rent it. Now.
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