Satan's Triangle (1975 TV Movie)
A scary flick
27 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this as a child and it really scared me and piqued my interest in the Bermuda triangle. It is a TV movie but an uncommonly good one, with a real erie feel.

SPOILERS: The part where the body is levitating is brilliantly devided with a commercial break. Before the break it is scary because the body is floating, and then when the show returns the explanation is impressive. The end where the man on the boat is talking on the radio to the men in the helicopter, and describes a dead body that they just found, and it is the WOMAN ON THE HELICOPTER, is chilling as you discover from her evil grin that she is really Satan in disguise. Also the face (frozen as the end credits roll) on the doomed Coast Gaurdsman, recently killed by the devil and now whose body has been taken over by the evil-doer, as he waves from the water to the unsuspecting ship, is so evil that I had to turn away.

I check every week to see if this overlooked gem is going to be on TV so I can record it.
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