Review of FM

FM (1978)
wanna know why there was punk rock? watch this movie
21 October 2002
In 1978, when this movie came out, punk rock was raising its spiky head, and a lot of its spokesmen reviled the commercial rock of their day. If you want to know why, just catch this movie and sit through it if you dare.

The plot, such as it is, is wretched. The performances are unconvincing and unfunny, and the musical bits are contrived. The odious Jimmy Buffet, Bard of the Beergut Generation, is given serious screen time - doesn't that tell you everything you need to know? The live performance by Tom Petty is unmemorable, and Linda Ronstadt, well, um...she was pretty to look at.

The soundtrack, which was a major selling point for the film at the time, is loaded down with 70's smarm from "artists" like Billy Joel and the Buckingham/Nicks version of Fleetwood Mac.

The fashions and hairstyles are hilarious and embarrassing. Yes, kids, your parents looked like big dorks back then. Smarmy and clueless, loaded down with a soundtrack full of slick 70's California pop, this is the kind of rock movie that gave rock movies a bad name.
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